akilabee-blog · 7 years
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1. Collage is above
2. Links to your 3 favorite character developments done this year
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the single best thing that happened in 2017? 
I got married!
2. Pick three words to describe 2017.
Family, learning, teaching
3. What did you do in 2017 that you never did before?
Got married
4. Did you keep 2017′s resolutions? What were they?
It was to leave an impact in my student’s life and I think I accomplished that
5. Did you travel to any interesting places in 2017?
I traveled to many places in Africa like Dubai, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Jerusalem. I traveled to many places in Hawaii and in England too. Aspen was interesting as well and Oregon  
6. What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?
A child when the time is right. A pet too and my job at the prison to be full time
7. In what ways did you grow emotionally and/or spiritually in 2017.
Things that used to bother be no longer do and I live for more than just myself now
8. Do you believe that 2017 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why?
9. Do you feel like 2017 went by too fast?
No, most of it was slow to me
10. List all of your employments in 2017? 
Teaching at the same charter elementary school in Miami
11. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
“Way up I feel blessed!”
12. What is/are some thing(s) you regret doing this past year?
I regretted trusting the wrong people and letting my relationship with my older sister worsen
13. Fill in the blank: In 2018 I will ____________.
Be the best teacher, a more creative one. Be an amazing wife and go to church more and drag my family along with me
14. If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2018, where would you go?
Back to Dubai. Somewhere new? I have a long list haha
15. Do you feel you need to apologize to anyone before the year ends?
Yes, my older sister
16. What was the biggest surprise of this year?
Getting married and my niece are the two biggest
17. How much did you change this year? What’s different about you?
I’m more cautious and self less. I think about everything I do before just jumping into it. I’m not as sensitive as I was before, but still spoiled
CONFESSIONS Bold the statements that are true.
In the year 2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before.
Did something I regret.
Had sex.
Been drunk.
Started doing drugs.
Quit doing drugs.
Been in a relationship.
Visited a foreign country.
Had a secret/kept a secret.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Got in a fight.
Fell in love with someone who was “just a friend.”
Attended a party.
Hosted a party.
Got dumped.
Slept with the same sex.
Got a new piercing/tattoo.
Attended a concert.
Broke someone’s heart.
Made someone’s day.
Met new people that I became very close to.
Cheated on a test/homework.
Found love.
Got a new job.
Got fired.
Learned to speak another language.
Had surgery or received serious medical attention.
Lost something very valuable.
Had an allergic reaction to something.
Experienced the death of someone close to you.
Lost a friend.
Painted a picture.
Dyed my hair.
Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before.
Wrote a poem.
Graduated from High School.
Graduated from College.
Applied for Graduate School.
Ran a mile.
Ate much healthier.
Ended toxic friendships.
Ended toxic relationships.
Gained a new friend.
Gained a new best friend.
Regret losing a friend.
Regret losing a relationship.
Tried something out of my comfort zone.
Got married, engaged or divorced.
Had a child.
Committed a crime.
Had a fight with my parents.
Realized my homosexuality.
Realized my bisexuality.
Realized my pansexuality.
Realized my asexuality.
Pushed someone away.
Slept with someone other than my significant other.
Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love.
Learned to hate someone I thought I never would.
Learned to be more patient.
RESOLUTIONS Write at least two resolutions for each category below.
1. Personal Improvement
Sit down and decide how far I want to go as a teacher and eat healthier with Blue.
2. Family and Friends
Reconcile with my sister and parents and make more time for my friends.
3. School and the Outside World
Plan way more field trips for my students so they can get a hands on experience and their own perspective of more things. Make a list of all the places I want to visit in and outside of Miami and go!
4. Romance
Explore life with Blue until we’re tired and old!
