junewali · 7 years
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Answer the following questions:
What is the single best thing that happened in 2017? I got my own place
Pick three words to describe 2017. Fun, Educational, Blessed
What did you do in 2017 that you never did before? I played the lottery and won 500 dollars. That was God.
Did you keep 2017′s resolutions? What were they? My resolution was to go see my mom in Portugal but that didn’t happen since I got caught up in school and work.
Did you travel to any interesting places in 2017? Miami, Florida.
What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? A child I don’t claim jk I want my degree but that’s not for awhile. Just good vibes and more time with my loved ones.
In what ways did you grow emotionally and/or spiritually in 2017. I actually slacked because I come from the church and haven’t been keeping up with the values I grew up with. I know better but I be’s reckless man.
Do you believe that 2017 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why? Blessings. I kept having good things happen.
Do you feel like 2017 went by too fast? No, it went by at a regular pace. But who am I to determine what’s regular. Huh? Think about that...
List all of your employments in 2017? Starbucks barista. Cashier at Target & your mother’s young “friend” (current).
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. “ Baby, I'm me, so who you, you're not me, you're not me and I know that ain't fair, but I don't care ” - Lil Wayne
What is/are some thing(s) you regret doing this past year? I regret nothing *spins*
Fill in the blank: In 2018 I will ____________. Go out more, make more friends, be more.
If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2018, where would you go? Go home to Cape Verde
Do you feel you need to apologize to anyone before the year ends? I apologize to none cause I ain’t did nada.
What was the biggest surprise of this year? Finding out that Trump was president. I was like damn, America’s going down.
How much did you change this year? What’s different about you? Not much, just out here having fun. I don’t take myself too seriously unless I need to. I think that’s how I’ll always remain.
CONFESSIONS Bold the statements that are true.
In the year 2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before.
Did something I regret.
Had sex.
Been drunk.
Started doing drugs.
Quit doing drugs.
Been in a relationship.
Visited a foreign country.
Had a secret/kept a secret.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Got in a fight.
Fell in love with someone who was “just a friend.”
Attended a party.
Hosted a party.
Got dumped.
Slept with the same sex.
Got a new piercing/tattoo.
Attended a concert.
Broke someone’s heart.
Made someone’s day.
Met new people that I became very close to.
Cheated on a test/homework.
Found love.
Got a new job.
Got fired.
Learned to speak another language.
Had surgery or received serious medical attention.
Lost something very valuable.
Had an allergic reaction to something.
Experienced the death of someone close to you.
Lost a friend.
Painted a picture.
Dyed my hair.
Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before.
Wrote a poem.
Graduated from High School.
Graduated from College.
Applied for Graduate School.
Ran a mile.
Ate much healthier.
Ended toxic friendships.
Ended toxic relationships.
Gained a new friend.
Gained a new best friend.
Regret losing a friend.
Regret losing a relationship.
Tried something out of my comfort zone.
Got married, engaged or divorced.
Had a child.
Committed a crime.
Had a fight with my parents.
Realized my homosexuality.
Realized my bisexuality.
Realized my pansexuality.
Realized my asexuality.
Pushed someone away.
Slept with someone other than my significant other.
Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love.
Learned to hate someone I thought I never would.
Learned to be more patient.
RESOLUTIONS Write at least two resolutions for each category below.
Personal Improvement: Workout more, eat less junk food, go on a road trip, study my bible every day, pray more, find a good church to attend.
Family and Friends: Play Russian roulette with my dick at least for a month and if a baby happens I’ll just move to another country and let @lovewowie be the godmom she always wanted to be, take my friends on a trip.
School and the Outside World: Study harder to get that degree, try to intern.
Romance: Make somebody fall in love with me, hook up people with each other.
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anjipickles-blog · 7 years
Anji Muna:
Links to your 3 favorite character developments you have done this year (name any CD’s on the CD’s page that you would’ve liked to do if you didn’t get a chance to do any or don’t have enough of your own)
Answer the following questions:
What is the single best thing that happened in 2017? I bought my own house on mortgage, no rent!
Pick three words to describe 2017. Extreme, off-the-cuff, stressful.
What did you do in 2017 that you never did before? Bought my first home.
Did you keep 2017′s resolutions? What were they? I only had one, for my son to know his dad and that happened. So I kept it.
Did you travel to any interesting places in 2017? No, didn’t get to travel because I had to pay my the bank and these bills!
What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? A husband! Lmao. Right now I don’t think I lack anything I’ll need. Let’s see how the year goes.
In what ways did you grow emotionally and/or spiritually in 2017. I learned how to be a lot more patient and I’m working on not losing my cool. I’m moody so that’s a work in progress. I’ve gotten more closer to God than ever.
Do you believe that 2017 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why? Drama. Just a lot of unnecessary drama or dramatic people around me.
Do you feel like 2017 went by too fast? It really did.
List all of your employments in 2017? Life coach, Fitness coach and mom!
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. “From the very start, I don’t blame you much for wanting to be free,” - Famous, Kanye West.
What is/are some thing(s) you regret doing this past year? A lotttttt of things lol. Getting played, drama with the baby daddy, being too open and trusting too quickly, wasting tears on dumb things but I’m sensitive lol.
Fill in the blank: In 2018 I will focus on finding true happiness and satisfaction in God and the things & people made for me.
If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2018, where would you go? Morocco.
Do you feel you need to apologize to anyone before the year ends? Apologize? No, I didn’t do anything to anyone that I know of or haven’t apologized for and squashed already.
What was the biggest surprise of this year? Can’t think of anything.
How much did you change this year? What’s different about you? A lot although I made some mistakes in my personal life, I think I grew from them but I’m still learning.
CONFESSIONS Bold the statements that are true.
In the year 2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before.
Did something I regret.
Had sex.
Been drunk.
Started doing drugs.
Quit doing drugs.
Been in a relationship.
Visited a foreign country.
Had a secret/kept a secret.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Got in a fight.
Hooked up with the same sex.
Fell in love with someone who was “just a friend.”
Attended a party.
Hosted a party.
Got dumped.
Slept with the same sex.
Got a new piercing/tattoo.
Attended a concert.
