#accidental gay shit because Adrien doesn't know how to get out of sticky situations
A Little Lesson In Trickery: Adrien Agrest Isn’t Good At It.
It had been a long night. Ladybug and Chat Noir had just ended another fight and separated back to their homes.
Well, not quite.
Marinette went home, but Adrien? He was suppose to already be asleep so no one would be checking on him, and frankly he had a lot to think about. He technically did go home, but only for a quick refuel and prepare in case he needed to again. He knew he wasn't suppose to use his powers for selfish reasons but... This wasn't entirely selfish right? Keeping himself in a stable mindset would help him in battle, help save Paris and the people in it, so it would indirectly help, right?
Leaving again, he jumped from building to building feeling the air wisping by his face. It was a chilly night but he still needed the fresh breeze flying by. In a way, staying off the ground helped him beccome more grounded. Reminded him that he was more than his father saw in him, that he could do more than look pretty and smile.
He could be happy, even after the previous day. He and Kagami were so happy together, he thought it might've been fate, but no matter what he did he couldn't completely get over his first love, Ladybug. Adrien had made the mistake of telling Kagami the focus of his desires in life and broke her heart. Hearing that he loved someone else but was trying to forget and use her... It hurt so much more.
Luckily all it took was a few sentances between them and they still thought of each other as very close friends. He cared about Kagami and hurting her was the last thing he wanted to do, but some things are inevitable. All they needed was a little time and after that hopefully they'd be able to resume what they had. Comfortable companionship, nothing romantic.
Actually, speaking of his lady, she seemed off that night. Something was obviously on her mind, but she dismissed it as soon as she was asked what was wrong. After the battle he had tried again but she pretended like she was about to transform any second, when she clearly had several minutes left. Instead of pushing it, he decided to give her time. Whatever it was it was serious and made her distracted, he didn't want to remind her of whatever happened.
His long journey through the night had him on a very familiar street. He hadn't exactly been paying attention to where he was going, his cat senses would be able to lead him back home, anyways. Jumping from building to building hadn't stressed any of his stamina or made him any more tired, if anything he felt much more clear and rejuvinated. But his better mood was quickly washed away when a familiar girl on a familiar balcony on that familiar street was seen. She seemed upset, almost like she had just finished crying- maybe she still was. As a super hero of Paris, and his dear friend Marinette being a Parisian, he felt a duty to to at least offer an ear. Though it was more because he didn't want to see her hurt.
He jump to the building next to the balcony and leaped onto the railing, startling the girl sitting on her lawn chair, covering herself with a blanket and a cup of what he figured to be hot cocoa. "Marinette? I'm sorry to *jump* in like this. I promise I didn't mean to startle you."
The girl seemed panicked for a moment, looking around. She looked over to her planter box full of roses though and took a very visible sigh of relief. Was the box loose? No matter, he had other things to focus on right now. "No, it's fine. Though I am surprised to see you out here." She said, sniffling and wiping her eyes before continuing, now looking away out of embarrassment from being caught crying. Such a small world apparently. "What are you doing out here? Is there an akuma? If so you have better things to be doing than staying here."
The statement had a ring of sounding to it that he thought might be her wanting him to leave, it worried him but there wasn't anything obvious in her expression or words that convinced him she did. "I was just taking a walk, don't worry. Well, less of a walk and more of a leap around." He gave a soft smile, walking over to her as she seemed to relax more. Perhaps she didn't want him to leave. She certainly seemed welcoming enough. Not that he would stay if she didn't, but he wasn't sure if she did. "But... Is everything okay? I'm... I know I'm a super hero and all but that's more than saving Paris from monsters. It's saving it's civilians from being alone too." Obviously he couldn't help everyone who needed someone, but he wanted to whenever he could. Sitting next to the lawn chair, he looked up to her. "If you don't want to say anything or if you don't want me here-"
And then he was caught off by the girl in question. "No, I'm glad you're here. If anything, you came at the perfect time. I'm just having... A difficult time right now. So much drama, I'm sure you don't want to hear any of it. And I don't blame you, if I were in your shoes I don't know if I would be able to handle any more drama." She tried to joke, though it was so half hearted it went over Chats head that she was trying to even giggle to herself.
