#let Yagami into the main series your honor
overdevelopedglasses · 11 months
Tojoctober Day 15 - Trash
(Chikyuu wa mawari hi wa nobori)
Alt title is from 24-Hour Cinderella
Majima gets stuck in a trash can. Help comes from a really weird place.
(no spoilers!)
Oh, god damn it.
Majima wriggles around where he is. Or at least, attempts to wriggle. He can’t really move much. His legs are bent up over his head, and his arms are wedged… somewhere, he isn’t sure where. He can feel his tanto poking him in the side. He’s been in more uncomfortable positions, but this is just embarrassing, even for Goro Majima standards. 
Part of him wonders why he’s even in this thing in the first place. He initially thought of climbing in here to surprise Saejima into a fight or scare the shit out of a family member of the clan, but now his brain is running too fast for his liking and he can’t focus on anything concrete. His feet are probably about 2 inches from his ass, his hand is bent backwards, and he is really glad he can’t see himself right now.
Light creeps through at him, and Majima shuts his eye, anticipating something really gross being thrown onto his face. But nothing happens.
“Can I help you?”
Majima opens his eye and looks up at the source of the noise. There's someone looking back at him.
Ok, maybe this is actually worse.
The man looking at him looks decently young, at least compared to Majima. His black hair styled in a really messy part frames his brown eyes and sharp features. From his weird angle, Majima could see he was wearing a white shirt and a slick black leather jacket that was open at the front. The look he was giving him was one of both confusion and wariness. Ya know, now that I think about it, the view could be worse. Majima thinks to himself.
“So uh… Why the hell are you in a trash can?”
“Haw?” Majima makes the only sound that comes to mind. Great, not only is cutie over here staring at me like I did somethin wrong, he’s askin me why I got myself stuck???
“Listen. I don’t wanna go into it. Can ya… help?” Majima manages to get some words out, moving the trash can around as much as he’s able to.
“Uh… sure. What do you need me to do?”
“Hmmm….” the younger man’s brow creases, while Majima decides a bit of sleuthing is what he deserved right now. However, he could barely tell what this guy even did for a living. At least, he looked like a civilian, from what he could see. But in his eyes, Majima could sense this guy had seen some shit.
Majima ponders the question for a second. How the hell was he going to get out of here? He tries to consider his positioning to no avail.
“I can’t really see myself right now… what looks best?”
“This might work… I just hope I’m strong enough.”
Majima feels the sensation of being lifted into the air, and then begins to tilt. This lasts for a few seconds before he hears “Woah oh!” and he unceremoniously falls onto his side.
“Augh!” Majima cries out, as something hits him straight in the ass. He’s unsure if it’s his foot, or something in the trash can he forgot to move, or what. This is not a good day.
“Shit, sorry. Here, hold on.”
He feels the trash can stop rolling, then he’s tilted once again. His feet find purchase on concrete. I guess they weren't near my ass...but then what was? 
“Do you think that’ll help?” the guy's voice is a bit more muffled than before, distracting Majima from his ass.
Somehow, his feet being level does make Majima feel like he’s more in control. It's a bit darker, but the situation feels a bit more manageable now that there's only 2 compromised limbs.
“Wait, lemme see…”
Majima contorts his arm, and gets it shoved between his legs. Maybe not the best position, but it’s not as tight. He moves his other arm flat against his back.
“Can ya lift this thing offa me?”
“Yeah, here.” Majima feels his prison begin to slowly rise off of him. Majima rises along with it, slowly moving his body to be upright. His arms move to the top of the can, and assists in pushing the can off fully.
“Phew! Freedom at last. Thank ya…”
Majima’s words trail off as he finally gets a full glance at his helper. His slim, athletic build is something Majima wishes he could have. Part of him wants to see him in a fight, but the last thing he needed to do was weird out a guy who saw it in good conscience to help. 
Damn, he really is cute. Not my type, necessarily, but wow.
“What’s yer name, kid?”
“Yagami. I’m a detective.”
For some reason, the name turns a cog in Majima’s brain, but he’s not sure from where. Maybe the news? Someone in the clan? He ignores it for now
“Well, Yagami-kun, thanks for the help. Ya didn’t need to do somethin like that.”
“Nonsense. Part of my job is to help others, and help those who get overlooked by the law. You’re no exception.”
Majima is about to open his mouth to ask how Yagami realized he was a yakuza, but then remembers both his appearance and the Tojo crest make him easily stick out. At the same time, Yagami’s words strike a chord within him, and he feels his heart both sink with grief and rise with hope.
“The Tojo Clan isn’t that scary to me. Even if you’re unrelated, I want to help when I can.”
“When’d ya get so sentimental, Yagami-kun?”
“Honestly?” Yagami looks off into the distance. “I’m not so sure.”
“Well…” Majima lets his softer tone kick in, “I’ma bit more at peace, now I know that there are more people like ya within this world. Makes life worth living, ya know?”
