#abt the 1st criteria lhh specifically says “she didnt have much screen time compared to the leads”
orviposition · 1 year
any thoughts on who lhh is referring to when he's asked "who's the heroine of orv"
I'd lie if i say i haven't given much thought to this so it's nice that now i have an excuse to talk about my picks
side story spoilers below
so lhh says the name of the female character he thinks is the most eligible to be "the main heroine of orv" but in this case main heroine is not referring to the main female character (which is undoubtedly hsy) but the love interest (although lhh does say that he didn't write orv with romance in mind)
he presents a set of criteria to justify his choice. those being
she didn't have much screen time
she is someone lhh created solely for kim dokja
(he also says smth else in the following chapter. more on that later)
based on these criteria alone i have three picks in total (i did exclude jung heewon, lee seolhwa and uriel from this altogether. lee jihye and shin yooseung as well for obvious reasons. also the 1st criteria kinda immediately rules out both hsy and ysa which was a surprise to me to say the least)
1863rd hsy. she fits the 1st criteria as well as the 2nd because we need to understand that in lhh's eyes, 1863rd hsy is also a character he wrote about
jang hayoung.
when you look at these three it's kinda obvious that the scale is tilted towards 1863rd hsy the most right. it makes sense except that in the following chapter when lhh and the other readers are transmigrated into the world of 41st turn twsa he thinks the following:
"Who did this to me? Was it hsy because i pretended to write orv all this time?
Was it yjh because of all the ways i described his pain?
or maybe it was kdj because i just finished telling everybody of his secret tastes?"
now i dont wanna rule out 1863rd hsy completely just yet but also i dont find a man crushing on a woman to be a secret taste. fork found in the kitchen lets move on.
jang hayoung and punisher are kinda in the same box here except that 1. kdj has a very different reaction towards punisher as opposed to jhy where he visibly gets flustered at the mere thought of her much less sight, and 2. while jhy was written into the narrative bcs kdj specifically asked tls123 for a second protagonist, yjh is the character that was created solely for him.
we just need to wait and see which one of these three is lhh's favorite character after all cuz thats what he says in a hurry lolol
anyway, end of post. hopefully it doesn't sound biased although I'm joking for most of it. if there's one thing i dont like to do while reading orv related content is make theories bcs singshong will most likely find a way to prove me wrong </3
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