#a.kane o.wari
themelonsins · 4 years
u know japan doesn’t celebrate thanksgiving but s.onia’s country probably does celebrate something like this and yes i know this is late but take it. yeah this is long 
word count 1,544
“Please!” S.onia begged, hands folded together in front of her in a pleading position. Her icy eyes were wide and her lower lip trembling. The sight was enough to get anyone in the room to say yes without hesitation but most of them kept up their guard (save k.azuichi who was violently nodding yes despite having no idea what the ultimate princess was talking about, and g.undham who kept his scarf above his burning red cheeks and he was avoiding her gaze). No one wanted to ask for more clarification, but f.uyuhiko spoke up, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Explain exactly what the fuck it is you want to do again?” He asked with a huff, causing m.ahiru to hit his shoulder due to his vulgar language. S.onia sighed and sat up straight.
“I have been feeling rather homesick as of late, and there is nothing here that reminds me of Novoselic. Today is the national Novoselic holiday where we show our gratitude for everyone in our lives over dinner!” Her eyes were still so bright and her smile was enough to win people over.
“So like American thanksgiving but for you?” F.uyuhiko asked with an arched brow.
“Please do not compare it to that!” S.onia yelped which caused F.uyuhiko to be swatted again by M.ahiru. “Please friends! I will spend the day with T*ruteru helping him with all the finest Novoselic dishes! Please please!!” The ultimate chef looked pleased by this and nodded.
“If it involves food I’m in!” A.kane laughed and put her hands on her hips. F.uyuhiko and P.eko still looked rather pensive, it was unclear if I.buki was actually listening, and G.undhams entire face had been covered at this point. So everyone turned to H.ajime. He blinked.
“Why are you guys looking at me?!” He questioned with a slight crack in his voice.
“You are typically our voice of reason,” P.eko nodded. “So what do you think?”
“Well, if it will make S.onia happy,” H.ajime sighed and smiled slightly. “Fine.” S.onia squealed before pulling him into a tight hug.
“Oh thank you H.ajime!” She beamed, squeezing him tightly which caused him to cough. “Oh please!! Give me just a few hours and everything will be set up.” H.ajime sighed in relief as S.onia pulled away. She skipped back into the kitchen holding T*ruteru by the wrist as she did so. h.ajime ran his fingers through his hair. after all, how bad could this turn out?
after a few hours the group reconvened as s.onia requested and the layout her and t*ruteru set up was... decadent to say the least. the feast the two had prepared was a lot. even for this group. that including a.kane. h.ajime swallowed.
“this is..” he started, looking at s.onia as she happily bounced, wearing her apron and her hair pulled back into a cute bun.
“do you like it?” she asked holding her hands in front of her, smiling oh so sweetly. h.ajime looked at the food display once more. baskets of bread, sides of different shapes and flavors, different meat dishes and vegetarian alternatives for g.undham and anyone else who wanted to try them. he felt his stomach growl at the sight and smell of it all. s.onia heard this and giggled. 
“i know i do!” a.kane chuckled sliding into a chair with a bright smile. f.uyuhiko sighed, preemptively loosening his tie. s.onia poured everyone a drink and left some at the table for them. 
“thank you so much for allowing me to do this for you all! i truly am grateful for each and everyone of you. thank you so much for being my friends!” h.ajime felt his heart melt at s.onia’s burst of passion for the group. they all smiled, unsure of what to say next or what to do. s.onia waved her hands. “go on! eat up friends!”
genuinely it was shocking to see the feast on the table demolished completely. when h.ajime looked up from his drink to see the food on the table completely gone. he was shocked and confused until he looked down at his own stomach, which was rounded and bloated. h.ajime swallowed trying to discreetly unbutton his pants. the moment he did the relief instantly hit him and he sighed sweetly, rubbing his lower belly with one hand burping into his free one. it only dawned on him how full he was now. ugh. how much did he eat? looking at his plates stacked beside him he got a gage. he groaned and continued to rub his overly full belly, unbuttoning the bottom buttons of his shirt. s.onia walked over to collect his plates and smiled. she ruffled his hair a little which caused h.ajime to jump a little, looking over his shoulder at her.
“are you alright, h.ajime?” she asked with a sweet smile.
“yeah, just full,” he gave his full stomach a small pat and it gurgled in response. s.onia giggled. “really full.” she smiled and made her way around the rest of the table. with a small sigh h.ajime sunk back into his seat just a bit to relax just a bit and he looked around the table to see how everyone else was doing. 
across from him sat kazuichi, who’s beanie was trying to cover his eyes. he was biting his lower lip and one hand was running languidly across the swell of his stomach. h.ajime’s gaze flickered down to kazuichi’s tummy, which was swollen against the fabric of his neon green jumpsuit. it was very visible and h.ajime couldn’t help but blush at the first thought that he should unzip his jumpsuit so he could be more comfortable. something must not have settled well in his tummy because k.azuichi suddenly winced and rubbed his belly with more vigor then before. 