Yagami chuckles, a small redness flushing his cheeks, “Thank you…” he stares blankly at Majima.
A smile graces Yagami’s face, and Majima finds it so hard not to see a resemblance to someone else. “Thank you, Majima-san. That’s wonderful to hear. Take care.”
Yagami turns on his heel with a wave, and walks away. Majima watches him go. In the distance, he vaguely sees Yagami look at his phone, and then sprint into the city. 
Wonder what got the guy so worked up? Majima ponders, then shrugs his shoulders, puts the trash can back in place, and wanders away.
Yagami, a local detective? Hm… I’ll keep the guy in mind.
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satoshi-mochida · 6 years
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Sega’s Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has announced “legal suspense action” game Project Judge (western working title) / Judge Eyes: Shinigami no Yuigon for PlayStation 4. It will launch on December 13 in Japan, Asia, and Korea for 8,290 yen, and in the west in 2019. A demo will be available today in Japan. (Update 11:30 a.m.: The demo is available now.)
Here is the official western press release:
■ About
Sega is proud to announce that the new courtroom thriller from Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios, Project Judge (working title), will release in 2019 on the PlayStation 4. Project Judge will feature the voice acting talents of Japanese actor / artist Takuya Kimura as the game’s main protagonist, Takayuki Yagami.
Project Judge takes place in modern day Tokyo, following a serial murder case. The main protagonist, private detective Takayuki Yagami (played by Takuya Kimura), is a man of conviction who fights for his beliefs, despite the overwhelming despair surrounding him. Kimura has met extensively with the game’s development team to craft this protagonist, dedicating more than 1,000 minutes of voice recording time for his lines. By putting forth so much effort in developing this role, Project Judge aims to redefine what it means to truly bring a character to life.
Other talented actors, including Akira Nakao, Kenichi Takito, Shosuke Tanihara, and Pierre Taki were brought in to play the game’s supporting roles. Additionally, the rock band Alexandros enhances the drama to its peak with the original theme song Arpeggio and feature song, Your Song. This game is developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios headed by Sega Chief Product Officer Toshihiro Nagoshi. The studio is known primarily for their work on the Yakuza series, which has sold over 11 million copies worldwide. To create an experience in line with the studio’s core belief to “Create enjoyable games that address mature themes” the team spent more than 3 years developing Project Judge‘s story and characters.
Enhancing the game’s position as a courtroom thriller and embodying the feeling of playing a detective, players will need to utilize key investigative skills in conjunction with unique gameplay features to unveil the truths hidden at the core of Project Judge‘s plot.
What lies beyond the suffering and failures of the man trapped within his past; is it a divine revelation, or something more sinister? Stay tuned for more information on Project Judge, the courtroom thriller action game brought to you by the prolific tag team of Takuya Kimura and Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios.
■ Characters
Takayuki Yagami (cast: Takuya Kimura)
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The main protagonist of Project Judge.
A fiercely idealistic ex-defense lawyer turned private detective. After facing a devastating betrayal by one of his former clients, he became known as a fraud who lets murderers run free, effectively destroying his reputation.
Now he’s caught up in an enigmatic serial murder case and will need to push his investigative skills to their limit to solve it.
Takashi Genda (cast: Akira Nakao)
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A gritty lawyer who has taken on the role of overseeing Yagami’s growth since the start of his career as a lawyer.
Even after Yagami’s incident that forced him out of the legal world, Genda still looks after him and helps him find work from time to time.
Kazuya Ayabe (cast: Kenichi Takito)
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A detective with Tokyo PD’s Organized Crime Division.
Ayabe is a crooked cop who withholds information on investigations for his own benefit, but often helps Yagami with his cases – for a price.
Mitsuru Kuroiwa(cast: Shosuke Tanihara)
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A detective with the Tokyo PD’s Organized Crime Division, famous for his leadership skills and high successful arrest rate in Kamurocho.
A talented officer who plays by the rules, Kuroiwa sees unknown elements like Yagami as a dangerous nuisance.
Kyohei Hamura (cast: Pierre Taki)
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Captain of the Matsugane family, a subsidiary of the Tojo Clan based in Kamurocho.
Hamura is self-centered, but he’s also a mastermind skilled in taking others down for his own benefit. He’s heavily involved with Yagami throughout the serial murder case.
■ Comment from Alexandros
“We are very honored to be part of such a wonderful production.
The demo video that Director Nagoshi showed us was so cool, we were able to envision a song very quickly.
From there, we had multiple meetings and the lyrics kept flowing until it was a complete piece that we feel very strongly about.
We are very excited to play the game ASAP (laughs).”
Watch a set of trailers below. View the first screenshots at the gallery. Visit the Japanese official website here.
Story Trailer
Gameplay Trailer
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dreamstormdragon · 6 years
Top 10 Female Characters!
Tagged by the awesome @nightwonder7 to do this. So let’s get started! 10 cool gals from 10 fandoms!
