#accounts of hyrule's founding (which no one BELIEVES is accurate at this point. but it is) and have managed to hold onto records of both
blueskittlesart · 1 year
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i have very little in terms of actual art LMAO but i CAN explain the sword thing because i checked and i did in fact never make this plot point public. i struggled for a while with creating a villain for this story until i realized that. i put "sword" in the title of the game. of course it has to be about the fucking sword. DUH.
so i want SOF to deal very heavily with religion, specifically the way in which hyrule's religion forms post-sksw but pre-reincarnation. i've placed it on the timeline directly after sksw, making it the first actual reincarnation in hyrule. what this means is that there's no actual proof yet that the reincarnation thing is real and not just an insane bluff on demise's part, and so several key characters including link and zelda barely believe in hylia or demise at all when the story starts. my thought with this setting's version of ganon is that he's the polar opposite of the nonbelievers. The gerudo don't really exist as of now, but he DOES come from the desert region of hyrule--specifically, he was raised in a cultlike offshoot of the sheikah religion which interpreted the hylia/demise myth completely literally and believes that a doomsday is coming, heralded by the foretold return of demise. Because of this, he knows more about the cycle and how to set it in motion than basically any other character. Crucially, he and his people are some of the only ones at this point aware of the existence of the master sword.
ganon finds. a sword. a sword which he THINKS is the master sword. and this theory is only reinforced when the sword begins to speak to him about his destiny and the salvation of hyrule. unfortunately it is not the master sword and he ends up basically a pawn in the greater plans of what's left of demise & ghirahim within that sword, manipulated into attempting to revive demise and destroy the reincarnated hero and princess. he remains in denial until basically the very end of the final battle, completely convinced that he is the true savior of hyrule and LINK is the one being misled. ghirahim is a very good manipulator lol
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cartoonlonk-a · 6 years
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     So @maskedl0ve and I did a shippy questionnaire thing for our two muses. It was very fun and hilarious! Especially since they aren’t even dating. Basically Link found this girly magazine with dating questions in it and he dragged Claus along to answer them with him.
I encourage you and your ship partner to do it too!
What was your first impression of me?
Link: Hmm...lemme see. Ya seemed so skeptical! Dunno if it's 'cause I look different or my enthusiasm...Either way, ya looked cute uvu ♡ Claus: Well....i was cautious, to say the least...I wasn’t used to anyone greeting me the way you did, much less a complete stranger...I thought you were teasing me or mocking me, or that you wanted something out of me. So I guess my first impression was just ‘Who are you and why are you acting that way?’ he feels a tad guilty now rip
How accurate do you now think it was? On which counts do you think you were totally wrong and on which were you right?
Claus: Wrong on pretty much all accounts. You weren’t teasing me or mocking me or trying to gain my trust so you could manipulate me. You actually...did want to be my friend. Despite what I looked like you were genuinely happy to meet me...I guess that’s a way to describe you, you’re genuine and kind and caring and brave, the opposite of what I was afraid you might be. Link: Aww that's sweet! Yo're no longer skeptical 'bout me maybe the choices I make buh might point still stands, yo're still cute
What is your idea of a truly romantic evening?
Link: I dunno...Claus, do ya wanna take a romantic nap with me? Claus: Uh...I dunno how a romantic nap would work but...sure, that sounds good to me. I cant think of anything fancy for a ‘romantic’ evening anyway...just eating a cozy dinner and then resting
If I promise not to get upset, can you tell me something that you'd like to change in me but don't have the nerve to tell me?
Claus: STOP BEING SO RECKLESS. PLEASE STOP PUTTING YOURSELF IN DANGER FOR ME. And please, tell me when something is wrong...okay..? Link: ...haha....No promises ;3 buh somethin' I would change? Gosh...I wish ya would smile more!
Apart from the most obvious one, which other two areas of your body are the most sensitive and responsive?
