#aaron burdett
krispyweiss · 25 days
Steep Canyon Rangers Play for “Paste” at MerleFest
- “Come Dance,” “Call the Captain” and “Deep End” feature in set and conversation
Steep Canyon Rangers mixed the old with the new during a three-song set for Paste magazine at MerleFest.
Recorded April 25 in North Carolina and freshly released, the performance and conversation about the band’s history finds the Steeps playing unplugged and soloing into vocal microphones.
Bassist Barrett Smith fronts the band on “Come Dance” and “Call the Captain,” which spotlight the Rangers’ bluegrass side with pure harmonies, supple playing and drummer Mike Ashworth stepping out front on Dobro.
These songs feature Graham Sharp’s banjo, Mike Guggino’s mandolin and Nicky Sanders’ fiddle recalling the Rangers’ roots and adding nuance to Smith’s vocals as he sings about love and coal mines.
Guitarist and newest Ranger Aaron Burdett takes the reins on “Deep End,” a series of clichés - think hit the ground running and bull in a china shop, for example - driven by Ashworth’s percussion and a more rock ‘n’ roll feel. Burdett replaced co-founder Woody Platt and his songs changed the Rangers stylistically and vocally. At this point, it still sounds unnatural, but hope springs eternal where the Steep Canyon Rangers are concerned.
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Some information about the creation of the Moopsy from Jean Kang (storyboard artist) and Aaron Burdette (writer)
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From this Twitter thread
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inparenth · 11 months
Now Available: In Parentheses Magazine (Volume 7, Issue 4) Summer 2023
In the Summer 2023 Edition, our 24th release to date, we have featured the following esteemed contributors.
Cacti Circles / KJ Hannah Greenberg / July 2023 Summer / Volume 7 / Issue 4 IP Volume 7: In Parentheses Magazine (Volume 7, Issue 4) Summer 2023 The Summer 2023 issue of In Parentheses Literary Magazine. Published by In Parentheses (Volume 7, Issue 4 The Summer 2023 Edition of In Parentheses is now available on print and digital platforms! This issue is the final of Volume 7. Click here to…
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What happened to that kid Burr brought back from Europe? Did Burr raise him? Nobody ever talks about him...
homie, are you gasliting me?/j spent an hour checking the books I have at hand at the moment, questioning my sanity and I'm pretty sure Burr brought no kid from Europe. It would have been rather difficult for him in general, considering he barely had any money by the time he boarded Aurora, and when I say "barely" I'm being oh so generous. there are two vague mentions of some "boy" in his journals, specifically:
"Left on board two or three light articles, which the boy and I had brought in our hands" "At leaving Boston I gave Tom my silver pencil, which I have wanted a dozen times since."
And that's about it. He doesn't mention anyone being in his company the entire time, speaks about having a room all to himself etc.
If we consider the possibility it could have been some kid of his, none of them fit the time period. The closest one to it are Charles Burdett, who according to Burr's public papers was born either in 1813 or 1814, and Aaron Columbus Burr who wasn't conceived in Europe if my memory serves me right but was sent to Burr in 1813 according to Lomask. If you meant any of them do let me know.
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shmegmilton · 4 years
Can you give a summary of all of Burrs kids? idk he had any besides Theo
Oh, he had so many kids. He, like.... collected at-risk children & teenagers.
1. “Chestnutiana” 

     There is this very strange story associated with Burr (that I can’t find any additional information on, so it is most likely NOT true—I just find it interesting so I figured I’d mention it), where when Burr allegedly had a child with a woman named Jacataqua. She was the daughter of an Abenaki chief serving as a guide during the Battle of Quebec period of the Revolution.

 There’s very little information about it so to me it kind of just sounds like an attempt to make up a story similar to the Lewis & Clarke Expedition—because their guide was also a Native who had a child during the journey as well. The circumstances are weird because neither the mother OR the child died, but they were split up anyway? Burr & Jacataqua just decided to send her to be raised by this random Scottish soldier that he met on the battle field that offered it?

 Meanwhile she was given a random cabin somewhere in New York. None of the details really make sense & there aren’t any records, but I guess it’s always a possibility given how secretive Burr was. Plus, there is no documented proof connecting him to Mary Emmon’s two children & we have DNA confirmation that he IS their father, so… eh, worth noting.
