#aaa sorry for picking such a random scene to draw
turtledotjpeg · 1 year
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My piece for @hxhbigbang23, for @ov-rwhelmed's excellent killugon college baseball au, full count!!
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tuwasduwillst · 7 years
ch4 (pt 2)
Shuichi just logged off!
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well, that’s probably why Miu’s avatar wasn’t moving.
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i’m sorry, what
all of ‘em are in there already except for Kaito, who comes running in at the body announcement.
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he actually would, he basically sentenced Kaede to death already and if he didn’t ~pursue the truth~ it’d be breaking his promise to her. he wouldn’t be happy about it or anything, but even if Kaito killed someone he’d tell the truth about it.
talking about stuff~ Kaito says he believes in Shuichi because he’s his sidekick and they’ll investigate together, etc.
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Kaito says it’s not a problem because Shuichi isn’t the type to lie even if they work together, but since Kokichi’s being so persistent about it, he says that they won’t work together this time then.
Shuichi thinks that this is definitely some kind of trick of Kokichi’s, but he also knows that Kaito isn’t going to be convinced to just ignore him, so that’s how things are.
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not a ton of information in the file. no external injuries.
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apparently Kokichi’s going to be hanging around Shuichi to make sure Kaito doesn’t “bother him”. i’m fine with it! Shuichi is much less enthused.
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if you spend so much time being suspicious of every little thing Kokichi does, all you’re going to do is wear yourself out, Shuichi! if he’s done something the damage is already done, so all you have to do is deal with it and figure things out.
let’s talk to people!
Tsugumi apparently saw Miu about 10 minutes before she approached Shuichi, and when she approached Shuichi was about the same time they heard that loud noise.
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Maki was checking out the computer and found out that if someone’s avatar took fatal damage, they’d die from shock. that’s probably something that Miu should’ve told them from the start!
oh, Kokichi just brought up the fact that she didn’t tell them. now Shuichi’s wondering about that, too.
the red bear offers to help “avenge his mommy’s death” by checking to make sure the files haven’t been tampered with. they haven’t, and he also found something else:
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log-in and log-out times! Kaito logged out well before everyone else (over an hour before anyone else), but otherwise nothing seems like it’s out of the ordinary.
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oh, here it is bigger.
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Kokichi was being mean to Gonta, so Shuichi stepped in, but after that...
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¯\_(ツ)_/¯  at least you’ve got another person actively helping the investigation now, i wouldn’t really worry about why it’s happening until it becomes a problem
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and then they found Miu’s avatar. she’d apparently volunteered to check the outside of the chapel, so that’s why she was outside.
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hmm. he says he didn’t look at Miu, so he doesn’t know if she was alive or not before he left.
why wouldn’t you look at everyone else after being logged out of something like that, wouldn’t you want to see if anyone else had been logged out at the same time?? who the hell has something like that happen and just goes “gee, better go take a nap and not look at any of the other people to check if anything’s gone wrong”?
it’s possible, especially since it’s Kaito, but what the heck.
anyway, moving on... Miu’s body being the way it is makes it seem like she died a painful death and that she might’ve been struggling to breathe when she died. strangulation?
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okay, calm down, mister.
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hey, it’s poison! from Shuichi’s lab, probably, like Kokichi is saying. apparently it’s a very lethal poison when ingested directly (not mixed with anything else), and it gives the victim bloodshot eyes.
Shuichi doesn’t know who brought it in for sure, but he does know whose chair it’s in right now.
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you can say Kokichi’s name in your own mental narration, Shuichi, it’s okay. 
anyway, this might not be the crime scene, so they’ll have to go back to~
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yes! Kaito says that he’s going along too, in that case. a handful of others say they want to go back as well; Maki, Gonta, and Kokichi say they’ll stay behind.
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i wanna see your tiny little avatar again... Kokichi says he has to stay behind to keep an eye on Maki, since she and Kaito are so close.
