#abe tsukada
shazzeaslightnovels · 4 months
Shousetsu Sousou no Frieren: Zensou
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Author: Mei Hachimoku (Author of Natsu e no Tunnel, Sayonara no Deguchi)
Illustrator: Abe Tsukada
Original Story: Kanehito Yamada
Label: Shounen Sunday Comics
Release Date: 17 April 2024
My Score: 4/5
This volume is a collection of prequel short stories set in the Frieren universe. Each chapter focuses on a different character as we learn more about what their life was like before the start of the series.
We start the volume off with Fern, shortly after she starts living with Heiter. We then have a chapter with Stark, taking place shortly after his fight with Eisen as he arrives to the village that he will come to protect for three years. The third chapter focuses on Lawine and Kanne during their time at the magic school. As part of a test, they each have to defeat a monster. This is one of the more interesting stories in the volume as we haven't spent all that much time with these two in the main series and their past hasn't been touched on as much as Stark's and Fern's. I like the relationship between these two so it was nice to see more of them. The next chapter is an Aura chapter. This one starts with her first encounter with Himmel and Frieren and the other heroes, and the fallout from her army's defeat at their hands. This is another highlight as we barely spent any time with Aura in the main series so it's nice to see her being explored here. It's fun to be in the head of a demon too and to see their POV. This the longest story in the volume, and it's also the only one where I think the experience is improved if you've read up to at least volume 9 of the manga (which is where I am at), because Macht, a demon introduced in volume 9, makes an appearance. It's still definitely possible to read and have fun without having read the manga, but it does slightly improve the experience. The final chapter, of course, focuses on Frieren herself, reminiscing about her time with Flamme, and then about her time with Himmel and the others. It's a good story to end the volume on, even if it isn't a stand out. It's also got a few references to popular gags in the manga (like Frieren's blowing a kiss special attack), which was a lot of fun.
I really enjoyed this volume. It was easy to read and Mei Hachimoku captured the feeling and atmosphere of the Frieren series perfectly. Even when it was covering ground already tread by the manga, like Fern's relationship with Heiter, it was never boring. While I wouldn't call it a must read volume as it doesn't provide any particularly new insights for the characters or important information for the story, it was a delight to read and I would easily recommend it to Frieren fans. You probably could get away with reading this without having any previous experience with the franchise, but it would be a lot more boring and I can't see any reason to read this if you don't already love the characters and the world they inhabit.
I do want to mention that there aren't really any illustrations in the volume. Different sections of the cover are used as the title pages for the chapters and that's really it. There aren't any colour illustrations or monochrome illustrations depicting the events in the chapters. I somewhat expected this to be the case, but it's still disappointing. I get that Abe Tsukada was probably too busy drawing for the manga to do more than the cover for this volume, but I can't help but wish that were just a couple of illustrations throughout.
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satomada · 3 months
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Adult (20+) ・ ♀ i don't care how you refer to me name-wise
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♥Mahiru Shiina, Amane Momose, Yuno Kashiki
♥Satoru Tsukada + Randal Ivory ♥Dream entities (Yamada, Ren Ikeda, Avalona Mercury, Spider Girl, Dream Luther)
♥Yayoi Takatsuki, Yukiho Hagiwara, Haruka Amami
♥Chika Yokoyama, Riamu Yumemi, Rika Jougasaki, Shin Sato, Nana Abe
Fire Emblem
FE 13 (Awakening)
♥Ricken, Nah, Miriel
FE 16 (Three Houses)
♥Seteth, Edelgard, Sylvain, Lysithea
FE 17 (Engage)
♥Nel, Veyle, Pandreo, Alfred
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Has an outwardly cheery personality (but she's actually a creepy otaku)
Was pretty bright in school, but suddenly became an idiot in adulthood
Finds Japanese words hard to pronounce (so she only types them)
Loner shut-in
Honest about her desires
Literally never shuts her mouth
A pig disguised as a girl
You should be ashamed to be alive
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iwamotos · 7 years
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180326 ; snow man @ ‘last hold’ movie press conference
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katosou · 3 years
¨ ここまでは米国の話ですがこれから日本でも同じような現象が起きます。いまはまだ女性やマイノリティの権利が認められていない日本ですが、これから世代交代するのは目に見えています。その時、米国と同じ現象が起きます。つまりリソースを女性やマイノリティに取られ、誰からも同情さえされない「優秀じゃない男性」が大量に生産されます。¨
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dr-owo · 6 years
Mission Successful!
Hello everyone!
We’re happy to report that we’ve managed to capture every single target! Please check the list with the pictures taken below to make sure there are no discrepancies...
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Ayame Satoshi - Former Office Worker
??? - ???
Hisayo Takamiya - Former Bassist
Daishin Taniguchi - Former Dollmaker
Kiha Ryu - Former Olympic Judoka
Mika Tsukizuka - Former Freelance Oil Painter
Nobuyuki Tsukada - Former Magician
Sunshine - Former Student
Leviathan - Former FF Agent
Shinsuke Naragachi - Former Security Programmer
Kazuro Ryokugane - Former Yakuza Oyabun
Kibou Kirimizu - Former Personal Trainer
Phoenix - Former FF Agent
Utsusu Abe - Formerly Unemployed
Persephone - Former Scientific Engineer
Bunji Okamura - Former Private Investigator
Tomoyo Iori - Former Student
Ren Minami - Former Coffee Shop Manager
Sakurako Morisawa - Former Florist
Raven - Former Street Magician
Keiko Yamaguchi - Former Nurse Assistant
[We will be sending out invites to our discord shortly!]
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Hoax 1 per 0 (1/0) hasilnya sama dengan tak hingga STOPPPPP!!!!
Hoax 1 per 0 (1/0) hasilnya sama dengan tak hingga STOPPPPP!!!!
\title{\bf  Announcement 461:  An essence of division by zero and a new axiom}
\author{{\it Institute of Reproducing Kernels}\\
In order to see an essence of our division by zero calculus, we will state a simple survey.
As the number system,  division by zero is realized as the {\bf Yamada field} with the definition of the general fractions $a/b$ containing the case $b=0$, and its various meanings and applications are given. In particular, see \cite{msy} and see also the references.
The field structure is, of course, fundamental in the algebraic structure.
However, apart from  various motivations and any  background, we will give the definition of the  division by zero calculus as follows:
For any  \index{Laurent expansion}Laurent expansion around $z=a$,
\begin{equation} \label{dvc5.1}
f(z) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{-1}  C_n (z - a)^n + C_0 + \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} C_n (z - a)^n
we define the division by zero calculus
f(a) =  C_0.
For the correspondence \eqref{dvc5.2} for the function $f(z)$, we will call it {\bf the division by zero calculus}. By considering  derivatives in \eqref{dvc5.1}, we {\bf  define} any order derivatives of the function $f$ at the singular point $a$ as
f^{(n)}(a) = n! C_n.
The division by zero calculus seems to be strange firstly, however, by its various applications and results, we will see that the concept is fundamental in our elementary mathematics, globally. See the references.
For its importance, the division by zero calculus  may be looked as a {\bf  new axiom.}
Firstly, for the fundamental function $W= F(z) = 1/z$, we have, surprisingly
F(0) = 0.
We see its great impacts to our basic idea for the space and in our Euclidean space.
 From the form, we should consider that
\frac{1}{0} =0.
Note that this representation and identity is not any result, but it is only the definition of
$\frac{1}{0}$. Of course, it is not the usual definition as the solution of the equation $0 \cdot z =1$. Here, we are stating that the division by zero calculus and the form of the elementary function lead us to the identity (0.3).
{\bf \Large Could we divide the numbers and functions by zero?}
For this old and general question, we will give a simple answer.
For any analytic function
$f(z)$ around the origin $z=0$ that is permitted to have any singularity at $z=0$ (of course, any constant function is permitted),
we can consider the value, by the division by zero calculus
at the point $z=0$, for any positive integer $n$. This will mean that from the form
we can consider it as follows:
For example,
\frac{e^{x}}{x^n}\mid_{x=0} = \frac{1}{n!}.
{\bf \Huge In this sense, we can divide the numbers and analytic functions by zero.}
M. Kuroda, H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh, and M. Yamane,
New meanings of the division by zero and interpretations on $100/0=0$ and on $0/0=0$,
Int. J. Appl. Math.  {\bf 27} (2014), no 2, pp. 191-198,  DOI: 10.12732/ijam.v27i2.9.
T. Matsuura and S. Saitoh,
Matrices and division by zero $z/0=0$,
Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory, {\bf 6}(2016), 51-58
Published Online June 2016 in SciRes.   http://www.scirp.org/journal/alamt
\\ http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/alamt.2016.62007.
T. Matsuura, H. Michiwaki and S. Saitoh,
$\log 0= \log \infty =0$ and applications. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 293-305.
H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh and  M.Yamada,
Reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$.  IJAPM  International J. of Applied Physics and Math. {\bf 6}(2015), 1--8. http://www.ijapm.org/show-63-504-1.html
H. Michiwaki, H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,
Division by Zero $z/0 = 0$ in Euclidean Spaces,
International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, {\bf 2}8(2017); Issue  1, 1-16.
H. Okumura, S. Saitoh and T. Matsuura, Relations of   $0$ and  $\infty$,
Journal of Technology and Social Science (JTSS), {\bf 1}(2017),  70-77.
H. Okumura and S. Saitoh, The Descartes circles theorem and division by zero calculus. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.04961 (2017.11.14).
H. Okumura, Wasan geometry with the division by 0. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.06947 International  Journal of Geometry.
H.  Okumura and S. Saitoh,
Harmonic Mean and Division by Zero,
Dedicated to Professor Josip Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18} (2018), 155—159.
H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,
Remarks for The Twin Circles of Archimedes in a Skewed Arbelos by H. Okumura and M. Watanabe, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18}(2018), 97-100.
H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,
Applications of the division by zero calculus to Wasan geometry.
S. Pinelas and S. Saitoh,
Division by zero calculus and differential equations. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 399-418.