2. Theodosia Burr
Born in 1783; 1st child with Theodosia Sr. After his wife died, she was arguably Burr’s best friend. As an adult he confided everything to her. Died in 1813 as the result of a ship wreck. The event permanently changed Burr’s demeanor.
3. Augustine James Frederick Prevost
Born 1766; Burr’s stepson from Theo Sr.’s 1st marriage; nicknamed Frederick. Burr tried his hardest to raise him like his own child, but he and Frederick had a bit of a strained relationship (more info about him [HERE.])
4. John Bartow Prevost
Born either 1767 or 1768; Burr’s stepston from Theo Sr.’s 1st marriage; nicknamed Bartow. He and Burr appeared to have a much closer relationship, with Burr using his Vice President status to grant him a position (more info about him [HERE.])
5. Sally Burr
Born in 1785; 2nd child with Theodosia Sr. She died a couple of years later, barely 3 years old. Not quite sure how, but it seemed to be a sort of intestinal/digestive-related problem, so she most likely died of malnutrition or dehydration because of not being able to absorb her food properly. 
6. Unnamed Boy
Born [N/A]; 3rd child with Theodosia Sr. Stillborn.
7. Lousia Charlotte
Born 1788; 1st child with Mary Emmons. Mary was an Indian slave (who may have belonged to Theodosia Sr.) who Burr had a longstanding affair with. Why, how, or what the circumstances were remain a mystery.
8. Unnamed Boy
Born [N/A]; 4th child with Theodosia Sr. Stillborn.
9. John Pierre
Born 1792; 2nd child with Mary Emmons.
10. Nathalie de Lage
Born 1782; daughter of French aristocrats that Burr took care of from age 11 to 18 when she immigrated to America during the French Revolution. Theo Jr. & her were extremely close.
11. Susan Reynolds
Born [N/A]; Not Burr’s child (though, apparently there was a rumor at the time that she was); Burr was Maria Reynolds’ divorce lawyer in 1793, and he went out of his way to petition for Susan to get a higher education, spending a lot of his own money as well.
12. John Vanderlyn
A painter who Burr may or may not have met on accident? Burr financed his education.
13. Aaron Columbus Burr
Born 1808; apparently born Aaron Burr Colombe. Worked as a silver/goldsmith & tried to start a freed black colony in Honduras, which is cool. He is referred to in his obituary as “Aaron Burr’s adopted son.” 
14. Charles Burdett
Born 1814; died as a young adult (48), but before that he worked as a Postmaster Assistant, an assistant to at least two New York mayors (Westervelt & Kingsland), and wrote at least 10 books. He is referred to in his obituary as “Aaron Burr’s adopted son.”
15. Henry Oscar Taylor
Born 1818; very little information exists, but he is documented to have lived with Burr by at least 1833. Strangely, he was also a Witness when Burr rewrote his will.
16. Sydney Burr (?)
     Born [N/A];Adding a question mark to the name because this name randomly appeared on Burr’s Wikipedia one day (and is now no longer there) & no source I’ve ever read has ever mentioned them. Might as well put it here for future reference.
17. Frances Ann Burr
Born 1827; Most likely not Burr’s biological daughter (as funny as that would be) because Burr was 73. Not unheard of to be virile at that age, just unlikely. Either way, Burr wrote her into his will & claimed her as his daughter. 
18. Elizabeth Burr
Born 1833; definitely not his biological daughter, because he was 77 & partially paralyzed waist-down. Either way, she was also written into his will as his daughter.
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saurusness · 6 years
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Had a little peek at the @sentate‘s new Summer Couture 2018~ 👌
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beginningspod · 5 years
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This is a pic from a video me and my friend Aaron Burdette made 4 or 5 years ago. Aaron was on the very first episode of Beginnings, and in honor (”honor”???) of the 400th episode of Beginnings, I thought it would be fun to have Aaron back on. While our careers have taken slightly different paths, we’ve both ended up in LA as writers and have both recently been developing TV shows. But what the heck is development? Whenever I tell my parents I’m deveoping a show, they smile at me and say, “Great?” and secretly in the back of their head, they are praying for grandchildren. Aaron and I delve into what development is and a lot of other fun things. Tomorrow on a great bonus episode!