1. Red Blood Cell  AE-3803
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The newest cause I just started watching Hataraku Saibou/Cells at Work but so far quickly becoming a favorite. She’s a bit ditzy but she’s a brand new blood cell learning about the body she lives in and figuring out where she’s supposed to go. She’s really funny.
2. Princess Serenity / Sailor Moon 
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Nostalgia’s coming into play here (and with more on the list to come I assure ya) I loved Sailor Moon when I was a kid, I really looked up to Serena and her friends as characters and their stories stuck with me for years. The transformations, the way they always stuck together. Serena was always my favorite scout though. Moon Prism Power!!!!
3. Honey Lemon!
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This gal! Honey Lemon is such a sweet girl, she’s a bit naive about the rougher parts of town but she’s always got her heart in the right place. She has her down moments but she’s always up for a pep talk or worrying about her friends. (Especially Hiro.) She’s just a big sweetie and I love her. 
4. Misty Waterflower!
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I grew up with Pokemon. It’s still one of my main fandoms as an adult still, I even play the game competitively. It’s something that’s always been there and I’ve always loved it. Misty was the first Pokegirl I got to know and one of my favorites. (Not my favorite, favorite (sorry Mist you’ll always be the nostalgic one though) She was always dedicated to her water Pokemon and her bond with Gyarados is amazing. Even if she was a brat she out grew it.
5. Kari Kamiya/ Hikari Yagami
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Honestly I loved all the gals from Digimon from Sora all the way to Yoshino in Savers/Data Squad. There’s not a Digimon Girl I don’t like to some extent but I’ll give it to Kari. Her arc in season one is my FAVORITE of that season. Especially her bond with Gatomon and how committed her brother is to her. I love this gal and she gets some good growth in season 2. Also Angewomon is awesome. 
Feels like there’s a lot of anime here... I watched a lot of anime as a kid okay?
6. Kim Possible! 
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I watched a lot of anime growing up. But I also had gals like Kim to watch too. She was one of those characters you just couldn’t dislike. She had her moments where she was in the wrong and owned up to it. She was always helpful sometimes to her detriment... And the popular girls only had one who disliked her cause of jealousy. KP’s biggest issues was defeating her villain gallery before school or before lunch was up. Overall just a cool character, Kim was great. (and the Kim Possible soundtrack is waaaay too catchy for it’s own good.)
7. Nova (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go)
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Jinmay should probably be here instead of Nova, but Jinny only had about three episodes of real character development. Nova... Ho boy Nova. This show was cheesy as heck but Nova was so much fun. Antauri was my favorite but Nova was second. She had a lot of things going for her, from actually having legit fears (being seen as weak, she actually had anxiety in the cold due to abuse her former leader dealt out (basically locked her in a cold room until she was about to freeze to death and then she got royally pissed off) she’s got some fire power to her too and she is definitely the team mom. Seriously, you touched a hair on Chiro’s head and you were dead. Her weapon? GIANT FISTS. Yeah I’m still salty about the way the show went in the final season but in those first few seasons? Pretty fun stuff. And I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for this one.
8. Carmen Cortez
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I swear I probably drove my mom crazy trying to find a shirt just like that one in the kids section when I was little. Carmen is unapologetically kick butt. Even though she was a brat sometimes with how she and Juni fought... She was a kid. She also wasn’t phased at the obstacle course she and Juni had to do every morning before school, even expertly jumping a THOUSAND FEET and not being phased. She was the big sis and she did her job well at keeping Juni safe and also fighting with him. They were equals. Spy Kids overall was just a great movie series for me as a kid and I still like it as an adult (Except Spy Kids 3. We don’t talk about it) 
Plus I still use that phrase up there every now and then. It’s funny.
9. Madoka Kaname and Homura Akemi
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I’m cheating, I know. But these two are so intertwined you can’t separate them. Best friends to the very end, Homura did everything in her power to protect Madoka and Madoka realized in the end Homura WAS her best friend. Still watched out for her and refused to let her become corrupted in despair. I can’t talk more about these two amazing girls without spoiling the entirety of Puella Magi Madoka Magica (if you haven’t watched it, do it. Even if “Mahou Shoujo” anime isn’t normally your thing. You will not regret it) sooo yeah.
10. Naomi Kimishima
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NAOMI!!!!! I am a huge Trauma Center fan so it wouldn’t be right to end this list without one of my favorite ladies from this medical series. (Honorable mention to second favorite TC gal Tomoe) It’s been awhile since I played the games but Naomi was always a favorite of mine. She reminded me of Temperance Brennan from Bones, a show I was really obsessed with at the time too. But she was also her own character. Her interactions with Gabe, her relationship with Little Guy/Agent Navel (I STILL SHIP IT DARN IT) and especially how things effected her. One of the most heart wrenching scenes for me was (And major spoiler seriously) was when she was saying it was her fault that Alyssa got hurt and Little Guy was holding her back from the blast zone. And then in the end... She chose to raise Alyssa as her own. That child became her little girl and she clearly loves her dearly. Even if Chloe that darn cat keeps getting her into trouble. (And Naomi was one of the first characters I ever created a next gen for, my character Lucas was created after I played the game for the first time back in 2010) 
Soooo yeah.  10 11 gals. All cool characters.XD Thanks for tagging me, was fun. 
