#aaron solo
jasvvy · 6 months
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dynamitekansai · 2 months
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Harley Cameron becomes the latest victim of Orange Cassidy's blistering offense!
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westofessos · 1 year
I hate QTV and everything to do with them but this week’s bit was kind of funny
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amethyst-is-gay · 6 months
Aaron Solo still exists?!?!?!?!
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wrestlezon · 1 year
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max caster getting the tornado sloppy from johnny tv
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silverxxs-world · 6 months
PAC vs Aaron Solo
My stinky rat 🐀!!!!
I kinda forgot about solo
Welcome back!!!
Oh pac you can’t be mean to Tony
He’s a bastard!
Shotgun drop kick!!
Black arrow!!!
The brutalizer
He had a mic 🎤
Tony Tony Tony
He wants trouble but who is trouble
Ooo that was a threat
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blueonwrestling · 1 year
an aaron solo match was more interesting than all of smackdown.
jesus lads.
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questintheskies · 1 year
Such a banger theme
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frentique · 2 years
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jasvvy · 1 year
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aewfanclub · 2 years
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heartsoulrocknroll · 5 months
AEW Collision 3/16/24
Katsuyori Shibata vs. Bryan Danielson -- LET'S GOOOOOOO!!!! They start on the mat, trading holds, quick transitions, and quick escapes. They trade some kicks. Danielson catches Shibata's leg, maneuvers him into position for the Romero Special, but just stomps the knees instead, then traps the arm and stomps the elbow!!!!! Danielson hyperextends Shibata's arm over his shoulder. Shibata responds with elbows and kicks. Danielson with a butterfly suplex into a arm bar attempt, but Shibata blocks and escapes, transitioning beautifully into a bow and arrow! Danielson escapes and locks in a bow and arrow of his own. Shibata escapes into a lateral press for two, then grabs a double wrist lock.
Danielson shoves Shibata!!! They trade shoves, then they trade chops!!! Danielson picks the ankle, takes Shibata down, and traps and stomps the arm again!! Shibata sort of suplexes Danielson off the apron, and Danielson lands hard on his feet. Shibata lands a running PK on the apron to Danielson on the floor!! Shibata traps the arm and stomps on it twice!!! Shibata with a nasty kick to the back!! Shibata with a big kick to the injured arm!! Shibata lands a big pump kick to the face outside, then another running boot to the face!! Danielson sits Shibata in a chair outside and lands a running dropkick!
Danielson lands a shotgun dropkick off the top, then a running dropkick in the corner! Danielson goes for another, but Shibata cuts him off with a running boot in the corner, followed by vicious strikes!!!! Danielson lands another running dropkick, followed by chops and round kicks in the corner! Shibata with nasty elbows to the jaw, chops to the chest, and jabs to the face!!!!! Damn! Shiabta lands a running dropkick!!
Shibata lands a beautiful snap suplex for two, then locks in an ankle lock, but Danielson escapes with an ankle lock of his own! Shibata escapes and locks in an ankle lock again, then Danielson escapes and grabs an ankle lock of his own again. Danielson lands a leg-capture German suplex and goes for a rolling elbow, but Shibata catches him and plants him with an STO!!!!!!!! Nice!!!
They trade knees to the midsection. Shibata lands a quick DVD for two!!! Shibata with an elbow to the head! Shibata with a ripcord attempt, but Danielson reverses and lands the Busaiku knee!! Cover, but Shibata kicks out at two!!!!!!!! Danielson attempts the LeBell lock, then traps the other arm to prevent a rope break, but Shibata gets his foot on the rope.
Danielson lays in the round kicks!!!! Shibata sits down and asks for more!!! Shibata eats the kicks, then rolls through the last kick, rolling to his feet and landing a nasty pump kick to the face!!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!! Shibata with elbows to the face, Kawada kicks to the head, then DISGUSTING round kicks to the chest!!!!!! I am freaking out!!!! Eat your heart out Danielson!!!!! Danielson absorbs the kicks and asks for more!! Nice!!! They both sit down and face each other! They trade NASTY PALM STRIKES TO THE FACE AND NECK!!!!!!! Damn!!!!! They stand and continue to trade strikes!! Danielson finally gets the best of this with a round kick to the head!! Danielson goes for the Busaiku knee again, but Shibata avoids it and LANDS HIS SIGNATURE RIPCORD BITCH SLAP TO THE FACE!!!! I AM LOSING IT!!!
