liesexposer · 4 months
Hizbee Paid Servants of "Brother" Zaid Patel & "Advocate" Faiz, like Fasihuddin Hyderabadi, Abu Rizwan Muhammadi, Arshad Basheer & Sanaullah (Scam artists of Heera Gold Nowhera Shaikh), promote deviant iPlus TV Channel wth Fake Drama using Paid Actors (Featuring Director Zaid Patel)
May Allah ﷻ protect us from this Fitan!
Others that frequently come and promote this Deviant TV/Youtube Channel include Jahil Mullahs like:
Zafar ul Hasan (ex-Servant of Deviant Zakir Naik)
Muqeem Faizi (ex-Servant of Deviant Zakir Naik)
Maqsood ul Hasan Faizi
Abdul Hadi Umari (ex-Servant of Deviant Zakir Naik, after he was kicked out from Jamiat UK)
Turathi Obaidur Rahman
Dhongi Pakhandi Baba Fasihuddin Hyderabadi
and other small Jamiati Minions like Abdul Ghaffar
and also Scam artists of Heera Gold Nowhera Shaikh like Arshad Basheer & Sanaullah
May Allah ﷻ guide the Jahil Hizbee Mullahs or break their backs!
Further reading on Fake Drama using paid actors by Innovators & Hizbees:
Special thanks to brother Iqbal Javed al-Hindy of Dar-ut-Tauheed for their "Dar ut Tadhleel" page to help us expose this deviance
iPlus TV Zaid Patel Abu Zaid Zameer
#iPlusTV #ZaidPatel #abuzaidzameer #jamiatahlehadees
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years
Qaradhwee - The Imam and role model of Jamiat Ahle Hadees al-Hind (Indian Ikhwaan al-Mufliseen)
Mukhtar Ahmed Nadvi (so-called "Ameer" of Jamiat 1990-97) Introduces Qaradawee to the Urdu speaking masses; praises Qaradawee as an Allamah, Faqeeh, whose knowledge is Waseeh (wide), who is a unique Alim of our time!!!
He describes Qaradawee as an example of Salaf us Salih and Allah's refuge is sought from this kind of ghuloo with the heads of dhalalah...
Encourages the masses to spread this book, hear his exciting speeches describes this book as "an encyclopedia" of Islamic Fiqh and that his book is worthy of being written by LIQUID GOLD (Aab-e-zar)!!!
#Qaradawi #ikhwan #jamiatahlehadees #AhleHadees #abuzaidzameer #iPlusTV #PeaceTV
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majidblog · 7 years
Aksar #Ahle_Hadees #Dadhi ki setting nahi karte hai #AbuZaidZameer🇸🇦
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liesexposer · 4 months
Jamiati Abu Zaid Zameer recommends the website of Qutubi Surooree Mubtadi al-Munajjid (so-called IslamQA)
+ Tabdee of Scholars like Shaykh Ubayd alJabiri (رحمه الله) upon the Innovator Munajjid of BidahQA Website
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:04 - Copyright
00:00:11 - Hizbee Abu Zaid Zameer recommends BidahQA of Mubtadi
00:00:28 - Shaikh Ubaid al-Jabiri (رحمه الله): "al-Munajjid is a Qutbi"
00:02:24 - Shaykh Abu Khadeejah ﷾ on IslamQA & al-Munajjid
00:04:44 - Jahil Abu Zaid Zameer at deviant Abdur Rahman Hassan's AMAU
00:04:52 - The results of deviating from the way of the Salaf like Abdur Rahman Hassan & Abu Zaid Zameer
00:05:03 - Shaikh Ahmed an-Najmee (رحمه الله): "al-Munajjid on the way of Ikhwaan al-Mujrimeen"
00:05:09 - Outro
Jaahil Abu Zaid Zameer gives advice to Students of Knowledge which he never was
Hizbee Abu Zaid Zameer teaches the results of deviating from the way of the Salaf
as those who deviated like Abdur Rahman Hassan & HImself
Reference links:
#abuzaidzameer #abdurrahmanhassan #Amau #jamiatahlehadees
