#absolutely rough draft I want to find a way to reword this so it's more in her voice 🤔
derelictheretic · 1 year
Last line tag
Tagged by the beloveds @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @cassietrn @clicheantagonist and @trench-rot to share the last line I wrote from one of my wips!! (I think that's everyone brain small)
Tagging @deputyash @trashcatsnark @englass @aceghosts @detectivelokis @megraen @bluemojave @florbelles and anyone else who wants too! (No pressure <3)
Lola got her hooks in my brain again <3
She'd kill every last one of them, after she had a small nap first.
Also bc I got tagged a few times here is another from a seperate wip
She was Faith, the Herald of the Henbane River and beloved sister of the Project at Eden's Gate. She was right where she needed to be. 
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katranga · 7 years
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Disclaimer: Fic is just for fun. Nobody on ao3, or tumblr, or wherever, is expecting perfection. Most of these tips are gonna take a little extra time and effort to implement, and if you don’t feel like doing that, because you just wanna post the darn thing? Go for it! I’m not here to tell you what to do, and I’m certainly not saying that your writing is bad if you don’t follow these tips. These are just suggestions that will hopefully help you improve your work, if that’s what you’re after.
Intro: Why Revise?
To kick things off, I’d like to go over the importance of revision!! This is more of a general writing tip, but it’s a great starting point, because I DON’T want you to be thinking about most of my future tips while you’re writing the first draft. 
I want you to get. those. words. on. the. page! That’s all you should be worried about when you’ve got a blank page staring you in the face. 
There’s so much pressure to get writing right the first time, but I’m here to tell you that’s pretty much impossible. So, pressure’s off! Just write the basics so you get to know your story first. I
I know it seems like writing it perfectly will save you editing/revising time later on, but you can’t revise—let alone post—what you don’t have written because you’re stuck on one line that doesn’t sound just right. You with me so far? Great!
Honestly, writing gets so much faster when you remind yourself that no one is going to see your first draft!
So I cannot overstate the importance of revision.
Because guess what? Everything you don’t like about your first draft can be fixed in revision!
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Okay. What is it?
To clarify, when I say first draft, I don’t mean the stuff you do in high school, where you write out a shitty essay on paper first and then type it up basically the same, just to prove to the teacher you wrote a first draft?? Or whatever.
I mean you just write the absolute basics of your story down, and fill in the rest and perfect it later (I’ll go into detail about how exactly to do that in my motivation post).
Now, grammar, spelling, and overall readability, are all important things to fix before you post. But that’s little stuff, and your word processor will be able to pick up on some of that, and just rewording a few sentences to make them clearer probably won’t take too much effort on your end (though I am gonna have a post about filler words and clarity and stuff like that, so if that tends to be a problem for you, I gotchu).
Besides basic grammar/spelling, most of what I change as my first draft transforms into my second or third is: 
Improving the flow of a scene (it can’t all be dialogue, unfortunately)
Pacing throughout the fic (are they falling love too fast? is this scene too long? etc)
Overall clarity (I know why the character did that, but will the reader?)
It may be different for you. Basically, you’re polishing up whatever you didn’t worry about writing the first draft.
My first drafts, for example? They’re 80% dialogue. Because that’s my favourite! And that’s what comes to me when I’m dreaming up fics. But then I go back later and beef up the rest—the characters’ movements in a scene, their inner dialogue, description etc.
Because as much as I love dialogue, scenes feel empty and too-fast with just characters talking. Similarly, scenes can feel bogged down and slow with just characters thinking about things.
But revision isn’t just about adding things! Sometimes you need to take stuff out. Inner dialogue that later gets covered by dialogue? Cut it. (Or vice versa—maybe the detail isn’t important enough for the characters to talk about, and just the mention of it within the narration is enough).
The point is, repetition needs to go. The reader rarely needs to be told the same thing twice.
Quick example from the top of my head:
Lance had lost his jacket. He’d looked over the whole castle for it, but couldn’t find it anywhere. His brother gave him that jacket. One of his last ties to Earth, and it was missing in action.
