#aaron cheeseman
the-firebird69 · 4 days
Man gets arrested for stealing donuts
These things look staged but they're not and insane that I'm going to be generally grants and it's not true it's Trump and he was Grant back then and they started going wow and it's one of them and they know it but yeah the 1200 that Tommy ever released was to reduce you to get to the 2500 which is to investigate Jupiter to the 2250 if it fails you go up there as a robotic person and that's what it's all about this numbness was putting it on estimates and I was trying to be careful about it and so he's putting my number and lo and behold it means something quite awful
Zues Hera
It is what it means that I was wrong and he was right and I don't listen to him and win a lot of trouble now and we have to fight for it that's worthwhile to have a mission instead of nothing we'll probably hold out for a while more and make ourselves small enough to be more manageable
It's really horrible that's what we're up to and it really seems like they are and we want to do the mission anyways so probably going to try and do it ourselves and then they say that he won't be roped into it and it could be his stuff and we get that we're trying to say it it is his stuff and we get that and we have more of a reaction than they do
Terry cheeseman
We will probably go ahead with it come here outside right here it really is yeah I don't think it's a good idea and what he says is good continue with your path of 1200 cuz that's what they do they leave the last number but that was I thought 700 and I looked at it and it is 700 and that means that we're 1200 plus 700 and if you add them together without actually adding them they add up to 1900 that makes sense but it's something like that really what it means is that we're seeing we're losing when we are losing it was just saying it but we're actually losing so we're a bunch of losers running around saying we're losing when we're losing just like he said and he didn't know it was derived from this they do it for the cold so now we're like handed the code and it's the finale he says and they will whittle us down to the point where they can get us to do it and it's a it's a way of automatically gauging it but then again I was using it as code on the estimates and 2500 meant that this guy is a detriment and it looks like it takes and I am actually Grant and that doesn't make sense I get it now he probably issue the check and we start doing our b******* louder and they come down and annihilates and that would force us to do something to a group that we might be able to do something about and get ships from when we have to anyways and it is true he says so we might
Aaron m
He's always been this way wishy-washy but he says it's his code and the max are saying it's their code this time around it appears to be going to the Maxway and issuing code that just says he's a bad guy doesn't really float my boat and the disciples are really these guys and they know it and it's not really Trump who is a disciple or his people and that's why he issued the 1200 same with the 700 and I looked at the 2500 and that might be like Jesus Christ which is sort of our friend's number what he says is he's the one who wants to be Washington and he's living in my brother's house a lot more than I am and if I was back then I would be in the house like this and this is what sucks it's it's kind of like what his house would be it doesn't really sad but it sucks for Aaron and he's a big dick and his coat is terrible his code is terrible and he'll probably try and run into say it's his and he will get Grant on his case and a friend says he looks like him for a reason and gross like they did blood transfusions back then I'm actually starting to see something it could be like that and they used to do that they had devices it was a syringe
They used to clean it too and he's pissed off and we're always trying to do it to him and he's probably mad enough and you can see him escaping it wasn't easy but it does look too hard and our friend gets out of it all the time and he says that we die a lot looking at him he can kill him and that would be a trumpster and I said wow that's bad so we should probably use caution he says yeah and you say I'm going for it like a sap or sucker for the money and you're saying I'm from the heavy metal movie and it is big in space or whatever and I think all that dumb stuff the guy I can get huge this is going to take 3 months or whatever that stupid s*** clears out I do know when that should be and it's around then roughly it should be before that and he won't look comical he's going to look like my son in the movie probably go ahead and do it because the date is coming up and I'm going to be the one doing the hiring not dja and he says he's going to and the max say they're going to and we do it every year and last year it was $700 and he's saying that June is special month like Juno and we get that too
Donald Trump it seems to go the way of the max but it's really going the way of my clones so far
And was slipping a little and we need an edge
We don't think it's your code because you're still holding out and we're cutting you down and you're fighting yourself and by the time you get there you're going to be manageable and we know why and he says you'll have to go up there when you hold off or not and there really isn't going to be any waiting no there might besc
The planning on doing it anyways and they're planning on doing it very soon and they're not going to hold off because you're not small enough and it is a deception and it is pretty good on these people it works they suck everyone hates them they'd be closed off and destroyed rather easily if needed and the segregated so you get what we're saying and this guy next door is going to get ushered out of here because his coat is so awful and Stan is too it's coming up pretty quick when you give someone a position like that he gets a series of payments and Washington got one right away and so he felt good about it and so he can make it to the next meeting unlike what they had Trump do and that stupid a****** company that was him playing the black guy and boy what a huge huge idiot and we're going to make him pay for her too because the same as us so there's going to be a few problems for him and yeah he dies and tight and then he's put into that room and his brain is gone the Tommy f who puts it into the pyramid these are smaller pyramids in their shallow and they're fused and if a smaller diamonds and he plans on taking the diamonds out and the people it lights him up and starts with everybody is what he's doing and we're forced to do it we're forced to go after his shifts and that's what he's been saying I'm trying to have people do it and screaming it manipulating ordering it it's just not happening
A lot of things are happening like that this code is very potent and from our point of view did not help John remillard but he says he did all right we don't think so and we don't think he believes he did all right and they're hiding from doing the cold and the max are right by the time they do it they're going to be small we do know what the days are when he gets paid hey there later on but he gets some money around the 15th or 16th and there's a few checks are coming they keep coming and Trump is trying to say it with what the numbers are what he was doing for him so
And he's a coolest person to play that much he's he's very stupid and he thinks people are stupid like him or something but he's going to be holding out and we think people have to get rid of him for him for Terry cheesman to do anything and we think Terry cheeseman helps get rid of him and pennywise we think it's before and it becomes desperate we also think that Sarah dies before that and he gets desperate
Thor Freya
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ched53 · 4 years
Soccerbible x BBC sport - FA Cup: Framed
I was recently assigned by Soccerbible Magazine (in conjunction with BBC Sport) to photograph the FA Cup 5th round tie between Sheffield Wednesday and Manchester City at Hillsborough Stadium.
