#h.ajime h.inata
dangantums · 5 months
Can we get some Koma.hina fluff for Ko.maeda's bday
i'm a little late, but,,,, yes !!!!
I'm So Lucky
this fic contains: burps, bloating, stuffed belly, SFW content.
ship: k.omahina
TLDR: h.ajime makes cookies, and n.agito can never resist that!
Nagito had finished his meager dinner of lukewarm soup and stale bread, the kind of fare his luck seemed particularly fond of bestowing upon him. A contented sigh escaped Nagito's lips as he pushed away his empty plate onto the coffee table. Now, a pleasant lethargy settled over him, the kind that begged for a nap and nothing more. Just as he was about to kick his legs onto the couch and settle into his usual post-dinner routine of reading a book until he inevitably fell asleep, a figure emerged from the kitchen. 
There, Hajime stood with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He held a plate full of the most heavenly-smelling cookies Nagito had ever encountered. Gigantic, studded with dark chocolate chunks, they practically begged to be devoured.
“I made chocolate chip cookies, your favorites!" Hajime exclaimed, approaching Nagito.
Nagito's stomach churned. He loved Hajime's cookies, with a dangerous passion that usually resulted in an hours worth of self-loathing over his expanding waistline. "Boy, how could I be so lucky? Hajime, while I appreciate the sentiment, I just finished dinner…"
“Aw, come on,” Hajime urged, inching closer. “There's always room for dessert, especially when it's homemade with love." He plopped down next to Nagito, the enticing aroma of chocolate flooding the air.
Nagito eyed the cookies with a mixture of longing and dread. “... Just one,” he said.
One wouldn't hurt, right? Besides, Hajime's disappointed face would be another kind of despair altogether. With a defeated yet playful sigh, he reached for a cookie. Hajime beamed at the sight, inching the plate closer. And Nagito, despite his full stomach and his better judgment, couldn't resist. He took a hesitant bite.
Oh, god.
The cookie was a symphony of flavors – the rich, slightly bitter chocolate melded perfectly with the sweet, buttery dough. It was soft and chewy, dissolving on his tongue. One cookie turned into two. Then three. Before Nagito knew it, he was halfway through the entire plate, each bite pushing his stomach further and further towards its limit.
"Wow, this is… incredible," Nagito mumbled through a mouthful of cookie. “I’m so lucky to have… someone like you…!”
That was all the encouragement Hajime needed. He kept pushing cookies onto Nagito. And, sooner or later, the plate was empty, crumbs littering the table and a delightful, but very unwelcome, fullness settling in Nagito’s stomach, pushing against his ribs. He found himself leaning back with a groan, his stomach straining against the zipper of his worn jacket. It pushed uncomfortably against his shirt and jacket, a gentle wave rolling beneath his skin every time he took a breath; each breath was a battle. He winced, feeling the faintest rumble from his overstuffed belly. Nagito felt like a balloon about to burst, stretched to its absolute limit. His stomach ached. 
"That was... truly magnificent, Hajime," he gasped, his voice hoarse. A burp escaped his lips, and he flushed crimson.
Hajime, instead of looking disgusted, chuckled. "Looks like someone needs a little TLC." Before Nagito could protest, Hajime's warm hand settled on his stomach. His touch was surprisingly gentle, sending shivers down Nagito's spine. Hajime began to rub in slow circles, which made Nagito moan softly. “Hmm, wanna lay down?”
Nagito nodded. After Hajime moved the empty plate to the coffee table, they settled into a comfortable position, Nagito's head resting on Hajime's chest. Hajime continued the stomach rubs, his touch a steady rhythm that lulled Nagito into a peaceful drowsiness.
As sleep threatened to claim him, Nagito whispered, "Thank you, Hajime… So lucky…”
“Just go to sleep,” the brunette snorted, placing a soft kiss to the top of Nagito’s head.
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chunkmaeda · 1 year
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Good news everyone!