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gwainesworld · 6 years
Sometimes it can be hard to tell how well a cast works together based solely on a panel. Not so with this group. Throughout the panel and press event, all five actors seemed to be having a great time just being around each other. They were playfully making fun of each other the whole time, with their infectious energy livening up the events.
Aaron Burdette on the Nightflyers cast at SDCC 2018- Entertainment/Directv
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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Morgan v. Hennigan Complaint (p. 1, 5), 3/15/1972.
This suit alleged that the defendants “have effected racial segregation and discrimination in the Boston public schools . . . “ 
In 1974, Boston public schools were ordered to desegregate by redistricting and busing.
Series: Tallulah Morgan et al. vs James W. Hennigan et al. Case File, 1972 - 1995
Record Group 21: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685 - 2009
101   MR 1572-1972
10:30 A.M.
C.A. 72-911-G
Mrs. Tallulah Morgan, Petri Morgan, Kimberly Morgan, and Kirsten Morgan; Mrs. Sandra Purcelle, Dee Anna Purcelle and Michael Purcelle; Richard N. Yarde, Leslie R. Yarde and Richard N. Yarde II; Mrs. Lorraine Wheaton and Teddy Wheaton; Mrs. Joann Reed, Aaron Thomas Reed and Leigh Ann Reed; Mrs. Addell Vaughn, Raymond Joseph Vaughn and Kevin Arthur Vaughn; Arthur Eskew, Kemya Eskew, Tashia Eskew, and Toure Eskew; Mrs. Carrie Phillips, Norman Arthur Phillips, Tyrone Phillips and Robert Phillips; Mrs. Earline Pruitts, Lynnette Pruitts, Betty Jean Pruitts, Valerie Pruitts, Robert Edward Pruitts, James Neal Pruitts, Denise Pruitts and Kevin Pruitts; Mrs. Diane Bassett and Celeste Bassett; Mrs. Fern Burdette, Pamela Burdette and Yvonne Burdette; Mrs. Mary Crocket, Phillipa Crockett, Adrienne Crockett, Arthur Crockett, Cheryl Crockett and Beverly Crockett; Mrs. Mary Murphy, Anthony Murphy, Arnold Murphy and Ricky Murphy; Mrs. Grace Means, Hudis Means, Karen Means, Donna Means, Michael Means, Bryan Means, Kevin Means and Corey Means,
James W. Hennigan, as Chairman and Member, and Paul J. Ellison, John J. Kerrigan, John J. McDonough, and Paul R. Tierney as Members of the Boston School Committee; William H. Ohrenberger as Superintendent of the Boston Public Schools; the School Committee of the City of Boston; the Board of Education of the State of Massachusetts; Mrs. Rae Cecilia Kipp, as Chairman and Member, and Richard L. Banks, Walter N. Borg, Mrs. Ramona L. Corriveau, William P. Densmore, J. Richard Early, Allan R. Finlay, Mrs. David K. Hardenbergh, Joseph Salerno, John S. Sullivan, Miss Janet Tobey and Joseph G. Weisberg as Members of the State Board of Education; and Neil V. Sullivan as Commissioner of Education,
1.  This is a class action brought by black children attending the Boston public schools and their parents. Injunctive and declaratory
Civil Action No.
1. 1.     1.     1
[page 2]
9. The defendants named in paragraph 5(a), (b) and (c) (hereafter referred to as Boston defendants), and their predecessors, have effected racial segregation and discrimination in the Boston public schools and have otherwise denied equality of educational opportunity to black children by acts and practices including, but not limited to:
(a) Adopting and maintaining parent-pupil school selection policies and practices, including open enrollment transfers and optional school attendance zones, which have contributed to pupil racial segregation;
(b) establishing and manipulating district lines, attendance areas for schools and classes, assignments within and among attendance areas, and school feeder patterns in ways promoting racial segregation of students:
(c) transporting pupils to schools in ways promoting racial segregation of students;
(d) establishing and manipulating the organization of schools and grade structures in ways promoting racial segregation of pupils;
(e) adopting and maintaining pupil assignment policies and practices which have built upon and reflected residential racial segregation resulting from public and private discrimination in housing;
(f) administering school capacity, enlargement, and construction policies in ways promoting racial segregation of students;
(g) failing and refusing without justification to adopt, implement, or continue policies reasonably available to remedy pupil racial segregation;
(h) adopting and implementing pupil classification practices which discriminate against some children, in their admission to certain schools, classes, and courses of study, on the basis of their race and color, and which deny to such children, on the basis of their race and color, educational opportunities
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ohhthatssosarella · 3 years
Aaron Burr
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Aaron Burr Jr. was born on February 06, 1756 in Newark, New Jersey, British America. His parents were Aaron Burr Sr. [1716-1757] and Esther Edwards [1732-1758]. He had an older sister: Sarah "Sally" Burr Reeve [1754-1797].