I will not tag anyone this time. Do it if ya wanna.
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
Something Special
((For @princesssincerity , I hope you have an awesome birthday! :D ))
Taichi lightly stepped around the main room, with his arms in a weird position as he repeated the movements.
The bell being rung, stopping Taichi in his tracks.
“Coming!” Taichi yelled out, making sure he was ready for the person on the other side of the door.
Just as he opened the door, he was greeted with a quick flash of the peace sign and a trademark heartwarming smile, meaning it could only be Mimi Tachikawa.
“Good morning Taichi!” Mimi said, full cheerfulness and eager to get the day started.
“Morning Mimi.” Taichi replied, with a chuckle, not as enthusiastic to be up so early in the morning, but happy to have some fun for the day.
“C’mon Taichi, it’s not like I’m making you do this.”
“True, I’m just tired. But I’m ready, don’t worry. Groceries, cooking, dinner, right?”
Double checking he had his money ready, the two headed out to get supplies. After a quick walk and some small talk, the duo started filling their baskets for supplies for some treats they were making for friends and themselves.
“I honestly am still amazed at how you find such weird ingredients to make such delicious food.”
“Well, I could say I just have the magic touch, knowing what to pick the first time, but it’s a lot of trial and error. I’m persistent, because I love cooking, and I know I can make something special, I just have to keep trying!”
Taichi smiled, recognizing one of the many of their core similarities.
“I’m the same way, as you well know by now. I practice for soccer all the time, and well...I’m thinking of getting some training for some work in...I guess diplomacy?”
Mimi, in the middle of stretching to grab some sugar on the top shelf, paused and turned to look at Taichi.
“You want to be a diplomat?”
“...Nah, it was a silly idea forget it.”
Mimi immediately put the sugar in her basket, and loudly placed it on the ground, staring at Taichi with fierce determination.
“Taichi I’m not about to let you sink your own dream like that. I didn’t ask because I thought it was silly. I think you’d be really good at it. You’ve been our group leader for years, and you’ve been learning to be better at reading emotions in each of us, and carefully planning to account for that.”
Mimi bent over to pick up her basket, but stopped, looking sad about something.
“Besides...you never called my dreams silly, or stupid. Why would I do that to you?”
Her emphasis on “you” made Taichi’s heart skip a few beats. 
“I uh...Thanks Mimi.” Taichi said, floored by her passion for seeing his dream happen, even if she was the only one to know it.
“I hope you know that means you might have to go spend some time in America.”
“I do, do I?”
“Yep, and if you play your cards right, I might even come along.”
“You would, huh? That makes the whole idea that much nicer to me. Okay then Mimi, if you and your folks end up moving back overseas, I’ll see about coming with you guys.”
The two laughed, and continued to coyly and covertly flirt with each other, little by little. They kept it up all the way back to the Yagami residence, where Taichi helped Mimi get the ingredients in, and she in turn helped him get set up to cook alongside her.
“Where’s the rest of the family? I figured Hikari would be here at least.”
“Hikari’s out with Takeru, apparently he owes her some ice cream after losing some small bet, Dad’s at work, and Mom’s out to the gym for some swimming. Just us!”
Mimi arched an eyebrow with an equally snarky and flirty grin.
“Really...Hmm, you and me, here alone, in the kitchen. Taichi, you wouldn’t have planned this on purpose, right?”
Taichi laughed, and started working on his surprise dessert for Mimi.
“Mimi, I’m not that smooth.”
He was. He just wasn’t going to tell her until the last big surprise.
“Sure, fine, I totally believe you no wait no I don’t believe you. Taichi you sly dog, I never would’ve picked you for a plan like this.”
“Mimi, you greatly over-estimate my skills.I appreciate your confidence, but I think you’re banking on something I have very little of.”
“Fine, fine, you win Taichi.” Mimi grumbled, still feeling like Taichi had something planned.
After a few more hours of jokes, small talk, and discussions on personal and private dreams for the future, Taichi had finished up his cake, snuck her surprise message in with icing, and got it in the fridge at the right time, all the while she had baked some delicious desserts, both traditional Japanese and American dishes, and some of her own making, and Taichi was absolutely crazy for her latest dessert, which she nicknamed a “Taichi Swirl” in honor of his excitement and pure joy.
“So Taichi what are we going to do for...”
The doorbell rang, and on cue there was some Dream Factory Pizza delivered.
“Taichi, you got pizza without telling me?”
“You said how much you love pizza, so I wanted to take the chance to get some pizza for us. Is your favorite still a pep...”
