#your fave is plural
bmo from adventure time is plural [headcannon but very hinted at]
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[ID: BMO from Adventure Time over the plural flag by Kenochoric. End ID]
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spacehareart · 15 days
I got this ad for temu ( fuck temu ) on youtube and it made me laugh. So... draw your favorite old man character in this.
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I'm probably gonna draw William Afton LOL
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yourfaveisafictive · 2 years
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Your fave is a fictive: YOU
(request by @verdantmeadows)
[ Image ID: a pastel horizontal striped flag ranging from green to pink from top to bottom with a picture of an ornate golden mirror imposed over it /end ID ]
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zehecatl · 2 months
i really like hearing about people's favourite anime, plural or otherwise, but so often i feel like people's top lists are just. the same
like, no, i'm not asking you to rank them on a 'best of' level. i'm asking for your personal favourite list. put that biases in!! think with your HEART, not your brain!!!
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tommyssupercoolblog · 10 months
Tommyinnit is a factive!!!!
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I submitted this to that "your fave is a factive" blog but found out they haven't posted since 2019, so. I just took the edit i made (which i made using the flag template they gave in their blog) an am posting it. dances
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Several (Very) Small Dumbo Octopi (From Real Life)
Several (Very) Small Dumbo Octopodes from Real Life are being blended!!
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You cannot save them.
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yourfaveisafactive · 2 years
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Your fave is a factive: Daniel Howell
(request by anon)
[ Image ID: a flag with horizontal stripes ranging from pink at top to green in the middle and back to pink at the bottom with a picture of Daniel Howell imposed over it /end ID ]
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always-a-slut-4-ghouls · 11 months
I see those Etsy listings for earrings with “your favorite book cover” on tiny books and I’m always super tempted (when I have money) but I can’t think of any single novel that would qualify as my favorite (after the age of 14) and while I now think i have a favorite series, i don’t have a single favorite book in fiction. I can however think of two non-fiction books that I absolutely adore but I’m not sure if that would be a weird request or not 🤔
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jareauwalker · 2 years
What's your take on people who say that Nick truly loves and respects women
my take is that we are watching two very different shows lmao
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itswalky · 20 days
I've been reading DoA for ages now, but I recently convinced my friend to start reading and she got absolutely SUCKED IN. Just wanted to thank you for the fantastic plural and other nd rep in Amber especially, she is REALLY well written in that regard and my friend is enamored (Amber is by far her fave character!). Your writing with her irt Mike's death was some of my favorite in the comic; I still think about it all the time.
Amber's my little rascal. I love her.
And thank you! I hope to do my best.
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your-fave-is-plural · 11 months
Dogma from The Binding of Isaac is Willogenic!
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The Willogenic flag is VERY pretty, and this is a very cool character design!
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mendely · 6 months
Your fave is problematic: Tarantulas (Transformers)
Transforms into one (1) tarantula
A singular tarantula
Just one (I counted)
What is this
I thought your name was TarantulaS. Plural
Yknow, like, several big spiders
He ain't even TWO tarantulas
What a scam
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yourfaveisafictive · 2 years
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Your fave is a fictive: Your OC
(request by anon)
[ Image ID: a pastel horizontal striped flag ranging from green to pink from top to bottom with a picture of a realistic disembodied hand pointing towards the viewer imposed over it /end ID ]
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meirimerens · 3 months
what is something in English (language) that you like (specific words, sounds, turns of phrase, etc) that doesn't exist in French, and the other way around. asking because you write prose in your (second?) language; thank you; hope you had a horsesome mountaincation.
favorite type of question but equally there's so much to be said i don't even know where to begin.... cometh off the top of the dome:
in english that doesn't exist in french:
the sound th in english. inexistant in french, which is why you can recognize a french speaker by the fact that the "th" sound will be switched for a "s", "f" or "z" depending on the word. it's not as sibilant as sss, not as ethereal/light as fff. it can be subdued or it can be overt and wide, baring all the upper teeth, almost animal. it's also very common, so you can very easily use it for alliterations and the like.
an easier time "building" words, especially color-related adjectives, as well as the -ness, and the -less. ironblue eyes. rustred skin. chalkwhite, bloodblue, almost comes naturally to the english syntax due to the position of its adjectives relating to the noun.