"Not want to hear any of it? Marinette, you attended my pitty party when Ladybug didn't show up to the rooftop date I set up for her. Even if I didn't want to be there for you, it's really the least I could do." If Chat squinted, he swore he would be able to see that Marinette had a flash of an expression of guilt plastered to her fae, before quickly hiding it. Though he was sure it was just from it being so dark. He was better able to see because of the Paris lights and his cat-like vision, but even that didn't make it perfect and clearly visible. "Spill all the beans you want, I won't force you but you seem like you want to get something off of your chest."
Marinette finally fully smiled, feeling accompanied and supported. She never really imagined Chat caring about her as more than a civilian he had to save, but he seemed to be a lot more serious about the job, and perhaps he really wanted to be her friend. "Bean? Like a cats toe beans?"
Laughing escaped both of out heros lips, both masked and unmasked. Disquised and unrecognizable. "Not what I meant but I'll take the credit."
It was nice, being able to be so light hearted in a horrible time in her life. At least not everything in her life was terrible at the moment- No. She needed to not think like that. She had plenty to be happy about...
Chats smile slowly faded as Marinette got lost in thought. He remained patient though, waiting for her to go on.
"A lot is going on in my life right now. Lila Rossi? We've saved her a few times from akumas but... She's going after me. She keeps threatening me and trying to get everyone to hate me- and today I think... I think it worked. None of my friends are talking to me and Lila just keeps snickering at me. Even Alya is taking her side. She tried to explain it to me but none of it was relevant because I knew she was lying. But I'm the only one so I look like the asshole..." She sight, pulling her knees to her chest and hugging them, tears spilling again. Chat noticed everyone had isolated her that morning, but Lila had told him that something had happened and she wanted to be alone, so he believed her. He needed to talk to her tomorrow at school. "I guess I exaggerated a little bit... There's still one person who talks to me. But unfortunately it's my boyfriend..."
Chat tilted his head a bit, much like a cat would when it saw something interesting or confusing out the window, though in Chats case it would be the latter. He knew she was dating Luka, but why was that a problem? And *Chat* didn't know she was dating anyone. "Your boyfriend? I didn't know you were with someone. Why would that be an issue?"
Marinette sniffled, reaching over to her round table with a box of tissues, only then did Chat notice the wads of tissue that littered her balcony. "Because... I've kind of been using him. I'm in love with someone else but I realized they loved someone else and I wanted to move on. Though I guess I moved on in a terrible way and I don't want to hurt him. I want to stay his friend but what if he's mad at me for using him? That I never moved on from Ad- erm... The boy I'm in love with?"
The blonde in leather listened intently, memorizing every word. "I'm sure he wouldn't be mad- I mean, you're still trying to figure out what you want. As long as you talk to him I'm sure he'll be okay. Some time apart to think and make things clear will help too." He smiled up to her, moving from the cold floor to sit next to her on the chair. "If it helps, I recently went through something similar- yesterday in fact. Really, it's the reason I needed some fresh air. I was with a girl that I tried to make myself think I loved, but... No matter what I could only think of Ladybug and how unfairly I was treating this poor girl by using her as a crutch for my feelings. If you need time to move on properly then you can't take shortcuts- I know that now and hopefully you do too." He did know what he was talking about. He had experienced this first hand.
"Thank Chat." The darker haired girl sniffled out and layed back, looking up at his with puffy red eyes. They were a beautiful shade of blue. "You really did help me. How... How did things end out?"
Now sitting criss-cross and pressing his elbow to his knee, Chat rested his chin on his palm. "We're still friends. We're taking some time but we hopefully will be able to get our heads on straight enough to continue being friends." The reminder that they were friends made his smile a little wider, a tiny bit more genuine. "If I may ask, who are these people you're talking about? Maybe I know them and I can help."
