#aNYWAYS imma stop rambling ahhhhhh i'm so nervous about this one omg been working on editing it all day lol
his brand of make believe convinces me it’s real
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly. “I’m just tryin’ to—I don’t think you’re ridiculous. And… I know that whatever you’re hiding ain’t ridiculous either.” And it was the truth because Aren loved listening to Shun and he loved loving Shun. Dark Reunion wasn’t real, nor was Shun part of the Jet Black Wings, but his imagination, his ability to make believe and create everything out of nothing was as real as flesh and blood. It was magical, something that Aren didn’t know was possible before he met Shun.
Now, he believed in things that didn’t exist, he listened with bated breath as Shun told him stories about things that never happened. It was Shun that made them real, by thinking and feeling and emoting in a way that most people weren’t able to do.
So, no, nothing about Shun was ridiculous. Not when he could make dragons real and everything exist simply by choosing to believe, choosing to pretend.
[or: aren wonders why shun always wears those "bandages" around his hands]
☆4,600 words | kubokai☆
big shoutout to @matcherry for beta-reading for me! you were a huge help and i couldn’t have done it without you <3
☆part three of my ts awareness month fics☆
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