In 1782 he married Theodosia Bartow Prevost [1746-1794]. After his first wife's death, he married Eliza Jumel [1775-1865] in 1833. Four months after they married they filed for divorce. Three years later in 1836 the divorce was finalized.
Aaron Burr Jr. had two [2] daughters with Theodosia: Theodosia Burr Alston [1783-1813] and Sally Reeve Burr [1785-1788]. With two [2] other women he also had daughters: Frances Ann Burr [born c.1829] and Elizabeth Burr [born c.1833]. He adopted two [2] sons: Aaron Columbus Burr (born as Aaron Burr Columbe) [1808-1882] and Charles Burdett Burr [1814-1862]. He parented his two [2] stepsons: Augustine James Frederick Prevost and John Bartow Prevost. Nathalie de Lage de Volude [1782-1841] and John Vanderlyn [1775-1852] were just two [2] of many that he was a guardian/mentor toward. With Mary Emmons [c.1760-c.1832] he had a daughter, Louisa Charlotte Burr [born 1788] and a son, John Pierre Burr [1792-1864] that he never acknowledged.
He was the 3rd Vice President of the United States [March 04, 1801 - March 04, 1805]. He was a Democratic-Republican.
Aaron Burr Jr. held three [3] other offices. The first as a Member if the New York State Assembly from New York County [July 01, 1784 - June 30, 1785]. The second as the 3rd Attorney General of New York [September 29, 1789 - November 08, 1791]. The third as the United States Senator from New York [March 04, 1791 - March 03, 1797].
He served in the Continental Army [1775-1779]. He reached the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
In the American Revolutionary War, Aaron Burr Jr. took part in the Battle of Quebec and the Battle of Monmouth.
Aaron Burr Jr. died on September 14, 1836 (aged 80) in Staten Island, New York, U.S.. He was laid to rest at Princeton Cemetery in Princeton, New Jersey, U.S..
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ultrahamilham · 4 years
Burr had many more children than just Theo Jr. Aaron Columbus Burr, Charles Burdett, Frances Ann, Elizabeth, Louisa Charlotte Burr, Frank J. Webb, John Pierre Burr. Two step children Augustine James Fredrick Provest, and John Bartow Provost. He took in Nathalie de Lage de Bolude from 1794 through 1801, and he took in John Vandrlyn as a protégé for 20 years.
Oh good lord thats a lot of children!!!
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krispyweiss · 11 months
Song Review: Steep Canyon Rangers - “Recommend Me”
Musically sparse and loaded up with harmony vocals and wordless backgrounds, “Recommend Me” is Steep Canyon Rangers at their most mawkish.
This isn’t to say it’s a bad number. Yet “Recommend Me” is weighed down with schmaltz and might’ve worked better if the vocal arrangement was closer to the musical setting, which leans on guitar and violin and leaves out the drums.
Sung by baritone Graham Sharp, the song imagines a couple closer to the end than the beginning and summing things up thusly:
So I’ll keep walking right beside you/I’ll help you fly should you decide to/when they start talking, you'll defend me/when the roll is called, you’ll recommend me
The ballad follows a rocker (“Hominy Valley”) and a bluegrass stomper (“Deep End”) ahead of the Sept. 8 arrival of the Darrell Scott-produced Morning Shift.
