#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh not proodread at all im falling alseep now tchh mimimi
sommerregenjuniluft · 6 months
76. for bartylily/rosekillily pls<3
76. "i need you to pretend we're dating..." from this post
ahhhahaahaa heeeeeyy elio what a coincidence to see you here on this fine evening with this fine ask lets get into it ~Slug Club shenanigans
"Crouch! Crouch," comes in a hiss and Barty's lips already tug in a wide grin before there's a painful pinch on his arm and he turns to no other than Lily Evans, cheeks flushed a delightful pink, aubern hair glinting beautifully in the backdrop of the chandeliers of Slughorn's office and green eyes intense as ever.
"Well, hello my dear Lilyflower," he drawls, cocking his head and letting his posture slouch even more to get closer to her. "What can I do you f—"
Another pinch, harder this time, "Shut up." And Barty's cheeks strain. "I need you to pretend we're dating."
"Lily, love, if you'd wanted a snog you could have just asked. You know tha—"
"Never fucking mind."
"Nooo, waitwaitwait," Barty reels her back in by the crook of her elbow, then sets on his best pokerface, "Who are we scaring off?"
Lily rolls her eyes, lips falling into a pout as she warily scans the crowd, "You know who."
Barty grins, exposing sharp teeth, "Yeah but I wanna hear you say it."
"You-" Lily's nostrils flare, glaring up at Barty, then presses out a long breath that's persumably supposed to be grounding, "Well, Potter obviously."
Barty hums understandingly, "And of course you know I'm the only one in school that could meassure up to him despite being one year younger, huh? So smart and talented I could even beat an upperclassman in a fair fight."
Lily's mouth has parted halfway through Barty's monologue, the knit in her eyebrows remaining, though she doesn't say a word against the way Barty's palms are slowly settling over the width of her hips, the velvety dress indecently warm against his skin.
The ginger girl tuts, poking the tip of an index finger against the middle of Barty's chest accusingly, "First of all, I'll have you know that I could take both Potter and Black in a fight on my own if I had to, thank you very much and second," she narrows her eyes, tugging on Barty's tie, "Since when have ever had a fair duel, Mr. Fighting Dirty?"
The smirk on Barty's face turns preditory and his hands squeeze over Lily's soft waist, "Keeping tabs on me, Evans? I feel flattered. Though I suppose that's not uncommen to do with your crush—I'd be lying if I told you I was here for any other reason than you tonight."
"Hm," Lily makes skeptically, "Sweet talker."
Barty shrugs the insult away before zeroing back in on her, "So what are our parameters here?"
Lily simply raises a brow at him.
Barty rolls his eyes overly dramatic, "Merlin, Lils, do you want us to sell this or not? C'mon, sweets, work with me here. Want me to snog your face off in front of him so he'll leave you alone once and for all?"
"Wha— Barty," she exclaims, eyes blitzing and making an excited shiver roll down Barty's spine, "Are you mad?! Nobody is snogging anyone's face off here."
Barty pouts, "Worth a shot."
"Excuse m—"
"Holding hands then?" Barty intervenes, swiping his thumbs over the knobs of Lily's hipbones and watching in satisfaction as her eyelids flutter.
She licks her lips quickly, "Sure."
Barty lets his eyes sweep over the crowd as he gradually pulls Lily in. He stares at a portrait on the opposite wall when he announces, "There he is. A cheek kiss perhaps?"
"Don't test your fucking luck," Lily growls, tough she makes an effort to cross her wrists behind Barty's neck. She starts playing with the short strands at the nape of his neck, even though Potter wouldn't even be able to see that given that he's supposed to be at Lily's back.
"Or maybe a real one after all?" he muses, ducking lower.
Lily's next inhale stutters a little on the intake, her breath spilling warm and humid and smelling like grapes over Barty's mouth. "Thin fucking ice, Crouch."
Barty chuckles softly, "Good thing I'm an excellent swimmer then." And then he closes the distance.
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