Broke someone’s heart.
Made someone’s day.
Met new people that I became very close to.
Cheated on a test/homework.
Found love.
Got a new job.
Got fired.
Learned to speak another language.
Had surgery or received serious medical attention.
Lost something very valuable.
Had an allergic reaction to something.
Experienced the death of someone close to you.
Lost a friend.
Painted a picture.
Dyed my hair.
Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before.
Wrote a poem.
Graduated from High School.
Graduated from College.
Applied for Graduate School.
Ran a mile.
Ate much healthier.
Ended toxic friendships.
Ended toxic relationships.
Gained a new friend.
Gained a new best friend.
Regret losing a friend.
Regret losing a relationship.
Tried something out of my comfort zone.
Got married, engaged or divorced.
Had a child.
Committed a crime.
Had a fight with my parents.
Realized my homosexuality.
Realized my bisexuality.
Realized my pansexuality.
Realized my asexuality.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Pushed someone away.
Got in a fight.
Slept with someone other than my significant other.
Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love.
Learned to hate someone I thought I never would.
Learned to be more patient.
RESOLUTIONS Write at least two resolutions for each category below.
Personal Improvement: Learn not to hold on to things, Fast more.
Family and Friends: Throw my parents a surprise anniversary party, Take my son to Disney.
School and the Outside World: Host another party, Take a trip to Africa.
Romance: Open up seriously to someone romantically, get a man! Lol.
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j3fewhit · 7 years
Whitley’s Year End Reflections
1. A collage of your top 4 highest liked pictures (skip if you do not have enough pictures)
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2. Links to your 3 favorite character developments you have done this year (name any CD’s on the CD’s page that you would’ve liked to do if you didn’t get a chance to do any or don’t have enough of your own)
Answer the following questions:
What is the single best thing that happened in 2017?
Besides the booming of my business, nothing else has happened for me. 
Pick three words to describe 2017.
Successful. Motivation. Detachment.
What did you do in 2017 that you never did before?
I got the opportunity to model for a print magazine. A risky lingerie shoot but I’m proud of it nonetheless because it was a great experience. Maybe I’ll post the picture whenever I get the courage to do so lol.   
Did you keep 2017′s resolutions? What were they?
Not really lol it was to eat more healthy and start working out. I eat like a greedy Gertrude and I haven’t touched a gym in a forever. It’s pretty sad.   
Did you travel to any interesting places in 2017?
What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?
Friends. A relationship (maybe) I’ve got everything else. More patience would be nice too.
In what ways did you grow emotionally and/or spiritually in 2017.
I’m still the same emotionally and I doubt that will ever change because it makes me who I am. As for spiritually, it has changed drastically. There’s things that I went through that at times made me want to give up but with the help of prayer it all changed.   
Do you believe that 2017 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why?
The up and up. 2017 was a very successful year so I’ll defintely be looking for the same, if not more in 2018.
Do you feel like 2017 went by too fast?
Somewhat, I think that we do so much and waste so much time that it’s easzy for us to lose track.
List all of your employments in 2017? 
Bank Teller
The Artistry Vault
Lash Esthetician
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
“What you can do for me, I can do for myself” 
What is/are some thing(s) you regret doing this past year?
I don’t regret anything that I do because its all done for a reason. I like to think of the positive outcomes out of any negative situation. 
Fill in the blank: In 2018 I will ____________.
Have more fun. 
If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2018, where would you go?
Either Egypt, Africa or China 
Do you feel you need to apologize to anyone before the year ends?
What was the biggest surprise of this year?
The success of my online buisiness. I was skeptical about putting it out at the beginning of this year but everything turned out great. How much did you change this year? What’s different about you?
I changed a lot this year compared to where I was a few years ago. I’m way more mature and finally grasped how to be independent.
CONFESSIONS Bold the statements that are true.
In the year 2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before.
Did something I regret.
Had sex.
Been drunk.
Started doing drugs.
Quit doing drugs.
Been in a relationship.
Visited a foreign country.
Had a secret/kept a secret.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Got in a fight.
Fell in love with someone who was “just a friend.”
Attended a party.
Hosted a party.
Got dumped.
Slept with the same sex.
Got a new piercing/tattoo.
Attended a concert.
Broke someone’s heart.
Made someone’s day.
Met new people that I became very close to.
Cheated on a test/homework.
Found love.
Got a new job.
Got fired.
Learned to speak another language.
Had surgery or received serious medical attention.
Lost something very valuable.
Had an allergic reaction to something.
Experienced the death of someone close to you.
Lost a friend.
Painted a picture.
Dyed my hair.
Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before.
Wrote a poem.
Graduated from High School.
Graduated from College.
Applied for Graduate School.
Ran a mile.
Ate much healthier.
Ended toxic friendships.
Ended toxic relationships.
Gained a new friend.
Gained a new best friend.
Regret losing a friend.
Regret losing a relationship.
Tried something out of my comfort zone.
Got married, engaged or divorced.
Had a child.
Committed a crime.
Had a fight with my parents.
Realized my homosexuality.
Realized my bisexuality.
Realized my pansexuality.
Realized my asexuality.
Pushed someone away.
Slept with someone other than my significant other.
Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love.
Learned to hate someone I thought I never would.
Learned to be more patient.
RESOLUTIONS Write at least two resolutions for each category below.
Personal Improvement
Learn how to deal with people and their unwanted “opinions”
Give myself morning pep talks
Family and Friends
Work on my social skills and gain more friends
Visit home more often to rebuild my relationship with my parents
School and the Outside World
Continue putting my degrees to use business wise
Take more time out of my days to live a little and smell the roses
Work on my trust issues and stop being judgmental with guys
Go on a real cute date
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cliffysawze · 7 years
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Answer the following questions:
Woke up every single day.
Fun. Wild. Tough.
Threesome just to see what the hype’s about.
Dubai for business.
Didn’t think that far about it. Maybe someone to build something solid with but I’m still too young for that.
I don’t think I did.
Nah none that I can pinpoint.
In a way it did because too much was going on like always.
A&R and Music Executive at Atlantic.