the pronoun "it" in the meanings of "it ought to", "it should be", etc. french doesn't have a neutral grammatical gender and all neutral statements that in english are formed around "it ought to", "it is raining," etc are created with "il" (masculine singular), which sometimes just doesn't fit the vibe. doesn't fit the syntax, the atmosphere, the statement, the mood.
verbs that, regardless of tense, are similar in tones and construction enough that you can deploy multiple in a sentence while still keeping a rhythm. french grammar & conjugation is, for that, a headache.
in french that doesn't exist in english:
a distinction between a singular informal you, a singular formal You, and a plural yous (tu and vous). this exists in so many languages and lacks in english. it is so wonderful for all matters of multiplicity, of power struggle (inherently Oneirotects-esque), it is inherently erotic in the way it codifies language between two strangers that get closer. there is a line in P2 where, in the russian version, Burakh slips from formal You to informal you when speaking to Dankovsky, immediately catches himself, and Dankovsky reassures him that no, go on. it has been changed for a curse word slip-up in english, but that decimates imo the change of the power dynamic that is implied with a change between You and you.
the word Cyprine. if you were #there when i wrote my yulieva piece, i was sooo mad about its nonexistence in english i just ended up using it as it exists in french, because all the translations in english are so neutered, bordering on crass, and not even in a sensual way. ptoo!!!
the phrase "entre chien et loup". my fave among all. literally, it means "between dog and wolf". figuratively, it is used to speak about this hour of the evening where the light begins to dip, and all forms and shapes begin looking alike: a light in which you would not be able to differentiate between a dog and a wolf. the "between" also has a double meaning: it is the between of "picking between one & the other", and the between of a physical space that one could inhabit.
an ABUNDANCE of ways to have the sound "eh": é, ée, és, ées, ai, ais, ait, ez, er, aient, ..., and to have them often. this makes it so writing, even without trying, can have a rhythm, pleasant sonorities, assonances. this is something i found when writing PSLR, i was constantly running into the -é- sound, and it ended up giving this "rocking" motion of a boat, of waves... fitting for the subject matter. it is a very easy rhyme/assonance, demands basically no thought, but because it is so simple & common, it gives a sense of pleasant and familiar motion. almost lulling.
off the top of the dome here's what i can find... there's prolly so much more. i could talk about how french is so much more fitted i find to long sentences, to déambulations, to wordy wanderings, to sensible introspection, which Does Not Stop Me from writing this way in english, and reciprocally english is fitted for abrasion, swiftness, for a bounciness that french sometimes lacks, for sentences without a subject that appear like gashes or bruises... i have to learn every language on earth ever.
and THANK YOU + you know it yourself. watch this
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remcycl333 · 2 years
Hi Rem I have states success stories, special thanks to @blushydior and @angelsinluvwithherself for this
It was dreadful, I didn’t eat, addicted to everything, self harming (ex told me I was bad at it which futher encourages me), grades were falling, I was hostile and snappy, people treated me badly. I affirmed through my tears but it made me feel worse. Then I read Edward Art, his post about nervous breakdown and everything stems from imagination helped me tremendously, he said u don’t have to affirm and I trust that man with my life 🫡 so I stopped eating my heart out in the counter app. Here are successes from yours truly:
Happiness. I cried when I realized I’m finally happy
Recovered from most of the addiction
Dad got his inheritance that I didn’t know he has after I moved to the state of being a trustfund baby lol
My hair color was uneven, now it’s even and healthy
Non romantic and out of thin air sps
I also got romantic attention but only visibly from guys and I do not go there 😵‍💫
Noticed by my fave musicians (plural)
Money and material things
Stop slacking and acing my works
Being taken seriously: I like sports and dudes were dismissive or won’t talk to me about it, now they always ask me first and I got more sports gal pals
English: I could understand others but my texts were incomprehensible. So I moved to the state of being an english speaker, now I can form a coherent sentence and read books in english
And a lot more. I’ll update more successes, luv ya
i’m so proud of you omg!!! this is amazing 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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mrsoharaa · 16 days
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𝑪𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒀𝒐𝒖
characters; your 2 faves x you!
cw; spooky/creepy vibes, knife play (?? if you leer hard enough I guess?), suspense, predatory x prey play.
a/n; just a litttttle gander of what I want to sooo desperately want to get into towards spooky time! I've been thinking about this for a whileee now and I just can't wait to dip a wii bit into the dark content area with this sort of context ~ 👀😩🥴
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The heavy pants of your breaths fills the foggy, muggy air. Chest rising and falling frantically as nothing but shrouded mist and bone swelling anxiety dwells into the thick marrow.
