#about time I wrote from Majima's perspective
overdevelopedglasses · 11 months
Tojoctober Day 15 - Trash
(Chikyuu wa mawari hi wa nobori)
Alt title is from 24-Hour Cinderella
Majima gets stuck in a trash can. Help comes from a really weird place.
(no spoilers!)
Oh, god damn it.
Majima wriggles around where he is. Or at least, attempts to wriggle. He can’t really move much. His legs are bent up over his head, and his arms are wedged… somewhere, he isn’t sure where. He can feel his tanto poking him in the side. He’s been in more uncomfortable positions, but this is just embarrassing, even for Goro Majima standards. 
Part of him wonders why he’s even in this thing in the first place. He initially thought of climbing in here to surprise Saejima into a fight or scare the shit out of a family member of the clan, but now his brain is running too fast for his liking and he can’t focus on anything concrete. His feet are probably about 2 inches from his ass, his hand is bent backwards, and he is really glad he can’t see himself right now.
Light creeps through at him, and Majima shuts his eye, anticipating something really gross being thrown onto his face. But nothing happens.
“Can I help you?”
Majima opens his eye and looks up at the source of the noise. There's someone looking back at him.
Ok, maybe this is actually worse.
The man looking at him looks decently young, at least compared to Majima. His black hair styled in a really messy part frames his brown eyes and sharp features. From his weird angle, Majima could see he was wearing a white shirt and a slick black leather jacket that was open at the front. The look he was giving him was one of both confusion and wariness. Ya know, now that I think about it, the view could be worse. Majima thinks to himself.
“So uh… Why the hell are you in a trash can?”
“Haw?” Majima makes the only sound that comes to mind. Great, not only is cutie over here staring at me like I did somethin wrong, he’s askin me why I got myself stuck???
“Listen. I don’t wanna go into it. Can ya… help?” Majima manages to get some words out, moving the trash can around as much as he’s able to.
“Uh… sure. What do you need me to do?”
“Hmmm….” the younger man’s brow creases, while Majima decides a bit of sleuthing is what he deserved right now. However, he could barely tell what this guy even did for a living. At least, he looked like a civilian, from what he could see. But in his eyes, Majima could sense this guy had seen some shit.
Majima ponders the question for a second. How the hell was he going to get out of here? He tries to consider his positioning to no avail.
“I can’t really see myself right now… what looks best?”
“This might work… I just hope I’m strong enough.”
Majima feels the sensation of being lifted into the air, and then begins to tilt. This lasts for a few seconds before he hears “Woah oh!” and he unceremoniously falls onto his side.
“Augh!” Majima cries out, as something hits him straight in the ass. He’s unsure if it’s his foot, or something in the trash can he forgot to move, or what. This is not a good day.
“Shit, sorry. Here, hold on.”
He feels the trash can stop rolling, then he’s tilted once again. His feet find purchase on concrete. I guess they weren't near my ass...but then what was? 
“Do you think that’ll help?” the guy's voice is a bit more muffled than before, distracting Majima from his ass.
Somehow, his feet being level does make Majima feel like he’s more in control. It's a bit darker, but the situation feels a bit more manageable now that there's only 2 compromised limbs.
“Wait, lemme see…”
Majima contorts his arm, and gets it shoved between his legs. Maybe not the best position, but it’s not as tight. He moves his other arm flat against his back.
“Can ya lift this thing offa me?”
“Yeah, here.” Majima feels his prison begin to slowly rise off of him. Majima rises along with it, slowly moving his body to be upright. His arms move to the top of the can, and assists in pushing the can off fully.
“Phew! Freedom at last. Thank ya…”
Majima’s words trail off as he finally gets a full glance at his helper. His slim, athletic build is something Majima wishes he could have. Part of him wants to see him in a fight, but the last thing he needed to do was weird out a guy who saw it in good conscience to help. 
Damn, he really is cute. Not my type, necessarily, but wow.
“What’s yer name, kid?”
“Yagami. I’m a detective.”
For some reason, the name turns a cog in Majima’s brain, but he’s not sure from where. Maybe the news? Someone in the clan? He ignores it for now
“Well, Yagami-kun, thanks for the help. Ya didn’t need to do somethin like that.”
“Nonsense. Part of my job is to help others, and help those who get overlooked by the law. You’re no exception.”
Majima is about to open his mouth to ask how Yagami realized he was a yakuza, but then remembers both his appearance and the Tojo crest make him easily stick out. At the same time, Yagami’s words strike a chord within him, and he feels his heart both sink with grief and rise with hope.
“The Tojo Clan isn’t that scary to me. Even if you’re unrelated, I want to help when I can.”
“When’d ya get so sentimental, Yagami-kun?”
“Honestly?” Yagami looks off into the distance. “I’m not so sure.”
“Well…” Majima lets his softer tone kick in, “I’ma bit more at peace, now I know that there are more people like ya within this world. Makes life worth living, ya know?”
Yagami chuckles, a small redness flushing his cheeks, “Thank you…” he stares blankly at Majima.
A smile graces Yagami’s face, and Majima finds it so hard not to see a resemblance to someone else. “Thank you, Majima-san. That’s wonderful to hear. Take care.”
Yagami turns on his heel with a wave, and walks away. Majima watches him go. In the distance, he vaguely sees Yagami look at his phone, and then sprint into the city. 
Wonder what got the guy so worked up? Majima ponders, then shrugs his shoulders, puts the trash can back in place, and wanders away.
Yagami, a local detective? Hm… I’ll keep the guy in mind.
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