To his relief, he looked over to see Mimi happily having a slice from her pizza, complete with a grin of delight on her face.
“Taichi...this pizza...is soooooooo goooood.”
“Only the best for a friend like you Mimi.”
Taichi, aware he just let his rather low-key appreciation of her slip out, embarrassingly scrambled to get the cake out and sneak it on to the table.
He had to get this part right. Sunset wasn’t something he could delay, or hurry up.
“Hey Mimi...Surprise!”
Mimi sat up and turned around to see Taichi smiling with a very nicely made cake in front of him.
“Is that the cake you made?”
“Your favorite flavors, and I had to get a little sneaky on the icing but...”
To Mimi’s shock and joy, the cake was made with such finesse that she felt a moment of doubt as to whether this was the same cake he made that morning. She then reminded herself of how he had her watching television while he was in the kitchen quietly working, and it all added up. 
“Taichi I didn’t...you don’t need to...”
“Sure I don’t need to. I’m not doing this because I needed to. I wanted to! Besides, this, is the true icing on the cake.”
With a click of a small remote in his hand, some American music turned on the speakers, and Taichi held his hand out.
“Surprise...Learned how to dance. A little. You kept saying you wanted to dance with friends, but none of us knew how. So, a few lessons, practicing before you got here, and well...”
Mimi recognized the song as one from a rather popular series of movies, with a twist on typical fairy tales. She knew the name, but she was so touched by Taichi’s gesture she decided she’d think on that later.
With a beautiful sunset lighting up the room, the two slowly danced along, happy as can be.
“I wanted to surprise you because...You already do so much for me, this is one way for me to do something nice for you.”
“Thank you Taichi.”
“I love you Mimi.”
Mimi stopped mid dance, and with a mix of shock, joy and tears, she tightly hugged Taichi.
“I love you too Taichi!”
After some more dancing, the duo sat down, and enjoyed the cake, watching television, and smiling.
Taichi and Mimi loved how one another would inspire and support their ideas, work with them, and make the most of the best and worst times. 
Now...there was no fear, no worries. They loved one another, and the day would always be theirs.
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alchemyhearts17 · 7 years
My thoughts on the upcoming Death Note movie
Death Note. Some of you may or may not know the story already - but for those who don't know the synopsis. The series basic synopsis is simple, Light Yagami an honor's student in Japan finds himself bored one day ends up finding a black notebook called a Death Note where the user whose name written in the notebook shall die by whatever way the user thinks of - the most common is a heart attack. He eventually finds himself face to face with his rival L and the two compete in a game of chess to find out the other's identity first. Sounds interesting right? It's considered one of the best anime by many and one of the best dubs as well. It garnered a musical adaptation, and five live action movies Four being set in Japan and one currently being made by Netflix. It also spawn a few video games and a TV drama. So with news of Netflix acquiring the rights to make a Netflix live action adaptation, obviously you'd expect them to be complete accuracy? Correct? Weelll not exactly. They changed the names around to fit the American adaptation and from the looks of the trailers and recent clip, Light isn't the straight a-student as many hoped he'd be in this version. And almost none of the actors in this are Asian or Japanese. L is played by an African American actor, while Light is played by former Nickelodeon boy band star and two John Green film adaptations, who is also a main character in the Fault in Our Stars, and Paper Towns as the main male lead. But I just want to say this. So fucking what? Let's compare the two different Lights and how he uses the Death Note: Light Yagami - straight A honor student, a genius, and by many a good person, who finds the Death Note and once he finds the Death Note he ends up killing criminals because he is simply bored. Not to mention he has a huge god complex after he meets L for the first time on Live TV. He succeeds in almost every plan he has until he meets Near who ends up defeating him. A sociopath with a god complex and a high intellect who thinks he's in the right. No regard for anyone and abuses Misa who is madly in love with him. People tend to compare these two (and I have myself at times) as anime's Joker and Harley Quinn. Netflix's Yagami, or in this case, Light Turner, is your average every day student who lives in a rotten world, he's pretty much a normal kid here who is unable to handle the power Ryuk has given him. He is socially awkward, questions Ryuk if he's doing the right thing, and starts slipping more slowly than Light Yagami ever did. Unlike Yagami Light, Light Turner is shown to actually care for Mia, and like I stated above, questions himself (something Yagami never did) he's more human than Yagami is. Death Note anime and manga rushes Light's dipping into insanity. He is shown to have already be insane in the first episode we see him in, whilist in the upcoming Netflix adaptation, he's more human here. You can actually understand why he wants to do it. It's somewhat more relatable than Yagami's actions. Results: Honestly I'm all for a more human Light Turner, than Light Yagami. I never once felt any sympathy for Light Yagami, I do a bit here, I'm all for this adaptation. Though there are questionable scenes like the ferris wheel scene...and L being out in the open.. My point is, we can have different versions of our favorite superheroes and villains all the damn time but why can't we have different versions of our favorite anime characters? Why do they need to be 100% accurate? If you really want to watch an accurate version of Light - watch the anime or watch the Japanese versions. Me? I'm excited for August 25th I can't wait to see what the end result is. I'll probably binge-watch the anime and re-read the manga to get myself hyped up for the movie.