S. Saitoh, Generalized inversions of Hadamard and tensor products for matrices,  Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory.  {\bf 4}  (2014), no. 2,  87--95. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ALAMT/
S. Saitoh, A reproducing kernel theory with some general applications,
Qian,T./Rodino,L.(eds.): Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications - Plenary Lectures: Isaac 2015, Macau, China, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics,  {\bf 177}(2016),     151-182.
S. Saitoh, Mysterious Properties of the Point at Infinity, arXiv:1712.09467 [math.GM](2017.12.17).
S.-E. Takahasi, M. Tsukada and Y. Kobayashi,  Classification of continuous fractional binary operations on the real and complex fields,  Tokyo Journal of Mathematics,   {\bf 38}(2015), no. 2, 369-380.
\title{\bf  Announcement 460:  Change the Poor Idea to the Definite Results For the Division by Zero --  For the Leading Mathematicians}
\author{{\it Institute of Reproducing Kernels}\\
The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$ in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space based on the new concept of division by zero calculus: for the function $f(z) = 1/z$
f(0) = 0
since Aristotelēs (BC384 - BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century - ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 - 668 ?).
In particular,  Brahmagupta defined as $0/0=0$ in Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta (628), however, our world history stated that his definition $0/0=0$ is wrong over 1300 years, but, we showed that his definition is suitable.
For the details, see the site: http://okmr.yamatoblog.net/
In the international conference:
http://www.meetingsint.com/conferences/\\appliedphysics-mathematics\\Applied Physics and Mathematics Conference 2018\\
we  presented the basic results on  October 23 and
for the details,  see the references with the talk sheets:  saburousaitoh
181102.pdf :
{\Huge \bf
Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and \\ open the new world\\ since Aristoteles-Euclid:\\ $1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0$\\
and the abstract: 201810.23abstract.
Particularly, note that the division by zero calculus is a fundamental definition based on the basic assumption that may be considered as a new axiom for its importance.
As stated
by some physicist
{\it Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed
out} (2017.10.14.08:55),
it seems that the long history of the division by zero is our shame and our mathematics in the elementary level has basic missings. Meanwhile, we have still  great confusions and wrong ideas on the division by zero. Therefore, we would like to ask for the good corrections for the wrong ideas and some official approval for our division by zero as our basic duties.
M. Kuroda, H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh, and M. Yamane,
New meanings of the division by zero and interpretations on $100/0=0$ and on $0/0=0$,
Int. J. Appl. Math.  {\bf 27} (2014), no 2, pp. 191-198,  DOI: 10.12732/ijam.v27i2.9.
T. Matsuura and S. Saitoh,
Matrices and division by zero $z/0=0$,
Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory, {\bf 6}(2016), 51-58
Published Online June 2016 in SciRes.   http://www.scirp.org/journal/alamt
\\ http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/alamt.2016.62007.
T. Matsuura, H. Michiwaki and S. Saitoh,
$\log 0= \log \infty =0$ and applications. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 293-305.
H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh and  M.Yamada,
Reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$.  IJAPM  International J. of Applied Physics and Math. {\bf 6}(2015), 1--8. http://www.ijapm.org/show-63-504-1.html
H. Michiwaki, H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,
Division by Zero $z/0 = 0$ in Euclidean Spaces,
International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, {\bf 2}8(2017); Issue  1, 1-16.
H. Okumura, S. Saitoh and T. Matsuura, Relations of   $0$ and  $\infty$,
Journal of Technology and Social Science (JTSS), {\bf 1}(2017),  70-77.
H. Okumura and S. Saitoh, The Descartes circles theorem and division by zero calculus. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.04961 (2017.11.14).
H. Okumura, Wasan geometry with the division by 0. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.06947 International  Journal of Geometry.
H.  Okumura and S. Saitoh,
Harmonic Mean and Division by Zero,
Dedicated to Professor Josip Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18} (2018), 155—159.
H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,
Remarks for The Twin Circles of Archimedes in a Skewed Arbelos by H. Okumura and M. Watanabe, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18}(2018), 97-100.
H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,
Applications of the division by zero calculus to Wasan geometry.
S. Pinelas and S. Saitoh,
Division by zero calculus and differential equations. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 399-418.
S. Saitoh, Generalized inversions of Hadamard and tensor products for matrices,  Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory.  {\bf 4}  (2014), no. 2,  87--95. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ALAMT/
S. Saitoh, A reproducing kernel theory with some general applications,
Qian,T./Rodino,L.(eds.): Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications - Plenary Lectures: Isaac 2015, Macau, China, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics,  {\bf 177}(2016),     151-182.
S. Saitoh, Mysterious Properties of the Point at Infinity, arXiv:1712.09467 [math.GM](2017.12.17).
S.-E. Takahasi, M. Tsukada and Y. Kobayashi,  Classification of continuous fractional binary operations on the real and complex fields,  Tokyo Journal of Mathematics,   {\bf 38}(2015), no. 2, 369-380.
\title{\bf  Announcement 454:  The International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, October 22-23}
\author{{\it Institute of Reproducing Kernels}\\
{\Large \bf
The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$ in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space based on the new concept of division by zero calculus: for the function $f(z) = 1/z$
f(0) = 0
since Aristotelēs (BC384 - BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century - ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 - 668 ?).
In particular,  Brahmagupta defined as $0/0=0$ in Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta (628), however, our world history stated that his definition $0/0=0$ is wrong over 1300 years, but, we showed that his definition is suitable.
For the details, see the site: http://okmr.yamatoblog.net/
In the above international conference:
John Martin, Program Coordinator\\
http://www.meetingsint.com/conferences/\\appliedphysics-mathematics\\Applied Physics and Mathematics Conference 2018\\
we will present our results while 11:00-12:00, October 23 and we will accept all the related questions and comments while 13:00-15:00 around.
For the details, please see the below:
(If a person participates in our session around the morning and afternoon free discussions, he should pay euro 250. If the person registers in a group of 5 or more, the amount will be reduced to euro 180 per person. The morning session is very valuable and has the potential to bring change in the education system.
For one night stay on 22nd October, he needs to pay euro 150.
I hope everything is clear.
Kindly let me know if any query.
{\Huge \bf
Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and \\ open the new world since Aristoteles-Euclid: $1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0.$
{\large \bf
For a triangle ABC with side length $a,b,c$.
We have the formula
\frac{a^2 + b^2 - c^2}{a^2 - b^2 + c^2} = \frac{\tan B}{\tan C}.
If $ a^2 + b^2 - c^2 =0$, then $C = \pi/2$. Then,
0 =  \frac{\tan B}{\tan \frac{\pi}{2}} = \frac{\tan B}{0}.
Meanwhile, for the case
a^2 - b^2 + c^2 =0,
then $B = \pi/2$, and we have
\frac{a^2 + b^2 - c^2}{0}= \frac{\tan \frac{\pi}{2}}{\tan C}=0.
神の数式: 神の数式が解析関数でかけて居れば、 特異点でローラン展開して、正則部の第1項を取れば、 何時でも有限値を得るので、 形式的に無限が出ても 実は問題なく 意味を有します。 物理学者如何でしょうか。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに計算機は何時、1/0=0 ができるようになるでしょうか。 カテゴリ:カテゴリ未分類 そこで、計算機は何時、1/0=0 ができるようになるでしょうか。 楽しみにしています。 もうできる進化した 計算機をお持ちの方は おられないですね。 これは凄い、面白い事件では? 計算機が人間を超えている 例では? 面白いことを発見しました。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに、 この方は 間違いだと 言っている、思っているようです。 0/0=0 は 1300年も前に 算術の発見者によって与えられたにも関わらず、世界史は間違いだと とんでもないことを言ってきた。 世界史の恥。 実は a/0=0 が 何時も成り立っていた。 しかし、ここで 分数の意味を きちんと定義する必要がある。 計算機は、その意味さえ知っているようですね。 計算機、人間より賢くなっている 様が 出て居て 実に 面白い。 https://steemkr.com/utopian-io/@faisalamin/bug-zero-divide-by-zero-answers-is-zero 2018.10.11.11:23 https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/reproducingkerne/diary/201810110003/ 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに カテゴリ:カテゴリ未分類 面白いことを発見しました。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに、 この方は 間違いだと 言っている、思っているようです。 0/0=0 は 1300年も前に 算術の発見者によって与えられたにも関わらず、世界史は間違いだと とんでもないことを言ってきた。 実は a/0=0 が 何時も成り立っていた。しかし、ここで 分数の意味を きちんと定義する必要がある。 計算機は、その意味さえ知っているようですね。 計算機、人間より賢くなっている様が 出て居て 実に面白い。 https://steemkr.com/utopian-io/@faisalamin/bug-zero-divide-by-zero-answers-is-zero 2018.10.11.11:23 ゼロ除算、ゼロで割る問題、分からない、正しいのかなど、 良く理解できない人が 未だに 多いようです。そこで、簡潔な一般的な 解説を思い付きました。 もちろん、学会などでも述べていますが、 予断で 良く聞けないようです。まず、分数、a/b は a 割る b のことで、これは 方程式 b x=a の解のことです。ところが、 b がゼロならば、 どんな xでも 0 x =0 ですから、a がゼロでなければ、解は存在せず、 従って 100/0 など、ゼロ除算は考えられない、できないとなってしまいます。 