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years
Jamiat Ahle-Hadees al-Hind (Undercover Ikhwnul-Mujrimeen Platform) promoting Deviant al-Qaradawi
أستغفر الله
Mukhtar Ahmed Nadawi (so-called "Ameer" of Jamiat 1990-97) writes introduction to the book of Yusuf al-Qaradawi:
This urdu edition of Allaamah Yusuf al-Qaradawi's exemplary book 'Al Halal Wal-Haram Fil-Islam' is one highly valuable marvellous gift (hadiyah) of knowledge for the urdu speaking folk & in the treasure of urdu language this is a honorable addition. The topic of this book is the most important aspect of Islamic Fiqh. Those issues (Mas'a'il) on which arguements & research has been made (in this book), they are extremely important, beneficial & modern (Jadeed). The author in his style of authoring (tarz-e-nagarish), high ability of extracting rulings (power of Is'tad'laal) & skilful knowledge is unique & he is an owner of distinguished status & repute. The language of translation is exceedingly simple & of general understanding but filled with etiquette of elegance in composition. Along with these special charecterestics, the book's elevated printing & publishing also has been taken care of. It is hoped that in the world of knowledge this book shall be given high precedence with benevolence.
Allamah Yusuf al-Qaradawi - Is a liberal personality (faiz-yafta) of Jam'iyah al-Azhar, Egypt, a unique scholar (alim) of deen who is famous personality of our time. On the fiqh of al-Islam his insight is very wide (waseeh) & commanding (daqeeq). Apart from 'halal-wal-haram' from his books, a book like Fiqhuz-Zakat which is such a zaqeem & knowledge-based book worthy of being written with liquid gold (aab-e-zar). The afore-mentioned personality has authored tens of such books which are all famous & have been accepted in the world of knowledge.
Allamah Qaradawi was a principal of Al-Ma'hadud-deen in Doha, Qatar& currently is a senior teacher in training college based in Doha. The author is a famous da'ee of islamic world, an excellent leader in calling towards Allah & is a mujahid.
Allah has granted him a fine art of writing. His speeches possess huge excitement & are highly effective (mu'assar). From looks & his characterestics (seerah) both, he is a salafi & an example of Salaf us Salih. He is very accomodating (milansaar), sincere (mukhlis) & is a scholarly friend.
Importance of the book: In its topic this book is virtuous(jaam'eh), matchless (be-nazeer) & the author's claim is completely true that on the topic of halal & haram, in the islamic literature this book is the foremost addition. Various parts of conflicting arguements (of fiqh issues) were dispersed in the various books of fiqh have been collected under one topic for the first time in the form of a single saheefa (book/volume) with modern fashion of research, philosophical deduction of rulings & complete virtue.
This is how this book has become an encyclopedia of most important islamic matters. And this is the reason why this book has achieved general acceptance in the world of knowledge & tens of its editions have been spread throughout the world after being published. Before this one, there have been translations in Turkish & English aswell....
نعوذ بالله من ذلك
May Allah ﷻ protect the ummah from their misguidance!