“Success is my idol and being broke is my rival”
Leading a few females on unintentionally and intentionally knowing I wasn’t serious.
I will get my shit together.
Wherever the money is at but maybe Jamaica.
Wasn’t shocked but a little surprised that America let Trump become president.
Not too much, same ole G lol.
CONFESSIONS Bold the statements that are true.
In the year 2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before.
Did something I regret.
Had sex.
Been drunk.
Started doing drugs.
Quit doing drugs.
Been in a relationship.
Visited a foreign country.
Had a secret/kept a secret.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Got in a fight.
Fell in love with someone who was “just a friend.”
Attended a party.
Hosted a party.
Got dumped.
Slept with the same sex.
Got a new piercing/tattoo.
Attended a concert.
Broke someone’s heart.
Made someone’s day.
Met new people that I became very close to.
Cheated on a test/homework.
Found love.
Got a new job.
Got fired.
Learned to speak another language.
Had surgery or received serious medical attention.
Lost something very valuable.
Had an allergic reaction to something.
Experienced the death of someone close to you.
Lost a friend.
Painted a picture.
Dyed my hair.
Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before.
Wrote a poem.
Graduated from High School.
Graduated from College.
Applied for Graduate School.
Ran a mile.
Ate much healthier.
Ended toxic friendships.
Ended toxic relationships.
Gained a new friend.
Gained a new best friend.
Regret losing a friend.
Regret losing a relationship.
Tried something out of my comfort zone.
Got married, engaged or divorced.
Had a child.
Committed a crime.
Had a fight with my parents.
Realized my homosexuality.
Realized my bisexuality.
Realized my pansexuality.
Realized my asexuality.
Pushed someone away.
Slept with someone other than my significant other.
Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love.
Learned to hate someone I thought I never would.
Learned to be more patient.
RESOLUTIONS Write at least two resolutions for each category below.
Continue with my cooking classes, take pottery courses, get more into art, treat myself to a new car.
Buy my mom a new house, go to the family meet up this year to celebrate and see everybody.
Find some new artists, make somebody a star, get some albums out this new year, help more kids out in Detroit.
Maybe I should settle down, give my heart to one woman.
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quintanamobae-blog · 7 years
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       CD 1: CD Cover        CD 2: Cold front and time travel        CD 3: I would have liked doing anyone of the mood boards
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the single best thing that happened in 2017?       I met the love of my life. 2. Pick three words to describe 2017.       growth, happiness, love 3. What did you do in 2017 that you never did before?       Fell in love, donated an organ 4. Did you keep 2017′s resolutions? What were they?      I don't make resolutions 5. Did you travel to any interesting places in 2017?     Leesburg, Africa 6. What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?     Better understanding
7. In what ways did you grow emotionally and/or spiritually in 2017.
    I've learned to commit to one person and give genuine love. 8. Do you believe that 2017 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why?     Money, work, love 9. Do you feel like 2017 went by too fast?     At times, yes. 10. List all of your employments in 2017?     T.A., working for my father's businesses. 11. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. "If I changed, I became a better version of myself" 12. What is/are something(s) you regret doing this past year? Wasting time where it shouldn't have been wasted 13. Fill in the blank: In 2018 I will ____________. Be on my pinky and brain shit 14. If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2018, where would you go? Jamaica 15. Do you feel you need to apologize to anyone before the year ends? No. 16. What was the biggest surprise of this year? I committed to one person and gave her my all 17. How much did you change this year? What’s different about you? Shit where do I start? I stopped thinking about just my needs when it came to "relationships"- stopped looking for just sex. I got into a relationship something that I've never done, I'm happy with my relationship, I realized it's possible to have a committed relationship if you find the right person.
CONFESSIONS Bold the statements that are true.
In the year 2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before. Did something I regret. Had sex. Been drunk. Started doing drugs. Quit doing drugs. Been in a relationship. Visited a foreign country. Lied. Had a secret/kept a secret. Broke a promise. Slept under the stars. Stayed up until sunrise. Got in a fight. Fell in love with someone who was “just a friend.” Attended a party. Hosted a party. Got dumped. Slept with the same sex. Got a new piercing/tattoo. Attended a concert. Broke someone’s heart. Made someone’s day. Met new people that I became very close to. Cheated on a test/homework. Found love. Got a new job. Got fired. Learned to speak another language. Had surgery or received serious medical attention. Lost something very valuable. Had an allergic reaction to something. Experienced the death of someone close to you. Lost a friend. Painted a picture. Dyed my hair. Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before. Wrote a poem. Graduated from High School. Graduated from College. Applied for Graduate School. Ran a mile. Ate much healthier. Ended toxic friendships. Ended toxic relationships. Gained a new friend. Gained a new best friend. Regret losing a friend. Regret losing a relationship. Tried something out of my comfort zone. Got married, engaged or divorced. Had a child. Committed a crime. Had a fight with my parents. Realized my homosexuality. Realized my bisexuality. Realized my pansexuality. Realized my asexuality. Pushed someone away. Slept with someone other than my significant other. Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love. Learned to hate someone I thought I never would. Learned to be more patient.
RESOLUTIONS Write at least two resolutions for each category below.
- Personal Improvement
  How can you improve on perfection? Take my career a little more serious
- Family and Friends
  Spend more time with my family, bring them out to Miami.
- School and the Outside World
- Romance
keep elevating my connection, love, and sensitivity with Winnie Do more things that we both never done before (dates, activities)
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akilabee-blog · 7 years
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1. Collage is above
2. Links to your 3 favorite character developments done this year
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the single best thing that happened in 2017? 
I got married!
2. Pick three words to describe 2017.
Family, learning, teaching
3. What did you do in 2017 that you never did before?
Got married
4. Did you keep 2017′s resolutions? What were they?
It was to leave an impact in my student’s life and I think I accomplished that
5. Did you travel to any interesting places in 2017?
I traveled to many places in Africa like Dubai, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Jerusalem. I traveled to many places in Hawaii and in England too. Aspen was interesting as well and Oregon  
6. What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?
A child when the time is right. A pet too and my job at the prison to be full time
7. In what ways did you grow emotionally and/or spiritually in 2017.
Things that used to bother be no longer do and I live for more than just myself now
8. Do you believe that 2017 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why?
9. Do you feel like 2017 went by too fast?
No, most of it was slow to me
10. List all of your employments in 2017? 
Teaching at the same charter elementary school in Miami
11. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
“Way up I feel blessed!”