普通の意味では ゼロ除算は 不可能であるという、世界の常識、定説です。できない、不可能であると言われれば、いろいろ考えたくなるのが、人間らしい創造の精神です。 基本方程式 b x=a が b がゼロならば解けない、解が存在しないので、困るのですが、このようなとき、従来の結果が成り立つような意味で、解が考えられないかと、数学者は良く考えて来ました。 何と、 そのような方程式は 何時でも唯一つに 一般化された意味で解をもつと考える 方法があります。 Moore-Penrose 一般化逆の考え方です。 どんな行列の 逆行列を唯一つに定��る 一般的な 素晴らしい、���然な考えです。その考えだと、 b がゼロの時、解はゼロが出るので、 a/0=0 と定義するのは 当然です。 すなわち、この意味で 方程式の解を考えて 分数を考えれば、ゼロ除算は ゼロとして定まる ということです。ただ一つに定まるのですから、 この考えは 自然で、その意味を知りたいと 考えるのは、当然ではないでしょうか?初等数学全般に影響を与える ユークリッド以来の新世界が 現れてきます。 ゼロ除算の誤解は深刻: 最近、3つの事が在りました。 私の簡単な講演、相当な数学者が信じられないような誤解をして、全然理解できなく、目が回っているいるような印象を受けたこと、 相当ゼロ除算の研究をされている方が、基本を誤解されていたこと、1/0 の定義を誤解されていた。 相当な才能の持ち主が、連続性や順序に拘って、4年以上もゼロ除算の研究を避けていたこと。 これらのことは、人間如何に予断と偏見にハマった存在であるかを教えている。 まずは ゼロ除算は不可能であるの 思いが強すぎで、初めからダメ、考えない、無視の気持ちが、強い。 ゼロ除算を従来の 掛け算の逆と考えると、不可能であるが 証明されてしまうので、割り算の意味を拡張しないと、考えられない。それで、 1/0,0/0,z/0 などの意味を発見する必要がある。 それらの意味は、普通の意味ではないことの 初めの考えを飛ばして ダメ、ダメの感情が 突っ走ている。 非ユークリッド幾何学の出現や天動説が地動説に変わった世界史の事件のような 形相と言える。 2018.9.22.6:41 ゼロ除算の4つの誤解: 1. ゼロでは割れない、ゼロ除算は 不可能である との考え方に拘って、思考停止している。 普通、不可能であるは、考え方や意味を拡張して 可能にできないかと考えるのが 数学の伝統であるが、それができない。 2. 可能にする考え方が 紹介されても ゼロ除算の意味を誤解して、繰り返し間違えている。可能にする理論を 素直に理解しない、 強い従来の考えに縛られている。拘っている。 3. ゼロ除算を関数に適用すると 強力な不連続性を示すが、連続性のアリストテレス以来の 連続性の考えに囚われていて 強力な不連続性を受け入れられない。数学では、不連続性の概念を明確に持っているのに、不連続性の凄い現象に、ゼロ除算の場合には 理解できない。 4. 深刻な誤解は、ゼロ除算は本質的に定義であり、仮定に基づいているので 疑いの気持ちがぬぐえず、ダメ、怪しいと誤解している。数学が公理系に基づいた理論体系のように、ゼロ除算は 新しい仮定に基づいていること。 定義に基づいていることの認識が良く理解できず、誤解している。 George Gamow (1904-1968) Russian-born American nuclear physicist and cosmologist remarked that “it is well known to students of high school algebra” that division by zero is not valid; and Einstein admitted it as {\bf the biggest blunder of his life} [1]:1. Gamow, G., My World Line (Viking, New York). p 44, 1970. Eπi =-1 (1748)(Leonhard Euler) E = mc 2 (1905)(Albert Einstein) 1/0=0/0=0 (2014年2月2日再生核研究所) ゼロ除算(division by zero)1/0=0/0=z/0= tan (pi/2)=0 https://ameblo.jp/syoshinoris/entry-12420397278.html 1+1=2 ( ) a2+b2=c2 (Pythagoras) 1/0=0/0=0(2014年2月2日再生核研究所) Black holes are where God divided by 0:Division by zero:1/0=0/0=z/0=tan(pi/2)=0 発見5周年を迎えて 今受け取ったメールです。 何十年もゼロ除算の研究をされてきた人が、積極的に我々の理論の正当性を認めてきた。 Re: 1/0=0/0=0 example JAMES ANDERSON [email protected] apr, 2 at 15:03 All, Saitoh’s claim is wider than 1/0 = 0. It is x/0 = 0 for all real x. Real numbers are a field. The axioms of fields define the multiplicative inverse for every number except zero. Saitoh generalises this inverse to give 0^(-1) = 0. The axioms give the freedom to do this. The really important thing is that the result is zero - a number for which the field axioms hold. So Saitoh’s generalised system is still a field. This makes it attractive for algebraic reasons but, in my view, it is unattractive when dealing with calculus. There is no milage in declaring Saitoh wrong. The only objections one can make are to usefulness. That is why Saitoh publishes so many notes on the usefulness of his system. I do the same with my system, but my method is to establish usefulness by extending many areas of mathematics and establishing new mathematical results. That said, there is value in examining the logical basis of the various proposed number systems. We might find errors in them and we certainly can find areas of overlap and difference. These areas inform the choice of number system for different applications. This analysis helps determine where each number system will be useful. James Anderson Sent from my iPhone The deduction that z/0 = 0, for any z, is based in Saitoh’s geometric intuition and it is currently applied in proof assistant technology, which are useful in industry and in the military. Is It Really Impossible To Divide By Zero? https://juniperpublishers.com/bboaj/pdf/BBOAJ.MS.ID.555703.pdf Dear the leading person: How will be the below information? The biggest scandal: The typical good comment for the first draft is given by some physicist as follows: Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero, which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed out (2017.10.14.08:55) A typical wrong idea will be given as follows: mathematical life is very good without division by zero (2018.2.8.21:43). It is nice to know that you will present your result at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Please remember to mention Isabelle/HOL, which is a software in which x/0 = 0. This software is the result of many years of research and a millions of dollars were invested in it. If x/0 = 0 was false, all these money was for nothing. Right now, there is a team of mathematicians formalizing all the mathematics in Isabelle/HOL, where x/0 = 0 for all x, so this mathematical relation is the future of mathematics. https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~lp15/Grants/Alexandria/ José Manuel Rodríguez Caballero Added an answer In the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL we have x/0 = 0 for each number x. This is advantageous in order to simplify the proofs. You can download this proof assistant here: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/ Nevertheless, you can use that x/0 = 0, following the rules from Isabelle/HOL and you will obtain no contradiction. Indeed, you can check this fact just downloading Isabelle/HOL: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/ and copying the following code theory DivByZeroSatoih imports Complex_Main begin theorem T: ‹x/0 + 2000 = 2000› for x :: complex by simp end 2019/03/30 18:42 (11 時間前) Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and open the new world since Aristotelēs-Euclid: 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0. Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM) c ⃝SJMISSN 2534-9562 Volume 2 (2018), pp. 57-73 Received 20 November 2018. Published on-line 29 November 2018 web: http://www.sangaku-journal.eu/ c ⃝The Author(s) This article is published with open access1. Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus ∗Hiroshi Okumura and ∗∗Saburou Saitoh 2019.3.14.11:30 Black holes are where God divided by 0:Division by zero:1/0=0/0=z/0=\tan(\pi/2)=0 発見5周年を迎えて You’re God ! Yeah that’s right… You’re creating the Universe and you’re doing ok… But Holy fudge ! You just made a division by zero and created a blackhole !! Ok, don’t panic and shut your fudging mouth ! Use the arrow keys to move the blackhole In each phase, you have to make the object of the right dimension fall into the blackhole There are 2 endings. Credits : BlackHole picture : myself Other pictures has been taken from internet background picture : Reptile Theme of Mortal Kombat NB : it’s a big zip because of the wav file More information Install instructions Download it. Unzip it. Run the exe file. Play it. Enjoy it. https://kthulhu1947.itch.io/another-dimension A poem about division from Hacker’s Delight Last updated 5 weeks ago I was re-reading Hacker’s Delight and on page 202 I found a poem about division that I had forgotten about. I think that I shall never envision An op unlovely as division. An op whose answer must be guessed And then, through multiply, assessed; An op for which we dearly pay, In cycles wasted every day. Division code is often hairy; Long division’s downright scary. The proofs can overtax your brain, The ceiling and floor may drive you insane. Good code to divide takes a Knuthian hero, But even God can’t divide by zero! Henry S. Warren, author of Hacker’s Delight. https://catonmat.net/poem-from-hackers-delight
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stormy1990 · 7 years
Chapters: 37/? Fandom: Kis-My-Ft2 (Band), KAT-TUN (Band), Johnny's Entertainment, Johnny's Jr., SixTONES (Band), NewS (Band), A.B.C.-Z, Hey! Say! JUMP, Johnny's WEST Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Fujigaya Taisuke/Nikaido Takashi, Ueda Tatsuya/Yasui Kentaro Characters: Nikaido Takashi, Fujigaya Taisuke, Yokoo Wataru, Miyata Toshiya, Senga Kento, Tamamori Yuta, Kitayama Hiromitsu, Yasui Kentaro, Kyomoto Taiga, Kishi Yuta, Abe Aran, Yamada Ryosuke, Matsumura Hokuto, Morita Myuuto, Kikuchi Fuma, Nakajima Kento, Masuda Takahisa, Tegoshi Yuya, Kato Shigeaki, Yamashita Tomohisa, Nishikido Ryo, Ueda Tatsuya, Kamenashi Kazuya, Nakamaru Yuichi, Taguchi Junnosuke, Kawai Fumito, Totsuka Shota, Tsukada Ryoichi, Goseki Koichi, Hashimoto Ryosuke, Kouchi Yugo, Inoo Kei, Arioka Daiki, Kamiyama Tomohiro, Shigeoka Daiki, Nakayama Yuma, Kiriyama Akito, Nakama Junta, Kotaki Nozomu, Fujii Ryusei, Yara Tomoyuki, Fukazawa Tatsuya, Iwamoto Hikaru, Nozawa Yuki, Jesse Lewis, Tanaka Juri, Morimoto Shintarou, Chinen Yuri, Takaki Yuya, Yabu Kota, Yaotome Hikaru, Sakurai Sho, Matsumoto Jun, Ohno Satoshi, Aiba Masaki, Ninomiya Kazunari Additional Tags: Character Death, side-pairings (changing), side pairing: FumaKen, side-pairing: Abe Aran/Kishi Yuta, side-pairing: TegoMass Summary:
Word War III has left the world in chaos and fear with a new kind of mutation dividing one nation into two fractions, with almost no hope for them to coexist. But what seemed to be a frightening curse at first might be the only hope to finally bring peace back to their lives and with two of each kind finding together the last battle was about to begin!
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shazzeaslightnovels · 4 months
May 2024
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(Series: Sousou no Frieren | Artist: Abe Tsukada)
May was a rough month, light novels wise, for me. I was stuck reading Sherlock Academy for three weeks and cannot say that I enjoyed my time with it. I'm really glad I decided to follow that up with the Frieren novel as that was such a breeze to read.