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entergamingxp · 5 years
DualShockers’ Favorite Games of 2019 — Ricky’s Top 10
January 1, 2020 10:00 AM EST
Fortunately for you, the great editors at DualShockers have saved the best of these GOTY lists for last. Here are my top 10 games of 2019.
As 2019 comes to a close, DualShockers and our staff are reflecting on this year’s batch of games and what were their personal highlights within the last year. Unlike the official Game of the Year 2019 awards for DualShockers, there are little-to-no-rules on our individual Top 10 posts. For instance, any game — not just 2019 releases — can be considered.
2019 was a surprisingly good year in video games, at least for me. Sure, we didn’t get many absolute bangers that held the collective video game public hostage for weeks at a time. However, there were several good games that had a major impact on what should be a “tune-up” year as we near the release of next-gen consoles.
That said, while we’ve enjoyed a cornucopia of good games, they all had a flaw or five that held them back from being truly spectacular. So, in a sea of good, not great releases, I’ve chosen to highlight the games that I had the most fun with in 2019. After all, isn’t that we play games in the first place?
Here are my top 10 games of 2019.
Honorable Mention: FIFA 20 Web App
Let’s be clear, FIFA 20 was an overwhelmingly mediocre game on launch and EA has only made it worse with their various “fixes.” Ultimate Team, in particular, is in shambles for much of the community. However, I have spent more time playing FIFA than any other game in 2019. So, while I refuse to put it on my list, I still feel like I have to recognize it in some way.
Enter the FIFA 20 web app. I’m on this all the time playing FIFA‘s transfer market and usually having a great time doing so. If you like the idea of playing the stock market without actually investing money, this is the best way I’ve found to do it. Buying and selling players on the market and seeing that coin total slowly rise has been a fun challenge in 2019.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for FIFA 20.
10. Heroes of the Storm
I know, I know; Heroes is a dead game that no one plays. The way Blizzard just killed off the pro scene in 2018 continues to be massively disappointing, and those of us who still play are baby gamers who can’t handle a real MOBA. I get all that and mostly agree with you.
That said, Heroes, for me, is like a fresh plate of my grandma’s meatloaf: something I can always go back to and love regardless of where I’m at in life. My time in HOTS has certainly died down over the last year or so, but it’s the game I always go back to when I just need 20 minutes to unwind. Plus, Deathwing came out this year. That was pretty great.
9. Wattam
Listen, I’m a simple man. If you make a game that lets me make friends with and then explode poop, I’m probably going to like your game. So, while Wattam is in many ways barely a game, there aren’t many other games I enjoyed start to finish as Keita Takahashi’s latest.
This tale about friendship and coming together to conquer evil is one of the most joyous games out in 2019. Perfect for kids and adults alike, I thoroughly recommend this experience to anyone that has an afternoon to kill over the holiday. It won’t change your life and it doesn’t innovate, but stacking up poop and kabooming it to smithereens is so much fun.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Wattam.
8. Death Stranding
As of this writing, I’ve yet to finish Death Stranding. In fact, I just hit Chapter 3, which is where I hear a lot of people begin to have problems with Kojima’s latest. So, I reserve the right to move just toss this game off the list in the next few days.
That said, since starting the game a few days ago, I haven’t been able to think about anything else besides playing Death Stranding. I love the slow, methodical plodding Sam Bridges does as you move cargo from place to place. I love trying to map out the best possible route to stay away from trouble. I even love all the weird lore that keeps getting dumped on me.
Maybe it’s the fact that I come from a family of porters (read: truck drivers), but Death Stranding is the most fun I’ve ever had doing something that, in real life, seems like it would be pretty boring. I hope it stays that way.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Death Stranding.
7. Outer Wilds
Outer Wilds is among the most inventive games in 2019. I love how the game just gives you a world and says, “explore.” There aren’t any roadblocks to you beating it in 20 minutes and everyone is going to get to the ending in a different way. Add in a Majora’s Mask-like constantly-moving map and you have a game that’s nothing like anything else.
Outer Wilds also does something many games can’t and sticks the landing with a stellar (interstellar?) ending. I know you’ve heard this from every corner of the internet, but you really should give Mobius Digital’s freshman effort a try.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Outer Wilds.
6. What The Golf?
I adore golf games. My middle school summers were filled with countless hours of Mario Golf for the Game Boy Color and Nintendo 64. The reason I bought a Switch was to play Golf Story. For whatever reason, I can’t get enough golf in my video gaming life. I can’t stand playing golf in the real world, but virtually, there’s not much better.