Rejoice, I have made a separate art blog for chubby komaeda art cause, well, it’s just so sad the lack of art or fics for him!! Give me feedee komaeda!! (Well, i got sick of demanding it so I’m making it now)
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male--byleth · 1 year
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electricanqel-blog · 8 years
Omg, if @ultimatedespair reblogged the 'write the opposite of your URL' thing, the opposite of their URL would be averagehope. It would be H.inata H.ajime--
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Me : *wants to do something nice for @dothackeryggdrasil, like draw something or write a p.oem*
Me : *realizes I’m about as talented as H.inata H.ajime*
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dangantums · 7 months
Mpreg Masterpost
some of these are old... be forewarned.
|| b.yakuya t.ogami: "boutique" // "flavors (N.SFW)" // "b.yakuya is cranky..." // "b.yakuya mpreg HC's" // "b.yakuya doesn't like other people feeling m.akoto's belly..." // "...twin boys" // "...watches him sleep" // "m.akoto feels unattractive..." // "...feel their baby kick" // "distant dream"
|| m.akoto naegi: "boutique" // "flavors (N.SFW)" // "b.yakuya is cranky..." // "b.yakuya doesn't like other people feeling m.akoto's belly..." // "m.akoto mpreg HC's" // "...twin boys" // "...watches him sleep" // "m.akoto feels unattractive..." // "...feel their baby kick" // "distant dream"
|| m.ondo o.wada: "m.ondo mpreg HC's"
|| k.iyotaka I.shimaru: "t.aka mpreg HC's"
|| k.aito m.omota: "s.huichi can't do certain things..." // "s.huichi wakes k.aito up..." // "...out to eat"
|| s.huichi s.aihara: "s.huichi can't do certain things..." // "s.huichi wakes k.aito up..." // "...out to eat"
|| n.agito k.omaeda: "k.omahina mpreg HC's"
|| h.ajime h.inata: "k.omahina mpreg HC's"
a.ce a.ttorney:
|| p.hoenix w.right: "safe and sound" / "massage" // "w.rightworth: m.iles mpreg HC's in court" // "prosecutor e.dgeworth chooses life"
|| m.iles e.dgeworth: "safe and sound" / "massage" // "w.rightworth: m.iles mpreg HC's in court" // "prosecutor e.dgeworth chooses life"
|| l.evi a.ckerman: "heavy"
|| e.rwin s.mith: "heavy"
|| a.rmin a.rlert: “touch of an angel”
|| e.ren j.aeger: “touch of an angel”
f.ire e.mblem:
N/A ... yet.
N/A ... yet.
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dangantums · 7 months
Stuffing Masterpost
some of these are old... be forewarned.
|| b.yakuya t.ogami: "happy birthday, my love" // "flavors (N.SFW)" // "handle his liquor" // "m.akoto forgets to do his laundry..." // "better? better." // "...cuddles after a bad day at work" // "m.akoto can't eat it all..." // "n.aegamigiri HC's" // "b.yakuya confessing..." // "overstuffed m.akoto" // "a feast for the eyes" // "love, byakuya" // "it's okay to be human"
|| m.akoto naegi: "happy birthday, my love" // "flavors (N.SFW)" // "handle his liquor" // "m.akoto forgets to do his laundry..." // "better? better." // "...cuddles after a bad day at work" // "m.akoto can't eat it all..." // "n.aegamigiri HC's" // "b.yakuya confessing..." // "m.akoto HC's" // "m.akoyo pops a button eating halloween candy" // "overstuffed makoto" // "a feast for the eyes" // "love, byakuya" // "it's okay to be human"
|| k.aito m.omota: "middle of the night" // "k.aito stress eats..."