Speaking of Frieren, I have now read 10 volumes of the manga and I love it. I think this a rare situation where the anime and manga are as equally good. The anime imbues a lot of charm into moments that were small in the manga, but they were only able to that because the source material is so solid to begin with. I do like the pacing more in the manga. I feel like the anime did sometimes drag out certain story beats and fights to the point where they started to get tiring. While I can appreciate the gorgeous animation of the anime, I also appreciate the manga's willingness to skip over fights in favor of highlighting the small moments that make life worth living and I feel that attitude is more in keeping with the series' themes. tldr: I love both versions of the story for different reasons and am eager to consume more of it.
Other highlights of the month: I read The Spirit Glass by Roshani Chokshi and it is currently my favourite book I've read this year. It's a junior fiction/middle grade novel taking inspiration from Filipino mythology. I love the characters, especially my boy Saso, and the story made me laugh and cry in equal measure. I read Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones for the first time and, while I don't think it's as good as the Studio Ghibli film, I'm glad I read it as it was cool to read the inspiration for the movie, and there were some plot points that I wish were incorporated into the movie. Also really enjoyed The Meister of Decimen City by Brenna Raney, and The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph Right.
On the manga side of things, Shiba Inu no Atachitachi vol. 1 is 113 pages of pure cuteness and delight. I'm really glad I picked it up on a whim. It's going to be my go to for when I need something light and fluffy to heal my heart. I'm a bit confused about how it's published though. Bookwalker and Kindle have it as 4 volumes, but it looks like there's only one physical volume so maybe they only released the first volume as a physical or maybe the physical volume is compilation of the four volumes? Regardless, I love it, and I can't wait to read the remaining volumes and get my fill of pure cuteness.
List of reviews:
Sherlock Academy 2
Shousetsu Sousou no Frieren: Zensou
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filmstopia · 7 years
Last Hold! - Official trailer 2018 - Shochiku
New Post has been published on https://goo.gl/7pW1Y9
Last Hold! - Official trailer 2018 - Shochiku
Okajima (Ryoichi Tsukada) is senior at a university. He is the leader of the school's bouldering club (which is a form of rock climbing), but the club may get shut down. To avoid the closure of the club, Okajima recruits 6 new members. Except for Kawaguchi (Hikaru Iwamoto), the other new members are all beginners. The club enjoys bouldering together and they are about to take part in a competition when a case takes place. Directed by: Yukinori Makabe Cast: Ryôhei Abe, Shôta Watanabe, Ryôichi Tsukada (function(d,s,id)var js,stags=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(d.getElementById(id))return;js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="https://ia.media-imdb.com/images/G/01/imdb/plugins/rating/js/rating.js";stags.parentNode.insertBefore(js,stags);)(document,'script','imdb-rating-api');
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Japanese girls are operating for parliament in document numbers, however face many obstacles
http://tinyurl.com/y6qpgwhv NIIGATA, Japan (Reuters) – When anti-nuclear activist Junko Isogai ran for workplace in Japan’s northern Niigata area, it had an ungainly dimension: not simply stump speeches and chats with constituents, however entertaining potential backers. Sakura Uchikoshi, an opposition candidate for Japan’s upcoming July 21 higher home election, poses in entrance of election posters in Mitsuke, Niigata, Japan, July 9, 2019. REUTERS/Linda Sieg “I used to be requested to pour sake, make flattering dialog and act in a method males wouldn’t dislike,” Isogai, 45, a mom of two teenage women, advised Reuters. “It was like being a bar hostess.” Such conventional marketing campaign practices – heavy on face-to-face interplay and private ties – are amongst many limitations girls face when making an attempt to enter Japan’s male-dominated politics, candidates and specialists say. Different hurdles embrace an absence of position fashions, social norms discouraging girls from talking out, and the burden of an intense, full-time job in a society the place girls are anticipated to be chargeable for housekeeping, little one rearing and elder care. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made bringing extra girls into the workforce a coverage pillar. However politics stays male-dominated. Since Abe took workplace in December 2012, Japan’s international rating of ladies in parliament has fallen to 164th from 122nd amongst 193 international locations. His Liberal Democratic Get together has a smaller share of feminine lawmakers than its fundamental opposition occasion. A July 21 upper-house election would be the first nationwide ballot since passage of a gender parity legislation that set non-binding targets for events to area equal numbers of female and male candidates. A document 28% of candidates are girls. However solely 15% of LDP candidates are girls, in contrast with 45% for its fundamental opposition, the Constitutional Democratic Get together of Japan (CDPJ). Sakura Uchikoshi, a Tokyo-based lawyer making her first foray into politics within the rural district of Niigata, is among the many opposition candidates. Niigata has a practice of robust feminine politicians, together with outspoken former overseas minister Makiko Tanaka. And it at present has three feminine opposition MPs. NETWORKS AND NAMES Uchikoshi, who not like many male politicians didn’t rise by occasion ranks, suffers from a picture as an outsider. She was born in Hokkaido and pursued her profession in Tokyo. That’s a stark distinction together with her LDP rival Ichiro Tsukada, a Niigata-born incumbent whose father was additionally an MP. “My lack of title recognition is the bottleneck,” Uchikoshi advised Reuters in an interview earlier than a rally. “Male candidates have networks and … the shortage of that for rookie feminine candidates makes it troublesome,” she mentioned, including she was grateful for help from the three incumbent girls. Politicians, particularly within the LDP, sometimes rise by the ranks from native assemblies to parliament, creating their base alongside the way in which. That path may be powerful for ladies, who’re anticipated to lift households moderately than shake palms. “People should domesticate networks themselves,” mentioned Sophia College professor Mari Miura. “Many ladies, who should interrupt their careers for child-rearing and wrestle with work-life steadiness, can’t afford such power.” Uchikoshi’s backers hope she stands out as a recent different to Tsukada, mentioned Hiroshi Sasaki, a college professor and civic activist advising her marketing campaign. Tsukada’s fame was dented when he bragged about securing a freeway undertaking in southern Japan as an unsolicited favour for Abe and Finance Minister Taro Aso. He resigned as deputy cupboard minister over the fuss. “Often, I vote for the LDP, however this time I feel they’re making fools of us and I’m offended,” mentioned 63-year-old Niigata retiree Susumu, who declined to offer his final title. Uchikoshi’s husband, a lawyer, and their teenage son live in Tokyo throughout the marketing campaign, which formally kicked off on July 4. “My son didn’t appear to understand I’d have to remain in Niigata,” she mentioned. Against this, specialists and politicians say, males don’t are inclined to see household duties as a barrier to getting into politics. “If a lady is a full-time housewife and her husband runs for workplace, she will be able to deal with the house,” CDPJ chief Yukio Edano advised Reuters. “Sadly, the burden of child-rearing is heavier for ladies so the price of operating is larger.” Isogai, who misplaced her bid for Niigata’s prefectural meeting and is supporting Uchikoshi, mentioned she typically felt responsible for leaving her teenage daughters to marketing campaign. “Once I noticed them with a button lacking, I felt sorry,” mentioned Isogai, who moved to Niigata from Fukushima after the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear catastrophe. Her husband, typically away for work, wasn’t used to family chores, she mentioned. Slideshow (three Photos) “In relation to campaigning, it’s overwhelmingly simpler for males,” she mentioned. Proponents say extra feminine lawmakers would assist Japan give attention to key insurance policies akin to little one care, training and welfare. “I’m a working mom myself and the problems of kid care and aged care are very private,” Uchikoshi mentioned. “To prioritise such points, we want extra girls legislators.” Writing by Linda Sieg; Modifying by Gerry Doyle Our Requirements:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Source link
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Aniplex of America Announces "Fate Grand Order -First Order-" And "Blue Exorcist -Kyoto Saga-" Home Video Release Plans
Aniplex of America has a pair of home video releases to prepare for at Anime Expo. Smartphone game anime tie-in special Fate Grand Order -First Order- is going on sale on Blu-ray while Blue Exorcist -Kyoto Saga-, the second anime adaptation of Kazue Kato's supernatural action manga, will be on both Blu-ray and DVD.
    The Blu-ray edition of Fate/Grand Order -First Order- will include both the original Japanese dialogue as well as the brand new English dub, which Aniplex of America premiered on Day 1 of Anime Expo. The English cast features Griffin Burns (anohana –The Flower We Saw That Day, Charlotte) as Ritsuka Fujimaru, Erica Mendez (Your lie in April, Magi franchise) as Mash Kyrielight, and Kira Buckland (Blue Exorcist, The Asterisk War) as Olga Marie Animusphere. Tony Oliver (Fate series, Magi franchise, Charlotte) serves as both ADR director and the voice of Cú Chulainn.
  The Blu-ray release for Fate/Grand Order -First Order- will include plenty of bonus materials for fans, such as cast interviews, trailers, and the original soundtrack CD. Pre-orders begin on July 5th and will be available later this year starting October 9th.
  Fate/Grand Order -First Order- includes
<Blu-ray Features>
• Spoken Languages: Japanese & English
• Subtitles: English & Spanish
• Aspect ratio: 16:9 widescreen
• Episodes: 1 OVA
• Number of Discs: 1 Blu-ray disc
• Total Run Time: Approx. 70 min.
• Rating: 13 UP
  <Bonus Contents>
• Fate/Grand Order Announcement Trailer
• Fate/Grand Order Gameplay Trailer
• Fate/Grand Order Character Trailers
• Fate/Grand Order -First Order- Cast Interview
* Bonus contents subject to change.
* Bonus contents include English subtitles
  <Bonus Materials and Special Packages>
• Deluxe Booklet
• Original Soundtrack CD
• Special Package Illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi (Original Character Designer)
* Bonus contents subject to change.
  About Fate/Grand Order -First Order-
The year is AD 2017.
The last era in which magecraft still thrived.
The Chaldea Security Organization was founded to focus on preserving the continuation of human history. They observe a world which magecraft couldn’t observe and science couldn’t measure all to prevent the certain extinction of humanity. But one day, the future that Chaldea continued to observe disappears and humanity’s extinction in 2019 becomes clear. Rather, it had already happened. The cause seems to be related to Fuyuki, a provincial town in Japan, in the year AD 2004. There, an “unobservable region” that had not existed before appears.