Marinette figured that there was no way that in all of Paris he would know Luka. Adrien was kind of a celebrity so it would be hard to say that Chat hasn't at least heard of him. "Well... My boyfriends name is Luka. He really is sweet, he's just not the one. And the boy I'm in love with..." She took a moment, could this in any way reveal who she was to Chat? She suddenly remembered back a few months ago, Bunnix had taken her to another timeline where Chat Noir was Chat Blanc, how it was all because she somehow let Adrien know who she was and he somehow got the news to Chat who somehow used that to get her and him together- though she didn't know how. But there was no way that could happen here, right?
"The boy I love- it's silly... There's no chance."
A hand reached over tilting her head from the point where it looked down in shame that he had feelings. Her gaze was met with Chats and he already knew what he was going to say. "It's not silly. I'm in love with a girl that repeatedly tells me no. As much as I wish I could change my heart, I can't." He gave a reassuring, support smile before letting her chin go and sitting back.
Taking a deep breathe, the girl nodded. It was several moments, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years... She didn't know how long, but it was a minute.
"Adrien Agrest- He um..."
The boys ears perked up and his face heated up. Wait, him? Did she mean like- someone he introduced her to? There were the people at the fencing class that he helped introduce her to, he brought her and a few other friends to some photoshoots and such with plenty of people... "W-What about him?"
"He's the... He's the guy I love. I know it won't happen, but I can't help it." He sighed, flinching to prepare for the hurt in her heart to settle in, though she's surprised when she truthfully feels better. Chat is quiet for a moment so she looks up, though the sight before her is a surprise. Chat is blushing- or is that the lighting? No, there weren't any pink lights nearby, maybe she's just tired- it was getting pretty late. "Chat are you oka-"
"Yup!" The questioned kitty swiftly and quite loudly confirms. "I'm just peachy! *Cats* just got my tongue is all!" He laughs just as volumously and as Marinette notices, forced.
"Do you not like Adrien?" She tilts her head, mirroring Chats previous action, a very cat like motion. "I know a lot of people think that because he's rich he's stuck up but I know him personally and he's actually-"
"No, no that's not it! I actually know him personally too!" Realizing his mistake, Chat quickly covers his mouth. Big green eyes looking much wider than before as he panicks. Will she figure me out?
"Oh... Then what is it? If I didn't know any better I'd think you were blushing over there-" It seemed a thought crossed Marinettes mind, but it was obvious she had to force it to the back burner.
"I erm... I don't know how to say it-" He had to respond or else she would figure him out- no more secret identity then no more Chat Noir Adrien, No more Chat Noir Adrien, no more freedom. "I have a crush on him too!"
He mentally facepalmed- why would he say that? Now when she figured him out she would think he was so self absorbed- though at least he wouldn't have to break her heart-
She paused, staring. "Oh." She made out after several minutes, then remained silent for several more. It was awkward for them both.
"Erm... You know, as I said I know him personally and him and Kagami broke up- it seems that these days a lot of people are trying to get over someone else." He tried so desperately to fix the situation.
"Are you saying he likes me back?" She seemed to get the slightest glimmer in her eyes of hope- and Chat knew that he had to squander it- fuck.
He hated to do it so reluctantly, he responds. "No, unfortunately he doesn't. He likes... Someone else." He looked away and bit his lip, seeming so upset that he had to hurt her. "Though he talks about you a lot! He does like you just... Just as a friend. A very good one, one of his best friends! He just wishes you could talk to him and be more open... Maybe if you tell him how you feel you'll be able to feel more comfortable around him. He's not the kind of guy to shame you for it or anything." Chat could only offer more and more words and a smile that he could only hope helped her feel better.
It does. Only a little bit but it does. She sunk back down and looked up to the sky. "So many girls are after him. Chloe, Lila, hundreds of fan girls. I knew I didn't have a chance. Though... Being friends is better than nothing. Perhaps he'll fall for me in time, perhaps not, but with so many options for him I can't blame him for not picking the weirdo girl who always makes strange noises around him."
He frowns. He really is letting her down, maybe at school he should tell her- no. He wasn't doing that again. But then the girl spoke up again. "If I tell him how I feel about him, you have to too. I'm not taking your advice unless you're confident enough to yourself."