Maybe Keith took it to spite him, that jerk.
“What’s up, Lance?” Hunk asked when he passed him in the hall.
“I lost my jacket!” Lance said. “My signature jacket, the one Marco gave me! I’ve looked everywhere, but it’s gone. Do you think Keith stole it?”
Same information twice: Lance can’t find his brother’s jacket despite a thorough search, and suspects Keith stole it. No reason to repeat that. Something’s gotta go.
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I know cutting stuff isn’t fun. You worked hard on that! You spent hours/days/whatever perfecting a sentence until it gleamed like a diamond, and now just because you thought of a better way to get that information across you have to get rid of it? No way!
I’ve been there, trust me. But hanging on just slows down the whole writing process. Because, for me at least, I know when stuff needs to go, or needs a massive overhaul, or whatever. I’m just digging my heels in because I don’t wanna do any additional work.
Luckily, this is where your shitty first draft comes in handy! If all you did was spit words onto the page as soon as they entered your head, then you didn’t spend a lot of back-breaking effort on whatever you need to cut! And what you need to cut isn’t anything awe-inspiring, it’s just your rough notes, so tossing it aside isn’t nearly as stressful!
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Remember, you can always save scenes/dialogue/etc in a separate document! Maybe you’ll be able to salvage some it later. Alternatively, create separate versions of the doc as you edit/revise. If you end up actually needing part of a deleted scene, you’ve still got it somewhere!
And please, never think of the stuff you cut (or fics you never finished) as “wasted time”. Writing time is never wasted! You’re practicing, you’re honing your craft, and even if some bits never see the light of day, you’re still benefitting from all that work you did!
Now, I know I know I know most people edit/revise as they write. Can’t think of the next scene? Reread the previous scene and fiddle with it until something comes to you. That’s great! Revising already written material is loads better than just staring at your screen!
BUT I’ve recently started writing the whole gosh darn diddly thing without looking back and that is so much faster! While I highly recommend it, that’s obviously difficult to do when you don’t know what’s going to happen next in the fic.
Or if you just don’t have the motivation. So! That’ll be our next topic: Getting words on the page!
But for now, I’ve got an example under the cut, as well as additional resources and links if you want to learn more about revision!
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Here’s where I take an old embarrassing fic of mine and revise it, hopefully clarifying the points I’ve been making, as well as proving that only practice makes better!
Okay so this is an excerpt of one of my unpublished fics from 2011. I’m just gonna be honest with you here, it was a Twilight human!AU where Edward was a massive nerd. 
For background, Bella has been at the new school like a week and is appalled at the bullying happening to Edward, who she barely knows. (It’s first person bc that’s how the books were written. Just deal with it.)
Here we go:
“They gave him a swirly yesterday,” I announced, appalled.
Jessica shrugged, unaffected. “Nothing new.”
“Well what are they, twelve?” I demanded angrily.
“He kind of needed a hair wash,” Mike muttered.
Snorts of amusement followed.
“Stuffing his head into a toilet is not funny,” I argued.
“Yes it is, Bella,” Alice chuckled.
“Kay, next time we go to the bathroom, I’ll shove your head into a toilet,” I offered. “And we’ll all laugh about it.”
This was a whole scene, I kid you not. Now, this isn’t bad because it’s just dialogue. It’s ten lines. That’s a reasonable amount of space for a quick dialogue exchange. HOWEVER, there’s about four people in this scene, so the dialogue tags are a little sparse. ALSO, this is the first time Bella’s bringing her concerns about Edward to the group, so there should be more inner reflection on that.
Overall, it’s just way too minimalist lol. So  this is a good example to beef up.
First of all: where the fuck are we? Notice how no setting was given? Not the greatest habit to get into. If it’s already been established in the fic where people are, and the setting’s not that important, I guess you can skip it, but a quick mention isn’t gonna hurt. You don’t want the reader confused!