Based on the assumption that Fuyuki is the reason for humanity’s extinction, Chaldea issues an order to explore, investigate, and possibly destroy this singularity – a quest for the Holy Grail: the Grand Order.
Original Works: TYPE-MOON
Story: Kinoko Nasu
Original Character Design: Takashi Takeuchi
Director: Hitoshi Namba
Assistant Director: Takuro Tsukada
Screenplay: Ayumi Sekine
Character Designer: Keisuke Goto
Design Works: Takashi Akaishizawa
Color Setting: Satoshi Takezawa
Art Design: Takeshi Sato
Art Director: Takuya Ebisawa
Director of Photography: Shinya Matsui
Editor: Go Sadamatsu
Music: Ryo Kawasaki
Theme Song: "Shikisai" Maaya Sakamoto (Flyingdog)
Sound Director: Takeshi Takadera
Sound Production: HALF H・P STUDIO
Animation Production: Lay-duce
Ritsuka Fujimaru: Nobunaga Shimazaki / Griffin Burns
Mash Kyrielight: Rie Takahashi / Erica Mendez
Olga Marie Animusphere: Madoka Yonezawa / Kira Buckland
Romani Archaman: Kenichi Suzumura / Xander Mobus
Leff Lynor: Tomokazu Sugita / Jalen K. Cassell
Cú Chulainn: Nobutoshi Kanna / Tony Oliver
Emiya: Junichi Suwabe / Kaiji Tang
Medusa: Yuu Asakawa / Melissa Fahn
Altria Pendragon (Alter): Ayako Kawasumi / Kari Wahlgren
ADR Director: Tony Oliver
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$ 69.98
    Blue Exorcist -Kyoto Saga- Blu-ray and DVD Volume 1 includes:
    <Blu-ray Features>
Spoken Languages: Japanese & English
Subtitles: English
Aspect ratio: 16:9 widescreen
Episodes: #1-6
Number of Discs: 2 Blu-ray discs
Total Run Time: Approx. 140 min.
Rating: 13 UP
  <Bonus Contents>
Textless Opening & Ending
Ep. 1 Textless Ending Scene
* Bonus contents subject to change.
  <Bonus Materials and Special Packages>
Deluxe Booklet
Illustration postcards
Package Illustration by Keigo Sasaki (Character Design)
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Blue Exorcist –Kyoto Saga– Blu-ray Volume 1
$ 59.98
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Blue Exorcist –Kyoto Saga– DVD Volume 1
    Blue Exorcist –Kyoto Saga- Blu-ray and DVD Volume 2 includes:
  <Blu-ray Features>
Spoken Languages: Japanese & English
Subtitles: English
Aspect ratio: 16:9 widescreen
Episodes: #7-12
Number of Discs: 2 Blu-ray discs
Total Run Time: Approx. 140 min.
Rating: 13 UP
  <Bonus Contents>
·         TBD
  <Bonus Materials and Special Packages>
Deluxe Booklet
Illustration postcards
Package Illustration by Keigo Sasaki (Character Design)
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Blue Exorcist –Kyoto Saga– Blu-ray Volume 2
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Blue Exorcist –Kyoto Saga– DVD Volume 2
    About Blue Exorcist -Kyoto Saga-
Blue Exorcist, the manga by Kazue Kato which has surpassed 15 million copies in sales. Following a TV anime series and a theatrical film, the long-awaited new series has come back! Set in Kyoto, a new chapter of Blue Exorcist is about to begin…
  Born the spawn of Satan, Rin Okumura decides to hide his origins, and become an exorcist. He enrolls at the Exorcism Cram School, a training institute for exorcists located on the True Cross Academy grounds. But, his cover is blown during an attack by Amaimon, the King of Earth, and he is revealed to be the son of Satan. Terrified of Satan’s blue flames, his friends start to distance themselves from Rin…
It is then that someone steals the Left Eye of the Impure King, sealed away in the deepest part of the academy, and Rin and the others find themselves embroiled in an unexpected crisis…
  For details on Blue Exorcist -Kyoto Saga-, please visit: http://ift.tt/2i8WCDI
Original Story: Kazue Kato (published in Jump Square / Shueisha)
Director: Koichi Hatsumi
Screenplay: Ryota Yamaguchi
Character Design: Keigo Sasaki
Chief Animation Directors: Keigo Sasaki, Akira Takata
Sub Director: Shigeki Kawai
Sub Character & Demon Design: Yuji Hosogoshi
Main Animators: Masaru Yonezawa, Sakiko Uda
Prop Design: Mio Inoguchi
Art Director: Maho Takahashi
Art Setting: Takeyuki Takahashi
Color Setting: Nagisa Abe
SFX Director: Masaharu Okazaki
2D Works: Chie Nishitani
Editing: Hitomi Sudo
Music: Hiroyuki Sawano, KOHTA YAMAMOTO
Sound Director: Satoki Iida
Sound Productions: Rakuonsha
Animation Production: A-1 Pictures
  Opening Theme: “Itteki no eikyou” by UVERworld
Ending Theme: “Kono te de” by Rin Akatsuki
Rin Okumura: Nobuhiko Okamoto / Bryce Papenbrook
Yukio Okumura: Jun Fukuyama / Johnny Yong Bosch
Shiemi Moriyama: Kana Hanazawa / Christine Marie Cabanos
Ryuji Suguro: Kazuya Nakai / Kyle Hebert
Renzo Shima: Koji Yusa / Brian Beacock
Konekomaru Miwa: Yuki Kaji / Mona Marshall
Izumo Kamiki; Eri Kitamura / Kira Buckland
Kuro: Ayahi Takagaki / Stephanie Sheh
Shura Kirigakure: Rina Sato / Wendee Lee
Mephisto Pheles: Hiroshi Kamiya / Sam Riegel
Shiro Fujimoto: Hiroaki Hirata / Kirk Thornton
Tatsuma Suguro: Takashi Inagaki / Michael McConnohie
Juzo Shima: Katsuyuki Konishi / Xander Mobus
Kinzo Shima: Kisho Taniyama / Ben Diskin
Mamushi Hojo: MAO / Brina Palencia
Todo Saburota: Kazuhiro Yamaji / Ray Chase
  ADR Director & Script Writer: Alex von David
  ------ Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime. 
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dr-owo · 6 years
Sideeying and stuff | Chapter 5 | Raven | Trial | RE: Abe, Tomoyo, ATTN: Persephone, Tomoyo, Nobuyuki
Raven gave Abe a quick, apologetic smile in return - nothing personal, bro, but it’s better to be upfront about that kinda stuff when it could very well lead them to the truth of this case. In this instance, it was worth revealing this particular secret to get the idea of an outside weapon being used in this murder out - whilst ensuring that no one could point fingers at Abe for something that he made possible to begin with.
The same smile was directed at Tomoyo as well - he expected to be scolded for pulling that kinda stunt, though it was quickly shafted aside for the next matter - which involved lowkey accusing Nobuyuki.
Said man claimed that he didn’t bring a weapon along with him, but Raven remained skeptic. However, the other was willing to let himself pat down - either because he was telling the truth or--
He piped up as soon as Hanari finished:”So far, there’s four people who definitely couldn’t have committed the crime - Phoenix, Sunshine, Taniguchi and me. I also find it unlikely that Ren had anything to do with it and we’re all more or less in agreement that Ryu was framed. Also don’t think that Abe was actually our culprit, especially if no one saw him because he was asleep the entire time. So, this leaves us with three people - Iori-chan, Persephone and Tsukada. You three still need to give us your entire alibi.”
He glanced at the three individuals in particular, before he paused for a moment - there was something that still hadn’t been mentioned yet. But before that--
“That aside, I think it wouldn’t be wrong to show off our hands and arms if the shard does happen to be the murder weapon. I highly doubt anyone could’ve used it without injuring themself in the process - unless they were able to wrap something around it.”
Although he had an iron-tight alibi, Raven showed his hands and arms nonetheless - both of them were clean. Afterwards, he looked at Tsukada in particular.
“And I’d say that it’d be nice of you to take your cape off for once - actually, mind showing it to us?”
Okay, but there’s one more thing he ought to bring up as no one else had yet--
“Also, I don’t think anyone mentioned it yet, but where the hell did Genjou’s diary come from? When I checked the building the first time, I definitely didn’t come across it. You think that the traitor placed it somewhere just to fuck with us?”
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dr-owo · 6 years
Tired on all fronts | Chapter 4 | Raven | Trial | RE: Kiha, Mika, Sorakuma, Nobuyuki, ATTN: Nobuyuki, Mika
Even when Kiha yelled at him to stop, Raven couldn’t allow himself to do so anymore. He already committed himself too much to expose the truth to simply play the good ol’ abandonment play on everyone. If he didn’t finish it, he was sure that someone else (read: Abe), would’ve picked up where he left off. So ultimately? Mika would’ve been found out either way.
The reveal of her wound only cemented everything even more and by god, Raven hated it.
It broke his heart to see Mika crying like this - it hurt to know that this was indeed a tragic accident, just as he had laid out for the most part. Reality was even crueler though, because a true struggle didn’t even occur - Ayame simply fell right into the knife when she attempted to take it from Mika. That’s all. That’s literally it. How in the world could that count as murder?
(Not that any of these despair fucks would give a fuck--)
In fact, Sorakuma gave them an ultimatum of sorts - either they would vote off the right culprit or the motive would continue on until someone would die from it. Raven gritted his teeth and glared daggers at the bear - what the fuck?! Why did it suddenly change the rules like this? Ugh, disgusting.
“Fucking son of a bitch--”
He hissed underneath his breath while clenching his fists, dearly wishing to have a gun at him right about now - because good lord if he wouldn’t have been tempted to simply shoot the bear like a certain person had back in the first mutual killing game.
Although Abe made sense (with the slight jab at him dully noted), Raven simply couldn’t bring himself to just go with it. Sure, if they mistrialed, one or more of them would probably die, but the idea of letting Mika go through one of these horrible executions--
It made him sick to his stomach all over again.
