#aaoth n s f w
doriana-gray-games · 1 year
hello dearest author! I found TASH:AAH (abbreviation struggle 😖) a few days ago and it is AMAZING— I adore the writing and characters you’ve built for these names so much! definitely will do all the routes!
oh, but I do have a NSFW (but fluffy?) question. I saw it a while ago on another blog, and you definitely don’t have to answer if you don’t want to or if it makes you uncomfortable (sorry!!) I was wondering, how would the ROs react to an MC that one day maybe got a little emotional during ‘the act’ and ended up teary-eyed and repeatedly saying ‘I love you…’ ? ‘twas a shower thought, truly.
Ahhh <3<3<3 I love it when people say they will try all the routes!!! 😍 PLZ DO!
Hmmmm, not sure it's nsfw but I'll tag it! -.- It might be now...
I have a soft spot for genuinely caring ROs, so they would all very much check up on the MC, make sure they are ok, nothings wrong etc.
But more specifically:
(I assume it's late stage romance/love stage)
W: OMg lol, they would freak out. Just a mess of, I did that wrong, I hurt them, damn my strength, type thoughts running through their mind. But if MC can explain that it is not a bad reaction per se, I think... they too might tear up a little and then you'd have an overtly lovey dovey lovemaking with an abundance of reassurances and loving affirmations.
L: ... stunned lol. Like, full on freeze mode. Then... once everything is cleared up... ngl... they find it hot. Very hot. Passionate love making ensues!
A: Probably would know that crying can happen during such times... but the 'I love you's might be more... rare. And so would their reaction be. They would slow down. 'Don't cry, don't cry' they would whisper. Forcing you to look at them, to breathe. To smile. Hi. Its all good. Im here. Im not going anywhere... I love you too. Let me cheer you up with my ?!%#?!
H: Would depend on route I think... but one version would be very caring, a reverent slowness ensuing, a lot of kissing, maybe after, taking you to a bath and feeding you chocolate sweets... The other version... 😳 well, they wouldn't slow down exactly...
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doriana-gray-games · 2 years
could i please have nsfw bits for Watson??? i am obsessed and we're going to get married in the countryside<333 Btw!! you are doing amazing so far with the game im so excited for the next update!!!
Oh, Country wedding--cute <3 I think Watson would like that!
Warning for adult stuff ⚠️
I feel dirty... what have y'all made me do
Watson NSFW facts (non-platonic Watson):
A virgin
Not necessarily because they were waiting for the one (but yes, they were also waiting for the one) but mostly because they need to know someone well to find them sexually appealing--and while they have many acquaintances, they have had very few close friends. Sherlock was lightning in a bottle--they weren't sure they would ever find this.
I bet they like the undressing stage... themselves or the partner. Just like unwrapping a present :p
Naturally thiccc bootay 🍑
Strong legs
Strong in general--do with that what you will
Can be a bit possessive (but in not a super extreme way)
Can be dominant if you want them to
Quite good at taking charge with... things
They won't be okay with really hurting you!
Though if you ever fall of the bed and hurt yourself they could patch you up 👍
mostly they are a kinda subby
tell them what to do
spank them
tell them they are being a good boy/girl
Praise them and I swear they would run into traffic for you. They might even share their food!
On that note--
they would like sharing food romantically
maybe even bringing it into the bedroom
"Were you baking? You hair even smells like butter—god—"
Has experience of anatomy, is curious, and knowledgeable (despite their lack of experience)-- not a clumsy first timer!
Good with their hands. Likes to keep the hands steady, nimble, and strong for their job...
Likes to keep the lights on (well, candlelight or natural light I suppose, but you get it)
Love and lust are the same to them
they will tell you they love you during (and before and after)
Can get a little too eager
Likes waists (it's canon now)
Not very discreet when aroused
Cuddle them all night long--they love that shit
Would be so soft for your both's first time, the little cinnamon roll
Has scars
Meticulous in their pursuit of your pleasure
looses themselves in it
Would be quite nervous in the beginning--Unless MC was very nervous, that would force them to calm down and take charge!
Will prepare and do a lot of research in advance
a lot
like, homework and lists
Likes the flavour of icing on your lips
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doriana-gray-games · 3 years
Watson fakeout makeout thingy
It's about half past 2 am... I really wanted to get this out tho for Watson day (hey, it's still Watson day somewhere)!