Kaito predictably gets upset at pretty much everything Kokichi says, even though Maki tells him to just ignore him.
into the virtual world~
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yeah, but the loading point is in the middle. it’s obvious that there’s a way to the left side of the map from the right, since the wooden sign went down the river and ended up getting stuck on a rock on the left side. also, when Tsumugi and Shuichi heard Kiibo, they looked to their left--so they can hear things from that side.
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that’s just what you’re assuming, Shuichi!!
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hey, i found that earlier and Shuichi wouldn’t look at it!
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virtual crime scene! ...well, they’re all virtual crime scenes, i guess... since this is a video game...
the cell phone can log people out just by saying their name, so that’s important.
Kiibo overheard Miu and Kokichi talking about meeting on the roof before they all split up.
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...did she go sliding off the roof and into the wall of the chapel? because if so, that’s terrible, but also kind of funny.
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geez, Shuichi, what kind of a detective are you. the lattice was in here. you were standing right on it!
looking through the binoculars and Shuichi wonders why the map loading point would be in the middle. is it actually in the middle? if Miu made the maps, she can do whatever she wants with that kind of thing...
time to head back! Maki showed up and said that Monotaro is done with the computer stuff, so they should all gather back in the room. 
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why would you ever want to draw something on his stomach...
anyway, Shuichi wants to ask him about his meeting with Miu.
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there was a lock on the roof door that could only be locked and unlocked from the roof itself. Kokichi can pick locks in the real world, but idk if he’d be able to in the virtual world...
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the hammer was the only weapon-like thing left, and it must have been left intentionally. the cellphone was in the simulation originally and Miu just never told anyone about it.
Miu’s avatar was classified as a “non-human object”. is that why she was able to get from one side of the map to the other? if the sign board can and it can go into the river, maybe it’s just because it’s an object.
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oh, apparently Miu added a wall to the world. and yep, non-human objects can pass right through it, so that explains that.
also, Kokichi’s avatar had a setting that made it so that if Miu touched him, he’d be paralyzed.
and finally, there was a weird user error when they first logged in. Monotaro can’t get more specific about it than that, but something weird was definitely going on with one of their avatars.
with that last bit of information, it’s time for the trial.
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it’s starting off well, clearly.
anyway, Kokichi says that Kaito poisoned Miu after logging out before everyone else, but obviously he didn’t. Kokichi himself made sure that Shuichi knew what that poison did (wrt eyes--Miu’s aren’t bloodshot).
the cause of death was the simulator. something happened to her in there.
Maki and Shuichi both think that she was strangled.
...was she strangled with the toilet paper???? nothing can break there, so it couldn’t have broken off even if it was used for something like that.
oh, hey, that’s the next question.
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i mean, she wasn’t that bad. did i like her? not particularly, for the most part. would i say she deserved to get strangled by toilet paper? no.
...was Miu planning on killing Kokichi with the hammer? if she had it with her and Kokichi would’ve been paralyzed just by her touching him, that’s kind of shady. actually, that’s super shady, since she was the only one that knew about the hammer and the paralyzing thing AND she knew how to get rid of Kaito and put him on the roof intentionally. what the hell, Miu, Kokichi is obnoxious and said some terrible things to you, but that doesn’t mean you should kill him in VR.
and yep, it sure does look that way. the hammer gets brought up, since the toilet paper is pretty sure to be the murder weapon, and they ask why she had it.
apparently Miu was the one that asked Kokichi to meet her, so yeah, she was definitely going to try to kill him. and the poison was put in his seat so it wouldn’t be obvious what happened. Miu logged in two minutes after everyone else, so she had plenty of time to do it.
a mini debate about ~trusting friends~ happens again. once that’s done, everyone wants to hear from Kokichi, since he was supposed to meet with Miu and she ended up dead.
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makes sense!
Shuichi stops everyone from arguing about how suspicious Kokichi is so that actual facts can be focused on. he wants to figure out the mysteries surrounding Miu’s death before they move on.
like, for example, how she got to the roof. she definitely was over there--Tsugumi saw her through the window of the dining hall. she got through via her secret wall.
aaa, Kaito interrupted Shuichi’s explanation about the wall and it startled me. why, Kaito.