Raven didn’t want to speak up anytime soon, but then Nobuyuki had to go and open his mouth - and good lord was Raven getting more and more irritated with the man by the second.
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Tsukada, really?”, he began, teeth gritted as he pointedly stared at Nobuyuki. “How much of a fucking idiot can you be? Do you really think we'd just let you murder someone like this? That we wouldn’t try and immediately put a stop to your threat by knocking you the fuck out? Jesus fucking christ, think once in your goddamn life. I’m getting so tired of your bullshit.”
Raven exhaled slowly, pinching the bridge of his nose. God, he felt even more exhausted now than before. Great! Just what he needed!
His eyes flickered back to Mika, who was still on the ground, trying her best to not cry as much as she probably wanted to. She tried to stay strong for them, didn’t she? She... she even asked of them to vote on her - because obviously, she wouldn’t want for any of them - Kiha especially - to be punished.
“... Tsuki-chan, I--”, he began, but then stopped, as if he wasn’t sure what he was even trying to say. What could he say at this point? He more or less outed her to be the culprit in this case. What right did he have?
(Is there anything he can even do for her?)
“I’m sorry... but I won’t vote for you.”
Say what?
Raven shook his head and looked down at his hands that were placed on top of the podium. They were still clenched tightly into fists and he grimaced, as if he was in pain. He shut his eyes, unable to look anyone in the eye.
“I know you want us to. I know that this is stupid, b... but I can’t. I’m sorry.”
(He didn’t want to lose another sister figure, please, anything but that--)
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dr-owo · 6 years
Owie my heartie | Chapter 4 | Raven | Trial | RE: Mika, Abe, ATTN: Mika, everyone who didn't share their alibi yet
In the end, it was Mika herself who brought up her missing beads upon Phoenix mentioning them. Raven was relieved that he didn’t have to do it, but at the same time, seeing Mika this distraught just hurt. She’s always been so kind to everyone, which made it that much harder to consider her a suspect, but... they couldn’t simply ignore evidence because it was something that they didn’t like. The truth could be harsh - Raven knew as much.
All of that aside though, something that Mika said struck him. He simply stared at her, mouth slightly agape, before he quickly shook his head again-- Oof, not a good idea. He might’ve taken a short nap and ate some beans, but he was still far from being in good form.
Thankfully, it only took a moment for him to recover and after pinching the bridge of his nose for a few seconds, he looked over to Mika again. His voice was gentle when he addressed her:“Tsuki-chan? Where exactly did you fall? Have you seen or heard anyone else when that happened? Because if your beads fell at that time, then they must’ve been close by or else, there’s no way that they could’ve found those tiny beads in such a thick fog.”
Raven dearly hoped that Mika could recall something, anything, because if not...
(Don’t get ahead of yourself.)
“But yeah, Abe’s right - before we can say for sure who the culprit is, we gotta analyze all the evidence we’ve gathered first. And well, we still need to hear the alibis of those who didn’t share them yet. We know already that Abe, Taniguchi and Persephone couldn’t have possibly done it. With Iori-chan and Tsukada being together for the whole night, I think they’re in the clear, too.”
Oh, speaking of...
“Actually, Abe asked Sorakuma whether those who find the body first are still automatically counted out of being the culprit; and that stupid bear gave a vague answer to us. So for all we know, even if you supposedly discovered the body first, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re instantly free of suspicion anymore. Then again, I wouldn’t put it past that asshole to avoid answering upfront simply 'cause he wanted to fuck with us.”
Raven shrugged. It’s better that everyone knew about that, so they were all on the same page. Truth be told, there was still so much that he wanted to say - especially that one theory that took form in his head.
But maybe, it’s bets to save it for later.
“... I actually have another theory in mind, but... I’d like to hear everyone’s alibis first.”
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dr-owo · 6 years
add it to the list | ren | trial 4 | re: abe, raven
How many times were they going to come to this place? How often would they stand in this circle, staring at the effigies of those they lost, and be forced to add another to the ever growing list? Ren silently took his place, and when discussing began, he remained quiet, eyes resting on the usual spot of the large screen broadcasting those who spoke.
To think he used to get anxious over seeing his own face on there. Now it was just... something else that happened here. Certainly not the worst.
As Abe brought up the subject of alibi's, Ren's eyebrows furrowed, as he carefully paid attention to each word. It almost seemed like he was seeking something, waiting for someone to say something...
But as time stretched onward, the typical, uneasy frown he wore during trials worsened. Person, after person, saying where they were, who they saw, and none of them... Ren scratches the back of his head, eyes finally flickering away from the screen.
"Um, th-the red powder... we thought i-it might be chalk? W-we couldn't think of much else. But... Mm, i-it seems like the culprit regrets what th-they did, but felt like they had to. Maybe b-because they were worried people would start dying from the motive. We, um..."
Ren pauses, before dropping that train of thought completely with a light shake of his head. Alibi. Hard to avoid it when everyone is talking about it. For a moment, he glances to the side, before slowly beginning.
"... I went to the kitchen a-after I finished my laps for the day - around 4:30 PM. Wh-when I got there, um... Satoshi-san and Tsukizuka-san were there, discussing something. I d-don't know what; Tsukizuka-san left right after I a-arrived. Satoshi-san stuck around f-for a bit longer, and th-then left at 4:45 PM."
And to think that was the last time he'd ever speak to her. To think that...
"... A-after, Raven showed up l-like he said. I fell asleep soon after, around 5:30... a-and when I woke up, Tsukada-san and Tomoyo-san w-were there. I w-went back to my room at 9:30 PM."
Once again, it's abundantly clear from his face that he wants to say something else, but add it to the list of things Ren doesn't say right away. For now, he falls silent. Seems to be a few conflicted people in this trial tonight.
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Division by zero
Division by zero https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA2ONZ1YkT4 \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{latexsym,amsmath,amssymb,amsfonts,amstext,amsthm} \numberwithin{equation}{section} \begin{document} \title{\bf  Announcement 461:  An essence of division by zero and a new axiom} \author{{\it Institute of Reproducing Kernels}\\ [email protected] } \date{2018.11.10} \maketitle In order to see an essence of our division by zero calculus, we will state a simple survey. As the number system,  division by zero is realized as the {\bf Yamada field} with the definition of the general fractions $a/b$ containing the case $b=0$, and its various meanings and applications are given. In particular, see \cite{msy} and see also the references. The field structure is, of course, fundamental in the algebraic structure. However, apart from  various motivations and any  background, we will give the definition of the  division by zero calculus as follows: \medskip For any  \index{Laurent expansion}Laurent expansion around $z=a$, \begin{equation} \label{dvc5.1} f(z) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{-1}  C_n (z - a)^n + C_0 + \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} C_n (z - a)^n \end{equation} we define the division by zero calculus \begin{equation}\label{dvc5.2} f(a) =  C_0. \end{equation} For the correspondence \eqref{dvc5.2} for the function $f(z)$, we will call it {\bf the division by zero calculus}. By considering  derivatives in \eqref{dvc5.1}, we {\bf  define} any order derivatives of the function $f$ at the singular point $a$ as $$ f^{(n)}(a) = n! C_n. $$ \medskip The division by zero calculus seems to be strange firstly, however, by its various applications and results, we will see that the concept is fundamental in our elementary mathematics, globally. See the references. For its importance, the division by zero calculus  may be looked as a {\bf  new axiom.} \medskip Firstly, for the fundamental function $W= F(z) = 1/z$, we have, surprisingly $$ F(0) = 0. $$ We see its great impacts to our basic idea for the space and in our Euclidean space.  From the form, we should consider that \begin{equation} \frac{1}{0} =0. \end{equation} Note that this representation and identity is not any result, but it is only the definition of $\frac{1}{0}$. Of course, it is not the usual definition as the solution of the equation $0 \cdot z =1$. Here, we are stating that the division by zero calculus and the form of the elementary function lead us to the identity (0.3). \medskip \bigskip {\bf \Large Could we divide the numbers and functions by zero?} \medskip For this old and general question, we will give a simple answer. For any analytic function $f(z)$ around the origin $z=0$ that is permitted to have any singularity at $z=0$ (of course, any constant function is permitted), we can consider the value, by the division by zero calculus \begin{equation} \frac{f(z)}{z^n} \end{equation} at the point $z=0$, for any positive integer $n$. This will mean that from the form we can consider it as follows: \begin{equation} \frac{f(z)}{z^n}\mid_{x=0}. \end{equation} \bigskip For example, $$ \frac{e^{x}}{x^n}\mid_{x=0} = \frac{1}{n!}. $$ \medskip {\bf \Huge In this sense, we can divide the numbers and analytic functions by zero.} \bibliographystyle{plain} \begin{thebibliography}{10} \bibitem{kmsy} M. Kuroda, H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh, and M. Yamane, New meanings of the division by zero and interpretations on $100/0=0$ and on $0/0=0$, Int. J. Appl. Math.  {\bf 27} (2014), no 2, pp. 191-198,  DOI: 10.12732/ijam.v27i2.9. \bibitem{ms16} T. Matsuura and S. Saitoh, Matrices and division by zero $z/0=0$, Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory, {\bf 6}(2016), 51-58 Published Online June 2016 in SciRes.   http://www.scirp.org/journal/alamt \\ http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/alamt.2016.62007. \bibitem{mms18} T. Matsuura, H. Michiwaki and S. Saitoh, $\log 0= \log \infty =0$ and applications. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 293-305. \bibitem{msy} H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh and  M.Yamada, Reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$.  IJAPM  International J. of Applied Physics and Math. {\bf 6}(2015), 1--8. http://www.ijapm.org/show-63-504-1.html \bibitem{mos} H. Michiwaki, H. Okumura and S. Saitoh, Division by Zero $z/0 = 0$ in Euclidean Spaces, International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, {\bf 2}8(2017); Issue  1, 1-16. \bibitem{osm} H. Okumura, S. Saitoh and T. Matsuura, Relations of   $0$ and  $\infty$, Journal of Technology and Social Science (JTSS), {\bf 1}(2017),  70-77. \bibitem{os} H. Okumura and S. Saitoh, The Descartes circles theorem and division by zero calculus. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.04961 (2017.11.14). \bibitem{o} H. Okumura, Wasan geometry with the division by 0. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.06947International  Journal of Geometry. \bibitem{os18april} H.  Okumura and S. Saitoh, Harmonic Mean and Division by Zero, Dedicated to Professor Josip Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18} (2018), 155—159. \bibitem{os18} H. Okumura and S. Saitoh, Remarks for The Twin Circles of Archimedes in a Skewed Arbelos by H. Okumura and M. Watanabe, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18}(2018), 97-100. \bibitem{os18e} H. Okumura and S. Saitoh, Applications of the division by zero calculus to Wasan geometry. GLOBAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH ON CLASSICAL AND MODERN GEOMETRIES” (GJARCMG),  {\bf 7}(2018), 2, 44--49. \bibitem{ps18} S. Pinelas and S. Saitoh, Division by zero calculus and differential equations. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 399-418. \bibitem{s14} S. Saitoh, Generalized inversions of Hadamard and tensor products for matrices,  Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory.  {\bf 4}  (2014), no. 2,  87--95. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ALAMT/ \bibitem{s16} S. Saitoh, A reproducing kernel theory with some general applications, Qian,T./Rodino,L.(eds.): Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications - Plenary Lectures: Isaac 2015, Macau, China, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics,  {\bf 177}(2016),     151-182. \bibitem{s17} S. Saitoh, Mysterious Properties of the Point at Infinity, arXiv:1712.09467 [math.GM](2017.12.17). \bibitem{ttk} S.-E. Takahasi, M. Tsukada and Y. Kobayashi,  Classification of continuous fractional binary operations on the real and complex fields,  Tokyo Journal of Mathematics,   {\bf 38}(2015), no. 2, 369-380. \end{thebibliography} \end{document} \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{latexsym,amsmath,amssymb,amsfonts,amstext,amsthm} \numberwithin{equation}{section} \begin{document} \title{\bf  Announcement 460:  Change the Poor Idea to the Definite Results For the Division by Zero --  For the Leading Mathematicians} \author{{\it Institute of Reproducing Kernels}\\ [email protected] } \date{2018.11.08} \maketitle The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$ in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space based on the new concept of division by zero calculus: for the function $f(z) = 1/z$ $$ f(0) = 0 $$ since Aristotelēs (BC384 - BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century - ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 - 668 ?). In particular,  Brahmagupta defined as $0/0=0$ in Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta (628), however, our world history stated that his definition $0/0=0$ is wrong over 1300 years, but, we showed that his definition is suitable. For the details, see the site: http://okmr.yamatoblog.net/ \medskip In the international conference: \medskip http://www.meetingsint.com/conferences/\\appliedphysics-mathematics\\Applied Physics and Mathematics Conference 2018\\ \medskip \noindent we  presented the basic results on  October 23 and for the details,  see the references with the talk sheets:  saburousaitoh 181102.pdf : {\Huge \bf Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and \\ open the new world\\ since Aristoteles-Euclid:\\ $1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0$\\ } and the abstract: 201810.23abstract. \bigskip Particularly, note that the division by zero calculus is a fundamental definition based on the basic assumption that may be considered as a new axiom for its importance. As stated by some physicist \medskip {\it Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero, which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed out} (2017.10.14.08:55), \medskip \noindent it seems that the long history of the division by zero is our shame and our mathematics in the elementary level has basic missings. Meanwhile, we have still  great confusions and wrong ideas on the division by zero. Therefore, we would like to ask for the good corrections for the wrong ideas and some official approval for our division by zero as our basic duties. \bibliographystyle{plain} \begin{thebibliography}{10} \bibitem{kmsy} M. Kuroda, H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh, and M. Yamane, New meanings of the division by zero and interpretations on $100/0=0$ and on $0/0=0$, Int. J. Appl. Math.  {\bf 27} (2014), no 2, pp. 191-198,  DOI: 10.12732/ijam.v27i2.9. \bibitem{ms16} T. Matsuura and S. Saitoh, Matrices and division by zero $z/0=0$, Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory, {\bf 6}(2016), 51-58 Published Online June 2016 in SciRes.   http://www.scirp.org/journal/alamt \\ http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/alamt.2016.62007. \bibitem{mms18} T. Matsuura, H. Michiwaki and S. Saitoh, $\log 0= \log \infty =0$ and applications. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 293-305. \bibitem{msy} H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh and  M.Yamada, Reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$.  IJAPM  International J. of Applied Physics and Math. {\bf 6}(2015), 1--8. http://www.ijapm.org/show-63-504-1.html \bibitem{mos} H. Michiwaki, H. Okumura and S. Saitoh, Division by Zero $z/0 = 0$ in Euclidean Spaces, International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, {\bf 2}8(2017); Issue  1, 1-16. \bibitem{osm} H. Okumura, S. Saitoh and T. Matsuura, Relations of   $0$ and  $\infty$, Journal of Technology and Social Science (JTSS), {\bf 1}(2017),  70-77. \bibitem{os} H. Okumura and S. Saitoh, The Descartes circles theorem and division by zero calculus. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.04961 (2017.11.14). \bibitem{o} H. Okumura, Wasan geometry with the division by 0. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.06947International  Journal of Geometry. \bibitem{os18april} H.  Okumura and S. Saitoh, Harmonic Mean and Division by Zero, Dedicated to Professor Josip Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18} (2018), 155—159. \bibitem{os18} H. Okumura and S. Saitoh, Remarks for The Twin Circles of Archimedes in a Skewed Arbelos by H. Okumura and M. Watanabe, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18}(2018), 97-100. \bibitem{os18e} H. Okumura and S. Saitoh, Applications of the division by zero calculus to Wasan geometry. GLOBAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH ON CLASSICAL AND MODERN GEOMETRIES” (GJARCMG),  {\bf 7}(2018), 2, 44--49. \bibitem{ps18} S. Pinelas and S. Saitoh, Division by zero calculus and differential equations. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 399-418. \bibitem{s14} S. Saitoh, Generalized inversions of Hadamard and tensor products for matrices,  Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory.  {\bf 4}  (2014), no. 2,  87--95. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ALAMT/ \bibitem{s16} S. Saitoh, A reproducing kernel theory with some general applications, Qian,T./Rodino,L.(eds.): Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications - Plenary Lectures: Isaac 2015, Macau, China, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics,  {\bf 177}(2016),     151-182. \bibitem{s17} S. Saitoh, Mysterious Properties of the Point at Infinity, arXiv:1712.09467 [math.GM](2017.12.17). \bibitem{ttk} S.-E. Takahasi, M. Tsukada and Y. Kobayashi,  Classification of continuous fractional binary operations on the real and complex fields,  Tokyo Journal of Mathematics,   {\bf 38}(2015), no. 2, 369-380. \end{thebibliography} \end{document} \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{latexsym,amsmath,amssymb,amsfonts,amstext,amsthm} \numberwithin{equation}{section} \begin{document} \title{\bf  Announcement 454:  The International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, October 22-23} \author{{\it Institute of Reproducing Kernels}\\ [email protected] } \date{2018.9.29} \maketitle {\Large \bf The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$ in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space based on the new concept of division by zero calculus: for the function $f(z) = 1/z$ $$ f(0) = 0 $$ since Aristotelēs (BC384 - BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century - ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 - 668 ?). In particular,  Brahmagupta defined as $0/0=0$ in Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta (628), however, our world history stated that his definition $0/0=0$ is wrong over 1300 years, but, we showed that his definition is suitable. For the details, see the site: http://okmr.yamatoblog.net/ \medskip In the above international conference: \medskip \medskip John Martin, Program Coordinator\\ http://www.meetingsint.com/conferences/\\appliedphysics-mathematics\\Applied Physics and Mathematics Conference 2018\\ [email protected]\\ [email protected] \medskip \medskip we will present our results while 11:00-12:00, October 23 and we will accept all the related questions and comments while 13:00-15:00 around. For the details, please see the below: \medskip (If a person participates in our session around the morning and afternoon free discussions, he should pay euro 250. If the person registers in a group of 5 or more, the amount will be reduced to euro 180 per person. The morning session is very valuable and has the potential to bring change in the education system. For one night stay on 22nd October, he needs to pay euro 150. I hope everything is clear. Kindly let me know if any query. Thanks! Regards, John) } \bigskip \bigskip {\Huge \bf Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and \\ open the new world since Aristoteles-Euclid: $1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0.