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Flickr: Latest by ched53 ⇒ via http://flic.kr/p/UmP3XK
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
So John remillard was threatening Woody harrelson so smart guy and with a fire axis like the one that was threatening our son it was Aaron same guy same fire racks in valley center. He had enough of them there he is doing this reminder s*** so we're going to start hitting him. Okay that guy is a huge a****** and a massive failure and he needs to go down and they keep screwing around with people and telling people everything's fine so today Terry went over and talked to him put him in cuffs uncuffed and talk to him and left and he said don't make me come back cuz they'll have me arrest you so he goes inside and you left him alone he's sleeping wakes up grabs the fire ax and puts in the shed locks it goes inside and sleeves cherry cheese when it comes back as a sheriff and says I told you not to do that he says I brought it to the shed cuz it was in my house and he goes okay but what did I tell you because he did it when he was outside and he's watching. And Cherry cheeseman said it's the threaten people who are protecting him and stuff for protecting his in the Midwest and in that and we might be them he knows I need you to get on the ground and yeah. Cherry cheeseman called other cops and they're standing there and he didn't see them didn't look got on the ground it's hard swearing at him you know what this is about the boys taking advantage of us and he goes not really but okay it looks that way and you know it he's saying this crap about you and the guy can you get him to shut up and he says not really and so they brought him in on disorderly conduct public drunkenness and wielding a fire accident way and they told Terry cheesman he did a good job no I said you avoided the duty but we can see why he's threatening you you want to file charges and he said not really he says how about we following you then instead I said okay I'll file charges so he's finally charges on Trump and Trump rears his head in the sheriff's department and starts threatening Terry cheesman he's being filmed and he got taken into questioning and they put him in solitary and he's yelling what he's going to do to Terry cheesman and to you and he hears you say I'll have your skin to life and you can run around and try to get help and he stops he says why it says who cares no one shut up came back around to bother you and he said this I'm not bothering you but I'm going to have you stabbed 39 times with a thorium blade and he started getting the message says two things we have to do to this a****** stay there my prison so we heard him say this I don't think I can go through the first one that's what I think that you're probably going to go through it or will burn you after it stupid. Susan solitary can find me yelling don't let him get at me so if I want to walk in there I'd use the antidote and babe formula and nobody can stop me that was small arms and he said screaming Small arms is not enough they're coming for me. Also they thought maybe he's telling his people that so they stopped him and they put him under a sedation and underwatch and he's there right now fingerprinted them cross-checked it and he's this criminal who was here before he's arrested well that's the way it should go and it didn't go that way he's making the story I come out like that because he's crafty
Thor Freya
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
It's me aggravating again so we're going to take over more companies and fairly soon we're going to start taking over
* companies that he's building equipment with and that's bja and Trump and others are so damned annoying and rating is just not doing it they don't they just sit there so take over the companies and we'll build the ships right there and beat the s*** out of whoever shows up you seen how it happens usually they do it for a year you need those kind of numbers now so I'm decided where to take them over for the past and that's number one. We'll see ships armament and hardware
*we're also going to take over there supply line for each each time we do it and it's going to suck them out of each area and we're going to start pretty much right away I don't even know what time for the stupid s*** it's assholes bother every aspect of its life they have to get it get lost what's going on every day little dorks bothering him he's living like a prisoner and asleep at the same time and you guys aren't getting anything out of it a little bit of help I mean for crying out loud you don't even order stuff that's heinous pretty soon we wouldn't have covered and it won't make a difference that's what he said that all be powerless.
