#abigail is a targeted assault against the emotions
hannibal nbc post ideas if you want to psychologically damage your followers:
- abigail - mizumono (especially the face holding) - will as hannibal's god - mischa - will realizing hannibal is in love with him - the breakup scene
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mayhemproduces · 3 years
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Seven. Years.
It’s been seven years since Lilith Brookes and Sister Abigail had the unfortunate luck of crossing paths. Seven years since they locked horns for the first time. And it’s been seven long, grisly years for them to meet again, to bury the hatchet.
They stare at each other across the ring, perhaps feeling the emotion, the intensity, the high stakes of this match for the first time. There wasn’t gold, a number one contendership, or any sort of prize on the line, but this match meant everything to both of them. If Lilith wins, maybe she can finally rebuild the burnt bridge between them, and move onto the better. If Abigail wins, in her mind, it would prove that Lilith is every bit as wicked and morally corrupt as Abigail herself has become. This act of kindness and undying, passionate love for wrestling and the fans Lilith displays was all just for show.
Lilith’s the first to step forward, going in for a lockup, but Abigail moves to the side. She smirks devilishly, beckoning Lilith forward. Almost daring her to step into the pit with The Devil. Lilith does, the two quickly engaging a collar and elbow tie up. They push, fighting for control, and wind up pressed against the turnbuckles. Slowly, at referee Jason Ayers’ behest, they part, but Abigail doesn’t fully back away until she snags in a cheapshot, slapping Lilith across the face! She backs up, beckoning Lilith forward. Lilith charges at her, Abigail throws a kick that Lilith ducks right under on her way to the ropes. She bounces off, taking Abigail to the mat with a victory roll! But Lilith releases before a count can be made, looking for a double foot stomp, but Abigail rolls out of the way! She scrambles to her feet just to get sent off with an irish whip. Lilith with the leap frog that Abigail ducks under, and she snaps off a frankensteiner on the rebound, sending Abigail straight to the outside floor! Lilith meets her outside, staying up on the apron, and using her legs as the bouncing point as she attempts an Arabian Press! Nobody’s home, and Lilith has to land on her feet to avoid serious harm! Abigail has moved to the apron by this point, sizing Lilith up, and she runs off the apron, taking Lilith down with a dropkick! Abigail continues her assault as she gets Lilith up in an electric chair, moving closer to the ring… FACEBUSTER ON THE HARDEST PART OF THE RING! Lilith just might be out cold as Abigail grabs her once again, this time dumping her over the barricade and into the fans before rolling inside of the ring and demanding Jason Ayers to count!
Lilith begins to stir, pulling herself out of the steel chairs and back over the guardrail.
Lilith is back in the ring! She slides back in under the bottom rope, but Abigail is waiting for her, and propels her backwards with a shotgun dropkick straight to the heart! Lilith collides with the turnbuckles, sliding down until she reaches the bottom. Abigail places one foot on her chest, and then the other, holding onto the ropes as she utilizes a foot press to disable Lilith in the corner! She relents at Ayers’ count of four, lifting herself up into the air with the ropes, and crashing back down with two pendulum knees! Finally, Abigail pulls her out of the corner, grabbing her by the waist and lifting Lilith straight off of the canvas, planting her with a deadlift German suplex, bridge intact!
Out of the pinning attempt, Abigail locks in a cravate, trying to wear Lilith down by targeting the sensitive and important head and neck area. Knowing she can’t take too much damage so early in this match, Lilith pushes up to her feet, forcing the resting hold to break apart as she drives sharp elbows into Abigail’s midsection. Abigail responds with an elbow smash to Lilith’s jaw before shooting her off with an irish whip. Lilith turns it into a move of her own, getting a handspring off the ropes, and catching Abigail with the Ace Crusher! The adrenaline forces them back to their feet, but Lilith surprises Abigail with a spinning back kick that knocks them both down! Once they find a way back to their feet, Lilith charges. Abigail ducks under, grabbing Lilith and plants her right on the neck with a half & half suplex! Abigail smirks as Lilith lays, immobile. Probing, disdainful kicks connect as Lilith tries to recover, Abigail wanting to mock her opponent. Humiliate her. As Lilith stands, Abigail charges, looking for a knee lift, but Lilith dodges! Abigail spins around and gets planted with a jumping flatliner! Lilith lifts Abigail back up, sending her to the corner. She charges, attempting a jumping clothesline, but Abigail moves out of the way and she gets tangled up in the ropes! Abigail pulls Lilith out of the ropes on her back, positions her, and connects with an air raid crash neckbreaker!