That said, What The Golf? is not a golf game. Oh sure, you’ll hit objects toward a flag, but that’s where the similarities end. However, this game does just about everything else besides golf. And still, it’s by far my favorite mobile release of the year. The sheer amount of creativity in how to approach a non-golfing golf game is staggering. I don’t want to say much about what actually happens, as that would ruin the surprise. Just know that What The Golf? is great, regardless of how you feel about golf.
5. Control
Control is my annual “wow, this looks so good on my RTX card” game. Visually, there wasn’t a more impressive game to me all year. Much of this comes down to Remedy’s striking art direction. They do so much with color and lighting to make a game that is a visual feast. It sucks to hear that the console versions are less than stellar, because I want everyone to have the same experience I did.
Outside of the impressive visuals is a story that I had to see to completion. I don’t know if it breaks any new ground, but the narrative threads were so fun to pull at that I ended up doing everything. Combat is mostly fine outside of a few truly bad boss fights. If you’re looking for an entry-point to the Remedy-verse, Control seems like a great jumping-on point, especially if you have a relatively beefy PC.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Control.
4. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Bloodstained is a fantastic reimagining of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. The Metroidvania combat and exploration is tight and incredibly fun. If that was all the game did, it would probably still make my list. However, what makes this game really stand out for me is how willing it is to not take itself too seriously.
Bloodstained is good with it if you become laughably overpowered. In fact, it seems to want you to. The way you can just break the game is so amusing. Many games are too precious about their power curve. Bloodstained doesn’t care. It just wants you to have a good time and rest assured, that’s exactly what I did.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.
3. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
I had a paragraph written up about how FromSoft has truly evolved their gameplay with Sekiro to force you to actually learn how to play well and not cheese bosses, but honestly, there’s only one thing you need to know. This game is worth playing (or at least watching) to see the Monkey Fight.
For a developer known for creating controller-breaking and genre-defining boss fights, the Monkey Fight stands head and shoulders above them all. If the overbearing difficulty isn’t for you, that’s fine. Just look it up on YouTube, sit back, and enjoy FromSoft at its best.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.
2. Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2, as a remake, has no business being as good as it is. Mr. X is my favorite thing in gaming this year. His horrifying, omnipresent role in the game’s first half makes RE2 a must-play. The way he stalks you throughout the police station, appearing when you least expect it, made for countless moments of both pure terror and hilarity. Plus, the memes that sprung up around the character were exceptional.
When people ask if they should play the game, I just show them the “Mr. X Gon Give it to You” videos and they’re sold instantly. And sure, once you leave the police station, the game kind of slogs to the finish, but that shouldn’t keep you from experiencing the panic-inducing joy that is the early parts of Resident Evil 2.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Resident Evil 2.
1. Judgment
Where do I even start? Do we talk about the oddly captivating murder mystery full of more twists than a bad M. Night Shyamalan movie? Seriously, this story just goes places and is constantly defying what you think a Ryu Ga Gotoku game can be. The studio has really hit its story-telling stride with Judgment. Do we talk about how Yagami might be a better character than Kiryu? Don’t get me wrong, I’ll always love the Dragon of Dojima, but Yagami has more much range than the ever-stoic favorite foster son of Shintaro Kazama. How about the ease with which Judgment switches between serious, soap opera-style narrative and the wacky side quests we’ve come to love from Yakuza games? This has always been one of the series’ strengths; however, with the main character being a private detective, it makes a lot more sense for them to be randomly searching for a man’s cats or beating up a disgusting pervert.
Really, Judgment is my game of the year because I can’t think of another game that I had more fun playing. The beat ’em up gameplay is the same as it’s always been, but RGG has made it instantly a blast. If I want to show someone why I love Judgment, I’ll just jump into a random battle and I’m immediately piledriving all those young thugs into the ground. Judgment has, quite possibly, the best set of “heat” finishers in the Yakuza franchise. And truthfully, that’s the kicker with Judgment. It doesn’t do anything remarkably new with the Yakuza format. What it does is distill everything in the game down to its most fun form and slaps it all over the world of Kamurocho.
As I get older and there are more demands on my time, “fun factor” has become more important than ever. Judgment has that in spades. I’ve already put 100 plus hours into the game and just thinking about the game’s big moments over the past week while writing this has me seriously considering jumping back in. That Platinum’s not gonna earn itself. Thank you for reading my mini-review for Yagami’s greatest journey. If you haven’t checked out a Yakuza game yet, this is a perfect jumping-on point.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Judgment.