She had a point- but how was he suppose to do that? Obviously he couldn't do it at the same time as her because he can't be two people. But maybe when she came over to him the next day he could mention he had to turn Chat down? Yeah yeah, that makes sense.
The girl yawned and stretched. She was exhausted and needed some sleep. "Hey Chat, I need sleep for tomorrow school- I mean, school tomorrow."
Without a second thought, the boy scooped the lady up bridal style, already walking her to the hatch- she's obviously surprised since she thought that she would be walking herself to bed- but she didn't have the energy to complain. So she nuzzled his shoulder as a thank you and quickly fell asleep in his arms. He was able to get her to bed without a hitch and decided that was enough torturing people for one night, so he headed home- Plagg happily ate the leftover cheese he got from the start of the night.
The next day started and Marinette was full of energy. She trusted Chat and knew he wouldn't lead her astray or lie to her, so she felt confident that Adrien wouldn't make a laughing stalk of her.
She put in her lucky hair ribbons and a nice denim jacket- heck, if she's doing herself up all special she might as well wear that skirt she's been dying to try out on herself. ANd she has to say she erally likes it with her cute t-shirt and cardigan. She looked soft and pastel but modern as well. She actually felt... Cute!
Heading to school with a nice breakfast in her stomach, she marching with her head held high and a bright smile, texting Alya that she was going to tell Adrien.
Of coarse Alya also thought that Adrien was still with Kagami, so she told her not to- it would make her seem like she was trying to steal him away from her, but she made sure Alya knew that she had no intent on actually going out with him. She just wanted things off of her chest. Alyas response did surprise her but after the previous days events, she understood it. Alya was hesitant to be the fault of Marinettes heart break and wasn't as sure about Marinettes actions or intentions. Thanks Lila.
Maybe this could even clear her name? Instead of stealing Adrien away, she would be helping him find happiness in someone else! And perhaps that someone was Chat.
As she walked through those doors, the girl looked around until a familiar head of blonde hair came to view. She smiled to herself and walked over to him, gently tapping his shoulder. He seemed to be having a conversation with Nino who looked- apologetic. He tipped his hat Marinettes way then noticed how she looked. "Oh uh- MariDude. I'm sorry about yesterday I just- erm... You know, Lila is really persuasive. I didn't mean to make you think I turned on you or anything, I was just confused and didn't know who to trust. I'm so sorry that I like, ever doubted you."
Adrien smiled to his friend, proud that he stepped up to his mistake. "Yeah, I noticed you were down but Lila insisted that you just had something going on. I didn't know you were going through *anything* let alone another one of Lila's hissy fits. I... I should have at least tried to talk to you and hear it straight from you."
Marinette was surprised and gave a soft smile. At least Someone besides Luka was there for her from the beginning. She couldn't help but reach over and hug the two tightly. It was a warm and forgiving embrace- after all, everyone makes mistakes and Lila tricked everyone, so the fact that Nino was going against what everyone else thought was enough for her to believe him. "It's alright you two. I'm just so happy you don't hate me-"
This seemed to surprise them both, pulling away. Nino and Adrien held onto each shoulder, speaking at the same time as if they had rehearsed this- but they were so genuinely surprised there was no chance they did. "We could never hate you, Marinette!" One of the two boys adding 'Dude' to the end.
She sniffled, wiping her eyes. Adrien hated seeing her hurt, but this time the tears were accompanied with a smile that he himself had worn as well. "Thank you so much, especially you Adrien since it seemed like you talked to him... I guess I'm really lucky, huh?" It was a small feat, but one that made a big difference in her mood. Both boys were happy to see her so happy.
"Anyways, I'm going to go tell Alya what Adrien told me. It's almost time for class so I'll meet you two in class." And with that, Nino walked off to find where Alya was. Marinette and Adrien alone together now.
They were quiet for a moment. Was Mari really about to do this? How could she? How couldn't she? She promised Chat that she would- "So... How is everything?" She decided to start. Maybe she could just bring it up casually?
The boy laughed a little- now very aware of what she was doing. How did he not see it before? It was so obvious that she liked him, though he was locked in a big house with home school so he didn't have a lot of people skills. "I'm doing fine, Marinette. A lot has happened these last few days. Photoshoots, dating, breaking up and then Lila..."