This may be the first match they’ve had in some time, but Abigail knows it’s going to take much more than that to put Lilith away, foregoing the pin for now. Instead, she lifts Lilith up, hooking her in for the Black Arrow. Lilith spins out before Abigail can hit the rolling cutter, connecting with a spinning back hand! Abigail stumbles back, but responds with a stiff roundhouse kick! Lilith wobbles, nearly falling, her knees buckling under her. She stays up, and takes Abigail down with her after hitting a pele kick! The audience of Ashbury Park can’t make their minds up about who they want to cheer for louder, dueling chants for both women in the ring creating a thunderous ovation as they struggle to regain their footing. Lilith may just feel the love a little bit more as she gets to her feet first, deciding to move the action to the apron as she waits for Abigail to rise. She looks for her springboard dropkick, but before she can perform the move, Abigail rushes over and knocks her down from the top rope! Luckily, Lilith keeps a hand around the top rope to prevent herself from tumbling to the outside floor. Abigail joins her on the apron, nailing her with a series of forearm smashes, nearly dropping her where she stood. On her knees, though, Abigail charges and flattens her with her bicycle knee strike, a move she calls Psychosis! She grabs Lilith’s limp body and props her up on the top rope while Abigail herself climbs up on the turnbuckles. An arm wraps over her head, pulling her up for a superplex that would take them all the way down to the hard, outside flooring, but Lilith doesn’t let that happen! She locks her legs, refusing to budge, and sends Abigail back down to the apron with a few forearms and a headbutt. Lilith shifts her positioning so she’s on the metal rod of the turnbuckles, using them to leap off and wrap her legs around the back of Abigail’s neck… POISON RANA ALL THE WAY TO THE RINGSIDE FLOOR!
Lilith lifts Abigail’s motionless body up and rolls her back into the ring, choosing to go high risk herself. Ascending the top rope, standing up tall as she looks down at Abigail, perhaps hoping to end it here, as leaps off, intending to deliver the Last Breath. But Abigail rolls out of the way! Lilith’s feet find nothing but canvas, forcing her to land on her feet and roll back upright, whirling around and practically being cut in HALF by a vicious spear from the Matriarch of Destruction! Abigail’s face contorts into a look of pure rage and hatred as she grabs a fistful of Lilith’s blue locks, yanking her up to her feet. Abigail’s free hand squeezes Lilith’s jaw to a point of intense pain, as she practically has to scream in her face to be heard over the noise of the crowd, “You’re nothing more than worthless piece of shit.” Putting the shit talk aside, Abigail shoots Lilith off, catching her on the rebound with the Wrath of the Gods! Abigail makes the cover!
Abigail lifts Lilith back up, gaining wrist control, intending to hit the Famemaker. But Lilith reverses! She turns it into a straight jacket hold, planting Abigail with the German suplex! This doesn’t keep Abigail down as she rolls right back to her feet, cutting off any momentum Lilith hoped to build with another Psychosis! Lilith’s legs shake under her, but she doesn’t fall. Abigail takes advantage as she grabs Lilith by the head, spiking her with a springboard tornado DDT! Upon landing, Abigail seems to have tweaked her surgically repaired knee, leaving both competitors down for the moment! Abigail crawls forward, grabbing onto Lilith’s hair again, pressing their foreheads together as they share an intense staredown. Lilith’s the first to break it off, and connects with a forearm to Abigail’s jaw. Abigail smirks before retaliating with one of her own. They slug their way back to their feet, continuing to trade shots, before Abigail pulls ahead with multiple forearms, switching it up for a roundhouse kick to stun Lilith, then nails her right in the teeth with a right hook! Lilith caves, falling to her knees. Normally, this would be a time when Abigail would smirk, but something has changed within her, ever since she had to claw out of her own grave. A frightening, life altering experience for anyone, but this somehow goes deeper, in ways we do not understand, nor can even begin to explain. The darkness that has festered in the air is a bottomless pit, forcing those who fall victim to its comforting calls to travel through the never ending abyss. There’s only two options; to sink further, or to try and swim your way out.  Abigail seems to be stuck in the middle.
Or, perhaps, the direction she thinks is up is really leading her deeper into the void.
Abigail lifts Lilith back to her feet, connecting with stiff palm strikes in lightning quick succession. She throws a spin kick, but Lilith ducks underneath. She scoops Abigail up onto her shoulders! Lilith tries to sneak by with the Killing Spree GTS, but Abigail wiggles her way out of it. Abigail hits another Psychosis! Lilith stands tall, though, and hits a spinning back kick! She grabs Abigail’s skull, wrapping her arm around it for Death by Dishonor, but Abigail gets out of that one as well. She slips behind Lilith, grabbing both arms, and plants her right on the neck with a brutal snap dragon suplex! Abigail sits on her haunches as Lilith tries to unfold her body, trying to ignore the pain blossoming through every limb, most notably circling around the neck. This match has, more or less, gone completely Abigail’s way. Lilith has gotten in a few very good shots to try and even the playing field, but Abigail is on a whole ‘nother level. Her drive for this match, yearning to get her hands on Lilith Brookes, has turned her into an unstoppable monster who can’t help but toy with her prey.
