#aaaa this sucks sry its 5am
sips-tea-cutely · 2 years
Can I request Venti comforting a depressed reader? Maybe a reader going through bullying based on their appearance (chubbiness in my case)
Thank you in advance!!
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Venti comforting a bullied!reader
a/n: YES YES YES OKAY OKAY I GOT THIS!! also i apologize if these are inaccurate or are harmful/hurtful towards other people. and if you feel insecure or is actually getting bullied, try not hesitate to reach out to people about this problem. -ibuki
cw: mentions of ed
a/n 2: ugh she never finished it smh!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 cant trust these hoes anymore looking for a new wife…. -maki
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walking down the steps towards your house, today was such a good day— maybe he could really pay master diluc for a bottle of dandelion wine this time!~ "haaah, today had quite the audience!! hmm ehehe i cant wait to see my blume-"
"--really think that sweet innocent bard would want someone like you?"
venti stopped in his tracks and directed his attention towards the hostile voice. he hid somehwere nearby in order to see who was the victim because, being venti, he was obviously going to help, until— he saw a familiar lock of hair out the corner of his eye.
his eyes shot open once he realized,
you were the victim.
"honestly i bet the bard just wants you for your voice. theres no way he would want you for your... appearance. plus! you dont even sound that good so really, you’d be nothing but a nuisance to him."
his blume was getting harassed by "some self-obsessed bitch", the new nickname given to your harasser.
he was furious, FURIOUS. the winds matching his mood, it started swaying with an unforgiving speed. but he had to calm down since he knew you’d know it was him causing the wind, thus would give away his hiding spot.
for about 30 minutes or so, he had to watch his beloved get bashed and slandered, every minute making it harder not for him to go straight to the two of you and feed the narcissist to dvalin. god, her voice was so high-pitched, it’s almost like she’s doing it on purpose.
to restrain his anger, venti went straight home midway and set up a lamplit dinner with his specialty, a barbatos ratatouille!!
while waiting for you, he had been left alone with his thoughts, the thoughts of a lackluster god
he should have known. this was the reason all along, she was the reason.
the reason behind your paranoia of calories and carbs, the times you’d often go without any food until dinner, your obsession with weight-loss drugs, and frequent outings to take jogs.
he knew that wasn't who you really were, no out of everything, you were confident in yourself, body positive and not taking shit from anyone. so, why?
why didnt he do anything?
it was the reason, the reason behind your small smiles, barely audible giggles, and refusal of doing any music gigs with him.
he should have known.
because you always had the biggest smile and always, always loved to sing with him.
the door opened for him to see you at the doorway announcing your arrival.
"AH! MY BLUME! how was your day?" he ran up to you like a golden retriever reunited with its’ owner.
you smiled softly.
‘theres that smile again. that fake, fake smile.’ he thought.
"hello venti. you made dinner tonight?” you gasp at the beautiful ratatouille. “im surprised the house isnt on fire yet." you giggle softly.
"well, i had a feeling that i should make some food tonight!! my audience sure loved todays performance and my happiness is still trying to wear off. i might become too prideful, hehe~"
he pulled your chair back for you to sit, like a gentleman would. you kindly took the gesture and sat down as he pushed the chair back forward, and went to his own seat.
2 minutes in, he broke the silence.
"how was your day today?"
you smiled.
"today was splendid. i got to go out of mondstadt for a walk and enjoy nature. enjoy life while it lasts, you know?"
life while it lasts.
he was immortal, you werent, he remembered.
his lips slightly curved upwards.
"i get it, did you meet anyone along the way?"
he wanted the truth out of you, even if he had to be sneaky about it.
“oh yes! i managed to come across flora and have a little chat with her about her flowers, my, she’s quite an entrepreneur for a little girl!” your lips curve at the memory of your conversation with the young florist.
venti was pissed. at what? it could be anything at this point; at you for not telling him you needed help, at himself for not figuring it out sooner, at her for causing you so much grief.
“i know you’re being bullied.” he said. he sounded so bold and confident it was almost out of character for him to act like this. did you really matter that much to him?
“i get if you don’t want me to get involved, i guess… but at least, please tell captain kaeya about this. personally, blume, i think you’re beautiful the way you are. ill support you if you really do want to change something about your appearance but please don’t do it because you don’t fit some sort of beauty standard. isn’t monstadt all about your freedom, dear?”
your hands were shaking and your eyes looked everywhere, anywhere for a distraction. “i- well…it’s true i don’t want you to get involved cause only celestia know what you’ll do to her but… yeah, ill tell kaeya about it tomorrow but for now…” you say before grabbing his delicate palm, the heat of the lamp shining brightly.
“i want to spend time with my favorite bard.”
that smile. it’s not fake anymore, your blushed cheeks are scrunched up from joy. finally, you understand what he has always meant.
no matter what will happen, he’ll always be there to comfort you, until death will do part.
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