#according to Inkipedia one of the added materials mentions Captain 3 getting into a DJ battle with Marina for hours
midnite-enjoyer ยท 7 months
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Finally decided to design my takes on the Splatoon agents! Notes below cut ^v^ (also mention of a Side Order boss)
When they first joined the Splatoon they were really vicious and fiery, and probably said some stuff they regret today. Over the years they've mellowed considerably, though I think they can still get pretty competitive.
They technically first joined like 2-3 months before their 14th birthday. They'd snuck out to try to watch turf wars and got sidetracked by weird sewer guy. (They, when retelling this story, emphasize that following weird sewer guy was a mistake. Aubergine and Daffodil, who did the same thing, do not care.)
They used she/her during the time of Splat1, changed pronouns sometime during the two years between then and Octo Expansion, and completely forgot to inform Cuttlefish of this until after OE.
Blind in their right eye post-OE
Was a charger main in their youth, but as of yet I'm unsure if they changed mains later on. They were definitely one of Those Chargers when they were younger though
Aubrey for short!
He's like. Really whimsical and a bit eccentric. Perfectly pleasant individual to be around, and she's really good at knowing just what to say when you're feeling down, but sometimes she says something really perplexing out of nowhere.
He likes to people-watch in her free time.
Roommates with Eight! (This is actually canon according to the dialogue when Agent 4's Palette is obtained in Side Order.) They'll often spend late nights together just being mesmerized by crafting videos (stuff like OOAKs or miniatures)
You know how you can buy a Parallel Canon mask in Side Order? Aubrey got one for reasons she refuses to explain. Scared the shit out of poor Eight and he doesn't wear it around them if she can avoid it after that.
He doesn't main one particular weapon, he just has a stash and goes for whatever she feels like that particular day.
He never remembered his original name, so they just go by Eight. They did actually try a few other names, but none ended up sticking.
Trans :)
They're pretty calm and quiet generally, and doesn't typically initiate conversations. He does like to infodump to people he's closer to, though.
Gets annoyed if you just assume he's a technical whiz because he's Octarian, but yes, they do actually live up to that stereotype. He'll help you fix your appliances if they like you, with one fairly obvious exception...
He banned standing blenders in the apartment. Aubrey is mildly perplexed but just uses one of those hand blender things.
Brush main, but doesn't Turf War a lot. He does a lot of Salmon Run. Neither they nor Aubrey comprehend how they still smell like salmon when he comes back despite the protective gear.
Xe's like one of those yappy dogs to me. Really aggressive and loud during Turf War and controlled settings, but was terrified throughout his singleplayer campaign and just tried to mask it with more aggression.
Her family is in fact from Octo Canyon and left during the exodus post-Octavio fight. Daffodil very much does not talk about this and would greatly prefer if nobody outside the family ever found out about that. (In particular, they don't want Coral to think fae owes them anything.)
It generally hates being indebted to someone, so they tend to get very defensive about being given anything and Will insist on paying you back for it somehow. She even explicitly requests that nobody get xem birthday gifts (although it Does throw wild parties on aer birthday)
Actually a Squid Sisters fan, and likes a lot of their other songs besides Calamari Inkantation (and honestly thinks people are missing out when they only pay attention to the Inkantation), but didn't admit this to anyone until Liquid Sunshine came out.
Absolutely spoils Menace rotten. It pampers that little dude.
Stringer main. I must regretfully inform everyone ze probably mains REEF-LUX.
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