Shibata grabs a flying octopus hold and maneuvers Danielson to the mat. He tries to get Danielson's shoulders down but can't, and Danielson gets a foot on the rope to break. Shibata goes for a PK, but Danielson ducks it and rolls Shibata up for two! They trade beautiful pinning combos and near falls!!!! Shibata gets a jacknife for only a one count. Danielson escspes, grabs the arm, and transitions into the LeBell lock, but he can't lock it all the way in. Shibata gets Danielson's shoulders down for two, but Danielson reverses into a pinning combo of his own for three!!!!
THAT SLAPPED SO HARD!!!!!! I AM FREAKING OUT!! Beautiful submission wrestling that devolved into a strong style slug fest, with incredible back and forth throughout the match. Exactly my cup of tea in every way. Shibata is the GOAT!!!!!!! Rating: 4.5
Julia Hart (c) vs. Trish Adora for the TBS Championship -- Julia slams Trish's head into the steps a few times and throws her into the barricade outside. Trish lands a shoulder breaker onto her knee for two, then lands a nice German suplex from her knees into a bridge for two. Julia ultimately gets the pinfall with a moonsault off the top. This was kind of an awkward match. Rating: 2
Zak Knight and Harley Cameron with Lexy. Zak says he will give Angelo Parker a fight, but it won't be in Canada and it won't be on Angelo's terms.
Daniel Garcia vs. Lee Moriarty -- Moriary lands an aggressive topé, as Garcia is distracted by Shane Taylor outside. Moriarty lands a belly to belly suplex and holds onto the arm/hand for some joint manipulation. Garcia stomps a mud hole in Moriarty in the corner, then lands a nasty chop block to the knee and slams the leg back repeatedly into the mat! Garcia lands a belly to back suplex for two. Moriarty tries to run at Garcia in the corner, but his leg gives out. Moriarty lands a double stomp to the chest! Garcia catches his leg and viciously locks in a heel hook for the submission!!
A short match and a decisive win for Garcia, which I love to see. I know these two would have had a great match if they went longer, but what we got here was solid. Rating: 2.5
Pac vs. Aaron Solo -- Solo with a nice kick to the head and topé con giro to the outside to start. But it's all Pac from there with stomps in the corner, vicious kick combinations, a shotgun dropkick off the top, a running uppercut, a Black Arrow, then the Brutalizer for the submission victory.
Short and sweet!!! Nice return to the ring for Pac, who is looking as great as ever!! It is so good to have him back. Rating: 2
Pac grabs a mic. He says he is back, and he is looking for trouble, and this (Solo) is not exactly what he had in mind. He addresses Tony Khan, telling Tony to find him some trouble, or he will find it himself!!! Um, hell yeah!!!!!!!
Danielson promo. He says he is thankful he was able to wrestle Shibata tonight after they were both told they would never wrestle again. He is also thankful that he has a match with Ospreay at Dynasty. He mentions Ospreay's comment about watching Danielson when he was young and trying to emulate Danielson, as well as Ospreay's comment that he doesn't plan on dying in the ring with Danielson. Danielson says this tells him that Ospreay may have watched and tried to emulate him, but Ospreay can't walk in his shoes or Shibata's shoes. He and Shibata have been on death's door because of how much they love this. So Ospreay can say what he wants about what he is willing do to. Danielson knows what he is willing to do, and he doesn't think Ospreay is ready for that. Great stuff from Danielson here, coming off very real and genuine as usual.
Claudio Castagnoli vs. Lance Archer -- They trade shoulder tackles and body slams early on. Archer lands a cannonball senton off the apron onto Claudio on the floor! That looked painful. Archer dominates for a while, then Claudio turns it around with a vertical suplex and running uppercut. Archer lands a big lariat. Archer tries to walk the ropes, but Claudio pulls him down into a big uppercut for two. Archer blocks the Giant Swing and rolls outside, but Claudio follows with a running uppercut outside. Claudio goes to the top, but Archer stops him with a rising knee. Archer lands a chokeslam for two. Claudio lands a nice DVD, uppercuts in the corner, then a rope-hanging stunner for two. Claudio with a nice springboard spinning uppercut off the ropes for two. Claudio gets Archer in the Swing, but The Righteous break it up for the DQ finish.
That was a decent match that was starting to pick up when it ended with a stupid DQ. What was the point of that finish? Rating: 2.75
Danielson comes out to help Claudio as he is being attacked by The Righteous and Archer. The Righteous take Danielson down. Shibata comes out to threaten them with a chair, and they back down.
