#ace attorney casebook
tub3rculosis · 9 months
time to play my favorite game, "Is This From the Official AA Manga or a Fanmade Yaoi Doujin?"
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if you said doujin to any of these... you're wrong!! these are all official canon moments from the manga 😭
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citnamora · 9 months
I'm literally going to snap my phone in half. The PRICES. WHY IS THE MANGA SO EXPENSIVE????
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Calling this “sister figure” is queer erasure
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hils79 · 5 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
1. 547 notes - Nov 22 2023
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2. 345 notes - Nov 23 2023
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3. 317 notes - Dec 2 2023
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4. 270 notes - Oct 13 2023
I wonder if Con O’Neill and Rhys Darby had any idea when they signed up for Our Flag Means Death that they would have hoards of...
5. 225 notes - Jul 6 2023
Sometimes I think about how the recording of Thank U went Hongjoong: I love all the members equally Now we’re all going to...
6. 191 notes - Jul 16 2023
If you’re worried about the lack of new tv shows and movies during the strikes, just invent a fake one and create a fandom for...
7. 176 notes - Oct 6 2023
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8. 167 notes - Nov 25 2023
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9. 127 notes - Jan 20 2023
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10. 125 notes - Dec 11 2023
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Created by TumblrTop10
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notebookstrash · 11 months
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this is straight out of a narumitsu fanfic
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tunaricebowl · 7 months
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bodyguardbracket · 10 months
List of contestants!
I've put together the list of our 64 bodyguards!!! The actual polls will start in a couple days as I still need to organize some stuff for them. That being said, if you have any good pictures of any of these guys (canon images only please!), feel free to send them my way in the meantime!!!
Also fyi that the rounds themselves will be a week long, just for my own sanity lol.
Here's the list in alphabetical order!!!
Adam Frankenstein (Bungo Stray Dogs: Stormbringer)
Agent Stone (Sonic the Hedgehog movies)
Aloysius Knight "The Black Knight" (Scarecrow by Matthew Reilly)
Arm (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Big (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Big Daddies (BioShock)
Brienne of Tarth (Game of Thrones)
Brock Samson (The Venture Bros)
Butler (Artemis Fowl)
C!Grian (Third Life SMP)
Camilla Hect (The Locked Tomb)
Corvo Attano (Dishonored)
Costis (The Queen’s Thief series)
Deathbringer (Wings of Fire)
Dehya (Genshin Impact)
Do Bongsoon (Strong Woman Bongsoon)
Eadaz uq-Nāra (The Roots of Chaos series)
Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Fang Duobing (Mysterious Lotus Casebook)
Gareth (Galavant)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb)
Gorilla (Miraculous Ladybug)
Goro Takemura (Cyberpunk 2077)
Guillermo de la Cruz (What We Do in the Shadows)
Guy (A3! Act! Addict! Actors!)
Horace Knightley (Ace Attorney Investigations 2)
Hubert Von Vestra (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Indus Tarbella (Epithet Erased)
Joe (Princess Diaries)
Juliet Butler (Artemis Fowl)
Kaladin Stormblessed (Stormlight Archive)
Kiruko (Heavenly Delusion / Tengoku Daimakyou)
Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter)
Lan Fan (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Lan Mandragoran (The Wheel of Time)
Lexaeus/Aeleus (Kingdom Hearts)
Link (Legend of Zelda)
Maihar'du (Star Trek: Deep Space 9)
Mako (Legend of Korra)
Mifune (Soul Eater)
Mike Ehrmantraut (Breaking Bad)
Miyamoto Usagi (Usagi Yojimbo)
Murderbot (The Murderbot Diaries)
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
Palm (Never Let Me Go)
Peko Pekoyama (Danganronpa)
Peri Dubois (Entropic Float)
Porsche (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Rory Williams (Doctor Who)
Samwise Gamgee (The Lord of the Rings)
Sandor (Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Sebastian Michales (Black Butler)
Sir Theobald Gumbar (Dimension 20: A Crown of Candy)
Son Hak (Akaksuki no Yona)
Soren (The Dragon Prince)
Suh Yoosun (Moonlight Garden)
Tatum Mendoza (Foreign Affairs)
Thancred Waters (Final Fantasy XIV)
Vortex (Helluva Boss)
Wen Ning (The Untamed)
Wen Zhuliu (The Untamed)
Yura Goro (Kamen Rider Ryuki)
Zhou Zishu (Word of Honor)
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ivy-saurs · 1 year
YIPPEE i won an ebay bid for a copy of volume 2 of the ace attorney casebook and it was only £13.50 :D
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the-wintry-mizzenmast · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers!
