#abeno and ashiya loves each other so much in their own ways. ugh.
kilbuba · 11 months
I just finished reading Fukigen na Mononokean.
I knew that it ended in 2021, and honestly I put it off way too long because I didn’t want it to end… but I finally finished reading it today. Gosh. I have so many things to say about this manga.
Despite the small popularity and community it has, this series radiates so much comfortness to its’ readers. At least it does for me. I grew up with the manga, I remember I was 15 when I first reading it (in 2016 the anime came out and I began to read the manga too) and I was 20 years old when it ended. Realizing I have outgrown my favorite characters such as Ashiya and Abeno was so bittersweet, I remember that I used to think they were so mature for their age (despite us being the same age at that time). Gradually I realized how child-like they were and I think Kiri Wazawa presented it so nicely too! I’m so grateful for these characters,
ありがとうワザワさん! 😭
And that ending!!! I didn’t expect it at all whatsoever. It was an open to interpretation kind of ending, and I still don’t know how to feel. What’s interesting about this manga is that it’s actually super interesting plot-wise, I love that there were so many mysteries that we unfold together as the story goes, how there’s still so many questions left unanswered all because the story ended. Maybe it was for the best. I wished Wazawa would explore them a bit more but perhaps less is more.
Personally, I think this manga did a good job in presenting sensitive themes such as grieving, PTSD, depression, coping mechanism, and acceptance. The character development, world-building, and how the characters interacts with the world itself was so well written! It’s as if they have their own agency and consciousness, as if that we’re merely watching what went on in their world. Ugh I’m getting too emotional.
I’m going to talk about Ashiya and Abeno’s relationship in another thread
bc I just can’t rn ( i _ i )In short, I love how they love each other. Regardless of whether they’re platonic or romantic, they’re quite literally soulmates. I love how Wazawa indirectly confirms that one simply cannot exists without the other. I love them so much. Oh and Fuzzy too!!! That’s their son right there. A little family full of love and warmth. <3.
That’s all I wanted to say I guess (T ^ T) hopefully more people will pick up this manga too! ♡
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