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...he did interrupt. i don’t think he’s just holding Shuichi back or anything, though. he is legitimately trying to help and his support helps Shuichi.
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wow! why. she’s already dead! you don’t need to do that!
him saying that does get some hints from the bears, though, so...
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again:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
he’s helpful in his own way when he feels like it, i guess. he’s just trying to have a good time.
speaking of that, the group has figured out that the sign must have passed through the wall, but they’re not sure how it got to the other side of the map.
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and he does help Shuichi, because he says that it’s the virtual world, so normal common sense doesn’t apply.
world loops! \o/
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yaaay, i actually know exactly everything i need to in this trial so far without having any trouble at all \o/
after the intermission, they try to figure out how the culprit got Miu’s body to the chapel if she’d been killed on the roof.
(also, something random i was wondering about that i finally got to find out by paying attention and listening: Gonta and Kiibo seem to be the only two people Kokichi doesn’t refer to as “last name-chan”--he just uses their first(/only) names.)
Kokichi, giving Shuichi the roof slope and everything else as a hint... that’s making it too obvious, geez. he should be able to figure that out without any hints!
why does Shuichi remember the lattice being in the storage room now when he didn’t remember it before... what the heck.
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oh, Monokuma hates Sonic the Hedgehog. o:
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~exposing Kokichi’s lie~
the one about him not going to the roof at all. he said that, but then he described the roof in a good amount of detail, so it’s bothering Shuichi.
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she didn’t say anything about the roof...
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:o aggressive Shuichi, huh.
wait, does getting aggressive mean lying back at him? i suck that that, Shuichi! i don’t know what you want me to lie about! uhhh... um. he could... pretend like he went into the salon and didn’t see Kokichi in there...?
oh! it worked on my first try! \o/
obviously everyone’s going to believe Shuichi over Kokichi. bu~t, Tsugumi would’ve seen Shuichi pass by if he’d actually gone to the salon, and she never noticed him.
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he tried so hard... oh, never mind, she still believes him even though it makes no sense.
Shuichi could absolutely get away with murder at this point if that was something he actually wanted to do.
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haha. what happened to being his ~partner~?
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Kokichi figured out what Miu was planning and decided to work with Monokuma to make his own plan, is essentially what he confesses.
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that’s not much of a revenge, though--
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Gonta has no idea what he’s talking about. also, no one believes Kokichi. they still think he did it.
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it’s true, there is. if Kokichi was touched by Miu he wouldn’t have been able to move, so there’s no way he could have killed her.
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chibi strangulation...
everyone still wants to say it’s Kokichi because they can’t believe Gonta is even capable of killing someone, but Shuichi thinks that something’s off. he knows how important it is to believe in people, but something just isn’t adding up for him right now.
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aw, Gonta. :( but... i mean, Shuichi’s 100% right, they can’t just believe in Gonta and not pursue this. Kaito can get as upset about it as he wants, he’s the one that befriended a detective that promised to never turn away from the truth.
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i didn’t get lost while picking the topics this time! \o/ this trial has been going pretty well for me; i don’t know if it’s because i’m more awake right now or if i’m just more used to the minigames...
anyway, everyone starts yelling because Kokichi yells at Gonta to say more than “i don’t know”, which is pretty much the only thing he’s been saying. Shuichi realizes that Gonta has been confused about things ever since they logged out.
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and Gonta lost his memory because of it somehow. possibly because he put the cords in wrong.
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wow, being a lefty really screwed him over there, didn’t it.
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haha. that’s been Shuichi’s reaction to so much of what Kokichi’s been doing... that or just going “え?”
and honestly, by process of elimination, it is obvious who committed the crime. Kokichi and Gonta were the only two that weren’t accounted for, and Kokichi physically couldn’t have killed her.
i’ve got to be honest, i don’t want Gonta to die here, but i can’t help but be impressed by the amount of work Kokichi put into this and everything he’s getting from it.
he got to work with Shuichi like he wanted, he got revenge on Miu for trying to kill him, he drove a wedge between Kaito and Shuichi solely by using the truth against them, he got to plan a murder without getting punished for it, and he got to have fun with the trial while knowing all of the twists.