tagged by @bbcphile
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
69. NICE.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Smoke and Mirrors (Sephiroth/Cloud, drag queen canon divergence) has disproportionately contributed to this.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I am sadly monofannish, so at the moment I am writing in Mysterious Lotus Casebook 蓮花樓. There are a few fandoms I have gone back to writing to, like Phoenix Wright/Ace Attorney when a new game comes out. I suspect I will dive back into Smoke and Mirrors once I am done with MLC and I play FF7 Rebirth.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Day Still Young (Wrightworth PWP)
Safe and Sound (ZoroLu PWP)
Storm Before the Calm (A Wrighworth piece I wrote for an exchange, I'm surprised it's this popular!)
Love and Longing (Wrightworth piece I wrote a long time ago)
Perennial Passions (Wrightworth PWP)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do my best when I am able, but sometimes I don't always get around to it or I don't have the spoons. I apologize if you've left a comment and I haven't been able to respond. Thank you.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I smashed out Tarnished Silver (Sol/Ky, Guilty Gear, Major Character Death) in one evening because I was shocked that one of the audio dramas would have an AU that kills off a main char
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mostly do one-shots or series that are comprised of one shots that take place in the same universe. Euphemistically, all of my smut has a happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Extremely rarely. And if I did, I would report and then delete.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
All the time. I think every time I get into a ship I write porn for them. My usual tags are Porn Without Plot and Porn With Feelings.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I am extremely proud of Born for the Fast Life, my Ace Attorney x Fast and Furious crossover. This might be the only multi-chaptered fic of any significant length I have ever finished in my life.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
A few over the years. Most recently, the entire Smoke and Mirrors series has been translated into Chinese.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've done massive RPs before and collaborated on universes, but never a specific fic.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I am mono-fannish, so my favorite ship is always whoever is currently my ship, which is Di Feisheng/Li Lianhua. I suspect I will always love and have a soft spot for Zoro/Luffy from One Piece.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Two Bodies (Baze/Chirrut, Rogue One). I had so much backstory for them in my head, but it'll never be done. I need to learn that I am fickle and easily distracted and thus not made for long novel-length projects.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Action/fight scenes, car chases, Porn with Feelings.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing things I start.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm only fluent enough to do this in Chinese, and only for short bits of conversation. I've only done this once for 天涯海角 The Ends of the Earth
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Fushigi Yuugi, but it was all for myself and only two people on this earth have read it. First fandom I wrote and posted for? Weiss Kreuz. How's that for a throwback?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I'm proudest of Smoke and Mirrors, mostly because the characters are so vivid, but also because of its length and the way it's been plotted, even though it's yet undone and I don't have an ending for it. I'd like to figure out where I'm going someday and finish it.
I'm shit at tagging people, so anybody who reads this, if you want to do it, please!
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askaceattorney · 2 years
So, it looks like we have a bit of a situation here at the Ask Ace Attorney Agency (or “quadruple-A” for short).  We’re now minus one Mod, and with me being semi-retired and the other Mods busy with real-life stuff, Chief Mod Edgeworth is pretty much on their own at the moment.  I have no doubt they can handle it, but it’s still a lot of work for one Mod.
Basically, what I’m trying to say here is, uh...
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You guessed it, it’s time for another Modition!!!
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That’s a play on “Mod Audition,” for anyone who didn’t catch it.  So, if the idea of pulling some strings here at the AAAA appeals to you, here are the rules (they’re the same as before, as Chief Mod Edgeworth mentioned):
How to Submit your Application:
Make an official Tumblr account, if you don’t have one. You will not submit an application as anonymous and sending us your contact information will not convince us to contact you any other way.  
Submit your application on the submission page here with the title “Mod Application” and no tags. These applications will only be seen by us Mods, so there is no need to tag anonymous.  It’s recommended to submit your application on a desktop.