12. What is/are some thing(s) you regret doing this past year?
I regretted trusting the wrong people and letting my relationship with my older sister worsen
13. Fill in the blank: In 2018 I will ____________.
Be the best teacher, a more creative one. Be an amazing wife and go to church more and drag my family along with me
14. If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2018, where would you go?
Back to Dubai. Somewhere new? I have a long list haha
15. Do you feel you need to apologize to anyone before the year ends?
Yes, my older sister
16. What was the biggest surprise of this year?
Getting married and my niece are the two biggest
17. How much did you change this year? What’s different about you?
I’m more cautious and self less. I think about everything I do before just jumping into it. I’m not as sensitive as I was before, but still spoiled
CONFESSIONS Bold the statements that are true.
In the year 2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before.
Did something I regret.
Had sex.
Been drunk.
Started doing drugs.
Quit doing drugs.
Been in a relationship.
Visited a foreign country.
Had a secret/kept a secret.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Got in a fight.
Fell in love with someone who was “just a friend.”
Attended a party.
Hosted a party.
Got dumped.
Slept with the same sex.
Got a new piercing/tattoo.
Attended a concert.
Broke someone’s heart.
Made someone’s day.
Met new people that I became very close to.
Cheated on a test/homework.
Found love.
Got a new job.
Got fired.
Learned to speak another language.
Had surgery or received serious medical attention.
Lost something very valuable.
Had an allergic reaction to something.
Experienced the death of someone close to you.
Lost a friend.
Painted a picture.
Dyed my hair.
Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before.
Wrote a poem.
Graduated from High School.
Graduated from College.
Applied for Graduate School.
Ran a mile.
Ate much healthier.
Ended toxic friendships.
Ended toxic relationships.
Gained a new friend.
Gained a new best friend.
Regret losing a friend.
Regret losing a relationship.
Tried something out of my comfort zone.
Got married, engaged or divorced.
Had a child.
Committed a crime.
Had a fight with my parents.
Realized my homosexuality.
Realized my bisexuality.
Realized my pansexuality.
Realized my asexuality.
Pushed someone away.
Slept with someone other than my significant other.
Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love.
Learned to hate someone I thought I never would.
Learned to be more patient.
RESOLUTIONS Write at least two resolutions for each category below.
1. Personal Improvement
Sit down and decide how far I want to go as a teacher and eat healthier with Blue.
2. Family and Friends
Reconcile with my sister and parents and make more time for my friends.
3. School and the Outside World
Plan way more field trips for my students so they can get a hands on experience and their own perspective of more things. Make a list of all the places I want to visit in and outside of Miami and go!
4. Romance
Explore life with Blue until we’re tired and old!
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estelasi · 7 years
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Character Development #1 : Estela’s Life Moodboard
Character Development #2 : Black History Month Moodboard
Character Development #3 : Show Poster
Answer the following questions:
What is the single best thing that happened in 2017? ANSWER: Not this. I hate questionnaire’s. Be nosy elsewhere. Getting all of my brothers together for the first time since the eldest was born.
Pick three words to describe 2017.  ANSWER: Crazy! Eyeopening and changes.
What did you do in 2017 that you never did before?  ANSWER: Want to be a better person for someone else.
Did you keep 2017′s resolutions? What were they?  ANSWER: I never make them. Pointless.
Did you travel to any interesting places in 2017?  ANSWER: Hawaii, England, Japan, and back home in Colombia I visted San Andreas.
What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?  ANSWER: Stability.
In what ways did you grow emotionally and/or spiritually in 2017.  ANSWER: I grew up.
Do you believe that 2017 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why?  ANSWER: Every time I fell, I learned from it, and got right back up.
Do you feel like 2017 went by too fast?  ANSWER: Yes.
List all of your employments in 2017? ANSWER: Family Dentistry.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.  ANSWER: They want me to lock down. They want me to crawl.They want me to cry now, but I’m never falling off. Why you tryna put the world up on my shoulders? Get off of me.
What is/are some thing(s) you regret doing this past year?  ANSWER: The two relationships I got in. Wasted my time. But I don’t regret what I learned from it.
Fill in the blank: In 2018 I will ANSWER: Conquer! .
If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2018, where would you go?  ANSWER: Home again.
Do you feel you need to apologize to anyone before the year ends?  ANSWER: Yes.
What was the biggest surprise of this year?  ANSWER: Something a friend told me and both my two comas.
How much did you change this year? What’s different about you?  ANSWER: A shit ton. My mindset.
CONFESSIONS Bold the statements that are true.
In the year 2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before.
Did something I regret.
Had sex.
Been drunk.
Started doing drugs.
Quit doing drugs.
Been in a relationship.
Visited a foreign country.
Had a secret/kept a secret.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Got in a fight.
Fell in love with someone who was “just a friend.”
Attended a party.
Hosted a party.
Got dumped.
Slept with the same sex.
Got a new piercing/tattoo.
Attended a concert.
Broke someone’s heart.
Made someone’s day.
Met new people that I became very close to.
Cheated on a test/homework.
Found love.
Got a new job.
Got fired.
Learned to speak another language.
Had surgery or received serious medical attention.
Lost something very valuable.
Had an allergic reaction to something.
Experienced the death of someone close to you.
Lost a friend.
Painted a picture.
Dyed my hair.
Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before.
Wrote a poem.
Graduated from High School.
Graduated from College.
Applied for Graduate School.
Ran a mile.
Ate much healthier.
Ended toxic friendships.
Ended toxic relationships.
Gained a new friend.
Gained a new best friend.
Regret losing a friend.
Regret losing a relationship.
Tried something out of my comfort zone.
Got married, engaged or divorced.
Had a child.
Committed a crime.
Had a fight with my parents.
Realized my homosexuality.
Realized my bisexuality.
Realized my pansexuality.
Realized my asexuality.
Pushed someone away.
Slept with someone other than my significant other.
Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love.
Learned to hate someone I thought I never would.
Learned to be more patient.
RESOLUTIONS Write at least two resolutions for each category below.
Personal Improvement  ANSWER: Finish my AA classes and do more modeling gigs.
Family and Friends  ANSWER: Get my brothers together more and keep my mother here in Miami with me.
School and the Outside World  ANSWER: Kick dental school’s ass and take self defense classes.
Romance  ANSWER: Treat Liberty right and take her on more dates.
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aasiyaxo · 7 years
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1. http://aasiyaxo.tumblr.com/post/164463257105/list-of-tracks-ode-to-you-nostalgic-bliss-winter
2. http://aasiyaxo.tumblr.com/post/157996212860
3. http://aasiyaxo.tumblr.com/post/163297883445/at-a-young-age-sally-lost-both-her-parents-and-her
Answer the following questions:
What is the single best thing that happened in 2017? I gave birth to my baby girl.  
Pick three words to describe 2017. Rough, eye-opening, peaceful
What did you do in 2017 that you never did before? Gave birth  
Did you keep 2017′s resolutions? What were they? I didn't have any resolutions
Did you travel to any interesting places in 2017? Couldn't leave the country  
What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? I didn’t lack too much in 2017.  
In what ways did you grow emotionally and/or spiritually in 2017.  Emotionally nothing’s really changed, I’ve been the same person, I did grow as a person. I learned how to control my anger a lot better and stop letting people try and get me to a point to where I wanted to kill them. I ignored a lot of bullshit that was attached to my name.
Do you believe that 2017 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why? Regaining and finding myself again.
Do you feel like 2017 went by too fast? I would say no, but I can’t remember if some of the stuff I did was 2016 or 2017. The years ran in together.  
List all of your employment in 2017? This is what I mean lol. I can’t remember if I was still at Forever 21 at this time. One thing for sure is I know the hospital, in the pediatric unit. Been there since coming to America.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. "I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here"
What is/are something(s) you regret doing this past year? Putting myself in a situation that got me back on probation.
Fill in the blank: In 2018 I will ____________.  Keep working hard, keep my friends close, take care of my daughter and be that strength for her.
If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2018, where would you go? I just wanna be able to visit home.
Do you feel you need to apologize to anyone before the year ends?  No
What was the biggest surprise of this year?  The fall out my parents and I had, mostly with my mother. The on-going of not speaking to each other but when I had Rylee all of that changed and we got back to being close to how we were.
How much did you change this year? What’s different about you?  I don't think much changed about me, maybe I'm not as trusting as I used to be, that could be both a good and bad thing. But in my case, I'm calling it a good thing.  The saying "trust everybody just not the devil inside of them" speaks to me more clearly now.
CONFESSIONS Bold the statements that are true.
In the year 2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before. Did something I regret. Had sex. Been drunk. Started doing drugs. Quit doing drugs. Been in a relationship. Visited a foreign country. Lied. Had a secret/kept a secret. Broke a promise. Slept under the stars. Stayed up until sunrise. Got in a fight. Fell in love with someone who was “just a friend.” Attended a party. Hosted a party. Got dumped. Slept with the same sex. Got a new piercing/tattoo. Attended a concert. Broke someone’s heart. Made someone’s day. Met new people that I became very close to. Cheated on a test/homework. Found love. Got a new job. Got fired. Learned to speak another language. Had surgery or received serious medical attention. Lost something very valuable. Had an allergic reaction to something. Experienced the death of someone close to you. Lost a friend. Painted a picture. Dyed my hair. Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before. Wrote a poem. Graduated from High School. Graduated from College. Applied for Graduate School. Ran a mile. Ate much healthier. Ended toxic friendships. Ended toxic relationships. Gained a new friend. Gained a new best friend. Regret losing a friend. Regret losing a relationship. Tried something out of my comfort zone. Got married, engaged or divorced. Had a child. Committed a crime. Had a fight with my parents. Realized my homosexuality. Realized my bisexuality. Realized my pansexuality. Realized my asexuality. Pushed someone away. Slept with someone other than my significant other. Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love. Learned to hate someone I thought I never would. Learned to be more patient.
RESOLUTIONS Write at least two resolutions for each category below.
Personal Improvement: I want to start getting back to who I used to be,            Keep finding new and better ways to be a better person     Family and Friends:  Show my daughter what an independent, strong and educated woman looks like. Keep her close to me. Start going out more with friends. Connect my daughter to her other family from her father’s side School and the Outside World:  To finish school in the next years. I want to start volunteering at all the different shelters around Miami. Romance: Continue to romance and love myself, I'm letting things flow, I will not force it at all.
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krsye1992-blog · 7 years
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Answer the following questions:
What is the single best thing that happened in 2017? Both my girls turned 2, another year added to their lives.
Pick three words to describe 2017. Quick, messy, surprising.
What did you do in 2017 that you never did before? Met my girlfriend’s family.
Did you keep 2017′s resolutions? What were they? No. Didn’t have any.
Did you travel to any interesting places in 2017? Johannesburg, South Africa. Went to Washington too.
What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? Peace.
In what ways did you grow emotionally and/or spiritually in 2017. I don’t think I did..
Do you believe that 2017 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why? Disappointment because everything and everyone kept disappointing me.
Do you feel like 2017 went by too fast? Yea it did.
List all of your employments in 2017? YMCA teacher.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. "Baby, I am not afraid to die." Push me to the edge.
What is/are some thing(s) you regret doing this past year? Hurting the women in my life and friends, losing my son, being a terrible human being.
Fill in the blank: In 2018 I will ____________. Change and be better.
If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2018, where would you go? Dubai just to see what’s all the fuss about.
Do you feel you need to apologize to anyone before the year ends? Yes, a lot of people.
What was the biggest surprise of this year? Finding out I was going to have another baby.
How much did you change this year? What’s different about you? I think my kids made me appreciate life a little more and think more about my actions..
CONFESSIONS Bold the statements that are true.
In the year 2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before.
Did something I regret.
Had sex.
Been drunk.
Started doing drugs.
Quit doing drugs.
Been in a relationship.
Visited a foreign country.