*taking over sneaker companies believe it or not they're making shoes wrong making a different sizes that aren't correct and mismatching shoes and everybody is uncomfortable and their feet hurt at the end of the day their favorite thing to do is put a heel in and to start messing with the tendon and her son has a couple pair of shoes that are wrong and he's trying to find new ones and it's hard almost impossible for him to get them he tried his old ones and they're too small he has a pair of their fit she's probably going to do that cuz these ones are bothering his feet they're saying it's the pedals in his bike we're taking over he distributed ships and all the manufacturing companies most of them are in China no about 50% are and we're taking them over there and it's because of these jerks screwing around with everybody's footwear when their people always have problems never said anything up on Australia like they said they would and have this idiotic plan to ruin everything to leave and to leave everyone behind including their own they don't like them in the beginning but what they're doing is disgusting. Some of these companies are giant Nike is huge yes 75% of the world sneaker business and it's all under their brand name and we are taking it over today Lock stock and barrel Reebok they have 50% of the world's sneaker production no have a good percentage it's about 10% whom it has five and other brands have the rest and it started to make progress when people figure out they suck they stop buying them and they started making Nike sock they have to buy a certain models and they cost a lot of money so people think they have money and that was their plan so we're going through them like crap through goose now it says you're you having me do it Aaron and it's ruining you it says it how it's how it works I said yeah for us you're the one doing it stupid and it shows it and you're stupid I don't care for your plans and stuff but you're the one making it happen to you so you looked around and saw people do and you're feeding him up and stuff this guy Cherry cheeseman is a huge a****** so I want more of his company is in today and punishing you stupid you don't care about your companies or your personal or your future you don't need any shifts or anything you just want to sit here and be a huge a******
*and you're such a f** too huge homos these people are massive homos they're so homosexual it's hard to tell that they're not women they do things that women do all the time sit there and stare making faces it's hard to tell usually you lose fights and lose knife fights because they're acting like women so much that they don't have the strength of man of the speed it's kind of hilarious but it's not so we're going after them to clear them out they're going to take them out of the teacher's jobs and things like that I'm going to go after teaching materials McCall and book companies and things like that to eliminate them all over the world are making these idiotic comments and books I'm going to pull them out of the dictionary business like Webster or taking them out hole every single shop that makes teaching books teaching implements and tools furniture for schools I'm going to start taking them today and in a big way Lock stock and barrel I want It All in. These people have no absolutely no reserve for being human humility none more soon I get this out and get going on it now
Thor Freya
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Pink Floyd - Have A Cigar" on YouTube
And yes Billy z inspired the glass guy to get her son Cuban cigars and he messed up and he he was saying it's not the part of the deal and he's upset anyways and he starts screwing around with her son again and it's one of Trump's guys it was not cheesman and he was doing the excavation out there and he screwed that up I lost the guy Don McQueen and he would not stop messing with her son cuz the glass problem and his shop drawings didn't show the connection and the superintendent didn't pick it up Doug Boyd another trumpster who missed it and really is a small dollar fix and they worked out a deal and fix it and said you're not going to work here again cuz you're such a b**** Aaron said that out loud and he's being a massive b**** and then you start saying you are you are I said why are you doing that it says the guy won't give me any work anymore to try and find another one so I started talking it was better. So started talking to Mac and they figured out what's going on like holy s*** this is terrible I'm flying blind and getting blindsided and here's this kid telling us now and took all the weaponry he's in a big fight and you can't do it anymore alone and everybody's getting messed up in the head so it's a huge fight it's going on all the time here he says I'm saying it all right yeah okay no it was me speaking here is saying it's pink and they're talking about the cigars and the able glass company is getting a cigars and it's able and it's pink and they looked and said holy crap that's us I don't think so I think one is Tommy f and when is your son Aaron and he said oh no and his representing me here on fire after the movie studio movies forever in a day oh my God this is how you got in trouble you're loopy Charles Manson angle works every time just sit back wait for it to come back around oops wow that's weird and her son said that and Aaron said something and Don Moen said some who's Cherry cheeseman and we don't think you should have a gun over there. I don't think I should have one either yeah this woman are bad enough. Okay what do I do with it put the safety back on and bring it to work oh I see good so he's going to try and do that. And I feel it was a concrete so here's in a nutshell we have a lot of stuff to think about in here when you want more troops right now and I'm calling them and we have to stop this guy and it's mad man Tommy f wait a pain
Once again he says where is she she's the key
Thor Freya
We're looking too and haven't found her we doing what you're saying she's probably one of these mega ships she's the key what do we do there it's just like the money Mac if the money is destroyed it's no longer a game and she smiled and said I get the game so a lot of people do not everybody so it's just not again so get ready to travel kid and that's good can fly a plane if I have to just tell me how to do it his son is saying if I tell you how to do it I might as well do it no I have nerves of steel expensive will turn slam June and experiencing a little turbulence ladies and gentlemen faster received right now that kind of stuff people think they're real weirdo afterwards I drove around with Mom for a while didn't help her that much so I'm smiling that's great yeah
