oh also can y'all be praying for me bc i got a job offer from the camp for a summer counselor role that would make me about the same as I'm making at my job currently and like... I want to so bad but I would feel so guilty about leaving my current job after not even a year, yknow? but it's such a good opportunity (INCLUDING the opportunity to learn some higher level theater/seminar lighting skills, and also working with horses) and I would love it so much, I got integrated into camp staff accidentally this weekend because I was the only computer tech who came lol and like... I love what they're doing there. and it was chaotic, but so much less stressful than my public facing customer service job I'm at right now?? like.... I promised myself not to make any concrete decisions until I get back from Florida next month (applications for the position don't close until the end of April, so I have some time) but there's a large part of me that REALLY wants to jump at this opportunity. would you guys be praying for wisdom in this choice for me???
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