|| s.huichi s.aihara: "middle of the night" // "k.okichi feeds s.huichi ice-cream" // "k.aito stress eats..." // "...school cafeteria" // "s.huichi feedee HC's"
|| m.ondo o.wada: "spiked eggnog" // "most perfect person for me" // "night class" // "m.ondo feedee HC's" // "...studying for exams" // "stress relief"
|| k.iyotaka I.shimaru: "spiked eggnog" // "most perfect person for me" // "night class" // "...studying for exams" // "k.iyotaka HC's" // "stress relief"
|| k.yoko k.irigiri: "handle his liquor" // "n.aegamigiri HC's"
|| k.azuichi s.ouda: "rejection" // "...breakfast before work"
|| k.okichi o.uma: "k.okichi feeds s.huichi ice-cream" // "k.okichi's birthday party"
|| n.agito k.omaeda: "n.agito WG HC's" // "... b-day n.agito stuffing -> part two" // "chubby n.agito HC's" // "i'm so lucky"
|| h.ajime h.inata: "...b-day n.agito stuffing -> part two" // "i'm so lucky"
|| k.orekiyo s.hinguji: "k.orekiyo HC's"
|| ult. impostor: "impostor HC's"
|| l.eon k.uwata: "l.eon HC's"
|| g.undham t.anaka: "...breakfast before work"
a.ce a.ttorney:
|| p.hoenix w.right: "fly on the wall" // "weight of the truth" // "respectable attorney" // "sweet tooth"
|| m.iles e.dgeworth: "fly on the wall" // "weight of the truth" // "respectable attorney" // "sweet tooth"
|| l.evi a.ckerman: "humanities strongest soldier" // "dinner in trost" // "no casualties"
|| e.rwin s.mith: "humanities strongest soldier" // "dinner in trost" // "no casualties"
f.ire e.mblem:
|| d.imitri a. b.laiddyd: “taste of victory” // "your majesty"
|| d.edue m.olinaro: “taste of victory”
|| c.laude v.on r.iegen: "your majesty"
N/A ... yet.
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dangantums · 3 years
Maybe some aftermath where poor Nagito does need hajime to help?
Hey anon, thanks for being patient with me! This is a part 2 of this fic here, so read this one before you read this fic! :)
TLDR: Part 2 of another fic!
“Actually Hajime, wait,” Nagito called out weakly.
Hajime turned around right before he opened the door to leave Nagito’s dorm. His eyes fell back to the white haired boy on the couch, holding his stuffed belly.
“Huh?” Hajime asked. “What’s up?”
“I don’t want to bother you,” Nagito started to say. “But… Could you actually come here?” Nagito lifted up his legs, sloppily throwing them over the edge of the couch while he was still laying down. He was making room for Hajime to sit on the couch.
“Oh, uh, sure! Sure,” Hajime stammered, briskly walking back over to the couch. He sat down in the area of the couch Nagito freed up for him. He was now staring at Nagito from his legs. He could barely see Nagito’s head over his stuffed belly. A faint blush painted Hajime’s cheeks as he felt his face grow hot.
“I don’t want you to think this is weird or anything. I totally understand if you do, you can f-feel free to leave and never talk to me again,” Nagito said, his eyes rolling upward to stare at the ceiling. “But, if you really wouldn’t mind… Could you rub my belly?”
Hajime almost let out an audibly squeak as his eyes widened. Hajime’s face turned a darker shade of red, and his face grew even more hot. Nagito took notice of the look across Hajime’s face, and he laughed lightheartedly.
“See, I knew you would be weirded out,” he said sheepishly. “It’s okay, I understand--”
“No!” Hajime said quickly. He covered his mouth, feeling embarrassed. He looked away. “I-I mean, I really don’t mind helping you out. Honest.”
“Oh, Hajime!” Nagito exclaimed, biting back a hiccup. “Y-You are so wonderful! See, here I thought you would leave me, a miserable slob all on my own-- but you’re actually helping me! So hopeful, and so nice..!”
Hajime chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. His eyes glanced back at Nagito’s sore, protruding stomach. He thought for a moment, deciding where to place his hands. Hajime hesitated, then just placed his warm hands on the sides of Nagito’s stomach. He felt Nagito shudder and bite back another hiccup, as his belly wobbled very slightly. Hajime started rubbing slowly, just back and forth.