#jamiatahlehadees #iPlusTV #AhleHadees #Qaradawi #abuzaidzameer #PeaceTV #noortv #jalaluddinqasmi #aburizwanmuhammadi
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liesexposer · 2 years
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🚫 The Devil’s Deception Of The RAAFIDAH SHEE’AH & Jamiati Mullahs that call them "Brothers" 🚫 Asghar Ali Mahdi, so called "Ameer" of jamiat alHind says:SHIA-SUNNI BHAI-BHAI HE!!!! "The reality is that the differences between Ahlus-Sunnahand the Raafidah Shee’ah are in the fundamentals of belief and ‘aqeedah. The Rawaafid have idolatrous beliefs that exit them from Islaam. They have in their doctrine Shirk and Kufr that clearly removes a person from the fold of Islaam. Added to this is their severe hatred and enmity for the Muslims upon the Sunnah that leads them to killing the people of Sunnah and taking their wealth and property, as is witnessed throughout history till this day, and written clearly in their source books." ............ "4. Their Belief Regarding The People Of Sunnah. The Raafidee Shi’ee belief teaches that the wealth of the Sunnee is permissible to take and his blood is permissible to spill. It states in their book, Al-Anwaar an-Nu’maaniyyah of al-Jazaa'iree (2/206-207) that the Ahlus-Sunnah are impure unbelievers by the consensus of the Shi’ite scholars, and are more evil than the Jews and Christians.In some other books it states that it is permissible to kill Ahlus-Sunnah - whom they refer to as Naasibees, because of their [false] belief that the Sunnees hate ‘Alee ibn Abee Taalib (may Allaah be pleased with him). They state that Sunnee can be killed by drowning him, or by crushing him under a wall, or by any other secretive means that leaves the Shi’ite killer undetected. These wicked intentions of the Shi’ites are clearly stated in their books, see: Rijaal al-Kashshee, p. 529, Tahdheeb al-Ahkaam, 1/384, Wasaa’il ash-Shee’ah, 6/340."
Refer: The Devil’s Deception Of The RAAFIDAH SHEE’AH (Pg 2&7)shia.bs/dld.cfm?a=ylsqdz Asghar Ali Video calling Shia Rafidah as Brothers:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQQgIhffVf4
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liesexposer · 2 years
🚫 Jamiati Ubaid ur Rahman exposes his Turathi Hizbee manhaj 🚫
Ubaidur Rahman of Jamiat al-Hind (Mudeer Jamiat Markaz Bhiwandi Mumbai, aide of Turathi slanderer Anees ur Rahman & Abu Zaid Zameer) visits Deviant Hizb Ihya Turath at their Auditorium in Kuwait to collaborate with Hizbee Sub-sect Indian Branch of Deviant Ihya Turath: “Lajna al-Qarra al-Hindiyah”.
Jamiat Ihya at-Turath al-Bidaati is a deviant Hizb warned against by major scholars for their misguidance, founded by Deviant Abdur-Rahman Abdul-Khaliq & led by Deviant Uthman Khamees
Video Chapters: 00:00:00 - Intro 00:00:05 - Copyright 00:00:09 - Main 00:01:58 - Poster of Deviant Hizb Ihya Turath & Lajna al-Qarra al-Hindiyah 00:02:13 - Jamiat Ihya Turath al-Bidati Auditorium in Kuwait 00:05:48 - Outro
قــال عبــد الله بــن مسعــود -رضــي الله عنــه-: "إنمــا يماشــي الرجــل و يصاحــب مــن يحبــه ، ومــن هــو مثلــه" (الإبانــة 2/476) وقــال أبــو الــدرداء -رضــي الله عنــه-: "مــن فقــه الرجــل ممشــاه ، ومدخلــه ، و مجلســه" (الإبانــة 2/464)
Ibn Masood - radiallaahu anhu - said, "Indeed a person walks alongside and accompanies the one whom he loves and who is like him." Al-Ibaanah (2/476)
Abu ad-Dardaa - radiallaahu anhu - said, "It is from the fiqh (understanding of a person) that he [chooses] those whom he walks with, whom he enters upon (visits) and whom he sits with." Al-Ibaanah (2/477)
Moosaa bin Uqbah the Syrian approached Baghdad and this was mentioned to Imaam Ahmad. So it was said, "Look at whose residence he goes to and with whom he resides and finds shelter." Al-Ibaanah (2/480)
Al-Amash said, "They (the Salaf) did not used to ask anything more about a person after having asked about three affairs: Who he walks with, who he enters upon (i.e. visits) and who he associates with amongst the people." Al-Ibaanah (2/478) Imaam Al-Awzaaee said, "Whoever hides his innovation from us will not be able to hide his companionship from us." Al-Ibaanah (2/476)
Further reading on deviance of Hizb Ihya Turath: http://dusunnah.com/video/ruling-on-the-one-who-does-not-make-tabdi-on-ihya-at-turath-shaykh-ahmad-an-najmi/
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liesexposer · 2 years
More Hizbee Mullahs of Jamiat like Ilyas Sharfuddin (student of Deviant Zakir Naik), are now promoting the Fitan of Syed Meraj, by claiming Hindu Deities like Ram & Hanumanji are Muslim
نعوذ بالله من ذلك
Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq6qBYaCg44
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liesexposer · 3 years
⚠️ Jamiat J&K Mullah Bashir Ahmed Nihami with Shia Mullah Aga Syed "Abdul Hussain" ⚠️
Lecturing "Karbala-Ashura" & Shia-Sunni Unity/Brotherhood at Jamiat Masjid, Gogji Bagh, Srinagar
نعوذ بالله من ذلك
May Allah ﷻ protect the ummah from their fitan.