Grade card: Steep Canyon Rangers - “Recommend Me” - B-
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spearheadtrails · 5 years
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Our third annual Fall Festival starts next week and we have a full line-up of music, games and more! On Friday, October 18, the Aaron Burdett Band will take the stage at 7 p.m. at the Southern Gap Visitor Center with Burdett’s mix of country music blending in elements of Americana, blues and bluegrass for a unique sound sure to be enjoyed by fans of several music genres. Advance tickets are on sale now at $10 for adults and $5 for kids 12 and younger and may be purchased at the Southern Gap Visitor Center, or online at sgadventures.com. At the door, tickets will be $12 for adults and $5 for kids 12 and younger. Get your tickets now!#southerngapoutdoor #wildbuchanan #visitva #loveva #iheartappy #aaronburdettband #music #fallfestival (at Coal Canyon ATV Trail) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3qVNCulKo0/?igshid=19ubzhzcnnibg
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jackdostal · 5 years
In response to @maturestyle - Lagunitas IPA and the Aaron Burdett Trio tonight.
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How many kids did Burr acquire, how, and who were they? I’ve heard about two boys when he was sixty or eighty and some story about when the mother left a note saying that he would take good care of her kid. Are these true?
oh it’s a lot.
we can’t for sure say how many kids Burr had during his life time because he was kinda.... chill about it. He reportedly has said that “when a lady doe me the honor to name me the father of her child, I trust I shall always be too gallant to show myself ungrateful for the favor!” I’d say he was pretty extreme form of paterfamilias. he kinda felt the same way about himself and god it shows
“I am a housekeeper — with all my children about me”
tho he used this allusion in conversations about all the kids he had around including the ones whose guardian he was. I won’t discuss the ones that weren’t blood related (Frederick, Bartow, Natalie etc) since they’re not the topic of interest here.
when we talk about kids we can surely say about his children from Theodosia. Except for Theo they had 3 more kids, Sally Burr (20 June 1785-February/October 1789) and two stillborn boys (Theodosia’s descriptions in her letters are heartbreaking).
everything else after them is very cloudy.
Lomask particularly mentions following possible kids of his:
• Aaron Burr Columbus (lately Aaron Columbus Burr), he reportedly was the son of a Frenchwoman
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he ended up becoming an owner of his jewellery shop and “interested Lincoln in settling American black people on a tract of land that he and others had purchased in British Honduras”.
• Charles Burdett
I’m not sure whether it’s the story about note you mention but this boy’s mother was quite a lot. there was a point when she wrote him a note like “it’s been awhile since you gave the mother of Charles money”. queen’s shit. the boy was a lot as well as it seems, had the best time of his life in school, Philip Hamilton’s style
• he mentioned two little girls in his will, which are very debatable considering how old the man was to conceive them but it is what it is, Burr named them as his daughters in it.
these are the kids that he acknowledged one way or the other.
I also heard about his two kids from a slave woman that worked in their house, I think she was Theodosia Sr.’ slave but I don’t know much about it to discuss this topic for now I just need to make sure you know that there’s a chance it was true, I really should get my hands on this theory (?). Louisa Burr and John Pierre Burr. wikipedia says Aaron Burr Association acknowledged them as his children after DNA test but again. I’ll read more about it later after I’ll get some actual sleep
regardless of whether they were his kids or not it’s clear he liked to spend time with them, teach them new things and watch them grow. the topic always gets to me.
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shmegmilton · 4 years
Could you do something about how Theo's death changed Burr? You said that her death 'permanently changed Burr’s demeanor' and I can't find much about Burr's later years so I wondered if you could explain it to me. Thank you.
      Yeah, that sounds about right. A lot of the info we know about Burr in the last 20ish years of his life (after returning from Europe, so 1812-1836) has sort of been haphazardly cobbled together by historians, so you only really get a ‘clear’ picture across multiple Burr biographies. We know that he continued to practice law in New York, but most of the supplementary information we have comes from other people; first-hand accounts by friends, newspaper articles, anecdotes, etc. 
Burr himself was obscenely quiet during this time period, partly (I assume) to lay low from debt collectors & people who want to chastise him for being the evil mastermind who shot Hamilton in cold blood or whatever. And partly because he was depressed for a very long time, it seems.