You take a deep breath. 1, 2, and then exhale. Calming the hectic breathing collapsing from your chest. Closing your eyes momentarily, as a snapped twig immediately catches your attention, your heart thrashing more erratically against your weighted, heaving chest. Goosebumps quickly nipping all over your prickled skin, a thrilling, eerie chill seizing down your arched spine amongst the damped tree trunk hiding your shuddering little figure.
Motionless you tried to still every atom and bone in your jittering body, taking in cautious breaths as to compose yourself from any noticeable signs of your lingering, frightened presence.
Finally having the time to collect yourself from the growing anxiety and terror clawing it's way through your bones, you gently close your eyes and relax fully into the distant comfort of the trees moldy trunk. Your hands unball from it's tighten, anxious confinements and your limbs loosen in their stifled contractions.
Nothing but the sound of distant owls whooing in the moggy air and the slight breeze of a dreary wind. Hardly, coaxing you into a space of serenity and peace.
And with your body finally getting to it's final stage of relaxation from gripping tensity and terror, your lips shudder out a sharpen gasp as your head instinctively tilts upward as a cold metal brisk smoothly yet, promptly at the nape of your neck. Feeling the edge of the sudden sharpen blade against the supple skin of your staggering throat. A gloved, strong hand gradually and firmly, snugging it's way around the rest of your throat beneath the knife's placement. Long covered fingers drape ever so dangerously tightly around the constricting base of your throat. A low, heinous chuckle creepily wisps within the dreaded air.
Immediately, your body and mind melds back into that frantic state of horror and fear. A tinge of exhilieration and adrenaline runs through the course of your pumping blood. Nothing but sheer dismay and panic permeates all through your trembling, pinned body.
You inhale a deep gasp as you feel the fingers easily, forciably motion your head towards the right. Forcing you to gaze at the masked stranger holding you threateningly against the uncomfortable rigid bark prodding against your back.
"There you are angel...didn't take us long to find you, hm?" the muffled, deep voice coos with such wicked malice linting in his tone, tilting and angling the tip of the knife just right at the bridge of the underside of your chin.
Us? as in, plural? more then just one - oh.
Every ounce of fiber in your body hurled into a deeper state of dread and alarm. Another bleak touch of a filed blade caresses the tender of your soft left cheek, slowly, terrifyingly grazing down from the plush of the supple flesh to the corner of your tightly pursed lush lips.
You felt your pounding heart immediately drop to the pit of your churning stomach. Eyes still tightly knitted closed as your quivering skin basks in nothing but absolute panic. Mind restlessly racing with troubled thoughts.
"What a pretty little thing you are, yeah? guess we got ourselves a catch here, hm partner?" the one holding the blade against your lips purs with demented amusement, a devious low cackle tainting the thicken air around you. Angling the tip of his blade down into the pliable plump skin of your bottom lip, hardly displaying your tongue and gritted teeth.
The other, gently rakes the edge of his blade along the underside of your chin, up along the tightened alignment of your clenched jawline, leaning ever so dangerously and uninvitingly close to the shell of your feverish ear. The stifled husk of hot breaths seeping through the material of his mask, gnawing against the velvety plush of your skin.
"Indeed we do, now the question remains..." the touch of the man whisking heavily into the shell of your ear's blade brisks ever so musingly at the flesh of your jaw. Erupting those pesky goosebumps and hot flashed terror all over your stiffened stature. His masked face crooning into the slant of your neck and ear, flinging the tip of his blade coyishly against your tittering skin.
"What do we do with our pretty little captive, now that we have cornered her?"
The other chuckles amusingly, menacingly as he closes himself into the enclosed space of your general personal vicinity. His own mask nearly grazing over the hilt of your hiked chin, breathing almost hungrily, impatiently against the warm, shaky flesh. His own blade drowsing down the slope of your neck down to the indents of your collarbone.
"Isn't it obvious?..." he mellows with such certainty, eagerness almost honing his dreadful, leering toying tone. Cranes his own head closer towards yours.
"We break her of course"
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