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akilabee-blog · 7 years
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TU Moodboard : Akila Stone
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akilabee-blog · 8 years
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akilabee-blog · 8 years
Akila Development #2
 01 / BASICS 1. Full Name: Akila Galila Elsafty 2. Nickname(s): Kila, Bee, Elsa 3. Sex/Gender: Female 4. Birthday: January 10, 1992 5. Age: 24 6. Astrological sign: Aquarius 7. Occupation: First Grade Teacher 8. Spoken Languages: English, Tigrinya, and Arabic 9. Sexual orientation: Heterosexual 10. Birthplace: Malibu, California 11. Relationship status: Single
02/ PHYSICAL TRAITS 1. Race: Black 2. Ethnicity: East African 3. Hair color/style: Black/Straight 4. Eye color: Brown 5. Accent: None that she knows of 6. Height: 5'2" 7. Weight: 124 lbs 8. Tattoos: One on left feet 9. Piercings: Two regular ear piercings and two tragus piercings 10. Unique attributes: Curvy, short 11. Defining gestures/movements: Shakes her legs on a regular. Constantly tucks her hair behind her ear when talking 12. Posture: Sits up straight. Stands up straight with hands in front of her, holding each other
03 / PERSONALITY TRAITS 1. Pet peeves: Cat calling. Hypocrites. People who cover their bad body odor with perfume/cologne. Not being able to spend freely. Canceled plans. People who get angry at you without voicing it. Unbearable immaturity  2. Hobbies/interests: Teaching, traveling, shopping, cooking, and practicing at the gun rage 3. Special skills/abilities: Has a knack for languages, CPR certified, good at multitasking and reading peoples body language, skilled at firing fire arms, and great at teaching and informing 4. Likes: Spreading awareness, learning, cooking, sexual pleasures, reading, watching stand up comedy, being around children, biking, and camping 5. Dislikes: Being put down, people who judge her because of her body, manipulating and obsessive personality towards her, and fish 6. Insecurities: Not being taken seriously in her field because of her looks and body type 7. Quirks/eccentricities: Only keeps quarters as change, always has a snack in her purse, brushes her teeth after every big meal, and always stands with her hands together in front of her 8. Strengths: Adaptable, compassionate and gentle with people, a good cook and neat 9. Weaknesses: Sensitive, spoiled, shopaholic 10. Speaking style: Quiet, small voice 11. Temperament:Melancholic
04 / FAMILY & HOME 1. Family: Mother, father, and a little sister 2. How does (s)he feel about his/her family? Despises parents and dores little sister 3. How does his/her family feel about him/her?  Parents see her as a disappointment and uses people in Miami to watch over her like a hawk and report back. Sister loves, admires, and looks out for her 4. Pets: None 5. Where does (s)he live? A three bedroom townhouse in Miami 6. What is it like there? Quiet and not what she’s used to 7. Description of his/her home: She has three bedrooms; a master bedroom, guest bedroom, and an office. She has a heavily decorated kitchen and a relaxed and cozy living room. She has two bathrooms; both upstairs 8. Description of his/her bedroom: Her bedroom is organized chaos. She has her teaching folders and activities all over her bed. She has a circle bed. Walls decorated with wall art and pictures of her and her sister with a walk in closet.
05/ THIS OR THAT 1. Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert 2. Optimist or pessimist? Optimistic 3. Leader or follower? Leader 4. Confident or self-conscious? Self-Conscious 5. Cautious or careless? Careless 6. Religious or secular? In between 7. Passionate or apathetic? Passionate 8. Book smarts or street smarts? Street smarts 9. Compliments or insults? Compliments 10. Pajamas or lingerie? Lingerie
06 / FAVORITES 1. Favorite color: Gray/Black/White shades 2. Favorite clothing style/outfit: Jeans and heels or dresses 3. Favorite bands/songs/type of music: Doesn’t have 4. Favorite movies: Miss Congeniality 1 & 2. A Thin Line Between Love and Hate. The Devil Wears Prada. 5. Favorite TV shows: A Different World. Conviction. Family Guy. Sex and the City. Blackish. Living Single. 6. Favorite books: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks. 7. Favorite foods/drinks: Doesn’t have one ane still trying different new types 8. Favorite sports/sports teams: LA Dodgers 9. Favorite actors/actresses: Tracee Ellis Ross. Regina King. Meryl Streep. Don Cheadle. 10. Favorite time of day: Evening, after 6 11. Favorite weather/season: Autumn 12. Favorite animal: Birds
07 / MISCELLANEOUS 1. Fears/Superstitions: Fears snakes and other reptiles 2. Political views: Liberal 3. Religion/philosophy of life: Christianity. Switched from growing up as a Roman Catholic under her parents 4. Allergies: Hay fever; caused by pollen or dust 5. Addictions: Alcohol 6. Best school subject: English and Drama 7. Worst school subject: Math/Accounting 8. School clubs/sports: In high school she did cheer-leading and gymnastics 9. How does (s)he get money? She’s a first grade teacher and a correctional teacher 10. How is (s)he with technology? Not that savvy but is taking a class
08 / PAST & FUTURE 1. Fondest memory: Celebrating her first teacher’s day. Her students surprised her with a party and her little sister visited Miami for the first time 2. Dream vacation: Camping out on the beach in an RV for a week or two at Blue Beach in Puerto Rico. Nothing fancy. Simple and relaxing 3. Best thing that has ever happened to this character: Becoming a teacher and changing from her malicious and addictive ways 4. Worst thing that has ever happened to this character: Her parents and ex fiance controlling her and being an alcoholic 5. What does she want to be when she grows up? College business professor 6. Perfect date: Anything active; hiking, bumper carts, go-karting, horse back riding, bungee jumping or skydiving
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