As such, Abigail tries to put this one to bed, lifting Lilith up for the Last Hour powerbomb, but Lilith denies her! Ripcord Koppu kick from Lilith connects, sending Abigail stumbling back into the corner. Lilith charges, connecting with a corner trapped clothesline! She turns Abigail around and sets her up top, her back to the squared circle. Lilith moves to the apron, climbing up top with Abigail. The Matriarch tries to knock Lilith down with a couple of forearms, but Lilith has taken too much abuse and won’t stand for it anymore, raining down several stiff elbows right into the crook of Abigail’s neck! Abigail tries to cover herself, but Lilith starts to target the back of her skull instead! With the protests stifled, Lilith shifts her footing, wrapping her legs around the back of Abigail’s neck for the second time in such a precarious position… AVALANCHE POISON RANA! Abigail falls from such a height to land right on her neck, and doesn’t even get a moment to rest before Lilith lifts her back up, looking for a Burning Hammer, which may just end Abigail’s night! She doesn’t let that happen, quickly sliding off and shoving Lilith towards the ropes. Lilith simply bounces off and finds herself trapped in Abigail’s arms, getting planted with a German suplex! Once again, Lilith finds herself at Abigail’s mercy, forced to roll to the outside to try and create some separation. With Lilith sitting on the apron, Abigail hits the ropes, gaining speed and momentum to increase the power behind her Psychosis knee strike, Lenny Lenord claims this to be the fifth one of the night, as she strikes on the back of Lilith’s skull! It knocks Lilith all the way to the floor, and Abigail happily climbs out to the apron, leaning down to grab Lilith by the hair and pull her back up to the apron. Lilith looks to be out of it, unable to defend herself as Abigail wraps her arms around her waist - AND LANDS ON HER NECK WITH A GERMAN SUPLEX! If Lilith’s neck hadn’t been torn apart before, it definitely has been now as she lands on the hardest part of the ring!
After that absolutely nasty, career and life-threatening landing, Abigail shoves Lilith back inside the ring. She stands over Lilith as the Ace of MPW struggles to stand, so far gone at this point that Abigail has her at her mercy. Abigail scoops her up, lifting her up for the Last Hour. Lilith still tries to fight it off, punching away at Abigail’s skull in a desperate attempt, but Abigail delivers it anyways, sending Lilith straight from the Heavens to the canvas with a thunderous fall! However, she doesn’t release or go for the pin, instead flipping Lilith over and nearly taking her head off with Psychosis! Now, Abigail flips her over and hooks both legs, possibly for the victory over her rival!
Inches away from victory, but Jason’s hand stops centimeters from the canvas, Lilith’s shoulder clearly off the mat. Abigail’s fingers rake through her white hair, clawing down her face, trying to figure out how to put Lilith down for good. She slinks back, leaning against the turnbuckles as she stares out at the crowd, a wicked look in her eyes. She spins around, calling for Lilith to rise. Slowly, she does, her eyes glazed over and not focused on any particular thing. Abigail charges, attempting to hit yet another Psychosis knee strike - BUT LILITH TURNS IT INTO A BANG A RANG! The shock of the impact puts Abigail on her haunches, eyes blown wide! Lilith hits the ropes and wipes her out with another running bicycle knee strike! The crowd is firmly behind The Ace as she calls out for the Killing Spree!
Before she lifts Abigail up, an ominous, high pitched singing emerges from the backstage area.
“Ring around the rosie, pocket full of posies…” Four women in tattered black dresses, faces hidden by matching hoods, walk down the ramp. Their hands and fingernails are covered in dirt and dried blood, but there are no other obvious markings. Everyone from Lilith to Jason Ayers and everyone in the arena are in a trance-like state, unable to pull their eyes away as these mysterious women circle the ring. “Ashes, ashes, we all fall down…” The only one who’s not stuck in this trance is Abigail, who comes up behind Lilith, gaining wrist control! Lilith squirms, suddenly remembering where she is, but it’s too late as she’s spun out. ABIGAIL HAS BRASS KNUCKLES ON, AND CRACKS THEM OVER LILITH’S JAW! She quickly throws them off as Lilith crumbles, completely unconscious! Abigail still has control over her wrist, performing the ripcord on her lifeless opponent, and turning her inside out with the Famemaker! The women now seem to be leaving the area as Abigail drops down for the pin, pounding the canvas to get Jason’s attention!