Since this a Twilight fic, let’s say they’re in the caf. (In Voltron fics, you’re probably gonna be on the ship, but you can always mention what room they’re in. Or, if it’s a new planet, give a line or two of description).
Explanations for changes I made are in [square brackets]:
I tossed my lunch tray onto the table before throwing myself onto the chair next to Alice. “They gave him a swirly yesterday.”
[Indicated setting. Also implied she was feeling “appalled” using verbs instead of outright stating it. Showing not telling!]
Across from me, Angela looked up from the sandwich she was picking at. “Who?”
[Indicated who was speaking—always important—as well as gave brief description of speaker].
“Edward,” I said like it should be obvious. I scanned the cafeteria for him, but the corner he usually sat in alone was empty.
[Another mention of setting. Also backed up her concern for Edward with action and not just talking about him].
Jessica shrugged, unaffected. “So what?”
“So?” I repeated incredulously.
So I’d never heard of someone actually getting a swirly. In real life. Shitty teen dramas? Yeah. Actual high school? No. It was ridiculous, and gross, and… I hadn’t seen anything to indicate Edward deserved it. (Nobody who’d ever deserved a swirly had ever received one, I was sure).
[The almighty character motivation! Note that you don’t actually have to explicitly state why they’re doing something—obviously we as the reader know the deep-down motivation is because Bella cares for Edward. But characters are not always forthcoming with information, even to themselves. Right now she’s focusing on the unjustness of the situation, and partially trying to convince herself that’s all it is].
Mike slung an arm across the back of Jessica’s chair, snorting a laugh. “He needed to wash his hair, anyway.”
“A toilet’s not gonna do that, Mike!”
[Just a cleverer response. Also, a dialogue tag isn’t needed, because no other speaker at the table is gonna be defending Edward. We know it’s Bella.]
He ignored my glare, choosing instead to steal a fry off my plate. I smacked his hand away.
[Again—action. The characters aren’t just static in their seats.]
“Well, really,” Alice began. “What’s it matter?” She sat up sharply, an idea just now occurring to her. “You haven’t been making friends with him, have you? I told you, Bella, it’s social suicide!”
[Gives Alice a chance to respond to Bella’s outburst—in this AU Alice is very concerned with popularity and does not want Bella associating with Edward. She would definitely have a problem with Bella sympathizing with Edward.]
I rolled my eyes. “No, I just…”
The whole situation was ridiculous. This wasn’t how people should be treated. Was I the only one who realized that? Was I really the only one who cared?
“Whatever,” I grumbled, crunching down on a fry.
[This feels like a more natural resolution to the conversation. Alice directly asks why Bella cares, and Bella reiterates to herself it’s just because. And then decides it’s not worth the argument. This is 2k into an (unfinished) 30k fic. She’ll make a bigger deal out of stuff later.]
Now it looks more like a real scene! 
So, to summarize, I added: Description—both setting and character! Character musing! Cleverer comebacks! 
These are just some of the things that you can fix with a keen-eyed round of revision.
And that about wraps this up! I didn’t want this to get too long, but it did anyway. (I’m sorry about the graphics I’m a writer, not a graphic designer. But I had to split the post up so it wasn’t one big block of text)
Was any of that helpful? Was it too long? Did the example clarify things? Let me know, I wanna make sure these tips are helpful!
Additional Resources That I Highly Recommend:
DRAFTING: THE THEORY OF SHITTY FIRST DRAFTS -- This post probably explains shitty first drafts better than I ever could! If you still have concerns about it, definitely check it out.
Editing & Revision Answerathon -- Okay, this video is pretty long, but I looove Max Kirin for anything writing-related and especially revision!! They’ve got a tumblr and a Youtube account filled with writing tips! If you like getting your writing info through videos, definitely check out their stuff.
Top 5 Writing Tips: Revision -- Here’s an infographic by Max if you don’t want to watch a 44 minute video lol. Also, you can go through their /tagged/revision for more!
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