So this is how it's going she said she's doing well it's not 100 miles said she thinks she's about 50 and saying oh God
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
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This is the headless horseman after the head was removed and taken below and it can be seen with the goblin in the scene where the dwarfs are running through you can see clearly it's the head of Stefan vanormelingen again AKA Donald Trump aka Aaron miank aka John remillard. And he's very much dead and they don't do much with the head. And his eyes are gone and he's a loser a fanatic loser as a matter of fact he deserve to die very badly and it's a complete nincompoop and we can't wait to see him go and it is shortly tons of people found it
Thor Freya you said the blow Zues Hera said the top part but they've got more
It's really my kill and you start doing it I told him to stop it says what she's in the way I'm just knock her out of the way or knock her out and I said no they just said I can't knock her out I got to get to this creep and I said you can't really hit him he can't do it because she's so mean and tried to set you up against me and try to screw around with you and hurt you and and the women are horrible and you kept saying they're horrible so you injured it pretty good and her body is not in good shape in Spain and it happens almost immediately afterwards and she went there with a limb and crazy idea in her head to go after you for it I said that she felt the presence places ridiculous it's really Trump's body and she seen it before the body doesn't crush completely matter of fact it goes down to what size it was almost when it was last seen a little bit smaller and the body appears again and still Massachusetts and conquered Massachusetts as the headless horseman and then it returns to the tree into the witch which looks like Sarah it's not and it's Terry cheeseman Sarah's head stays in Spain and they invade over and over the trumpsters to try and get her out and fail.
And it's not really me who hits her it's Mike the maintenance man that we can't do the hitting on these big ones
We can't orchestrate it and he's done a swell job a perfect job, they're not higher up so it's not right higher ups are dying in the intermittently and Lord of the rings is a masterpiece and he's been working on making it happen for a long time from here and later and it is just incredible and it starts up real fast but he's been getting it ready for a long time we have too we've done a lot of work major major work and it has to do with people and races and Mastodon and all sorts of things and he did a lot of work with the houses and the settings and the set and paddles too and there's a crack in the movie they're not wear worms and it's a big one that's one of the children of the one below and this war creates enough fuel to raise it and he says finally I get to crush them and it's true it rips the living crap out of tons of them pulls tons of bunkers out those ballistic on the East Coast has a field day and she pulls hers out again and it shrinks believe it or not and it's originally huge and it was their plan and he reassembled there included together and brought her back had people bring it back on purpose I'll fought over her. This is intense though in this area is starting to heat up finally and it needs to there's tons of stuff here we need to get out it's dangerous
Thor Freya
We approved this message and that way it is too it's wonderful
In the movie my character is called the witch but it's really the headless woman horse woman he says and that's right it's the Headless Horsewoman, she was never meant to have a head and it was a fixed and they actually clone themselves as they are and it's not a mystery but how it happened
Hera Zues
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ched53 · 5 years
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When im not photographing weddings these past couple of months, im chasing round after this mischief 😅🐻
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ched53 · 5 years
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A little bit of the deep blue. Partly because I miss holiday and wish we were still there. Mainly because it fits in well on my feed 👌🏻
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ched53 · 5 years
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Great team on this one. Shoot for @alexandra_violinist alongside @kirby_blythe and @nataliekatehx. Shot at @carlton_towers, one of my favourite venues in the region!
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ched53 · 5 years
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Boy’s getting big!
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ched53 · 5 years
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The Void. At last, the dark nights and cold mornings are almost behind us. This winter has felt like a real slog. It’s strange how the slightly longer days help put a bit of a spring in your step, not to mention a little bit of sunshine. Ready to do some adventuring with my tribe. 👊🏻
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ched53 · 5 years
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Ali on film. 🎞 Finally made a start on organising footage I took on this trip ready for putting some form of video together. I'm not gonna lie; what I came back with is disjointed to say the least but it would be tragic to just let it go to waste. Here's to hoping I can cobble something together this century. #35mm #pentaxME #fugifilm #fugicolor #malaga #portrait #portraitgames #lovefilm #filmisnotdead
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ched53 · 5 years
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Baron Beaches. If you've not seen my little video with @sophie.powles, check out my IGTV. Make up by @kateatkinsonmakeupartist
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ched53 · 5 years
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❄️ Some amazing textures out there today.
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ched53 · 5 years
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Sub zero exploring in Snowdonia last year with @emmabusby85.
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