Link: O-oh...I can't say my ears? U-uh...my stomach 'n'.... he's too embarrassed to say the second one Claus: S-Sensitive and responsive??? UHH— I don’t kNOW??? A lot of my body is mechanical and for the rest of my body...I don’t know???????? Distress.png
Which three parts of my body are your personal favourites and why?
Link: 👀 Claus: U H............ blushing d-do I have to..? I-- uuughhh. well....I guess....Your eyes, your hair, and your smile...does a smile count? I-I don't know...A-AND STOP STARING AT ME LIKE THAT! Link: Very flattered Aww those are my favorite too! Actually, I love all of ya! Buh...if I MUST pick three, it'll be yo'r hair, eyes 'n' freckles! Oh I love yo'r freckles! They're like stars!!! ♡
Which is your dream destination and why?
Claus: is blushy from the last thing dream destination..? Um...I dunno...sorry Link: Trick question! 'Cause I don' got a dream destination. I wanna keep explorin' everythin'! Aaaaa, I nevah wanna be at a point where I have walked every inch of th's earth. Findin' new Hyrule 's a good enough answer too, I guess.
Which fruit/vegetable do you think I resemble and why?
Link: Either a carrot, for obvious reasons or a pepper. Angriest lil vegetable Claus: s t a r e s ....honestly, I dunno again. I guess a pineapple? I don't really think it resembles you but it's the first thing I think of when I have to think "Link and fruit” Link: I was expectin' ya ta call me somethin' green, buh pineapple works too
Can you remember your earliest childhood memory of happiness and that of fear?
Claus: goes dead silent ..... he lowers his gaze ...i don't know if i remember my earliest memory of happiness...but......of fear..? ......yes..... Link: .... these aren't very romantic.... Claus: yeah....
Your favourite aunt/uncle/cousin and why?
Link: Don' have any :/ Claus: neither do I....
If I discover you lying to me, what will be your reaction?
Claus:.................... his expression is actually pained. I'm sorry........ Link: Ah.... he looks pretty hurt too. I'd also say sorry.... 'n' ....It was for t-the better ehehe.... otherwise, I'm terrible at lyin' Claus: is dead silent w e lp
What are the qualities that draw you to people that you can base a friendship on?
Link: Not tryin' ta kill me????? I GUESS?¿ Claus: I keep saying I don't know for these questions but... I don't know. I'm not exactly...the best at making friends. and he doesn't exactly feel worthy of having friends rip
Your first crush – what drew you to her/him?
Link: Funny story 'bout that. After I left my home island the world was so much bigger. I saw so many new thin's...in other words, I liked them 'cause they were someone not on my island Claus: fidgets .....um.....well....he uh.....he...despite what I was he...cared about me, even when being shown what i was, what I could do, he cared about me and tried to make me happy...he wasn't afraid of me... looks to the side Link: He sounds nice !!
How would you characterize a perfect girlfriend?
Claus: y-yeah.... STILL TRYING TO HIDE FACT RIP but uh-- now this question um... i don't know..? wow i keep saying that... someone just...nice and caring, someone who won't be afraid of me or won't hate me, someone who...despite everything about me won't...think i'm a freak....someone who i can be around and...not be afraid..? Link: gasp Claus!!! If I wore a dress ‘n’ said I was a girl, can qualify for yo'r girlfriend? 👀 Claus: WHA--!? S-STOP THAT! Link: laughs Ya didn' say no~! Okay...buh no one 's perfect so I cannot answer th's question u-u
Your first date – where did you go, what did you do and how long did the relationship last?
Link: Never been on one! I'm probably way too much ta handle as a date too, haha. Claus: never been on one too.... just looking to the side
In your next life, would you want to be my lover once again?
