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mettaton  im so fucking sorry
i forgot to add him completely until someone mentioned him today on discord while i was in the store and i was like OH GOD IVE ABABNDONED MY HUSBAND
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shit this was long and irrational and pointless af
it’s funny, because I can always step back and logically think of all of the things I need when I am not being asked what I need. And it’s funny, because I need so many things that I should just be able to list many things when asked, but I never can. I can’t figure out how to ask for them without sounding like a child or getting angry because I should not need a thing at this point in my life or getting angry because I should know how to give myself the thing. It’s funny, because I have people willing to give me the things I need, and help me give myself the things I need, or help me work toward things I need, and I cannot bring myself to express my needs. I deny, deny, deny. I deny I need food, or water, or a break, or validation, or help, or a hug, or someone’s shoulder to cry on, or whatever. I should be able to give myself many of those things. I’m a fucking adult. I have bills to pay, and things that need my attention, and people to care about, and things to do. and I can’t allow myself to eat???? I can’t give myself validation??? I can’t ask for hugs from people when I need them???? I can’t take a break when I need it???? I can’t cry in front of people who want to comfort me when I need it???? like what the fuck? I’m fucking angry about all of this, because not only are these things ruining my life, but they are ruining my relationships with people. I have people about to give up on me because I can’t do these things. I have people who think that on the rare occassion I do ask for one of these things, I’m doing it for attention or I’m being overdramatic or I’m acting like a child or reject me. I have people who probably would jump at the opportunity to give me these things and I’m so fucking stubborn and hellbent on refusing myself these things and denying myself these things, they’re gonna give up on me and walk away from me. I get and give mixed signals to everyone and I can’t figure out who to trust and who is telling the truth anymore or who really won’t ababndon me for these things or won’t betray me for these things or judge me for these things. I’m so fucking angry that people think I can control these things like, if I fucking could I wouldn’t be in this position in the first place??? If I could fucking control it, I wouldn’t need to fucking ask for these things, I would just give them to myself. If I could control it, I wouldn’t be so fucking angry that I can’t fucking do these things. I want to be a functional human being while I’m alive. escaping and avoiding is fucking exhausting and if anyone thinks I fucking enjoy it, they’re just fucking dumb because I want nothing more than to just be able to fucking deal with my shit but I just can’t!!!!!! I get fucking overwhelmed and I run away and shut things down and escape and avoid and I am angry that I do that but I literally do not know how to fucking do anything else!!!! I have been doing this shit for fucking years, probably more than half of my lifetime or most of my lifetime and I can’t just shut it off when I want to, like no!!!! I don’t even fucking think sbout it anymore like it just happens!!!!! my brain doesn’t know how to fucking process shit and I don’t know how to process anything either and I understand that I can’t go through life like that I understand that is not being a functional human being I understand that is not a healthy way of life but I cannot fucking help it!!!!!! and I am angry and I am ashamed that I am literally a 3 year old in a 23 years old’s body and I am angry that I can’t fucking be a responsible adult or a reasonable adult or an adult in general!!!!! I am angry and everytone is fucking leaving me and I can’t fucking deal with it and I am stuck in this cycle and I am spinning out and I am going to be spinning out forever because people keep leaving me and I am going to be stuck spinning forever and I am going to be alone and I will never get the things I need and It’s all my fucjking fault and I can’t fucking help it!!!!! I can’t fucking help it!!!! this is literally so fucking funny hahaha lmaooooo
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therealcarguys · 8 years
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Ababndoned Superleggera [1280x904] - http://amzn.to/1bxGVMr
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*giggles, trying to shue it off towards its family* Go on little one, I can't touch you or uour mommy will leave you here alone. *the duck quacks before walking off. She giggles, sitting back in the bench and watching it walk away*
Alex: Thats actually a myth. Birds have no significant sence of smell. Birds just ababndon their young cause theyre asses.
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derautofan · 8 years
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Ababndoned Superleggera [1280x904] via http://autofan.xyz
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theghostlywriter · 6 years
Where are the ababndonned victorian spiral staircase located? City. Building?
Apparently it is in a wear-house somewhere, although it doesn’t state where I would assume either France or somewhere within the UK based on the architectural style. ☺️
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junaidrao · 8 years
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#Cars Ababndoned Superleggera [1280x904]
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