Had a secret/kept a secret.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Got in a fight.
Fell in love with someone who was “just a friend.”
Attended a party.
Hosted a party.
Got dumped.
Slept with the same sex.
Got a new piercing/tattoo.
Attended a concert.
Broke someone’s heart.
Made someone’s day.
Met new people that I became very close to.
Cheated on a test/homework.
Found love.
Got a new job.
Got fired.
Learned to speak another language.
Had surgery or received serious medical attention.
Lost something very valuable.
Had an allergic reaction to something.
Experienced the death of someone close to you.
Lost a friend.
Painted a picture.
Dyed my hair.
Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before.
Wrote a poem.
Graduated from High School.
Graduated from College.
Applied for Graduate School.
Ran a mile.
Ate much healthier.
Ended toxic friendships.
Ended toxic relationships.
Gained a new friend.
Gained a new best friend.
Regret losing a friend.
Regret losing a relationship.
Tried something out of my comfort zone.
Got married, engaged or divorced.
Had a child.
Committed a crime.
Had a fight with my parents.
Realized my homosexuality.
Realized my bisexuality.
Realized my pansexuality.
Realized my asexuality.
Pushed someone away.
Slept with someone other than my significant other.
Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love.
Learned to hate someone I thought I never would.
Learned to be more patient.
RESOLUTIONS Write at least two resolutions for each category below.
Personal Improvement: complete rehab, try being a vegetarian again.
Family and Friends: get the courts to organize visitations for my daughter, attend the family gathering this year.
School and the Outside World: mentor more teens, open up after school day care center finally.
Romance: try a relationship again, go on more trips and dates.
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tajokorie · 7 years
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Answer the following questions:
What is the single best thing that happened in 2017? Getting control over my finances and becoming fully independent. 
What is the most challenging thing that happened to you in 2017? Dealing with different relationships. 
What will you do this year of 2018, that’s for you? See more of what’s out there in the world.
Pick three words to describe 2017. Enlightening, Testing, Interesting
What did you do in 2017 that you never did before? 
Did you keep 2017′s resolutions? What were they? Just one, which was to be more active. 
Did you travel to any interesting places in 2017? Not really. Everywhere i went I had been before, so nothing really interesting/new.
What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? I’m not sure tbh.
In what ways did you grow emotionally and/or spiritually in 2017. Maturity as it relates to my emotions. Not letting them get the best of me. 
Do you believe that 2017 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why? Patience doesn’t come easy.
Do you feel like 2017 went by too fast? Not at all.
List all of your employments in 2017? Express.
What is/are some thing(s) you regret doing this past year? I really don’t have any regrets. Everything happened for a reason.
What was your favorite movie this year? This is hard lmao. I’ll go with Get Out.
Fill in the blank: In 2018 I will be more patient, understanding, and work a thousand times harder than before.
If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2018, where would you go? Nigeria.
Do you feel you need to apologize to anyone before the year ends? No. I’ve done all of that.
What was the biggest surprise of this year? Some of the choices I made in my personal life.
Did you get cake on your birthday? Presents? What you wanted? Yeah, but some stuff popped up. It was good nonetheless.
How much did you change this year? What’s different about you? A lot. My attitude towards different situations, my reaction to people, and how I manage things in my personal life.
CONFESSIONS Bold the statements that are true.
In the year 2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before.
Did something I regret.
Had sex.
Been drunk.
Started doing drugs.
Quit doing drugs.
Been in a relationship.
Visited a foreign country.
Had a secret/kept a secret.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Got in a fight.
Hooked up with the same sex.
Fell in love with someone who was “just a friend.”
Attended a party.
Hosted a party.
Got dumped.
Slept with the same sex.
Got a new piercing/tattoo.
Attended a concert.
Broke someone’s heart.
Made someone’s day.
Met new people that I became very close to.
Cheated on a test/homework.
Found love.
Got a new job.
Got fired.
Learned to speak another language.
Had surgery or received serious medical attention.
Lost something very valuable.
Had an allergic reaction to something.
Experienced the death of someone close to you.
Lost a friend.
Painted a picture.
Dyed my hair.
Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before.
Wrote a poem.
Graduated from High School.
Graduated from College.
Applied for Graduate School.
Ran a mile.
Ate much healthier.
Ended toxic friendships.
Ended toxic relationships.
Gained a new friend.
Gained a new best friend.
Regret losing a friend.
Regret losing a relationship.
Tried something out of my comfort zone.
Got married, engaged or divorced.
Had a child.
Committed a crime.
Had a fight with my parents.
Realized my homosexuality.
Realized my bisexuality.
Realized my pansexuality.
Realized my asexuality.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Pushed someone away.
Got in a fight.
Slept with someone other than my significant other.
Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love.
Learned to hate someone I thought I never would.
Learned to be more patient.
RESOLUTIONS Write at least two resolutions for each category below.
Personal Improvement- Dedicate more time to building skills, do more acts of kindness
Family and Friends- Support members of my family financially like they’ve done me, see family more often that i do also
School and the Outside World- Get this degree, get accepted into at least four graduate schools
Romance- love more, keep the good foundation started growing 
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malithedoll · 7 years
Mali Sterlings - #yearendreview
Answer the following questions:
What is the single best thing that happened in 2017? I opened up my own little boutique where my work is displayed and clients come in to do their fittings and consultations.
Pick three words to describe 2017. Rollercoaster. Worthy. Busy.
What did you do in 2017 that you never did before? Flew to Italy to vacation with my dad and bond. We hardly see each other in person so it was fun and needed.
Did you keep 2017′s resolutions? What were they? I think I made one about learning to trust more and I think I’m doing that.
Did you travel to any interesting places in 2017? Italy with dad, Georgia to frequent the African American museum, back to NY for fashion week, Brazil for Christmas & a destination wedding in Jamaica.
What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? Honesty in someone that I choose to love, loving and true friends, more success.
In what ways did you grow emotionally and/or spiritually in 2017. I started off depressed then it picked up. I really learned to find what makes me happy and to focus only on positive energy. I cut off so many negative people and negative things from my life to give me peace of mind. I started therapy but I stopped going but I still grew and learned.