Claus: falls silent ......... in a next life..? ....in my next life...I hope I can meet you without all these broken pieces... and maybe...I'd be able to smile a lot more for you... Link: for once, he's blushing O-oh...ya know, I like ya jus' the way ya are now, right? I wouldn't want ya ta change. Buh, 'ae...it would be really nice ta see ya again...who knows what kind of dummy I'd be then. Claus: blinks a bit when he sees Link blushing. Honestly, he does want to change...he wants to be different, he wants to be better, he wants to be able to breathe without always feeling like there's some weight crushing him. He wants to meet Link like how he was before he had his world shattered. He wants to be someone who could maybe admit what he feels without feeling severe guilt... of course, he's not gonna say a word of this... Well, if you end up similar to how you are now, then I'm certain I'd be happy to meet you again Link: AHDJENTEKSK N-NEXT QUESTION He is red oh lord
If you were asked whom you would like to be born again as, the answer would be…
Link: I-I can answer th's for Claus! He'd be a dog again! Claus: HEY! I ALREADY TOLD YOU I WAS NOT A DOG! The teeth aren't natural. crosses his arms and frowns a bit Link: HOW DO YA KNOW? Actually...! Ya act more like a gruffly cat more than anything. They might not be real buh they fit! Claus: groans If my teeth aren't natural then that means it's not linked to ''''whatever I was in my past life'''' Link: Fine. Next question :T
Would you like to enjoy a bath with me amidst the yellow and pink rose petals?
Link: wiggles eyebrows Claus: N O Link: Baaaaaby why do ya gotta break my heart like thaaaaaat? fake cries Claus: NEXT QUESTION!
Can you narrate to me your proudest moment? plus fake sobbing between the question
Claus: U H......U H HE ACTUALLY DOESNT KNOW HELP Link: ...Well for me it was fi--- keep it vague climbin' up th's suuuuuuper big tower! So high it probably touched the clouds! No one really believed in me makin' it all the way up. Buh I did it! Aw man, I wanna do that again sometime.
Which is your favourite flavour of ice cream, your favourite junk food and your favourite dessert?
Link: Rocky road! Claus: hmm...I guess I'd have to say...sherbet? Junk food though....I can't really eat that much anymore without getting sick....I do like french fries though so maybe that? And my favorite dessert....I don't know. Link: Yo're so unsure of yo'reself
Do you feel alone, when I'm not around?
Claus: uhm......depends... Link: mmm...'s lonely out sailin' all the time. Go without seeing people for days. So...in a way, yes, I feel alone
What has been your scariest dream? Which has been your most frequently recurring one?
Link: U-uh.... looks away I'd prefer not ta share...sorry, Claus. Claus: ..............I'm....not sharing either.........
Which has been the best decision you ever made?
Link: Leavin' home to save my sistah, definitely. Claus: U h...... DOESNT KNOW ONCE AGAIN ...........there's....one, maybe but....I don't want to say it
Which is the decision you regret the most?
Link: ears lower Mmm...I wish I grabbed his hand...I could have....I could...have...everythin' would be different... Claus: his expression becomes pained and he watches Link. He's silent and starts to reach a hand towards Link but seems to hesitate a little. ....... moves his hand back into his lap I'm sorry, Link... Link: hes holding out his left hand while the right holds it and rubs his palm with the thumb 's fine... looks at Claus with a pained smile Guess ya can't always help someone...I did my best though. Claus: he looks sad, though he gives a small nod yeah...you did everything you could, that's what matters...
If you won the lottery, what are the first three things you would do and which are the five things you've been most longing for, that you would buy?
Claus: There's not really much that I want that money could buy...I would more than likely either give the money to my family and friends. Link: Aw that 's sweet! I was also gonna say that. I have everythin' I want 'n' money 'sn't what I'm after. So I spend it on people I love~
If your house was on fire and you had a chance to grab only five things before leaving, they would be…
Link: Easy. My photobook, Puko 'n' my family shield. Claus: As long as dad, Lucas, and Boney are safe. .....My jetpack, maybe the book I'm reading and....and.... he trails off, looking to the side The scrap of mom's dress.... Link: .... doesn't say anything, just stares at the magazine with a sad expression
What can you cook for me?
