#aang is a whole 16 inches taller than toph
comradekatara · 1 year
how tall r all the members of the adult gaang + fire nation girls
i've talked about this before but i didn't give their specific heights so you know what. i shall do so now
aang: 6'5" reaching cousin greg levels
katara: 5'7.5" but she rounds it up to 5'8" when asked
sokka: 6'1" respectable but still significantly shorter than aang :(
toph: 5'1" she stays tiny her whole life
zuko: 5'11" and yes it bothers him so much that he is one inch away from being six feet
suki: 5'8" only ever so slightly taller than katara but it bothers katara so much
ty lee: 5'5" the exact same height as everyone in her family
mai: 6'1" she wears platform boots specifically so she can be taller than sokka
azula: 5'3" she got iroh's short genes and it infuriates her
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