“Here is your winner, Sister Abigail!”
Some would expect this moment to be huge for Abigail, but the look on her face tells a different story. This didn’t feel as fulfilling as she always imagined, because she felt she had to use a cheap shot to actually put Lilith away. Or maybe, because, in the end, she was still the evil one.
Abigail ducks out of the ring with little flair, making her way up the entrance ramp.
Before she gets behind the curtain, a loud BANG BANG comes from the ring, as Lilith Brookes tries to hold a microphone up to her lips.
“You waited… all this fucking time… and that’s how you want to win?” Lilith breathes heavily, barely making out words between her pants, her grovels of pain, “I don’t fucking think so. That’s not how this ends.” Lilith shifts, sitting up on her knees as she leans against the ropes, “You and me, one more time… unsanctioned … in Los Angeles”
The crowd pops as Lilith lays down the challenge. One last time, Sister Abigail and Lilith Brookes will meet in the ring, but this time, there are no rules, no stoppages, off the books.
Los Angeles. No Holds Barred, completely Unsanctioned.
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theketchupspy · 5 years
Gemüse paused.  His hand was clasping a coat hanger-- his suit was all orderly and prepped for tomorrow, ready to hang overnight in preparation for its use tomorrow.  Beside it, a dress shirt on its own hanger, tie hung loosely over it.  Underneath them both, a pair of shoes and a pair of socks laid out on a shelf.  
Everything was in order.  
His gaze fell upon the infinity pin.  
It and his typical tomato pin had been pinned to the suit, in preparation for tomorrow, just like everything else.  
He drug his hand down the sleeve of the suit jacket, feeling the smooth, thick material between his hands.  
His fixation with the pin was a strange one, even if it was necessary, and no shortage of his coworkers had commented on it.  Not only how he always seemed to have it on hand, but how he had, with great vigor insisted that should he die, it be returned to Abigail.  
He tore his gaze away from it.  Turned, released the suit.  Slid the closet door until it reached the end of its track with a soft click.
It wasn’t that he had forgotten the news.  It was just that--
He walked over to his bed, sitting down with a silent sigh as he stared towards the window.  He scratched his chin with a single finger, hunching forward, huddling his arms and legs close.  
He was not a man in tune with grief.  Throughout his childhood he had attended the funeral of a couple grandparents; a distant cousin he was unaware existed.  His dog.  Rookies died on mission.  Coworkers passed.  Commander Hudson had come and gone.  But never had grief hit him close to home.  
He lowered his hand, wrung them together.
He hadn’t reacted at the time, far more interested in chasing off the angel that had appeared to bother him once more.  He didn’t want to believe the news.  It was far easier to claim that, like all of their other interactions, the angel just wanted to annoy him for an unknown reason. 
But Abigail herself said that for all the things he was, he was not a liar.  
Part of Gemüse wanted to go out there and find her.  The idea of Death, dying; it was preposterous, right?  She was out there, getting frustrated by whatever Death-ly thing was frustrating her, the little shadow-y doggy not far behind.  And when he couldn’t find her, it would be far too easy to tell himself, “She’s just somewhere else.  She travels worlds, she could be anywhere.  She’s just somewhere else.”  
He shifted, suddenly pained by the position he was in.  He bowed his head, staring at the ground, but far too deep in thoughts to actually see anything.  
What even was death?  The cessation of existence, that poetic, final end that everything, big, small, and in-between, would come to.  Inescapable, all-consuming.  To never see a person again.  To never see a person breath; live; smile; laugh.  Forever.  Gone.  Termination.  The questions that commonly strangled young kids upon their first exposure assaulted him now, leaving the bitter, salty taste of tears in his throat.   
She herself said she could die.
It was unthinkable.
His jaw was trembling.  His muscles seemed to tense with each jagged breath and he reached his arm out to his side, blindly groping until he grabbed hold of a pillow, and brought it to his chest, burying his mouth in it.  
But even so, those final words echoed in his head, “what will you do now that your reaper isn’t here to protect you?” and Gemüse folded in on himself, hiccuping into the pillow and squeezing his legs against the mattress.  
And, in a way, he felt guilty to be worried of such things, but she was the one dead, and he was the one left to deal with it, and he was upset and lost and alone and terrified of what was to come.  
He brought his legs up onto the bed, crossing them at his ankles, and pressing his forehead to his knees.  He wrapped his arms over his head, rubbing his face against the pillow and quietly crying into the cloth.  
And what could he do?  He didn’t know any other Reapers; crossed paths with a few but never engaged them on an emotional level.  He was alone; alone with a target sewn on his back; alone with only a tiny pin to defend him--a pin that he promised himself he’d give back, and now--
Now he never could.    
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