#aNYWAY THO happy sunday and i'm sending so much love at everyone!!
tenacquity · 7 months
just wanted to make a quick (and friendly! ♡) note to my mutuals writing crime-faring unlawful muses:
1) i love you (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
2) i'm not here to "use" you and your muse as a means of giving ryuu some sort of character development in an "oh, my sweet baby boo has never done anything wrong in his life ever and i want to write with bastards who he can just PROVE his amazing innocence and uwu-ness in comparison so pls be awful so my boy shines ♡( ◡‿◡ )" way
good lord no i'm not here for that and while i don't suspect any of you thought that, i still want to be crystal clear:
i will not use and never will be using any of my mutuals and their muses as a "plot device" for mine
trust me, i adore morally corrupt muses. heck, i write a mob boss on another blog; i get it (and i'm honestly more accustomed to writing shitheads so ryuu's just a nice break from that mentality tbqh)
i'm here to explore both of our muses equally
i'm here to love and appreciate your muse even if they butt heads with mine
basically, if we're mutuals, you can trust that i think you're spectacular and i'm so thrilled to have you on my dash, and even more honored when i get the opportunity to write with any of you (⺣◡⺣)♡* that is all
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akane171 · 2 years
...Well, it's not THAT often but still way more than I care to admit😅🤷🏻‍♀️🙈
Haha, okay, well, let's just forget this discussion then🙈
Nope, no hamburgers with puppies and ham😅😰
Ohhhh, Weltschmerz? Teachers included? Consider me officially very curious🤔😂 Your field of study sounds interesting!😁
Yay, Chris, Yay💃🏻💃🏻
Awww maaaan... Just wait, one day I'll finally have time to learn all the languages I wanna learn and I'll learn polish, too, even if it were just to be able to read your fics!🙈😂🙈
...Don't kill me, yesterday I might have asked LW more generally about whether Bal-Seg knew more about Mon's mate or not🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
Nah, I WILL write it, even got the okay from LW to write a One-shot in which Bal-Seg survived, but when I write that, I wanna get his characterization and all the details LW gave us in PiaD right, so I'll have to sit down and properly re-research everything Bal-Seg related, but life is annoying shit, so I really don't have the time to actually do that right now🙈 Hopefully I'll be able to work on that soon, but probably not for at least another 2 months or so🙈🙈
Ohhhhh, okay, no kidding, I NEED you to write that, like, Mon drinking everyone under the table to get that treaty and Kara blowing up at him sounds SO.PERFECTLY. early S2!Karamel, I could cry🙈🙈😭😭
(Mon getting to be interested in stuff should be its own trope! Like, even him and his books are such a sweet obsession🙈🙈😍) For a moment there, I thought you wrote "get interested for the first time in another woman" 😂😂😂 Kara would be a murderous, miserable mess if THAT where the case🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😅😅
Honestly? Thanks to you I can't get Mon being part of the voluntary fire brigarde in his free-time out of my head😂😅🙈🙈 But with the engineering it's be SWEET to see Winn and Mon geeking out together and maybe debating how they could build and programm R2-D2 and an X-Wing?😂🙈 oh, Wait, lol, imagine Mon working for Max (even more for Kara to rant at Mon about)😯
Haha, Yess, HIGH FIVE!😂 
Huh, you're right🤔 It DOES kinda sound like sth from Dune🤔🤔 Or Star Wars🤷🏻‍♀️😂
Yesssss, pleeaaasssee watch it!😍😍 It's just...Like...ARRGGHH, my non-existent heart 😭😍😭😍😭😍😭🙈🙈
Anyway, stay safe and sound and happy Sunday!🤗
I feel like I should ask. On the other hand I feel like I should not...
Naruto, what?
Institute of the Middle and Far East, Far East speciality. Bascially a bunch of pople loving India, China, Japan and South Korea, wanting to learn about culture and study languages, loving wierd stuff. It's not common in my dearest country to choose this field of studies, so really dedicated and WEIRD people take it. You know, Poland is Catholic country, racist, homophobic, conservative etc. And here you got, 80 people on the first year, being YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAW about everything. I can assure you, the topics we were discussing were sometimes super weird.
Gosh, I miss it. Not the exams, tho xD
....have fun. Don't haunt me if you accidentally invoke some demon and it kills you or when you die after learning how to decline...
Lol, keep me informed!
I'm intrigued, for sure you will nail his character and the whole story. Can't wait to read! :D Also, hope life will treat you well soon. Also, I kind of think it's the first time you used "shit", lol. Life is THIS much annoying, huh? *sends hugs*
Nah, maybe in the future, but I think it's one of the never-written ideas that will stay unwritten.