“Hmmm,” Nagito hummed happily, his eyes closing. “That feels amazing Hajime, thank you so much…! You’re so amazing and wonderful!”
“It’s no problem,” Hajime assured, still feeling like a blushing mess.
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themelonsins · 4 years
u know japan doesn’t celebrate thanksgiving but s.onia’s country probably does celebrate something like this and yes i know this is late but take it. yeah this is long 
word count 1,544
“Please!” S.onia begged, hands folded together in front of her in a pleading position. Her icy eyes were wide and her lower lip trembling. The sight was enough to get anyone in the room to say yes without hesitation but most of them kept up their guard (save k.azuichi who was violently nodding yes despite having no idea what the ultimate princess was talking about, and g.undham who kept his scarf above his burning red cheeks and he was avoiding her gaze). No one wanted to ask for more clarification, but f.uyuhiko spoke up, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Explain exactly what the fuck it is you want to do again?” He asked with a huff, causing m.ahiru to hit his shoulder due to his vulgar language. S.onia sighed and sat up straight.
“I have been feeling rather homesick as of late, and there is nothing here that reminds me of Novoselic. Today is the national Novoselic holiday where we show our gratitude for everyone in our lives over dinner!” Her eyes were still so bright and her smile was enough to win people over.
“So like American thanksgiving but for you?” F.uyuhiko asked with an arched brow.
“Please do not compare it to that!” S.onia yelped which caused F.uyuhiko to be swatted again by M.ahiru. “Please friends! I will spend the day with T*ruteru helping him with all the finest Novoselic dishes! Please please!!” The ultimate chef looked pleased by this and nodded.
“If it involves food I’m in!” A.kane laughed and put her hands on her hips. F.uyuhiko and P.eko still looked rather pensive, it was unclear if I.buki was actually listening, and G.undhams entire face had been covered at this point. So everyone turned to H.ajime. He blinked.
“Why are you guys looking at me?!” He questioned with a slight crack in his voice.
“You are typically our voice of reason,” P.eko nodded. “So what do you think?”
“Well, if it will make S.onia happy,” H.ajime sighed and smiled slightly. “Fine.” S.onia squealed before pulling him into a tight hug.
“Oh thank you H.ajime!” She beamed, squeezing him tightly which caused him to cough. “Oh please!! Give me just a few hours and everything will be set up.” H.ajime sighed in relief as S.onia pulled away. She skipped back into the kitchen holding T*ruteru by the wrist as she did so. h.ajime ran his fingers through his hair. after all, how bad could this turn out?
after a few hours the group reconvened as s.onia requested and the layout her and t*ruteru set up was... decadent to say the least. the feast the two had prepared was a lot. even for this group. that including a.kane. h.ajime swallowed.
“this is..” he started, looking at s.onia as she happily bounced, wearing her apron and her hair pulled back into a cute bun.
“do you like it?” she asked holding her hands in front of her, smiling oh so sweetly. h.ajime looked at the food display once more. baskets of bread, sides of different shapes and flavors, different meat dishes and vegetarian alternatives for g.undham and anyone else who wanted to try them. he felt his stomach growl at the sight and smell of it all. s.onia heard this and giggled. 
“i know i do!” a.kane chuckled sliding into a chair with a bright smile. f.uyuhiko sighed, preemptively loosening his tie. s.onia poured everyone a drink and left some at the table for them. 
“thank you so much for allowing me to do this for you all! i truly am grateful for each and everyone of you. thank you so much for being my friends!” h.ajime felt his heart melt at s.onia’s burst of passion for the group. they all smiled, unsure of what to say next or what to do. s.onia waved her hands. “go on! eat up friends!”
genuinely it was shocking to see the feast on the table demolished completely. when h.ajime looked up from his drink to see the food on the table completely gone. he was shocked and confused until he looked down at his own stomach, which was rounded and bloated. h.ajime swallowed trying to discreetly unbutton his pants. the moment he did the relief instantly hit him and he sighed sweetly, rubbing his lower belly with one hand burping into his free one. it only dawned on him how full he was now. ugh. how much did he eat? looking at his plates stacked beside him he got a gage. he groaned and continued to rub his overly full belly, unbuttoning the bottom buttons of his shirt. s.onia walked over to collect his plates and smiled. she ruffled his hair a little which caused h.ajime to jump a little, looking over his shoulder at her.