Write your application in a cover letter format. Here is a video to give you basic instructions on how it should be done, if you don’t know how to write a cover letter or a resume: How to Write a Cover Letter - YouTube
In your letter, include why you want to be a Mod, including your interests and love for the Ace Attorney games, in the first paragraph. The second paragraph must include your knowledge of the games and the names of each game you’ve played. This also includes official mangas, artwork books, casebooks, the anime, the orchestra, the plays, the live action movie, the DLC asinine cases, etc. While it may not be required for your knowledge of everything Ace Attorney, aside from what is canon, it is important to include what knowledge you have outside of what is required. The third paragraph must include what skills you have to be a Mod, including any computer software you have. Include links to any work you’ve done in and outside of Tumblr. This includes any skills or works not included under Recommendations to be a Mod.     Make sure to include a closing paragraph before ending the letter. State that you promise to follow the rules as a Mod and meet the requirements to be a Mod. See Recommendations to be a Mod to know what is required to be a Mod and Rules as a Mod to know what rules you must follow to become a Mod.             
Once you send your letter, we will contact you via PM. This will be the Interviewing Process, which may last a month or more, depending on how long it will take for us to be sure of who to hire as Mods. You will be required to respond to us as each of us ask you certain questions. Be sure to continually check your inbox as we expect you to respond in no more than three days. If you don’t respond after three days, you will be disqualified, and we will not respond back to you. We will be sending you letters via PM for no more than a month. This will be the interviewing period. Some questions may not have anything to do with being a Mod and may be casual conversations.  This is our way of getting to know you better and how you will communicate with us.
Keep in mind there is a chance you may not make the cut. If that is the case, don’t look at it like a loss. Neither Chief Mod Edgeworth nor Mod Justice made the cut the first round. It’s likely that we’ll have too many participants to choose from. Just be sure to leave an impression on us, whether or not you have made the cut. Chief Mod Edgeworth will likely give you a PM, if we need an extra Mod for whatever reason.
Recommendations to be a Mod:
A laptop or computer.        
The skills and software to create gif’s and sprites.
Basic English letter writing skills.
Knowledge of the Ace Attorney games (recommended to have played the games fully, but we do count watching gameplay like walkthroughs of the games): A. Ace Attorney Trilogy (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Justice For All and Trials and Tribulations)   B. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney   C. Miles Edgeworth Investigations 1 and 2 D. Ace Attorney Dual Destinies E. Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice F. The Great Ace Attorney 1 and 2 (you don’t have to have played the game, but do include if you haven’t played the game or watched game play of these)
An hour or more of your time to be able to answer three or more letters a day.
A Tumblr Account with the knowledge of how to use Tumblr.
Rules as a Mod:
Answer every letter as the canon characters of Ace Attorney as if the character was answering a letter from a fan or friend, depending on who is sending the letter.      
Don’t include any theories or non canon ideas in those letters. Head canons are accepted, if they fit within canon.
Don’t make any ships canon to this blog, if they aren’t canon to the game. Wrightworth will not be recognized in this blog, even though it’s Chief Mod Edgeworth’s OTP. If the ship is one-sided (Apollo x Juniper), then it remains one-sided. If it’s canon, but one character dies, such as Mia x Godot, then it shall remain that way. If they are ex lovers, but there are hints they may still have feelings for each other in canon (Ex: Phoenix x Iris), then it shall remain that way. If nothing has happened between the duo, then nothing happens.
Don’t randomly make posts without the consent of the Head Mod.  This especially includes Farewell Letters.
You may answer comments from fans in the comment section of any post, especially when informing about mistake corrections, but please be respectful.
Be willing to fix any mistakes or errors you made in a previous post, if the one writing the letter is complaining about a mistake. People will respect you for it. It does not matter if you worked hard on that letter or if you think it’s stupid. You’re not the one that wrote that letter and if you have made a mistake in responding to it such as getting the wrong character sprite, spelling a word wrong, answering as the wrong character or even getting something canon wrong, FIX IT!  Don’t be a jerk about it, if you’re being corrected. If you make a mess, you clean it up like a grown adult.
If you have an issue with any of the other Mods for whatever reason, please talk to the Mod you have an issue with or else let the entire group know. Nothing will ever get resolved by staying quiet or sneaking around. It just makes you look like a jerk and a traitor at worst.    