So please ask the jamiati hizbee that you blindly follow who their ameer is?
Whether you follow any of these deceivers:
Abu Zaid Zameer
Anees ur Rahman
Jalaluddin Qasmi
or any other of the Jamiati minions.
May Allah ﷻ guide that so-called "ameer" and his allies or break their backs.
Further reading, what do the scholars of salafiyyah say about these batil ameer elections:
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liesexposer · 3 years
Jamiatis flattering Aapa Nowhera Shaikh of Heera Gold
Featuring Jamiati Mullahs:
Tauseef ur Rahman: "Nowhera Aapa Ahle Ilm he! aur Ahle Iman ka Giroh unke sath he!"
Jalaluddin Qasmi: "Karobaar ka tension! Political party "MEP" ka tension! Sadiyo me koi paida hota he humare aapa jaisa!"
Syed Meraj: (singing) "Ulama-e-Haq ko Nowhera ka Qadardaan bana diyaa-AA-AA-AA....."
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liesexposer · 3 years
Vicious circle of Jamiati Mutual Tazkiyyah (English)
Featuring Jamiati Mullahs:
Abu Zaid Zameer: "Syed Meraj & Jalaluddin Qasmi are Ahlul Ilm!"
Syed Meraj: "Hanumanji is Muslim!"
Jalaluddin Qasmi: "The Lord said: O Arjun!"
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liesexposer · 3 years
Vicious circle of Jamiati Mutual Tazkiyyah (Urdu)
Featuring Jamiati Mullahs:
ابو زيد زمير: "سید معراج اور جلال الدین قاسمی "اہل علم" ہیں!!!"
سيد معراج: "ہنومان جی مسلمان ہیں!!!"
جلال الدين قاسمي: "ایشور نے کہا: "اے ارجن!""