“are you alright, h.ajime?” she asked with a sweet smile.
“yeah, just full,” he gave his full stomach a small pat and it gurgled in response. s.onia giggled. “really full.” she smiled and made her way around the rest of the table. with a small sigh h.ajime sunk back into his seat just a bit to relax just a bit and he looked around the table to see how everyone else was doing. 
across from him sat kazuichi, who’s beanie was trying to cover his eyes. he was biting his lower lip and one hand was running languidly across the swell of his stomach. h.ajime’s gaze flickered down to kazuichi’s tummy, which was swollen against the fabric of his neon green jumpsuit. it was very visible and h.ajime couldn’t help but blush at the first thought that he should unzip his jumpsuit so he could be more comfortable. something must not have settled well in his tummy because k.azuichi suddenly winced and rubbed his belly with more vigor then before. 
next he turned to a.kane, who didn’t seem all too affected, save a slightly swollen belly. in fact she was trying to get a conversation out of p.eko who looked a little green. she kept her posture but definitely didn’t look too good. it was easy to tell she was a little nauseous. h.ajime tilted his head to see if p.eko had done anything to help settle her stomach but no. her hands were neatly tucked on her lap, skirt and shirt not unbuttoned. it looked painful, especially how her chest heaved while she hiccupped. he did notice f.uyuhiko’s hand wrapped around her shoulder, rubbing her arm sweetly. h.ajime couldn’t help but smile at the sweet but subtle act of kindness from f.uyuhiko. 
not that he was in much better shape, the poor guy looked stuffed to the gills. it was more obvious on his skinnier frame, but it didn’t help that his blazer was unbuttoned as well as his tie being discarded across his chair. he definitely looked like he was handling his fullness better than the others. the blush on his cheeks was more prominent and he was gently rubbing his very full stomach. h.ajime could tell his green eyes wanted to flutter close but they stayed open to provide p.eko some comfort. 
then h.ajime’s eyes landed on g.undham and he could feel his cheeks burning at the sight. g.undham’s jacket and scarf were discarded, placed gently on the back of his chair. that alone made this sight feel so scandalous. his exposed collarbone and defined chest made h.ajime feel like he was seeing something forbidden. g.undham was asleep, which relieved h.ajime from the fear that he would catch him staring. the bottom of his white shirt was riding up a little from how full he was. h.ajime could have sworn he could hear g.undham’s stomach digesting from where he was sitting. looking at the vegetarian dish plates they were empty as well, a majority of that food now in g.undham’s tummy. the thought of that brought a sudden heat to h.ajime’s face. his arms were crossed over his chest, with his four d.eva’s sleeping peacefully on the swell of his bloated and full belly. h.ajime looked over at s.onia who was staring at the ultimate breeder with wide eyes and a red face. he chuckled and s.onia snapped out of it and walked back over to h.ajime.
“did this turn out like you expected?” he asked as s.onia occupied the empty seat next to him.
“i believe so!” she beamed, though she kept herself quiet as to not disturb anyones peace. “everyone seems so happy and settled.” h.ajime nodded, leaning onto s.onia’s shoulder. his eyelids so desperately wanted to flutter shut. s.onia smiled, looking over at all her friends in their stuffed stupors. it was silent, save some bellies rumbling and some soft breathing. it was like this for a while until a loud burp broke through. everyone looked around for the source to see f.uyuhiko covering his face. a.kane’s laughter was booming.
“nice one baby gangsta!” she laughed, holding her stomach.
“d-don’t call me that shut the fuck up!” f.uyuhiko snapped, still rubbing his belly.