Please do not give away the username, name, address, etc. of any Mod. Even if they have already given away their original account or whatever information, including pictures of themselves, on a separate post(s), that is still considered an invasion of privacy. Using what is already considered public information is different from using what should be considered private information. If you’re going to use any private information, you need the consent of the other person to do so.
It’s fine to have different opinions, OTP’s, religions, interests, politics, etc., but don’t allow it to be an issue or bring it to the blog. If those differences are making you uncomfortable for whatever reason, you have the right to leave the blog, but PLEASE let us know and how you intend on leaving BEFORE you do so. It’s not worth dragging this blog through the mud over a disagreement, especially if you have no knowledge or understanding as to why the other Mod(s) may feel or think this way.
Be active. If you need to leave for a certain period of time or cannot post any letters, please let us know before the end of the day. If you need to leave the group, please let us know and we shall take the steps for you to send a farewell letter.
Be friendly and respectful.
Have fun.
Best of luck to everyone who applies!  And don’t be shy -- if you think you have even a slight chance of being picked, go for it!
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-The Co-Mod
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skalidris · 6 months
Nine people I'd like to know better
Tagged by @thatswhatsushesaid
Last song: kokoronashi, the version by shuang sheng
Favourite color: most shades of blue and/or green
Currently watching: theoretically i'm watching an ace attorney investigations ii let's play but in practice i am skipping between heroes (2022) and unlimited note. this is because i watched zeng shunxi in mysterious lotus casebook and thought "i need more of this."
Last show/movie: it was mysterious lotus casebook yeah! i don't watch movies of my own volition.
Sweet/savoury/spicy: not sweet. i like spicy and savoury both.
Last thing you googled: 'dian cha' because i wanted to know if that term referred to all whisked tea preparation or the song dynasty style only
Tagging: no one, sorry 🙏 but obviously anyone can do this anyway <3
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penny-nichols · 2 years
Trying to find the Ace Attorney Mangas and like. The first book of the casebook is 26 dollars. Ok. Reasonable. The SECOND book of the casebook is about 50 dollars. And it just keeps going up
The Phoenix Wright files is 21 dollars
The first book of the ace attorney investigations series is OVER A HUNDRED DOLLARS
Im going to check ebay now
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supernovalol · 3 years
i need help does anyone have a link to a pdf of the 2nd ace attorney casebook
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Fun fact that once Maya canonically tried to breastfeed a cat
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youngbounty · 4 years
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From Ace Attorney Casebook Vol. 2. There are several incidences in which Miles Edgeworth shows to be the most sympathetic towards children, but this one tugged at my heartstrings and shows the best in Edgeworth. In this scene from Turnabout Tomorrows by Lucy Tanaka, Miles Edgeworth had been targeted by someone trying to hurt him, while investigating a case. After a series of events, Edgeworth finally confronts the one that had been trying to hurt him, who turns out to be a child and son of a convicted murderer, who died in prison. As the child charges to attack Edgeworth with a box cutter, he thinks about how much the child is hurting from his father’s death. Much to the child’s surprise, Edgeworth neither attacks back or dodges the attack. Instead, Edgeworth hugs and comforts the child. Edgeworth only thought about the child’s pain more than his own. It shows his selflessness and sympathy for other’s pain as someone, who has felt pain throughout his life from childhood to adulthood. Most people often pay attention to Edgeworth looking up at the stars aligning Phoenix’s profile and miss the other two parts where Edgeworth is saving a child from getting hurt during an earthquake or hugging another after being attacked by him with a box cutter. The idea of Phoenix’s profile in the stars isn’t that Edgeworth is thinking about Phoenix, but Phoenix’s acts of kindness toward Edgeworth himself. As a result, Edgeworth can find it in himself to reach out to others in pain just as Phoenix did for him. At the end of this story, Edgeworth invites Gumshoe, Larry and yes Phoenix out for a group date, despite how tired he gets on group dates. Turnabout Tomorrows shows the best of Miles Edgeworth as a character. It shows he’s an introvert, but will spend time with friends for their sake. It shows he’s brutally honest, but compassionate to other people’s feelings, especially children. It shows he’s able to be selfless, because of the selfless people in his life. So, while I do like the subtle Wrightworth scene, this is the one I believe deserves the most attention.
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brodorokihousuke · 2 years
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First of all… way to go for the throat, Mia, jesus christ
Secondly… that outfit tho 💀
From the Official Casebook Vol. 1, pages 176-178
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