Ruby and Angelo with Lexy backstage. Angelo says he was ready for a match against Zak tonight with his family in the crowd. And if Zak doesn't want a match tonight, he's going to get a fight, because Angelo is going to find him. Ruby says they are baiting Angelo in, and if he goes looking for a fight, he will have to do it without her. Angelo says she is right, and he will leave it alone for tonight.
Kyle O'Reilly vs. Bryan Keith -- O'Reilly with a nice running knee, then runs at Keith as he sits on the mat, stops short, and slaps him in the face! Beautiful. Abdominal stetch by Keith. Nice DDT by Keith for two. Keith with knees to the head. They trade round kicks outside. O'Reilly with a kitchen sink, then his beautiful kick/palm strike/knee/leg sweep combo, then a running forearm in the corner!! O'Reilly hyperextends the arm over his shoulder, then lands a back suplex into a knee bar, but Keith rolls to the ropes. O'Reilly locks in a guillotine, transitions into a triangle, then lets go and lands a vicious PK!!!! O'Reilly goes to the top, but Keith takes him down with a jumping headbutt! Keith with a big knee to the head for two! Keith with a double underhook into a powerbomb for two! O'Reilly lands his beautiful axe and smash combo, and I freak out!! Keith with an enziguri! They both go for kicks at the same time and both block repeatedly. O'Reilly lands the rebound lariat!!!! Nigel says on commentary, "That's mine." 🥺🥺🥺. O'Reilly lands a brainbuster for two, then locks in an armbar for an immediate submission!!! Nice!!!
Very good match here!!! O'Reilly did his thing as always, and looked so, so great. I could not be happier to have him back. I have missed him so much. Rating: 3.25
Roddy and the Kingdom come out to celebrate with O'Reilly after the match. Seeing O'Reilly back from a career-threatening injury after almost two years, seeing Roddy with that belt around his waist, and seeing those guys together.... My heart overflows. 😭😭😭
Lexy with Deonna and Thunder Rosa. They talk about teaming against Toni and Mariah next week. Deonna says they may have never teamed before, but they have fought each other before and she trusts Rosa. She says Toni tapped at Revolution, and if not for interference from the butler and Mariah, she would have the title. Rosa asks does she mean the title that Rosa never lost? Rosa says they have a mission next week against Toni and Mariah.
Buddy Matthews and Brody King vs. Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo (Wild Card Match to Qualify for the AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament) -- HOB jump Dean and Bravo before the bell and dominate the early part of the match. Nice cannonball in the corner by King, then double teams by HOB. Dean tags in and eats it off the top, but gets right back up with a back suplex to Matthews. King comes in with a big lariat to Dean. Bravo comes in to help, but eats a nice knee from Matthews. HOB land Dante's Inferno on Dean, but Bravo breaks up the pin. Matthews with a nice jumping knee to Bravo on the apron, sending him into the arms of King on the outside, who just hurls him with a body slam onto the announce table!! Nice! King then lands a piledriver on Bravo on the announce table! Matthews curb stomps Dean's head in the ring and covers him. He is out, but Matthews pulls him up before three for more punishment. Matthews goes to the top, but here comes Mark Briscoe, who takes Matthews down with a chair to the head!! Dean covers Matthews for three!
Wow! Crazy stuff here with HOB dominating the match until getting screwed by Mark. Still shocked HOB lost, even with the interference. This was a solid match though, and it gets extra points for a genuinely surprising finish. Rating: 3
Copeland comes out with a big case and a mic. He says he won't call Christian "Jay" anymore. Jay is dead. He has become Christian Cage. He has bought it all, his ego is out of control. Copeland thought since they were friends before wrestling, they would be friends after. He says Christian was on board with him coming to AEW. He came to AEW to retire with Christian, not to take his spotlight that he has earned. He talks about earning his title shot, and having it taken away by being taken out with a conchairto from the Patriarchy. He says he got a phone call from Foley, who helped him remember who he is. He is someone who has dark caves in his head that Christian has never navigated. He introduces a weapon he has made, which he calls "spike." He says next Wednesday, Christian will be in the hospital. He and spike are going to take away Christian's pride, his ego, and his manhood. He will make Christian say two words that will cause Christian to never be able to look his daughters in the eyes again, "I quit."
Solid promo by Copeland here. The spike thing is a little corny for me though.
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Most Beloved AEW Wrestler Tournament
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