#aaaa domestic foul legacy my beloved
that-foul-legacy-lover · 11 months
this is a bit of a silly thought, but
do y'all think Foul Legacy has ever experienced carbonated water.... or just ANY carbonated beverage?
because i personally don't think he has and just spent 10 minutes imagining his reaction to one. maybe you're just sipping on some fizzy water while doing work one day and Foul Legacy pokes his head in to see how you're doing, wandering over and sitting beside your desk. his attention drifts to your mug and the peculiar sounds it's making, as if the liquid inside were popping and sizzling like water on a hot pan. he cranes his head forward to take a peek, letting out tiny curious chirps and trills as he stares at the bubbles rising and popping on the surface, entranced. you glance over at him and chuckle, pushing the cup towards Legacy, gesturing for him to take a sip, and he gingerly raises the cup and tastes your drink.
you laugh kindly when he squeaks in surprise, the tip of his tongue poking out of his mouth and his single crystalline eye wide and amazed. he samples it again, his lilac fur poofing up and becoming a soft cloud of fluff as his wings begin fluttering in sheer delight. Legacy looks at you, then the mug, and back again, waiting for your permission to drink more, and you simply smile in that warm, soft way of yours and say that the rest is his. he chitters happily and you turn back to your work, the sound of Legacy delicately lapping up the beverage keeping you company.
from then on, you always call him when you're drinking something carbonated so you can offer him a taste, and if he likes it, you fetch another cup and pour some for him, your Abyssal roommate overjoyed at getting to experience those happy little bubbles of sunshiney liquid again.
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