Link: I'm not the best at cookin' buh I can cook fish at least? Do ya like fish? I can make fish 'n' put a lemon slice on top of it. Claus: I...don't really know how to cook...I want to learn though..but I do like fish, so if you ever made it I would like it. Link: 's okay if ya don' know! If ya ever do, ya should let me be your food tester. Buh looks like I gotta make ya some fish the next time I come~
Will you ever doubt me over my loyalty?
Claus: we'll see. I need to learn first. And, a h... hears the next question. This is...hard. It's not that he thinks Link would ever be disloyal, not that he thinks Link is bad, he just...feels like there are so many other people better than himself. People who actually deserve Link... I wouldn't doubt you. but he'd still worry over if Link ever realized just how terrible of a choice he was... Link: Tilts his head at Claus in curiosity...he took a minute to respond, which was a bit worrisome I am glad ya have faith in me! I'm more loyal than yo'r dog. If I could, I'd give ya my whole right arm! 'n' for my answer, no, I don' ever doubt ya. Claus: his lips pull into a thin line and after a few moments he gives a little nod alright. But...please don't give your right arm. It's not a pleasant thing. after all he knows from experience--
The one argument your parents had, that you would try and avoid with your partner, would be over…
Link: ... fiddles with his thumbs mmm...sorry...they...I never seen them fight before. I'll have ta ask the next time I see them...buh, I guess that means I wouldn't want ta argue with ya at all. Partners or not Claus: I...don't know if I remember any arguments my parents had...maybe...playful ones but...I don't remember anything serious... his brows furrow a bit, he seems concerned then he shakes his head a little but, I agree, I don't want to argue with you if I can help it.
Which is your favourite asset/body part on a man/woman and why?
Claus: That-- I uh-- well-- rubs the back of his neck with his left hand I...I guess I'd say the eyes...Eyes are just...nice to look at... Link: The face. I lovd everythin' 'bout someone's face. Says so much 'n' 's the main place ya stare.
The most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you was…
Link: OH NO...NOT SAYIN' Claus: I'm not saying either. Sorry.
If our relationship doesn't work out, do you think we can remain friends? If no, why not?
Link: If our relationship didn't work... looks at Claus, then back at the magazine ...I would want ta...It'll feel weird without ya in my life. I dunno...everythin' 's a lot happier with ya around. he's coyly smiling with a light blush Claus:  blinks and his eyes widen a little bit. He actually looks...surprised ....you're...happier with me around..? Link: looks back at him with a smile 'a-ae! I hope that isn't cheesy. Haha. Ya really did make my life a whole lot funner Claus: ......I... looks down no you don't I'm just... hes just surprised Link actually is...happier with him around... ....I'm happier when you're around too... his cheeks turn a very faint red. Link: !!! YAY Jumps up to hug him, nuzzling cheeks I'm glad! Claus: YELPS, BLUSHING H-HEY--!
Who are you closer to – your mum/dad - and why?
Link: ...My grandma :/ Claus: freezes and goes silent can....can I just skip this question?
What upsets you most in a relationship and what makes you the happiest?
Link: Hmmm.... I dunno, somethin' that would upset me 's arguments. I don' like ta fight. 'n' jus' bein' around that person makes me happy Claus: i think it would be similar for me too. Fighting and the person I care about being hurt.... especially if he's the reason it happens.... and being around the person would probably make me happy.
What is your perception of how people see you? I.e. what do people think when seen you two together?
Link: The perfect duo. Maybe we should change that ta perfect couple Claus: I know what they think when they see me...I don't know what they think when they see us together. But...perfect duo? Are you sure about that link? Link: shrugs I can't read people's minds buh I think we are a fun duo! We make people laugh. Claus: We make people laugh..? actually looks a tad confused and surprised by this. claus...please....stop  doubting that you can actually make people happy Link: Yeeees. 's like yo're the grump that everyone loves 'cause yo're easy ta get worked up 'n' I'm the idiot who makes get that way! Haha
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