This is a continuation of this Lestrade fakeout-makeout post
it's a little raunchy, (but not in the way you probably hope :P), anyway, I'm setting a +16 rating on it—please let me know if that's not how age ratings work, because tbh I still don't really know despite having tried to learn them.
How very new this is.
It would not be the first time you have had to dress up like this, to assume an identity, and lie to solve a case. However, it is the first time you have had to enter such a site of sights—
Bodies, tongues, and sweaty skin.
A place of easy business and expensive pleasure. Seemingly, the victorian morals went out the window with the bustiers—quite remarkable what you have seen, still only in the foyer.
"Are you quite sure you are ready for this, Watson?" You look to your companion, whose eyes dart between the fabric-covered walls and carpeted floors.
They nod enthusiastically, their face blank and slightly sweating. "Uh-huh." They croak while peeling off their coat, unveiling unusually divulging clothes on their firm frame. "I'm fine—I'll be fine, Sherlock."
—Time to put on a show.
You do as Watson does and follow suit, and with fewer layers, the air feels cool on your exposed skin—which you notice their eyes lovingly trace.
"So—" they clear their throat, "we are here to confirm that Mrs Herringford was... attending, on the night of the murder, by searching the room she was in, is that right?"
And it seems Watson's blushing has already begun.
You suppose you'll have to take the lead today. "I suspect so. If that is the case, the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place—"
But your talks of topics best kept quiet are interrupted—a not very prim, yet very painted lady enters the room. "Welcome." She smiles widely at the both of you. Her glazed eyes roam your figure as she sways to your side. Her hand coming to linger lightly on your waist. "How very welcome you are, darling. What fun, new faces, very pretty ones at that—"
But you are pulled into Watsons side, by their hand coming around your back, and in doing so, replacing the woman's hand with their own. You almost stumble by the force, but are steadied by your companion's tight grip. "We're good, madam. Thank you." The clipped tone in Watson's voice feels even more foreign than their hand on your waist.
The lady looks a little disappointed but says nothing and leaves the room with a curtsy.
What in all damnation—"What was that?!" you whisper loudly.
Watson, yet holding on to you, still seems hard and determined. "I did not trust her. This is safer. I'll pretend to be your... intended or your..."
"My lover?"
Again they nod enthusiastically.
"Alright... I suppose that is a plan..."
"Good." They let go of your waist and instead take hold of your arm, leading you further into the establishment.
The next room is larger, with even more lush fabrics lining the walls and some bodies pressed against them, if not sprawled on sedans or chairs.
"I believe the older woman in the corner is the madame. We need to strike up a conversation with her."
"Got it."
"And Watson?"
"Do I have your permission to act?"
"... Do, please, use some sense."
"I'll take that as a yes—"
"OH, MADAME!" you shout across the room as your partner stiffens. "My lover and I need a word with you—it is most urgent!"
Her eyebrows lift a little, and as you walk towards her, Watson in tow, the woman gestures towards a doorway obscured with drapes and beads.
"Th—thank you, madam—my lady—I uh..." Your companion struggles.
"Madame is quite alright, pet." She winks.
Who calls someone 'pet'? Completely abnormal, you think. As you pull Watson closer against you.
The new room is quieter, calmer. And you feel your mind finally formalizing the final part of the plan. "Madame," you begin, leaning into Watson as believable as you can when they are as rigid as a board, "my lover is very eager to get started—as I'm sure you can imagine. But, you see, we do not want what the rabble already have." You lower your voice, "we heard from Mrs Herringford, a dear friend, that you offer certain particular services, a special room, perhaps?"
At the mention of that name, she hardens. "Do we?"
"Do you not?"
You see it in her eyes. She does not trust you to be love-crazed customers. What she believes you are, you're not sure, but at this rate, you will never get your answers.
Time for drastic measures.
You lean into Watson as to whisper—"whisper something."
"Huh, what?" they whisper back.
"Oh, you rascal! You're positively rakish! Dirty bugger—not in front of the lady—" you smack their arm as you turn to the madame, "I beg your pardon, but I believe you see we're on the very edge here—unless you'd rather see us in flagrante—it might be best to, send us off, as it were."
"Oh, do go on."
"Luv, there's nothing I haven't seen—by all means, surprise me, and the room is yours." Her words are not too harsh, but her eyes are a different story.
Well, it is now or never...
You turn to your steadfast companion, who, to be perfectly honest, looks a little seasick. Whispering under your breath, "Watson, kiss me—"
"I—I, can't possibly—" they whisper back as a bead of sweat rolls down the side of their face.
