#aaaaaaagh ap calc
spacebrick3 · 6 years
Questions for the Author
Tagged by @loopyhoopydrabbles - thanks so much!
1. Who has the darker backstory, your protagonist or your antagonist?
Probably the protagonists, in any of my WIPs (except possibly Technomancy, which varies back and forth based on who is actually the antagonist in each part of the story). Empty Space’s main antagonists are the Crystallines, which live between the wormholes - since the protagonists are human, there’s more opportunity for backstories there. Contact Magic is similar - also, I haven’t been able to develop the Arbiters as much as I’d like to.
2. What creeps out your main character? 
Sadie: She’s fine with confined spaces - she has to be, as a former ship mechanic - but she really hates not having an escape route. 
Aura: Confined spaces or spaces where she can’t see the horizon. This leads to some strange instances where this comes on - it can happen both in a dark, confined room or outside in the mountains if they hide the horizon. This is why she likes sailing - most of the time, you can always see the horizon.
3. How long have you been working on your latest WIP?
Technomancy: Since late Dec. 2017
Empty Space: the idea’s been floating around since…a while, but I’ve only been working on it since around Jan. 2018
Contact Magic: …two weeks? *checks tumblr* since about the 4th of May, it turns out. .
4. Which character is most like you and why?
Er…I don’t know. Maybe a mash of the Empty Space characters, but I’m not sure if there’s a specific one.
5. What genre is your latest WIP?
Contact Magic is a…high fantasy, I think? *checks Wikipedia on high vs low fantasy* Yes, it is a high fantasy, since it’s set in a different world.
6. What’s your main character’s idea of a perfect date?
Lin: I don’t know, but taking her to a movie would be nice since she’s never seen one before and so would be utterly fascinated probably the whole time.
Sadie: Sadie doesn’t really seem like a “date” person - she’d probably more just hang out with whoever and kind of gradually become closer if she liked them.
Aura: Hard to say, but maybe on a boat somewhere? Or something out in nature?
7. If your main character was an animal, what would it be and why?
Lin: maybe…like, a large animal that’s generally peaceful but can absolutely maul you if it gets angry. So like a bear or a moose or something, I guess.
Sadie: something stealthy. i don’t know enough about animals to say though.
Aura: Golden eagle. After all, she a) is literally golden due to her magic, and b) loves being up high.
8. What books/films/songs have influenced your WIP, if any?
Technomancy: Harry Potter, definitely - it basically stemmed from an internal conversation where I tried to figure out why electronics wouldn’t work - plus, probably most of the books with magic where science is then otherwise ignored for some reason.
Empty Space: It’s not a story, but Our Mathematical Universe by Max Tegmark really gave me a bunch of ideas for multiverses and the wormholes, and then the very, very, very first story that eventually became Empty Space was inspired by The Martian (it was about somebody who got trapped in a black hole).
Contact Magic: Probably Mistborn or any other of Brandon Sanderson’s works.
9. What annoying writing habit do you have? (ie, too many commas, too many loong sentences etc).
I think I can only write like…three or four sentence structures overall? I don’t know, but I feel like I keep seeing the same structures in my WIPs and it bothers me.
10. Describe your WIP in one sentence.
Technomancy: Combining science and magic breaks first the magical political balance and then the universe.
Empty Space: Dysfunctional military engineers invent the wormhole; then deal with the fact that a) everybody wants to use it, and b) there are creatures in the multiverse who don’t appreciate being disturbed.
Contact Magic: In a world where magic dictates the color of your hair and eyes, the dye and contact industry has been recently outlawed; the solution, of course, is revolution.
I’m not going to tag people since I have lot to do right now (AP Calc mostly plus like five other tag games i need to get around to) but feel free to do these and tag me!
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