So he hadn't told him yet? Or maybe Adrien just didn't want to talk about it. Maybe she forced Chat to talk to him too soon after he broke up with Kagami- how hurt was he? "I'm so sorry to hear about that! You and Kagami sounded so happy together. If you want to talk about it you can." Now she knew that she was procrastinating what she had to do, but she couldn't help it.
The boy nodded though and decided to take the offer. Talking about the same thing twice to the same person as two differen't people? Who would have thought that would happen to him. "We were very happy together, but I can't say that I was with her for good reasons. It was a distraction from the person that I'm in love with. But I know deep down that it would never happen... I just need to learn to get over it."
"Why wouldn't it ever happen?" She asked, curious. No, Chat had confirmed that it wasn't her- but she had to support him in whoever it was! If he was in love with Chloe or someone else she had to be there for him! "Anyone would be crazy to turn you down. You're the biggest sweetheart I've ever met!"
Her grin was immeasurable. She was so truthfully joyful and it brought a grin of his own onto the playing field. "Well the person I love isn't exactly on my level... They're so much more popular than me. They'd never have the same feelings for me that I have for them. They've been there for me ever since I met them but they like someone else." It was a sad truth- to Adrien at least.
But Marinette wouldn't let him think that way. Opening her mouth to speak she-
The school bell rang and Adrien looked around, as if confirming that he wasn't imagining it. "Sorry- maybe we can continue this conversation at lunch?" He started. Marinette nodded and the blonde started up to class. Marinette still needed to head to her locker so she did so and packed up her things. While away, she got a text from Alya, apologizing for her attitude the day before and that morning. Today couldn't get much better, could it? She finished getting her text bbooks together and headed to class where her normal arrangement of seats were a little mixed. Nino and Alya were sitting next to each other and Adrien was by himself. Likely what happened? Alya told Nino that Marinette was going to tell Adrien her feelings for him. Chloe was in the room, getting excited and jumped at the opportunity to sit next to her "Adrikins."
She was a little disappointed- until Adrien had explained to her that the seat was taken. He had saved her a seat- in fact as soon as he aske Chloe to get out of the seat, he looked and waved over Marinette, to which Chloe scoffed.
"You're really going to sit with that lying idiot? Did you hear what she did yesterday? And she even tried to blame Lila, saying she was a liar! Yet you're going to choose that pompous brat over me? Ridiculous!"
Adrien shook his head. "Chloe, did you even think about if Marinette was right? You only jumped to the same comclusion as everyone else *because* of everyone else. You like to follow trends. You hardly even *know* Lila so why would you even believe her?" He did little to even look at Chloe after that, trying to reassure Marinette that it was alright. "It's okay, Marinette. I'm still here for you."
Those words cause a whole change in her demeanor. She say next to the boy of her dreams, slouched and completely relaxed- even Alya was surprised to see her so lax. "Thanks Adrien, I can always count on you."
Previously mentioned blonde stormed off, declaring war against Marinette Dupain-Cheng and sitting next to Sabrina.
It was now the end of the day. Marinette and Adrien had such a productive day together and had so much fun with each other. She decided the end of the day would be the best time to tell him, so they could go home and think about what was spoken about and then tomorrow they could talk to each other about it and finally conclude to being best friends! That was all she wanted at this point in time. So now they were standing out in front of the building while Adrien waited for the Gorilla.
"Hey Adrien? Can I tell you something?"
The boy looked expectedly to the other, as if he knew what she was going to say. "Of coarse Marinette. You can talk to me about anything."
The girl nodded, shifting her weight from the front of her toes to the backs of her heels. "So long story short, Chat Noir gave me a surprise visit last night." The looked surprised, but it seemed a little off.
"Chat Noir? What was going on?"
She took a deep breath. She had to do this. "He told me that you and him know each other personally and that you're in love with someone else. I'm guessing he hasn't spoken to you yet?"