"Watson, the lady, is looking at us—kiss me!"
They audibly swallow and, to their credit, lean in close. But not enough.
Oh, for god's sake—
You grab their neck and pull them in.
As their lips clash on yours. The moment feels fast and hazed, yet Watson remains as if frozen under your touch. Even their soft stolen lips remain set. Their eyes closed, and as you stop moving, nothing happens. Their hand is on your hip, and the other halfway to your face—
But you thought... you thought maybe... something more... not...
You remove yourself from them, feeling foolish for thinking—
As the hand that you had snaked around their neck loosens,
"No—" You feel their palm suddenly on your cheek, their fingers moving you, only for lips to meet again. Watson's hand on your hip pulls you in. Their hand in your hair. Yours in theirs. And how warm they are. And soft. And all you ever wanted.
Your breaths are gasping, and again, and again you meet.
What mission? No moment ever existed before, practically melting away. As their steady form hold you as you feel ready to—
"—quite enough, you two, you'll get slobber on the carpet!" a distant voice shakes your mind awake.
You release them, and they release you. But you can't look at them. Not now.
The madame looks impatiently and unimpressed. "Are you done? If you believe your display of youthful grabbing would shock me you are mistaken—so, I imagine we need have no further business as—"
You steel your voice, praying it won't waver, "We will need a room, of course, and as many pillows, as you can spare. Bring blankets, wooden planks, a broom, an oil lamp, a sturdy book, rope, and a bottle of champagne."
"...Very well, could I interest you in a room with a very spectacular view?"
"Whatever is good enough for Mrs Herringford is good enough for me, but we will only be the two of us for now," you say, finalising the purchase with the mission in mind—
"Excellent. Come this way," she says and smiles. And as you and Watson are led out the door and up the stairs, your companion stare at you with something akin to horror. "What, what are you going to do with—with all that! I don't even, I can't, I really don't think I am ready for—"
"We, you and I, are going to... build a pillow fort!" Your smile is bright and excited. "Oh, do not worry, I simply needed to shock her. A nonsensical inventory of items. Might as well enjoy the room as we wait out the hours. We could read together—under blankets, Watson!"
They, who looked frozen only seconds ago, now appear thawed. "Pillow fort, you say." Their frame leans against yours a little, their smile slowly growing. "I would love that more than anything."
"And..." Watson continues, "we could... practice our cover a little... perhaps. To be sure."
"Yes," you say, "to be sure."
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doriana-gray-games · 2 years
Lestrade's nsfw facts plssss. I'll be the best goddamn thing for this man
Aaand here is the final one ✨
Warning for adult content ⚠️
Lestrade NSFW facts:
—I am not telling y’all how sexually experienced they are. You’re just going to have to find that out in the game ;)
Can be a lot of things, but naturally leans towards slightly dominant
Acts very different with a bickering MC and a friendly MC
After chapter 2, whispering / blowing in ears. Yup, you awakened something in them…
Touch is arousing to them
I bet they find kindness sexually arousing at this point
Not up for PDA
Could be up for sneaking off into a little walk in cupboard tho
One hand over a mouth
Your finger in their mouth
Their fingers in your mouth
Stuff in mouths
👄 in general
They like a sexy glare I think… or a mean glare. Or a kind sympathetic gaze. I suppose maybe they just like eyes?
Escaped or repressed moans
Hair pulling
Okay, this one is weird maybe, but like, if MC the MC is sad they would like to cheer them up. But like… with sex. (Or hugs!!)
Likes to praise MC in bed
You might think them using your first name is intimate, but the height of their intimacy is using a term of endearment (you won’t hear it much outside of the privacy of the bedroom and in letters though!)
Thin, lean, tall figure.
In contrast to H who wouldn’t be tied up and stuff like that—L would. It’s not their favourite beforehand and they might take some light convincing. But in the end they do enjoy it ;)
They are stable and open and careful with a friendly relationship MC. Loving and sweet. Giving and taking and oh so good.
With a bickering MC it’s lustful. And clashing, clawing and breathless. It’s angry, but with a glint in their eyes. It’s pure pleasure, with abandon.
But, if it gets to much, they stop.
A bad Bickering MC passionate relationship might come with some confusion and self hatred… you could sooth it with another kiss?