In one of the canon SG books he went to the museum, so boy, I wish him being intrigued by human culture, histiry etc would have been explored more in the show. And how he could have been a little more like himself in the comic books. Daxam was much more intriguing. Him bieng always allergic to the lead and having to take meds (how many this type of heroes we have?). I love show Mon-El but Chris would have NAILED his more comic book version. Such potential wasted. Sigh
The beauty with Mon is how he fits soooo many roles and is not defined by totally anything. Because being a Legion leader is do... general? While Kara is the REPORTER and new Kardashian and it's super hard to think about her as anything else. What is sad.
But yeaaaaah, Winn and Mon-El exploding shit in DEO would be cute. Do you know Bones? Where Hodgings and the interns (and Zack earlier) were doing experiments and it almost always kicked their asses XD
I don't think we should ever tell LW we wanted to put Mon El and Max at one job.... On the other hand....
Star Wars too, point taken xD
Have a nice erm, Monday's morning? *sad violin music*
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divinefireangel · 2 years
I’m hereeee 🥳 (this ask is so long i’m sorry to everyone who has to scroll past this,, should i start permanently using small font when i’m sending you asks)
truthfully I don’t think I’m managing at all lmao because uni is fucking me over and People are so difficult to deal with, I’m way too negative for this shit but eh, I’ll survive. I have to 😂😂😂
i’m glad i didn’t miss your birthday! i remembered april but i couldn’t remember what date (i tried checking the old asks i sent you but i didn’t see anything lmao) but yaaayy for me being early 😂
also it’s been a year and a month since i started stanning sf9!!! thank you sf9 for letting me find sushie too 🥺 (“find” sounds so ominous; i originally wrote “meet” but that sounds misleading ahjdghgjhhja)
re: the previous ask of mine that you answered—
I’M SO HAPPY TO KNOW YOU ARE ATINY AND BABY MOA, i lowkey listen to txt and svt now, never thought i’d get here because i was just not interested for the longest time but they’re p cool :D
san is FANTASTIC he’s just so adorable. i was watching atz content after a long time on sunday and also today and he made me Very Happy. dunno if i told u already but i’m hongjoong biased 🤩 (ok i saw the end of your answer haha answer geonbaehaja and yesss it’s joong! i might as well be ot8 though because they’re my ult group and i love them all so much – skz is telling me lately that i also ult them but jury’s still out because i refuse to admit things easily)
flappy ducky sush /gives you a smooch you make me very happy too, even if i haven’t been around for months now gjhsghhhjdfghja blame tumblr <//3 i simply forget this hellsite is a thing
how do u feel about skz’s new comeback? i’m shgfjhshjda GODDD i love them so much 🥺 i have so many thoughts but they kinda just leave lmao but i love love loooooooove it! loving all the songs and the mvs too,, i love them all equally and there are seven (7) songs so i’m really not gonna list them l m f a o but i’m especially fond of lonely st. and charmer. i want charmer vid </3 i ALSO WANT THE COMPLETE STORY BEHIND THEIR ODDINARY TRAILER LIKE ?? DUDE? DON’T LEAVE ME HANGING HERE… I WANT TO KNOW WHAT GOES ON… the way felix gets terrified and the way they all behave is so hot i just love it i want 10,000 minutes of it. glorious plot stuff.
sending you all the happy vibes i can scrounge up :D i was finally able to watch the recent skz weekly idol episode and seungminnie was soso cute it gave me life. while i procrastinated on a paper due friday lmao aNYWAY SENDING YOU HAPPY VIBES!!!!~ I HOPE U HAVE A BEAUTIFUL DAY 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Lmao issokay, I think our convos are too fun to miss 😂
SAME. I hate it here 💀🔪🥲
Well yeah, that's okay tho, cause I was very busy on b'day anyway and you remembered my birth month which makes me happy cause I'm shit at remembering birthdays
Awwnnnn thanks for becoming a fantasy!! Meet sounds good to me XD
Oo I'm a Joong soft stan lmao frankly that man on stage scares me more than my man on stage ifykyk
It's ok lol, blame me too, I forgot as well even tho I'm a lil more answerable 💀💀💀💀
My fav is Waiting For Us cause Kim Seungmin and also that it makes me feel so angsty but in a comforting way idk 😂
It looked very Yandere 👀💀 It was hot I gotta say
My eternal love and appreciation for you, as always ❤
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