“do you think if we pat your back you’ll burp again?” a.kane teased and this caused a few more giggles from around the table.
“i’ll fucking kill you,” he snarled in return. s.onia laughed sweetly. this. this is what she wanted and this is what she was grateful for. 
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themelonsins · 4 years
HAJIME TUMMY ANON HERE AHDHDJFKKHS um could u write him getting stuffed and being whiny about his tummy hurting
WELCOME BACK H.AJIME TUMMY ANON and absolutely i can this is a h.aji tummy safe zone
It’s not like he asked for this. It was an accident! An extremely delicious accident that he doesn’t regret in the slightest. Well, that’s not true. Whenever a sharp cramp darts throughout his stomach he’s reminded of his gluttony. With a groan he ran a hand across the swell of his bloated stomach. He was alone, last he checked, so he was free to tend to his full belly in the dining hall in peace. Still, he lifted a fist to his mouth and burped into it quietly. He had no idea why he was being so cautious, no one was around. But he felt a pair of eyes burning into the back of his head. Turning around, he found two blue eyes staring at him. And those eyes belonged to a beautiful heart shaped face and platinum blonde hair. Swallowing thickly, H.ajime tried to sit up politely, but the weight of his belly kept him in his lax position. 
“S-S.onia! W-What are, I thought you-” He coughed, biting back a burp. No. This was the worst possible outcome. He just wanted to be alone. 
“Are you alright, H.ajime?” Sonia asked, tilting her head to the side as if she were a puppy. “You do not look well.”
“I don’t feel well, S.onia,” He groaned, leaning his head back. With furrowed brows, the Ultimate Princess sat beside him, brushing his hair out of his face. “My s-stomach really hurts, S.onia.” 
“Oh, H.ajime,” She cooed, placing her hand on the swell of his stomach. H.ajime melted into her touch. He let out a small hum as she rubbed the surface in small circles. “Did you eat something that did not agree with you? Dare I suggest this, but did you eat something bad?”
“Mm, no. Uurp. Excuse me. No. Nothing like that. I’m just really full,” H.ajime’s face twisted into a pained expression. “Oh God, my stomach.” S.onia noticed and pressed a little harder into his taut belly. H.ajime burped again. “Excuse me.”
“You are excused, H.ajime.” He chuckled at her formality, and S.onia couldn’t help but smile as she rubbed his tummy. They sat in silence for a little bit, the only sounds were of H.ajime’s buttons being undone. “Does it still hurt, H.ajime?” He nodded, hiccuping a little bit. 
“Mhm. God, my stomach really hurts, S.onia,” He whimpered, leaning into her shoulder. One of S.onia’s hands lifted to trail through H.ajime’s locks. 
“I know. I know. Poor honey. Would you like me to help you to your cottage so you can rest properly?” S.onia suggested. He nodded. S.onia helped pull him to his feet and take him to his room to lay down.
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themelonsins · 4 years
woooah hajime tummy anon stays off the shits anyway maybe hajime 4 n5 ??
i don’t know what the first half of this ask means but i love h.ajime tummy so brrrrr
4. Have they ever stuffed themselves on purpose? || stuffing asks [accepting!]
yes, and he does it quite frequently, actually. he’s one who goes all out on holiday dinners. you’ll almost always catch him still at the table after the meal with his pants unbuttoned and a soft blush on the apples of his cheeks. he also purposefully stuffs himself on his birthday, that’s the big one. it helps his birthday is on new years, as well. “this day is about me, if i want to stuff myself stupid i can fuck off”. he does like feeling full, it helps him sleep.