    The first thing that should be noted is Theo’s death came about 6 months after her son (& Burr’s grandson) Aaron Burr Alston, who he was also very attached to & called him Gampy (Burr’s nickname was Gamp so he was Gampy ie. Little Gamp). Gampy’s death effected Burr in an entirely different way, because every instance we have of Burr interacting with children was largely positive—he loved children. After Gampy’s death he seemed to go out of his way to be kind to children & to spoil them with all of the treats and gifts he never got to give Gampy. Something extra sad to note is that he loved to give little coins to children (either out of his own pocket or a pot on his desk), and one of the gifts he had been stockpiling for Gampy was coins…
Now for Theo, I haven’t been able to find any of Burr’s letters to her during this time (I’m not sure if they even survived), but we know that he tried his best to console her & convinced her to be with him in New York. It took about 6 months for her to finally say yes, so he ordered a ship (The Patriot) & a family friend named Timothy Green (who also died on the ship) to escort her from SC to NY. They of course never made it be NY, and to this day not only do we not know what happened to the ship, but we literally don’t even know where the shipwreck is other than its probably somewhere off the coast of North Carolina. There were some theories about a possibly pirate attack (The Patriot was a former privateer ship) but Burr choose not to believe it.
Burr & Joseph Alston (her husband) took up a correspondence during this time (strangely, we have some of Alston’s letters but none of Burr’s seem to have been found) where they confided to each other about their worries. Alston makes a very poignant implication during one of the surviving letters where he says that Burr must feel “severed from the human race.”
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Theo wasn’t just Burr’s daughter—she was his only child to survive to adulthood, and one of his closest political & social allies, considering that the majority of the country now hated Burr for the 1804 Duel and the 1807 Conspiracy. She was really all he had for comfort, & Burr constantly mentions how much he misses her (& Gampy) in his European Journal. I can only imagine how devastated he was.
Another note, Charles Burdett (Burr’s adopted son who I’ll talk about in a moment) published a book with some of Burr’s old letters (that he must have been personally given, because I haven’t seen them published anywhere else.) One letter was written during this time period to a woman named “Kate” & he basically admits being too depressed to reply to people.
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Burr also allegedly spent weeks or even months visiting the docks every day with the hope that The Patriot might be there. The death of his daughter gained Burr a bit more public sympathy, but the attention was still largely negative. People treated him like a cryptid almost. Not just because he was notorious, but because he was so socially withdrawn that it was rare to see him in public.
In 1878, Charles Burr Todd wrote A General History of the Burr Family in America (with Genealogical Records from 1570 to 1878). It’s a handy book with some unique information about Burr that I have yet to see in any other biographies, including a full physical description of what Burr looked & sounded like in his later years ([HERE]), and an interesting essay that Judge John Greenwood, who worked under Burr as a clerk from 1814-1820, presented to the Manhattan Historical Society after Burr’s death ([HERE]).
The Greenwood essay mentions that Burr owned a cat, which he definitely did not own during his 4 years in Europe as there was no mention of it. This implies to me that he purchased and/or adopted it because he was lonely, because there is no other account of Burr owning a pet of any kind before or after this.
Burr also adopted two children around this time, Charles Burdett & Aaron Columbus Burr (Aaron Burr Colombe). ACB is a strange case because, despite having a very public adult life—no one can seem to agree if he was French or American? Or who his mother was? Or his birth year? Some sources say 1808 and others say 1816? It’s bizarre. People also can’t seem to agree whether Charles Burdett was born in 1814 or 1815. There is also a third child (Henry Oscar Taylor, born 1818) who is documented having lived with Burr by 1833.
All of these boys are a mystery because no birth or adoption certificate exists (did they even have those back then?) so it’s unclear where they came from, who their mothers were, or at what point they came into Burr’s life—Burr’s movement & the timelines of their birth make it a bit too hard to say for sure. My personal theory is that (regardless if they were biologically his or not) Burr chose to take these children in to try and alleviate his own loneliness.
One last thing of note about Burr’s later life is that in 1823 he chose to take in Luther Martin (the lawyer who argued his 1807 case), who had recently had a stroke and had nowhere to live. He took care of him until he passed away in Burr’s home in 1827.
Burr would of course die a little less than 10 years after that (the majority of it spent fighting his divorce & dealing with his own strokes). I wish I could write more about this time period, but that is truly all we know about it.
I guess the key takeaway from this is Burr ultimately devoted a lot of his time to charity work & helping others, most likely as a way to deal with grief or find meaning in his life again.
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