"Nope." The boy froze, stiff, blushing bright red at the reminder of what Chat had told Marinette. He was such an idiot- why did he have to say he had a crush on himself? Was he really that dumb? He knew he was smarter than that.
Bluebell eyes shifted around, half shut while observing the blonde in front of her. Adrien was acting strange. At the mention of his crush and Chat Noir, he was already a mess. Why would he be so distraut about Chat Noir? "Alright... Well, he's suppose to see- are you alright? Do you have a fever or anything?"
The boy only could glance away, coughing into his hand with big nervous energy. "No no, I'm fine I'm fine." He promised.
"Okay, if you say so..." She started, still worried. "Well he told me he would talk to you about something if I spoke to you about something." She took a deep breath.
Adrien wanted to just support her. He forced himself into a better composure before looking back to her. "Of coarse! You say whatever you want. I won't judge you."
The girl came back with a new found confidence. She had to do this for Chat. She couldn't let him down! Not after he helped her so much! "I wanted to tell you that- that... um... H-He's curious about the girl you like! He wants to hear all about her!" Shoot! Now not only was she avoiding the underlying issue but she was risking Chats feelings! He doesn't want to hear about her, he wants to tell him his feelings! Shoot shoot shoot-"
Now Adrien was panicking- he couldn't tell her he liked Ladybug! It was embarrassing enough to tell his now ex about it, but his friend that had finally given the chance to get close to and had feelings for him! He bit his lip and glanced away again-
Though to Marinette, Adrien had freaked out twice now when Chat Noir was mentioned. AFter thinking about it for a minute, it seemed to snap the puzzle piece into her brain. She knew what was going on!
"Adrien, did you tell Chat Noir you had a crush on a girl because you really had a crush on him?" She seemed genuinely curious and needed to know.
Poor poor Adrien getting mixed up in this whole situation. He didn't know what to say so he stuttered, trying to explain himself without revealing that he actually loved Ladybug or that he was Chat Noir! Imagine the betrayal she would feel if she ever found out that he pretended not to know her and still consoled her as someone else! Fuck fuck fuck-
"Adrien, you don't have to pretend with me. I'll support you, no matter who you love! That's what friends are for, right?" She seemed so happy to hear that Adrien knew who he loved. Who he wanted to be with. Even if Adrien was in love with another boy, she didn't care. He could be happy since she now knew they both loved each other!
Adrien just became silent. He couldn't get himself out of this one without either embarrassing himself or revealing his identity which was a big old no no. "Y-You caught me red handed..."
She laughed happily and hugged him tightly. "When Chat comes by, I think you should tell him how you feel! It'll really clear things up for you!"
He found it ironic that Marinette was saying this, yet she hadn't done so herself. "Alright I... Guess I will. But only if you tell your crush that you like him!"
Marinettes brows furrowed in confusion very suddenly. "I never mentioned even having a crush- how did you know?"
Now he was *really* panicking. He needed to get out of here. He was screwing everything up! He was about to get found out! But by some miracle the girl didn't seem to figure out. Instead she took her own notes of his body and came to her own conclusion. "Wait a second, did Chat already see you? He did didn't he? And then he told you I liked you! You two are already together huh? I oughtta grab that kitty by the tail and- and-" But deep inside, she knew she wouldn't do anything to Chat Noir He was so kind and sweet, and she already hurt him enough by liking someone not at all interested in her. Leaning forward and placing her forehead on the others chest, she could only sigh, embarrassed as all hell. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."
Green eyes shut and he gave the wildly blushing damsel in distress an embrace. Supportive and caring... "It's alright. I still want to be your friend. I'm sure we just need some time. Or we could go into this friendship thing guns ablaze." He joked.
"Yeah. That sounds nice."
Tell me what you thought! I’m not new to writing fanfiction but I think this is the first fanfic I’ve written on here... Anyways, I had this idea stuck in my head ever since a post by @buggachat (Particularly >>>THIS<<< post) This is mostly an original idea, since I’d been thinking about it before. Buggachat is just so inspiring with some of their things though so some of that got shown here! (Erm I hope it’s okay with them- I uh... Didn’t exactly ask if they wanted a plug or anything but they deserve more love!)
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