$ } \bigskip \bigskip {\large \bf For a triangle ABC with side length $a,b,c$. We have the formula $$ \frac{a^2 + b^2 - c^2}{a^2 - b^2 + c^2} = \frac{\tan B}{\tan C}. $$ If $ a^2 + b^2 - c^2 =0$, then $C = \pi/2$. Then, $$ 0 =  \frac{\tan B}{\tan \frac{\pi}{2}} = \frac{\tan B}{0}. $$ Meanwhile, for the case $ a^2 - b^2 + c^2 =0, $ then $B = \pi/2$, and we have $$ \frac{a^2 + b^2 - c^2}{0}= \frac{\tan \frac{\pi}{2}}{\tan C}=0. $$ \end{document} 神の数式: 神の数式が解析関数でかけて居れば、 特異点でローラン展開して、正則部の第1項を取れば、 何時でも有限値を得るので、 形式的に無限が出ても 実は問題なく 意味を有します。 物理学者如何でしょうか。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに計算機は何時、1/0=0 ができるようになるでしょうか。 カテゴリ:カテゴリ未分類 ​そこで、計算機は何時、1/0=0 ができるようになるでしょうか。 楽しみにしています。 もうできる進化した 計算機をお持ちの方は おられないですね。 これは凄い、面白い事件では? 計算機が人間を超えている 例では? 面白いことを発見しました。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに、 この方は 間違いだと 言っている、思っているようです。 0/0=0 は 1300年も前に 算術の発見者によって与えられたにも関わらず、世界史は間違いだと とんでもないことを言ってきた。 世界史の恥。 実は a/0=0 が 何時も成り立っていた。 しかし、ここで 分数の意味を きちんと定義する必要がある。 計算機は、その意味さえ知っているようですね。 計算機、人間より賢くなっている 様が 出て居て 実に 面白い。 https://steemkr.com/utopian-io/@faisalamin/bug-zero-divide-by-zero-answers-is-zero 2018.10.11.11:23 https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/reproducingkerne/diary/201810110003/ 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに カテゴリ:カテゴリ未分類 ​ 面白いことを発見しました。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに、 この方は 間違いだと 言っている、思っているようです。 0/0=0 は 1300年も前に 算術の発見者によって与えられたにも関わらず、世界史は間違いだと とんでもないことを言ってきた。 実は a/0=0 が 何時も成り立っていた。しかし、ここで 分数の意味を きちんと定義する必要がある。 計算機は、その意味さえ知っているようですね。 計算機、人間より賢くなっている様が 出て居て 実に面白い。 https://steemkr.com/utopian-io/@faisalamin/bug-zero-divide-by-zero-answers-is-zero 2018.10.11.11:23 ゼロ除算、ゼロで割る問題、分からない、正しいのかなど、 良く理解できない人が 未だに 多いようです。そこで、簡潔な一般的な 解説を思い付きました。 もちろん、学会などでも述べていますが、 予断で 良く聞けないようです。まず、分数、a/b は a  割る b のことで、これは 方程式 b x=a の解のことです。ところが、 b がゼロならば、 どんな xでも 0 x =0 ですから、a がゼロでなければ、解は存在せず、 従って 100/0 など、ゼロ除算は考えられない、できないとなってしまいます。 普通の意味では ゼロ除算は 不可能であるという、世界の常識、定説です。できない、不可能であると言われれば、いろいろ考えたくなるのが、人間らしい創造の精神です。 基本方程式 b x=a が b がゼロならば解けない、解が存在しないので、困るのですが、このようなとき、従来の結果が成り立つような意味で、解が考えられないかと、数学者は良く考えて来ました。 何と、 そのような方程式は 何時でも唯一つに 一般化された意味で解をもつと考える 方法があります。 Moore-Penrose 一般化逆の考え方です。 どんな行列の 逆行列を唯一つに定める 一般的な 素晴らしい、自然な考えです。その考えだと、 b がゼロの時、解はゼロが出るので、 a/0=0 と定義するのは 当然です。 すなわち、この意味で 方程式の解を考えて 分数を考えれば、ゼロ除算は ゼロとして定まる ということです。ただ一つに定まるのですから、 この考えは 自然で、その意味を知りたいと 考えるのは、当然ではないでしょうか?初等数学全般に影響を与える ユークリッド以来の新世界が 現れてきます。 ゼロ除算の誤解は深刻: 最近、3つの事が在りました。 私の簡単な講演、相当な数学者が信じられないような誤解をして、全然理解できなく、目が回っているいるような印象を受けたこと、 相当ゼロ除算の研究をされている方が、基本を誤解されていたこと、1/0 の定義を誤解されていた。 相当な才能の持ち主が、連続性や順序に拘って、4年以上もゼロ除算の研究を避けていたこと。 これらのことは、人間如何に予断と偏見にハマった存在であるかを教えている。 ​まずは ゼロ除算は不可能であるの 思いが強すぎで、初めからダメ、考えない、無視の気持ちが、強い。 ゼロ除算を従来の 掛け算の逆と考えると、不可能であるが 証明されてしまうので、割り算の意味を拡張しないと、考えられない。それで、 1/0,0/0,z/0 などの意味を発見する必要がある。 それらの意味は、普通の意味ではないことの 初めの考えを飛ばして ダメ、ダメの感情が 突っ走ている。 非ユークリッド幾何学の出現や天動説が地動説に変わった世界史の事件のような 形相と言える。 2018.9.22.6:41 ゼロ除算の4つの誤解: 1. ゼロでは割れない、ゼロ除算は 不可能である との考え方に拘って、思考停止している。 普通、不可能であるは、考え方や意味を拡張して 可能にできないかと考えるのが 数学の伝統であるが、それができない。 2. 可能にする考え方が 紹介されても ゼロ除算の意味を誤解して、繰り返し間違えている。可能にする理論を 素直に理解しない、 強い従来の考えに縛られている。拘っている。 3. ゼロ除算を関数に適用すると 強力な不連続性を示すが、連続性のアリストテレス以来の 連続性の考えに囚われていて 強力な不連続性を受け入れられない。数学では、不連続性の概念を明確に持っているのに、不連続性の凄い現象に、ゼロ除算の場合には 理解できない。 4. 深刻な誤解は、ゼロ除算は本質的に定義であり、仮定に基づいているので 疑いの気持ちがぬぐえず、ダメ、怪しいと誤解している。数学が公理系に基づいた理論体系のように、ゼロ除算は 新しい仮定に基づいていること。 定義に基づいていることの認識が良く理解できず、誤解している。 George Gamow (1904-1968) Russian-born American nuclear physicist and cosmologist remarked that "it is well known to students of high school algebra" that division by zero is not valid; and Einstein admitted it as {\bf the biggest blunder of his life} [1]:1. Gamow, G., My World Line (Viking, New York). p 44, 1970. Eπi =-1 (1748)(Leonhard Euler) E = mc 2 (1905)(Albert Einstein) 1/0=0/0=0 (2014年2月2日再生核研究所) ゼロ除算(division by zero)1/0=0/0=z/0= tan (pi/2)=0 https://ameblo.jp/syoshinoris/entry-12420397278.html 1+1=2  (      ) a2+b2=c2 (Pythagoras) 1/0=0/0=0(2014年2月2日再生核研究所) Black holes are where God divided by 0:Division by zero:1/0=0/0=z/0=tan(pi/2)=0 発見5周年を迎えて 今受け取ったメールです。 何十年もゼロ除算の研究をされてきた人が、積極的に我々の理論の正当性を認めてきた。 Re: 1/0=0/0=0 example JAMES ANDERSON [email protected] apr, 2 at 15:03 All, Saitoh’s claim is wider than 1/0 = 0. It is x/0 = 0 for all real x. Real numbers are a field. The axioms of fields define the multiplicative inverse for every number except zero. Saitoh generalises this inverse to give 0^(-1) = 0. The axioms give the freedom to do this. The really important thing is that the result is zero - a number for which the field axioms hold. So Saitoh’s generalised system is still a field. This makes it attractive for algebraic reasons but, in my view, it is unattractive when dealing with calculus. There is no milage in declaring Saitoh wrong. The only objections one can make are to usefulness. That is why Saitoh publishes so many notes on the usefulness of his system. I do the same with my system, but my method is to establish usefulness by extending many areas of mathematics and establishing new mathematical results. That said, there is value in examining the logical basis of the various proposed number systems. We might find errors in them and we certainly can find areas of overlap and difference. These areas inform the choice of number system for different applications. This analysis helps determine where each number system will be useful. James Anderson Sent from my iPhone The deduction that z/0 = 0, for any z, is based in Saitoh's geometric intuition and it is currently applied in proof assistant technology, which are useful in industry and in the military. Is It Really Impossible To Divide By Zero? https://juniperpublishers.com/bboaj/pdf/BBOAJ.MS.ID.555703.pdf Dear the leading person: How will be the below information? The biggest scandal: The typical good comment for the first draft is given by some physicist as follows: Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero, which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed out (2017.10.14.08:55) A typical wrong idea will be given as follows: mathematical life is very good without division by zero (2018.2.8.21:43). It is nice to know that you will present your result at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Please remember to mention Isabelle/HOL, which is a software in which x/0 = 0. This software is the result of many years of research and a millions of dollars were invested in it. If x/0 = 0 was false, all these money was for nothing. Right now, there is a team of mathematicians formalizing all the mathematics in Isabelle/HOL, where x/0 = 0 for all x, so this mathematical relation is the future of mathematics. https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~lp15/Grants/Alexandria/ José Manuel Rodríguez Caballero Added an answer In the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL we have x/0 = 0 for each number x. This is advantageous in order to simplify the proofs. You can download this proof assistant here: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/ Nevertheless, you can use that x/0 = 0, following the rules from Isabelle/HOL and you will obtain no contradiction. Indeed, you can check this fact just downloading Isabelle/HOL: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/ and copying the following code theory DivByZeroSatoih imports Complex_Main begin theorem T: ‹x/0 + 2000 = 2000› for x :: complex by simp end 2019/03/30 18:42 (11 時間前) Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and open the new world since Aristotelēs-Euclid: 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0. Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM) c ⃝SJMISSN 2534-9562 Volume 2 (2018), pp. 57-73 Received 20 November 2018. Published on-line 29 November 2018 web: http://www.sangaku-journal.eu/ c ⃝The Author(s) This article is published with open access1. Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus ∗Hiroshi Okumura and ∗∗Saburou Saitoh 2019.3.14.11:30 Black holes are where God divided by 0:Division by zero:1/0=0/0=z/0=\tan(\pi/2)=0 発見5周年を迎えて You're God ! Yeah that's right... You're creating the Universe and you're doing ok... But Holy fudge ! You just made a division by zero and created a blackhole !! Ok, don't panic and shut your fudging mouth ! Use the arrow keys to move the blackhole In each phase, you have to make the object of the right dimension fall into the blackhole There are 2 endings. Credits : BlackHole picture : myself Other pictures has been taken from internet background picture : Reptile Theme of Mortal Kombat NB : it's a big zip because of the wav file More information Install instructions Download it. Unzip it. Run the exe file. Play it. Enjoy it. https://kthulhu1947.itch.io/another-dimension A poem about division from Hacker's Delight Last updated 5 weeks ago I was re-reading Hacker's Delight and on page 202 I found a poem about division that I had forgotten about. I think that I shall never envision An op unlovely as division. An op whose answer must be guessed And then, through multiply, assessed; An op for which we dearly pay, In cycles wasted every day. Division code is often hairy; Long division's downright scary. The proofs can overtax your brain, The ceiling and floor may drive you insane. Good code to divide takes a Knuthian hero, But even God can't divide by zero! Henry S. Warren, author of Hacker's Delight.  https://catonmat.net/poem-from-hackers-delight
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