Do you believe that 2017 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why? Rollercoaster because I was up and down a lot but mainly emotionally.
Do you feel like 2017 went by too fast? Between that and 2016, it was all a blur outside the fun times.
List all of your employments in 2017? Fashion Designer and Wedding Planner.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. It was all a dream I used to read word up magazines...
What is/are some thing(s) you regret doing this past year? Going off the deep end and shutting everyone out even my mother. I was just in a terrible state of mind.
Fill in the blank: In 2018 I will ____________. Make up for the lost times and the doubts.
If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2018, where would you go? Island hop around the Caribbeans probably.
Do you feel you need to apologize to anyone before the year ends? Myself time and time again.
What was the biggest surprise of this year? Auntie Fee dying. I used to watch her religiously. Charlie Murphy, we met before through my mom. Prodigy dying. Della Reese! My mom cried.
How much did you change this year? What’s different about you? I think I changed only in how I think and trying to be more positive.
CONFESSIONS Bold the statements that are true.
In the year 2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before.
Did something I regret.
Had sex.
Been drunk.
Started doing drugs.
Quit doing drugs.
Been in a relationship.
Visited a foreign country.
Had a secret/kept a secret.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Got in a fight.
Fell in love with someone who was “just a friend.”
Attended a party.
Hosted a party.
Got dumped.
Slept with the same sex.
Got a new piercing/tattoo.
Attended a concert.
Broke someone’s heart.
Made someone’s day.
Met new people that I became very close to.
Cheated on a test/homework.
Found love.
Got a new job.
Got fired.
Learned to speak another language.
Had surgery or received serious medical attention.
Lost something very valuable.
Had an allergic reaction to something.
Experienced the death of someone close to you.
Lost a friend.
Painted a picture.
Dyed my hair.
Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before.
Wrote a poem.
Graduated from High School.
Graduated from College.
Applied for Graduate School.
Ran a mile.
Ate much healthier.
Ended toxic friendships.
Ended toxic relationships.
Gained a new friend.
Gained a new best friend.
Regret losing a friend.
Regret losing a relationship.
Tried something out of my comfort zone.
Got married, engaged or divorced.
Had a child.
Committed a crime.
Had a fight with my parents.
Realized my homosexuality.
Realized my bisexuality.
Realized my pansexuality.
Realized my asexuality.
Pushed someone away.
Slept with someone other than my significant other.
Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love.
Learned to hate someone I thought I never would.
Learned to be more patient.
RESOLUTIONS Write at least two resolutions for each category below.
Personal Improvement: Go back to therapy, be more open to outsiders coming closer to me.
Family and Friends: Help my mom find a new man cause this one is trash, Go on more trips with friends, meet up more often with my dad, see if he’ll let me meet my half siblings.
School and the Outside World: Visit South Korea on my own to learn more about that side of my culture, Donate to more foundations, Open one which I am working on.
Romance: Allow my heart to love again or at least like enough, go on more dates that my friends recommend because I’m so stiff and difficult about strangers, face my past and do some reaching out and cussing tf out, if not dealing with the pain my way!
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soserene-blog1 · 7 years
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What is the single best thing that happened in 2017? My dream job.
Pick three words to describe 2017. Traveling, confusion, creations. 
What did you do in 2017 that you never did before? I became a creative director.
Did you keep 2017′s resolutions? What were they? Yes and it was to become a chef and stay fit
Did you travel to any interesting places in 2017? Most interesting was Bermuda. 
What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? Love.
In what ways did you grow emotionally and/or spiritually in 2017. Only one way, I learned how to be the bigger person.
Do you believe that 2017 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why? Creativity because I was really creative this year in everything I did.
Do you feel like 2017 went by too fast? Yes!!
List all of your employments in 2017? Elle Magazine’s creative director and Lar Mar by Gaston Acurio’s head chef.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. I was good on my own that’s the way it was.
What is/are some thing(s) you regret doing this past year? Trying to make peace with my brother and moving away from my sister but I came back to her!
Fill in the blank: In 2018 I will ____________. Lead more Elle Mag projects and let the world know who I am.
If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2018, where would you go? Paris.
Do you feel you need to apologize to anyone before the year ends? No.
What was the biggest surprise of this year? So many things with Liberty.
How much did you change this year? What’s different about you? I’m the same, but minor things has changed.
In the year 2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before.
Did something I regret.
Had sex.
Been drunk.
Started doing drugs.
Quit doing drugs.
Been in a relationship.
Visited a foreign country.
Had a secret/kept a secret.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Got in a fight.
Fell in love with someone who was “just a friend.”
Attended a party.
Hosted a party.
Got dumped.
Slept with the same sex.
Got a new piercing/tattoo.
Attended a concert.
Broke someone’s heart.
Made someone’s day.
Met new people that I became very close to.
Cheated on a test/homework.
Found love.
Got a new job.
Got fired.
Learned to speak another language.
Had surgery or received serious medical attention.
Lost something very valuable.
Had an allergic reaction to something.
Experienced the death of someone close to you.
Lost a friend.
Painted a picture.
Dyed my hair.
Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before.
Wrote a poem.
Graduated from High School.
Graduated from College.
Applied for Graduate School.
Ran a mile.
Ate much healthier.
Ended toxic friendships.
Ended toxic relationships.
Gained a new friend.
Gained a new best friend.
Regret losing a friend.
Regret losing a relationship.
Tried something out of my comfort zone.
Got married, engaged or divorced.
Had a child.
Committed a crime.
Had a fight with my parents.
Realized my homosexuality.
Realized my bisexuality.
Realized my pansexuality.
Realized my asexuality.
Pushed someone away.
Slept with someone other than my significant other.
Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love.
Learned to hate someone I thought I never would.
Learned to be more patient. 
Personal Improvement - Allow myself to let more people in and eat healthier
Family and Friends - Spend more time with little sister and try to work things out with my parents
School and the Outside World - Give back to my community and spend a week in Orlando
Romance - Find a boo and get to know him better, finding time for dates and alone time
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aj-coleman-blog · 7 years
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A collage of your top 4 highest liked pictures (skip if you do not have enough pictures)
mood board
bucket list
Answer the following questions:
What is the single best thing that happened in 2017?