Check out the rest of the DualShockers staff Top 10 lists and our official Game of the Year Awards:
December 23: DualShockers Game of the Year Awards 2019 December 25: Lou Contaldi, Editor-in-Chief // Logan Moore, Managing Editor December 26: Tomas Franzese, News Editor // Ryan Meitzler, Features Editor  December 27: Mike Long, Community Manager // Scott White, Staff Writer December 28: Chris Compendio, Contributor // Mario Rivera, Video Manager // Kris Cornelisse, Staff Writer December 29: Scott Meaney, Community Director // Allisa James, Senior Staff Writer // Ben Bayliss, Senior Staff Writer December 30: Cameron Hawkins, Staff Writer // David Gill, Senior Staff Writer // Portia Lightfoot, Contributor December 31: Iyane Agossah, Senior Staff Writer // Michael Ruiz, Senior Staff Writer // Rachael Fiddis, Contributor January 1: Ricky Frech, Senior Staff Writer // Tanner Pierce, Staff Writer
January 1, 2020 10:00 AM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/01/dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-rickys-top-10/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-rickys-top-10
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plug2game-blog · 6 years
Yakuza Studios revealed a "legal thriller action" video game headed to PS4-- SEGA Nerds
The Yakuza series has been one of SEGA's most successful series to date. It had gained substantial appeal in Japan and even got some newly found appeal in the west. Because the conclusion of Yakuza 6, the studio has actually been hard at work on developing a brand-new IP, and now we have a complete blown announcement.
Yakuza Studios revealed a "legal thriller action" game titled Job Judge, which will launch in Japan this December for PlayStation 4. Thankfully western fans will not have to beg for a release, because SEGA simultaneously announced a 2019 release date us too!
Here's SEGA's official news release, which you can take a look at below
■ About
Sega is proud to reveal that the new courtroom thriller from Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios, Project Judge(working title), will release in 2019 on the PlayStation 4. Task Judgewill include the voice acting talents of Japanese actor/ artist Takuya Kimura as the video game's primary lead character, Takayuki Yagami.
Task Judgeoccurs in modern Tokyo, following a serial murder case. The main protagonist, private investigator Takayuki Yagami (played by Takuya Kimura), is a man of conviction who defends his beliefs, regardless of the overwhelming anguish surrounding him. Kimura has actually met thoroughly with the video game's advancement group to craft this lead character, dedicating more than 1,000 minutes of voice recording time for his lines. By presenting a lot effort in developing this function, Project Judgegoals to redefine what it indicates to genuinely bring a character to life.
Other talented actors, including Akira Nakao, Kenichi Takito, Shosuke Tanihara, and Pierre Taki were brought in to play the game's supporting functions. Furthermore, the rock band Alexandros boosts the drama to its peak with the original signature tune Arpeggio and feature tune, Your Tune. This video game is established by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios headed by Sega Chief Product Officer Toshihiro Nagoshi. The studio is understood mainly for their deal with the Yakuzaseries, which has actually offered over 11 million copies worldwide. To produce an experience in line with the studio's core belief to "Create satisfying games that address fully grown styles" the team invested more than 3 years establishing Job Judge's story and characters.
Enhancing the game's position as a courtroom thriller and embodying the sensation of playing an investigator, gamers will require to utilize essential investigative skills in conjunction with special gameplay features to reveal the realities concealed at the core of Task Judge's plot.
What lies beyond the suffering and failures of the guy caught within his past; is it a magnificent discovery, or something more sinister? Stay tuned for more info on Project Judge, the courtroom thriller action video game brought to you by the respected tag team of Takuya Kimura and Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios.
■ Characters
Takayuki Yagami(cast: Takuya Kimura)
The primary lead character of Project Judge.
An increasingly idealistic ex-defense lawyer turned personal investigator. After dealing with a terrible betrayal by one of his former clients, he became called a fraud who lets killers run free, successfully ruining his reputation.
Now he's caught up in an enigmatic serial murder case and will require to push his investigative skills to their limit to resolve it.
Takashi Genda(cast: Akira Nakao)
A gritty lawyer who has actually taken on the role of overseeing Yagami's growth since the start of his career as a lawyer.
Even after Yagami's incident that required him out of the legal world, Genda still looks after him and assists him discover work from time to time.
Kazuya Ayabe(cast: Kenichi Takito)
A detective with Tokyo PD's Organized Criminal activity Department.
Ayabe is an uneven police who keeps info on examinations for his own advantage, however typically assists Yagami with his cases-- for a rate.
Mitsuru Kuroiwa(cast: Shosuke Tanihara)
A detective with the Tokyo PD's Organized Crime Division, famous for his management skills and high successful arrest rate in Kamurocho.
A gifted officer who plays by the guidelines, Kuroiwa sees unidentified components like Yagami as an unsafe problem.
Kyohei Hamura(cast: Pierre Taki)
Captain of the Matsugane family, a subsidiary of the Tojo Clan based in Kamurocho.
Hamura is self-centered, but he's also a mastermind skilled in taking others down for his own advantage. He's heavily involved with Yagami throughout the serial murder case.
■ Comment from Alexandros
"We are extremely honored to be part of such a terrific production.
The demo video that Director Nagoshi revealed us was so cool, we were able to picture a song very quickly.
From there, we had several conferences and the lyrics kept flowing till it was a complete piece that we feel extremely strongly about.
We are very excited to play the video game ASAP (laughs)."
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