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liesexposer · 2 years
🚨 Drama Salesmen of Dawah Peace TV Bangla, Tele-shopping for Jamiat BD to serve Deviant Zakir Naik 🚨 Featuring Hizbee Mullahs: Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf, Shahidullah Khan, Hafiz Hezbollah, Jehangir Alam, Abdullah Jehangir, Hasan Jamil, Hafiz ABM, Akramuzzman bin Abdus Salam, Muzaffar bin Muhsin, Muhammad alHasan, Muhammad Ibrahim
قــال عبــد الله بــن مسعــود -رضــي الله عنــه-: "إنمــا يماشــي الرجــل و يصاحــب مــن يحبــه ، ومــن هــو مثلــه" (الإبانــة 2/476)وقــال أبــو الــدرداء -رضــي الله عنــه-: "مــن فقــه الرجــل ممشــاه ، ومدخلــه ، و مجلســه" (الإبانــة 2/464) Ibn Masood - radiallaahu anhu - said, "Indeed a person walks alongside and accompanies the one whom he loves and who is like him." Al-Ibaanah (2/476)Abu ad-Dardaa - radiallaahu anhu - said, "It is from the fiqh (understanding of a person) that he [chooses] those whom he walks with, whom he enters upon (visits) and whom he sits with." Al-Ibaanah (2/477)
وقــدم مو��ــى بــن عقبــة الصــوري بغــداد؛ فذُكــر للإمــام أحمــد بــن حنبــل رحمــه الله فقــال : " انظــروا علــى مــن نــزل ، وإلــى مــن يــأوي " (الإبانــة 2/480)و قــال الأعمــش رحمــه الله : "كانــوا لا يسألــون عــن الرجــل بعــد ثــلاث : ممشــاه ومدخلــه وألفــه مــن النــاس" (الإبانــة 2/476)قــال الأوزاعــي رحمــه الله تعالــى كمــا فــي كتــاب الإبانــة لابــن بطــة : "مــن ستــر علينــا بدعتــه لــم تخُــف علينــا ألفتــه"
Moosaa bin Uqbah the Syrian approached Baghdad and this was mentioned to Imaam Ahmad. So it was said, "Look at whose residence he goes to and with whom he resides and finds shelter." Al-Ibaanah (2/480)Al-Amash said, "They (the Salaf) did not used to ask anything more about a person after having asked about three affairs: Who he walks with, who he enters upon (i.e. visits) and who he associates with amongst the people." Al-Ibaanah (2/478)Imaam Al-Awzaaee said, "Whoever hides his innovation from us will not be able to hide his companionship from us." Al-Ibaanah (2/476)
Further reading, baatil manhaj of Zakir Naik:
#jamiatpk #jamiatahlehadees #ahlehadees #ahlehadeesinternational #salafi #salafiyah#abuzaidzameer #jalaluddinqasmi #zakirnaik #ZafarulHasan #motiurrahman #jamiatbangladesh #abdurrahmanbinyusuf
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liesexposer · 3 years
Vicious circle of Jamiati Mutual Tazkiyyah Featuring: Abu Zaid Zameer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5oOLMzTcu4 Syed Meraj https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq6qBYaCg44 Jalaluddin Qasmi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRWY7o0TdFY
#AhleHadith #AhleHadees #jalaluddinqasmi #syedmeraj #abuzaidzameer #jamiatahlehadees #shorts
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liesexposer · 3 years
⚠️ Muhammad Rehmani Sanabali admits that Khawarij have infiltrated Jamiat al-Hind & made it the Major Victim of Fitnah (Fitnoh ka shikaar), because all of them think they are Mufti/Allamah ⚠️
He says in his Lecture: 00:01:39 - Admits infiltration of Khawarij Thought in many Jamiat Mullahs 00:01:54 - Questioner asks about Khawarij infiltrators amongst Jamiati Mullahs 00:02:02 - Admits Dangerous Threat from Khawarij in Jamiat, says its Major Victim of Fitan (Fitnoh ka Shikar) 00:02:18 - Because all Mullahs think they are Mufti/Allamah 00:02:33 - Admits that Jamiat has not done work to spread the works of the Salafi Scholars of the past Centuries
May Allah ﷻ protect the ummah from their fitan.
So please ask the jamiati hizbee that you blindly follow who their ameer is?
Whether you follow any of these deceivers: Abu Zaid Zameer Anees ur Rahman Jalaluddin Qasmi or any other of the Jamiati minions.
May Allah ﷻ guide that so-called "ameer" and his allies or break their backs.
Further reading, what do the scholars of salafiyyah say about these batil ameer elections: https://imamdarimi.com/2017/02/16/10050/ https://imamdarimi.com/2017/01/26/9956/ https://imamdarimi.com/2018/04/09/11273/ https://imamdarimi.com/2016/02/14/7762/
#jamiatpk #jamiatahlehadees #ahlehadees #ahlehadeesinternational #salafi #salafiyah #abuzaidzameer
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