When Ezra was born.
Pick three words to describe 2017.
Drama, Drama, Drama.
What did you do in 2017 that you never did before?
Had a baby.
Did you keep 2017′s resolutions? What were they?
I never make these.
Did you travel to any interesting places in 2017?
I forgot the place it was.
What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?
Less drama
In what ways did you grow emotionally and/or spiritually in 2017.
I didn’t thouh
Do you believe that 2017 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why?
Do you feel like 2017 went by too fast?
Didn’t go by fast enough.
List all of your employments in 2017?
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
There are too many that I could probably name.
What is/are some thing(s) you regret doing this past year?
Letting people in my ear
Fill in the blank: In 2018 I will ____________.
Be a better friend. 
If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2018, where would you go?
Do you feel you need to apologize to anyone before the year ends?
What was the biggest surprise of this year?
when Ezra was born.
How much did you change this year? What’s different about you?
Lol. I’m still the same person. 
CONFESSIONS Bold the statements that are true.
In the year 2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before.
Did something I regret.
Had sex.
Been drunk.
Started doing drugs.
Quit doing drugs.
Been in a relationship.
Visited a foreign country.
Had a secret/kept a secret.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Got in a fight.
Fell in love with someone who was “just a friend.”
Attended a party.
Hosted a party.
Got dumped.
Slept with the same sex.
Got a new piercing/tattoo.
Attended a concert.
Broke someone’s heart.
Made someone’s day.
Met new people that I became very close to.
Cheated on a test/homework.
Found love.
Got a new job.
Got fired.
Learned to speak another language.
Had surgery or received serious medical attention.
Lost something very valuable.
Had an allergic reaction to something.
Experienced the death of someone close to you.
Lost a friend.
Painted a picture.
Dyed my hair.
Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before.
Wrote a poem.
Graduated from High School.
Graduated from College.
Applied for Graduate School.
Ran a mile.
Ate much healthier.
Ended toxic friendships.
Ended toxic relationships.
Gained a new friend.
Gained a new best friend.
Regret losing a friend.
Regret losing a relationship.
Tried something out of my comfort zone.
Got married, engaged or divorced.
Had a child.
Committed a crime.
Had a fight with my parents.
Realized my homosexuality.
Realized my bisexuality.
Realized my pansexuality.
Realized my asexuality.
Pushed someone away.
Slept with someone other than my significant other.
Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love.
Learned to hate someone I thought I never would.
Learned to be more patient.
RESOLUTIONS Write at least two resolutions for each category below.
Personal Improvement
Learn to let harboring anger go.
Be a better father.
Family and Friends
Make new friends.
Try to get out more like I use too.
School and the Outside World
Visit more places
Possible go back to school.
Open up my heart
Be more trusting of people
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jus-blaze-blog1 · 7 years
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BHM Mood board
Answer the following questions:
What is the single best thing that happened in 2017? Marrying the love  of my life
Pick three words to describe 2017. Calm, prosperity, happiness
What did you do in 2017 that you never did before? Got married
Did you keep 2017′s resolutions? What were they? I never make any they’re pointless, making a resolution to change seems a little uncommitted 
Did you travel to any interesting places in 2017? Dubai
What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? children
In what ways did you grow emotionally and/or spiritually in 2017. I learned how to trust other people other than my family
Do you believe that 2017 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why? Surprises
Do you feel like 2017 went by too fast? No
List all of your employments in 2017? Barber
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. "I found love in you, And no other love will do, Every moment that you smile chases all of the pain away, Forever and a while in my heart is where you'll stay"
What is/are something(s) you regret doing this past year? Nothing I can think of at this moment
Fill in the blank: In 2018 I will ____________. Expand my locations with my barbershop business
If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2018, where would you go? Back to where it all started - Dubai 
Do you feel you need to apologize to anyone before the year ends? No
What was the biggest surprise of this year? I got married and my little sister had a baby
How much did you change this year? What’s different about you? I’m not as overprotective and overbearing as I used to be. I would like to believe. Ask Maya if that’s true. 
Bold the statements that are true.In the year 2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before.
Did something I regret.
Had sex.
Been drunk.
Started doing drugs.
Quit doing drugs.
Been in a relationship.
Visited a foreign country.
Had a secret/kept a secret.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Got in a fight.
Fell in love with someone who was “just a friend.”
Attended a party.
Hosted a party.
Got dumped.
Slept with the same sex.
Got a new piercing/tattoo.
Attended a concert.
Broke someone’s heart.
Made someone’s day.
Met new people that I became very close to.
Cheated on a test/homework.
Found love.
Got a new job.
Got fired.
Learned to speak another language.
Had surgery or received serious medical attention.
Lost something very valuable.
Had an allergic reaction to something.
Experienced the death of someone close to you.
Lost a friend.
Painted a picture.
Dyed my hair.
Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before.
Wrote a poem.
Graduated from High School.
Graduated from College.
Applied for Graduate School.
Ran a mile.
Ate much healthier.
Ended toxic friendships.
Ended toxic relationships.
Gained a new friend.
Gained a new best friend.
Regret losing a friend.
Regret losing a relationship. 
Tried something out of my comfort zone.
Got married, engaged or divorced.
Had a child.
Committed a crime.
Had a fight with my parents.
Realized my homosexuality.
Realized my bisexuality.
Realized my pansexuality.
Realized my asexuality.
Pushed someone away.
Slept with someone other than my significant other.
Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love. 
Learned to hate someone I thought I never would.
Learned to be more patient. 
Write at least two resolutions for each category below.
Personal Improvement To try and be less overbearing, let the people around me make their own mistakes and stop inserting my opinion no matter how much I think I'm helping out.
Family and Friends I want to keep building up my friendship that I have with one of the only other people outside of family I trust- Winnie. I want to do this same thing with my family, just keep creating strong connections with those who are in my life.
School and the Outside World I'm finished with school but I want to make sure the people around me start or finish school, Travel and start making more new beginnings and traditions with my wife.
Romance keeping finding ways to keep the spark in my marriage, make sure my wife is happy and never wanting for anything
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