next he turned to a.kane, who didn’t seem all too affected, save a slightly swollen belly. in fact she was trying to get a conversation out of p.eko who looked a little green. she kept her posture but definitely didn’t look too good. it was easy to tell she was a little nauseous. h.ajime tilted his head to see if p.eko had done anything to help settle her stomach but no. her hands were neatly tucked on her lap, skirt and shirt not unbuttoned. it looked painful, especially how her chest heaved while she hiccupped. he did notice f.uyuhiko’s hand wrapped around her shoulder, rubbing her arm sweetly. h.ajime couldn’t help but smile at the sweet but subtle act of kindness from f.uyuhiko. 
not that he was in much better shape, the poor guy looked stuffed to the gills. it was more obvious on his skinnier frame, but it didn’t help that his blazer was unbuttoned as well as his tie being discarded across his chair. he definitely looked like he was handling his fullness better than the others. the blush on his cheeks was more prominent and he was gently rubbing his very full stomach. h.ajime could tell his green eyes wanted to flutter close but they stayed open to provide p.eko some comfort. 
then h.ajime’s eyes landed on g.undham and he could feel his cheeks burning at the sight. g.undham’s jacket and scarf were discarded, placed gently on the back of his chair. that alone made this sight feel so scandalous. his exposed collarbone and defined chest made h.ajime feel like he was seeing something forbidden. g.undham was asleep, which relieved h.ajime from the fear that he would catch him staring. the bottom of his white shirt was riding up a little from how full he was. h.ajime could have sworn he could hear g.undham’s stomach digesting from where he was sitting. looking at the vegetarian dish plates they were empty as well, a majority of that food now in g.undham’s tummy. the thought of that brought a sudden heat to h.ajime’s face. his arms were crossed over his chest, with his four d.eva’s sleeping peacefully on the swell of his bloated and full belly. h.ajime looked over at s.onia who was staring at the ultimate breeder with wide eyes and a red face. he chuckled and s.onia snapped out of it and walked back over to h.ajime.
“did this turn out like you expected?” he asked as s.onia occupied the empty seat next to him.
“i believe so!” she beamed, though she kept herself quiet as to not disturb anyones peace. “everyone seems so happy and settled.” h.ajime nodded, leaning onto s.onia’s shoulder. his eyelids so desperately wanted to flutter shut. s.onia smiled, looking over at all her friends in their stuffed stupors. it was silent, save some bellies rumbling and some soft breathing. it was like this for a while until a loud burp broke through. everyone looked around for the source to see f.uyuhiko covering his face. a.kane’s laughter was booming.
“nice one baby gangsta!” she laughed, holding her stomach.
“d-don’t call me that shut the fuck up!” f.uyuhiko snapped, still rubbing his belly.
“do you think if we pat your back you’ll burp again?” a.kane teased and this caused a few more giggles from around the table.
“i’ll fucking kill you,” he snarled in return. s.onia laughed sweetly. this. this is what she wanted and this is what she was grateful for. 
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thicckle · 3 years
For L.eon, it takes a while for him to be full. Man could have a stomach the size of a basketball and still have room for seconds
anon i love you sm
please large tum l.eon is my weakness y’all don’t understanddd, bro has a capacity to rival a.kane, i swear. his only downfall is having sensitivity to certain foods or excessive grease (he gets a bellyache, but most of the time to refuses to listen and will hork down stadium and fair food anyways)
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~Intro to my blog (Updated)~
Welcome to my blog! This is a SFW Stuffedronpa blog. I only write fanfiction and headcanons, so sorry in advance, I don't do art! And this is more of a comfort thing for me than an actual kink. I do also roleplay, but again, you have to be 18+ and actually wanting to do so.
If you do want to rp, are someone who is 18+ , semi-literate or literate and looking for some stuffedronpa RP, then I'm your gal! But we'll have to talk about our limits and ships in DMs since it'll be easier to do so there.
I do accept asks for fanfics and headcanons, whenever they are ships or not! However, I won't write about anyone not mentioned here on this post-
~What I will write on this Stuffedronpa blog~
-Mpreg/Fpreg (I can try giving a shot at it!)
-Soft feedee and feeder dynamics
-Mutual weight gain
-Burping (and other soft stuff)
~What I won't write about~
-Obliviously characters like the WOH, Hi.yoko, Mi.kan, Hi.miko or Jun.ko. Or anyone not mentioned here.
-Obesity or weight related immobility that impacts the character’s life in a significant way.
-NSFW/18+ content (please don't ask for anything like that, I will block you if you do)
-Any kinks that are not listed above in this blog
-Nothing non-con
-Ingame settings
-Other fandoms than Danganronpa (this is the only one where I have interest with this type of thing)
~The characters I will write and can try to write~
THH: a.oi asa.hina, ma.koto nae.gi, l.eon k.uwata, sa.yaka mai.zono, muk.uro iku.saba, sak.ura oga.mi (as a feeder), bya.kuya to.gami
Goodbye Despair (SDR2): n.agito k.omaeda, bya.kuya two.gami, chi.aki na.nami, son.ia never.mind, a.kane o.wari, pe.ko pe.koyama, haji.me hin.ata, gun.dam tan.aka, teru.teru hana.mura
V3: ka.ede akam.atsu, ama.mi ran.taro, k.okichi o.uma, kai.to mo.mota, ki.ibo, shui.chi saih.ara, kir.umi to.jo, tsu.mugi shiro.gane, mi.u iru.ma
Thanks for reading my blog and have a great day or night!
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