xkilljxy · 3 years
Peter had apparently lost a lot of blood. If he was in his right mind, he might have offered a duh when the Healer fussing over him had said that, eyes glued to his left hand, unable to look away. It wasn’t even the middle finger that was missing, which would have actually been funny. He could have made a stupid joke out of that and been fine. Instead, it was the pointer. Someone had made a comment about looking for the missing digit and Peter had told them not to bother in a voice that was hollow and far away. Let a bird eat it or something, he didn’t care. His head sank after a few moments and rested on his knee, just as he felt the shift of air beside him and the heat of another body. “I’ve already been looked over, thanks. Just resting here for a bit before I head to Mungos to follow up.”
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pointlessresistxnce · 3 years
open starter where: library
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“If you even think about sitting there, you won’t make it to your next class,” Evan said, not looking up from the book in front of him as he turned a page.
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disgraceddogstar · 3 years
Where: Fourth Floor Corridor With: Open
For the first time in years, Sirius hadn't spent winter break counting down the days until he could again leave Grimmauld Place to return to Hogwarts. Spending break with James and the Potters had made it the best holiday ever, and it had gone too fast. Returning to Hogwarts this year didn't hold quite the same level of excitement for Sirius, but he didn't mind.
He'd been excited to play with the mysterious gift he'd received on Christmas morning - a map of the Black Lake and a set of keys. He'd carefully tucked them away amongst his things, but he brought them out the first chance he got upon returning to the castle. He was currently testing out the keys on a door in the fourth floor corridor, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth as he wiggled the key in the lock - with no luck. He huffed out a sigh. "You'd think these keys'd work on at least one bloody door in this castle," he said aloud to anyone willing to listen.
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thatdarkdivide · 3 years
          Otto didn’t care where he was, he leaned back against the ground in a huff. “I just completed the one exam I am for sure going to pass.” He’d read what he needed to for passing it and with no practical examination, there was absolutely no way he could fail History of Magic. “I hope your day is going better?” 
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xparecivm · 3 years
“The next person who says my team’s a cheat is failing all their exams. Don’t ask me how yet, haven’t gotten that far, but I’m making it happen.”
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dingledorcas · 3 years
where: anywhere with: open
“I’m not saying it’s a good idea.” dorcas shrugged. there was that familiar fire behind her eyes that danced like candlelight. it often proceeded trouble. “I’m just saying I’ll let you do it if we can find a needle. I’m in the mood for a bad idea anyway.”
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winnievere · 3 years
where; corridor with; open
“what was I supposed to do with this once I caught it?” winnie asked, blue rat in hand.
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sybilltrelawnxy · 3 years
Sybill recognized the dark circles under her bloodshot eyes as a sign that she’d been awake too long. This early into the new year the future was a constantly changing thing, time twitching and unfolding before her until it was incoherant. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been awake, all this buzzing around in her head. She’d thought a walk across the grounds would be tiring enough that when it was an appropriate hour for sleep she’d get some. 
She walks for a while without paying much attention, the drone of birdsong enough to lull her into a bit of a daze. After a while Sybill is quite startled to realize there is someone walking alongisde her. Had it been birdsong, or was she engaging in a conversation without even realizing? “I’m sorry... I just drifted off for a second, um-” Sybill clenched her jaw to prevent a yawn. “What were you saying?”
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antigoneaway · 3 years
where: anywhere with: open
“achoo!” antigone sneezed into her handkerchief and sniffled her nose. “eighty-four is the answer to question two on tomorrow’s quiz in arithmancy.” she mumbled. her voice obviously more congested and nasal than usual. “why are you looking at me like that?”
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hauntedblonde · 3 years
where; ice rink with; open
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narcissa pushed herself to the edge of the rink and rested momentarily against the wall. her cheeks were pink from the bite of the cold, but it was refreshing and bracing. “what?” she asked, noting a pair of eyes observing her. “is it really such a surprise to know that I like ice?”
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xkilljxy · 3 years
acid; mid-party; open
Lucius, of course, had to be extravagant. If a party called for flair, he was going to pull out all the stops. The coat he was wearing was huge, faux fur and open to expose his bare chest and the long scar running down it. His pants were comfortable, loose, and his hair was perfectly touseled. He’d even pulled out his ivory cane to complete the look, and his head was high as he strolled through the party, offering a nod here and a smile there while he made his way to the bar. “Take a shot for everyone dressed completely out of character.” His voice was low, rumbled in his chest a bit as he smirked at his new companion. “You can start by sharing one with me.”
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pointlessresistxnce · 3 years
open starter
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Gwenog was not having a good week. They were tired, had probably ruined one of their best friendships, fallen slightly behind in work, and now the laughable Quidditch match over the weekend. They were counting down the days to the holiday break so they could get out of Hogwarts and not think about it for a single moment. For now, though, they were slumped against a wall in the courtyard, bundled in a thick robe, scarf, and hat and trying to blend in with the scenery. 
“If you’ve come here to gloat, you better have your wand ready because I am not in the fucking mood,” they growled at the arriving footsteps. “If you’re not here to gloat, I don’t want your damn pity, either.”
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disgraceddogstar · 4 years
“My drink is almost gone, and that’s completely unacceptable. Another!”
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thatdarkdivide · 3 years
          “Yeah, sure,” Otto grinned at Professor Binns. “I’ll get it done as soon as I can, I promise.” He knew that focusing on his school work was going to take some effort, but Professor Binns had told him he had potential. Binns was one of the only professors that told him he had potential. Every other professor seemed to think that Otto was a bit of a screw up. He had late homework in all his classes that he probably should have worked on over break, but didn’t. “I gotta go though.” He turned around and nearly ran into another student, but at the last second turned and fell to the ground.
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xparecivm · 4 years
"Don’t- careful! I have to clean up this shit in the morning!”
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jimixmac · 3 years
It was not unusual to see Jimi Macintosh heading into one of the abandoned bathrooms with a jar of something strange in one hand and a pair of kitchen scissors in the other. Today’s jar was full of funky green lake goo that she hoped would stain her hair, and the scissors were for a new ‘do. She’d had her hair cut over break and it sat in a jagged line across her shoulders, but she wanted the back cut shorter.
She’d just started hacking at her hair when the reflection of someone in the mirror caught her eye, “can I help ya?” Jimi asked without turning around, making another snip, “fancy some funky green streaks? No promise it’ll work.”
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