Kaito still refuses to accept it, saying that Gonta was outside the mansion when Tsugumi and Shuichi came outside, so he couldn’t have done it. but that’s not true, because he could have used the toilet paper to climb down from the roof.
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he’s said it like 500 times, he’s there to face the truth. face the truth. you know, like he did when he essentially sentenced Kaede to death even though he probably really would’ve preferred to let her live somehow, because he knew how important facing the truth was to her and he basically promised to continue doing that so he (and everyone else) can get out of here.
it’s not about sides!
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that alien...
anyway, apparently Kokichi came up with the plan of using the toilet paper to exit the roof. he told Gonta to put it back in the bathroom, but since Gonta ran into Shuichi and Tsumugi, he ended up tossing it instead.
Kokichi tries to get Gonta to confess, but Shuichi stops him. he says if anyone’s getting Gonta to confess, it’s going to be him.
he’s much gentler about it than Kokichi has been, that’s for sure. what a sweetheart.
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Kokichi looks like an evil knockoff Precious Moments doll in that last panel...
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the little chibi people are cute...
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i’m guessing that Kaito is the one that voted for Kokichi there.
...the people that died in this chapter were the last two i hadn’t spent any time with... oops.
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Monokuma just made that...
anyway, Kokichi saw the outside world due to the card key. he asked Monokuma to reuse the outside world in the virtual world and then showed it to Gonta, which made Gonta even more confused about what he could do to help everyone (which he’s been worried about for a while now).
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he won’t explain more than that, though. he just honestly thought he’d be helping them.
oh hey, Gonta noticed Miu go through the wall and that’s why she ended up being slid off the roof.
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honey, if you really didn’t want him to go, you wouldn’t have messed up during the trial.
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what the hell did i just watch
anyway, people are upset and crying now. Maki tells Kokichi to tell them the secret of the outside world, now, so they can understand.
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Kokichi doesn’t want to tell them anything.
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Kaito gets more pissed off the more Kokichi talks until he’s had enough and goes to punch him again like he did before. but...
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Kokichi noticed that Kaito seems to be slower than before, too.
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how is her hair doing that
anyway, everyone starts to ignore Kokichi in favor of helping Kaito.
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oh, wow. that’s cold, Shuichi, you have his underwear in your inventory.
(i know that doesn’t change anything in the game, but it is kind of funny...)
Kokichi doesn’t seem too bothered by Shuichi saying that. he pretty much just says he’s bored and leaves after saying he’ll be the one to win this game.
after that, everyone’s 100% focused on Kaito, who doesn’t seem to be doing well at all.
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that’s a lot of blood!
lmao “my cold just got worse” what kind of terrible lie is that even
he says he just needs something to drink and to rest in his room. Shuichi offers to help him, but Kaito doesn’t want his help.
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oooh, did he go back to using Shuichi’s last name? did that trial actually do permanent damage to their friendship? :o i figured it’d cause problems, but i wasn’t sure if Kaito would actually hold a grudge like this.
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seriously, how do you do that with your face
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oh, his name is on there! i was wondering. that’s part of the reason i figured i’d be able to realize what it was if i saw it in Japanese, because if any part of “Ouma” was on there i’d at least know it had something to do with him.
...the reason why i started wondering about it is because i was going to make a stupid joke about grandmas in one of the earlier posts, since “Oma” is the German word for “Grandma”, and then i remembered that’s actually how they spell Kokichi’s last name here. >_>
that’s it for this chapter! idk what’s up with Kokichi, but i guess i’ll find out eventually. :U  i need to go to sleep now because it’s almost noon. those trials always take longer than i think they do...
(next chapter!)
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