5. Have they ever stuffed themselves accidentally?
all the time! h.ajime is 100000% a stress eater, and he’s stressed a lot. so he’ll be sitting at his desk, studying or doing any work with bags and bags of food and snacks and they’ll all be gone by the end of the night and he’s left with a stuffed, grumbly tummy. he’s annoyed by it but he knows hes gonna get a good nights sleep
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themelonsins · 4 years
because i am in stuffed ronpa brain rot so here are some of my favorite headcannons under the cut
despite his lactose intolerance, f.uyuhiko has the strongest stomach. very rarely will he actually get a tummy ache even if he does eat far too much. he’s more vulnerable to a food coma than a tumby ache
on the opposite end p.eko’s tummy is very sensitive. she bloats easily and her stomach is very loud when it’s upset. she also can’t stop burping despite trying to hold it all back.
f.uyuhiko is the only one allowed to rub p.eko’s stomach if its hurting. it would be the same vice versa but k.azuichi has also been able to sooth f.uyu
k.azuichi is the most likely to over indulge if its ice cream or soda. both of these also make his stomach so loud.
because of how g.undham was raised he has a very sensitive stomach and a very low stomach capacity. if he eats more than one plate at dinner he will probably end up stuffed silly.
h.ajime has the highest stomach capacity. my main man can put it away like no ones business. he, also, is a little bitch to deal with when he has a tummyache because he doesn’t want anyone near him. you’re gonna have to pry your way into his room to help take care of him.
l.eon has the worst diet. it’s terrible. he eats like absolute shit. diet? never heard of it? vegetables? no. never. however, his metabolism is extremely fast so he doesn’t gain weight until the off season.
l.eon actually doesn’t mind having a little tummy. he’s found that the girls he’s into like laying on the plush layer on his belly when they’re cuddling so he’s a fan. 
s.huichi has a sensitive stomach too. he’s the most prone to bellyaches because of how much k.aito likes to eat and s.huichi likes to try and keep up with him. 
people talk about h.agakure getting stuffed because of stoned munchies, but this definitely happens to r.antaro as well. he now keeps a drawer of snacks for whenever this happens. 
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themelonsins · 4 years
Hajime one the receiving end of concerned feeding: your thoughts?
quality. content. right. there. babey
it’s probably s.onia or i.buki that are feeding him but for this im gonna go with s.onia.
there’s no reason for h.ajime to not be eating other than pure depression but he hasn’t been. s.onia’s noticed he’s lost weight and is very concerned for him. So she approaches him and says “where i’m from when one is not eating it’s a sign for concern”
“s.onia i think that’s a cause for concern anywhere.”
“then why aren’t you eating h.ajime?”
and he just got busted. so, s.onia spends the next hour and a half feeding h.ajime to make up for all the meals he’s skipped. by the end of it he’s so full and round he can’t even get up, and that thought won’t even cross his mind. his button up and pants have long since been unbuttoned, he’s burping uncontrollably and s.onia is trying to feed him some more dessert. 
“s-s.onia, princess please. no more. i’m stuffed.” he’s whining but he doesn’t care. she’ll sigh and pat his tummy with a soft smile.
“please refrain from letting this happen again.” there’s nothing s.onia has to worry about, it won’t
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themelonsins · 4 years
i’m replaying d.angan i.sland m.ode again and i have to go through t*eruteru’s freetime events and??
are we just NOT gonna talk about how ready and quickly h.ajime ate the food t*eruteru gave him? my poor baby just wanted a home cooked meal and a full belly give it to him PLEASE
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themelonsins · 4 years
h.aiime wears a button up which makes my pea sized brain go POP THEM I just whgrbrjfj 💚💚💚💚 hajime tummy
i saw this during my break at work so thanks for for sending my pea sized brain into overdrive during work oh wow
i also like to think h.ajime is shameless when it comes to his tumby troubles? so if he knows his button up is getting too tight he will unbotton it he just wants to feel good 
but i love h.aji tummy. let the full tumby free 
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themelonsins · 4 years
hajime 16 !!
16. Have they ever had someone else feed them? || stuffing asks [accepting!]
Not by his own volition, no. it isn’t something H.ajime is entirely into and he either finds it smothering or annoying. but there have been times he’s just been so tired or just didn’t care and someone decided to take advantage of this state and feed him. the biggest offenders of this have been t*ruteru and s.onia
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