#aaaa we're sorry this took forever!
bmo from adventure time is plural [headcannon but very hinted at]
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[ID: BMO from Adventure Time over the plural flag by Kenochoric. End ID]
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wovenwhimsically · 2 years
“There Goes My Life” by Kenny Chesney for Sai, “Never Grow Up” by Taylor Swift for Rolf, and “Promise to Try” by Madonna for Hammerlock! Sorry if this is too many, I just adore your ships! /gen ●• 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓻𝓫𝓮𝓽
Aaaa thank you, and no such thing- I always appreciate the asks! Though it did get a bit wordy 😅. I sent you some back for your new mom f/o, congratulations by the way- she's so sweet and I'm sure she gives you every bit of love she can! ^^
1.) “There Goes My Life” by Kenny Chesney - Was your parental F/O really ready to serve a parental role for you? Was it a quick adjustment or did it take some time for them?
Sai took on at the very least a protective role instantly, considering he found me fighting for my life trying to sneak out of one of Tamriel's many caves. We fought our way out side by side, and afterwards he initially wanted to make sure I got back to where I needed to be but after learning that besides the occasional jobs I would do I mostly drifted without a place to call home he decided that I'd always have a place with him if I needed- which I am forever grateful for. Our bond over the years has strengthened and even though he's not necessarily a physically affectionate parent he's never shy about telling me that he's proud of me.
5.) “Never Grow Up” by Taylor Swift - Does your parental F/O baby you? If so, does this bother you? If not, do you sometimes wish they did?
O h boy does Rolf baby me, but he's not necessarily overbearing about it. He's constantly checking up on me making sure I'm taking care of myself, which I really appreciate because sometimes it's hard for me- if that means he shows up during the day wanting me to cook for the both of us because he knows taking care of myself is easier when I'm also taking care of someone else then he's happy to. There's no doubt in my mind though that if we had bonded/known each other when I was younger that he would've gotten overbearing from time to time and it would have bothered me, but I'm older now and not so reluctant to accept the support.
3.) “Promise to Try” by Madonna - Sure, your parental F/O comforting you is all fine and dandy, but how do you comfort and support your parental F/O?
Hammerlock is definitely more of a logical man who sometimes needs a bit of help processing more emotional situations, and I'm always happy to lend a hand. When he gets worked up about something he gets anxious and needs to get out somewhere before he's fully able to process and express his feelings- luckily, it's easy to read when he gets to that place so I know when to suggest some sort of adventurous outing to get him out of the house. After we're out and he's able to clear his head it becomes much easier for him to talk it out with usually either me or Wainwright and re-center himself, after which he's extremely appreciative and I'm happy to see the spring in his step again.
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