Could punish a bad bad MC
Kisses surprisingly sweet at times
Would love so softly
Would end up hugging MC in their sleep
Would have to be very much convinced if you were to want to call them daddy or mommy (this will not be an option in the game, it’s not period appropriate, I think?)
Is handcuffs too on the nose?
I think they would like it if MC kept heels/hat/accessory on once in a while
Likes to come home from work and collapse into you (lovingly and carefully). Then would rub your hair/head while you lie on their lap, or the opposite, whilst you both tell each other of your days
Most likely to ghost (but for a limited amount of time) because they freaked out and started overthinking everything.
Very repressed, hates and misunderstands their own lust
Into aftercare and doting on MC (as long as you don’t make fun of it or make it a big deal!)
RO most likely to indulge in hate sex. (But can’t be pure hate—has to be a lot of lust, some respect, and confused feelings of adoration in the mix too)
Would bring you breakfast in bed
Would bring the leather gloves to bed if you asked
Likes to watch
Gets really into hugs further into the relationship
Would sleep well for the first time in a long time next to you ❤️
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doriana-gray-games · 2 years
some nsfw facts about H, please? 🥺
🤔🤔🤔 I couldn’t really think of any when I first got this one so I thought about it a little. Nothing very exciting probably, but here goes—
Look away children ⚠️
A difference between the two H’s is that:
Hamish does, classically “hands on”
Helena orders you to do, very bossy
They are also experienced, both of them. Tho somewhat different experiences
Probably quite kinky for the times, if the MC is into it
They enjoy sex with the right individual very much. But, they can live without it (especially if there is no right individual around). Sort of like, until there is a want there is no need.
Probably likes tying MC up a bit… Also, blindfolds, ✨but only with the finest silk✨
Would hate to be teased
Would love to tease
Would not allow MC to tie them up (unless love)
Would use pet names in bed… a lot
Probably has strangely specific fantasies
Would like lingerie, good mood lighting, washing the MC in a bath, strawberries in chocolate, soft silk sheets, and a well used fan. (Not at the same time)
Libraries ;)
Riding crop?
Feeding the MC (nothing extreme)
Caring for the MC after the deed
Instructing the MC
… this is going to sound ridiculous, but I feel like they would like a good ankle show? 😆 just like, oops, did my ankle socks just peek from my dress / pant leg? Yeees
The colour red (ball outfit hint)
… I can’t think of any more 😅
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doriana-gray-games · 2 years
~ NSFW RO facts ~
A compilation of the NSFW facts of the ROs (+ X) if you missed them and are... curious ;)
Very adult warning!!!
... enjoy ;D
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doriana-gray-games · 2 years
pla give A nsfw if you have any ✨inspiration✨ i love them dearly and they dont get enough love (also adore this game and you seem so nice and lovely and intelligent!)
Well… Flattery will get you everywhere ;) and you’re right—I’ve been neglecting Adler (not on purpose, mind you) but let’s rectify that—
have some:
Adler NSFW facts
Adult content warning! ⚠️
The most sexually experienced RO
Would wear jewellery or perfume (and only that, to bed) if they were in such a mood
Would do almost anything, you wanted, in bed
But—would also not nag you to do anything in particular you did not want to try. There are more than enough new things to try without needing to pester their lover of any old act
Would be dominant, and do it well
But, a truly dominant MC will bring Adler to their knees
Always ends up disappointed by orgies (they like them in theory, but less so in practice)
Butt stuff
I would have used a sexier word, but this made me laugh… I’m immature, ok? Anyway—
Up for all your depraved or vanilla stuff—as long as there is passion and a sense of variation and flexibility (in spirit, but also in body, sure)
On that note—they are flexible
Incredible dancer
Irene is all movement and curves, from tip to toe
Irwin is much stronger than their lean frame looks, all sleek and slender muscle
Can do a handstand
Can do the splits
Loves role playing (especially if this play acting is also brought outside the bedroom)
Can be serious in bed, but is equally likely to be laughing… and then sighing or moaning or screaming
Likes feathers
Would be Sherlocks sexual lab rat
May whisper words in many different languages in your ear
Not against public acts
Testing each other limits
Likes spooning (if in love)
Thinks chocolate is sexually arousing, and will feed it to you or lick it off you
Likes a night or weekend long marathon, but also thinks a good quick romp is underrated (as long as all involved are satisfied)
Good at massaging
Good instructor and sexual teacher
Would totally love to read a naughty book out-loud in bed together—
Especially if it leads to some new inspiration
Would be kind and gentle, would be rough and stable—whatever you need ❤️
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doriana-gray-games · 2 years
Tumblr media
😤 But that’s it—
Adult warning ⚠️
X NSFW fact:
Romanced X literally tasting your tears
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doriana-gray-games · 3 years
Hungry tumblr anon (or i guess non-hungry tumblr would be more fitting lol) the og question was how the ROs would react if Sherlock told them that they are a vrigin and admitting they were afraid!
👍👍👍💖 nice! Okay, I’ll answer it for Adler because I assume that was your favourite RO 💖 *it might be a thing in the game also, but not sure if it will be exactly like this*
**I think I went ahead of myself and basically answered how the first time would go, and only now realise that is not exactly what you asked 😅 hopefully this is still okay 👍
Despite Adler usually being brusque and sexually forward they can also be kind and gentle. It would also not be the first time they have been with a first timer. They would handle it well and with respect—even if Adler is not yet in love with the MC. Tho love would probably change the dynamic some.
I think they would dial back their sexual flirting a bit if they found out MC was a virgin, it wouldn’t stop, but toned down.
I think maybe Adler would show a little more additional caution towards a virgin feMC, than a maleMC (not sure yet how sexual stuff will be coded for non-binary MC). This mostly because of it being the 1800s, and that being a bigger deal in that case. More care would perhaps go towards appeasing the moral/religious aspect if that is what is scaring the MC, rather than the possible physical fear (or emotional or boundaries).
They would take their time (which they usually do tbh). They would explain as they go. They would have instructed the MC on different ways they can signal to stop the act, and if that occurred they would do so immediately.
If this was very early on in the relationship, meaning Adler has no emotional feelings of love or attachment—at best attraction and some respect—then they would consider it a conquest, and the fun would be in the success of “scoring” the MC, which would also mean that the goal is not in their own pleasure, but in the MCs. Any further meet-ups and that might change tho. And if Adler is in love, the focus would be on the MC because they want that for the MC, especially on their first time.
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doriana-gray-games · 3 years
If MC wasn't into spontaneous sex and instead always preferred to set a time and date to prepare beforehand (like shower, put on perfume, lingerie) how would ROs prepare? If they don't usually, then let's say it was their first time being intimate with MC, and MC expressed wanting to set a date and prepare so the moment could be special for their first time?
Anon, I really like this question 🤔
I feel like H would be really into this—would gladly make it a little tradition/ritual of sorts. Sending you lovely sexy letters throughout the day leading up to the proposed time. Making sure it is on your mind as much as theirs. Having little plans or possible buying gifts for the occasion. While they are not a huge fan of perfume, they might put on something faint. But, oh. Then when it’s time, all that anticipation… well, I’m glad you had time to prepare 😗
A would be the worst of them all about this. Like, the first few times, the novelty of it all might be extra exciting. Really fun even—delayed gratification and all that. But then they have to walk around all day distracted by what’s to come, and they can’t handle that very well. Impulse control and removing spontaneity would be a little bit of a downer for them, I think, in the long run. But, both MC and Adler are creative. I’m sure you can both come up with something together that works 😘 (Adler would wear perfume and increasingly elaborate costumes.)
W would probably like that for the MCs and theirs first time too. Might calm some of their nerves and allow them to perform better. Would John do push-ups and crunches before running across the hall to your room to see you? Yes. Would Jane pinch her cheeks twenty times, smell her own breath over and over, and whisper encouragement to herself in front of a mirror? Also, yes.
In the beginning, L would mostly just be freaking out all day and not being able to concentrate. Just digging themselves deeper and deeper into a mental hole. But after they find themselves more comfortable in your relationship, they would cherish having something to look forward to at the end of the day. Having someone to come home to, having a reason to leave work, and not dreading it. And if the day has been frustrating, perhaps you can both work on that together…
And all of the ROs would be very understanding and kind about an MC who wanted to make the first time special—isn’t that common decency? And also, sex was a bigger deal back then than it is now (in those circles), so I’m sure it wasn’t taken lightly.
I’m not sure if you wanted me to, like, list what everyone did exactly? But umm, haha, they all bathed in preparation and took care of relevant personal hygiene. I suppose shaving of the body was less of a thing, so not that. I’m sure everyone did some mental planning, if not physical planning—stretching, perhaps. I have no idea if this is what you wanted me to answer, sorry anon if I did this wrong 😅
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