#ace clera
jacobsenia · 5 years
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Yes, Rein is perfectly aware that his siblings and him have weird names. His parents were going for a theme. They were also picked out names like Autumn and Spring, but neither got used because his parents were struggling to conceive, and then his mother got too sick to have children and passed when Rein was fifteen.[ Rein and his Mimikyu “Sunshine (Sunny for short)” ]
My OC that I kinda made on a whim. More info about him and his team below
Rein Frei is a nonbinary trainer who responds to he/him and they/them pronouns. He’s very secretive, even going so far as to use a fake name whenever he gets caught trespassing by the police. At this point, he has a large file as “Ace Clera” - but his age changes with each arrest because he never says the true one.
Rein travels his region and nearby ones to take pictures and share them on his blog, called “Clear Skies.” It’s a play on his name being pronounced as “Rain.” However, he runs the blog under his pseudonym, Ace Clera, so that police can’t link it to him. He’s slowly working up the courage to go to Alola, but it’s pretty far from his home and he’s terrified of boats and water in general. Despite having his Gyarados Ryver to save him if something happens, he still gets nervous at the thought of drowning..
Main Team
“Ryver” - Gyarados - Female (caught as Magikarp while fishing as a child in the local river)
“Sparky” - Raichu - Male (caught as a Pichu, is one of Rein’s main companion Pokemon)
“Day” - Espeon - Male (got as an Eevee egg, brother of Night. A bit of a spoiled Prince)
“Cuddles” - Corviknight - Male (caught, is a huge cuddle bug. Rein caught him because he looked really cool and scary and named him Cuddles ironically, not knowing he’d actually become so cuddly)
“Sunshine” (Sunny when his brother isn’t around) - Mimikyu - Female (given as an egg by his brother, Sunny. Is Rein’s buddy at night when he sleeps. A total cuddlebug and lovebug. Rein likes to decorate Kit’s disguise)
“Rage” - Torracat - Male (given as an egg by his sister, Summer)
Father / Erin Frei / (age unknown, presumed to be in his late sixties) / ex-Pokemon Professor (the only one in their small town) / Companion Pokemon: Leafeon (Autumn)
Mother / Felicity Clera / deceased / Companion Pokemon: Eevee (Hope) - now in the care of Sunny
Brother / Sunny / 31 / Trainer / Gave Rein the egg that would later hatch into Mimikyu (thus  Rein’s Mimikyu being named after his brother) / Often meets up with Rein during his travels to give gifts to Sunshine / Companion Pokemon: Arcanine (Fluffy)
Brother / Snow / 27 / Coordinator (and accidental Sneasel breeder) / Engaged to his fiance, Leo / Has given a Sneasel egg to each of his siblings / Companion Pokemon: Two Sneasels (Shadow [M] and Joy[F])
Future Brother-in-Law / Leo / 28 / Breeder (specifically cat-like Pokemon) / Engaged to Snow / Companion Pokemon: Pyroar (Pride[M])
Sister / Summer / 25 / Trainer / Aiming to be a gym leader one day / Infernape (Chimchee [M])
Other Pokemon
“Winter” - Sneasel - Female (given as an egg by his brother, Snow. Is a bit of an attention hog)
“Spring” - Bulbasaur - Male (got as an egg from a breeder while traveling shortly after his mom passed)
“Skye” - Dratini - Female (caught during travels. Is a bit of a scaredy cat)
“Night” - Umbreon - Female (got as an Eevee egg, sister of Day. A bit of a tomboy)
“Star” - Staryu - (genderless) (caught near the beach, is joked to be Rein 2.0 because of its lack of gender)
Dream Pokemon
Sylveon (the literal trans icon Pokemon)
Alolan Vulpix (IT’S SO CUTE) - can’t attain because he’s literally terrified of boats because WHAT IF HE DROWNS. It took all his willpower to travel outside his home region for the first time when he was seventeen.
Fun Facts
Rein is terrified of water (in terms of river/ocean/swimming). The closest he’s ever gotten is when fishing with his grandmother, which is how he caught Ryver. He was reluctant to keep a water type, he never wanted one, but his grandmother talked him into one. A few years later, a powerful storm hit. Rein went out trying to find his grandmother, who wasn’t at home, and ended up falling in the water. He’d have drowned if not for Ryver, who evolved while trying to rescue him.
Yes, Rein is perfectly aware that his siblings and him have weird names. His parents were going for a theme. They were also picked out names like Autumn and Spring, but neither got used because his parents were struggling to conceive, and then his mother got too sick to have children and passed when Rein was fifteen.
He has a weakness for cute Pokemon, but he tries to hide it so he can look “tough” and “cool.”
Rein hasn’t spoken to his father in four years, as his father spiraled after Rein’s mother passed. His father was once a respected professor, with his main now being a Leafeon named Autumn (the name Rein’s mother was going to give their next child)
 He often gets in reckless situations (including being near ruins when legendaries are present and almost getting crushed by debris or in the crossfire of attacks). He’s been lectured multiple times about this kind of behavior by Sunny, but he never listens because he wants to take amazing pictures
His last name for his fake persona (Ace Clera) was chosen because it’s his mother’s maiden name. “Ace” came from her childhood dreams of being an “Ace Trainer.” He’s saying he wants to be her dream.
He pretends to be an edgy boy, but c’mon guys...his dream Pokemon are Alolan Vulpix and Sylveon. He has a weakness for cute Pokemon (and cute things in general). He’s not edgy. Not at all.
He doesn’t like sweet things, because they hurt his teeth.
He doesn’t like being hugged without permission. He actually wears clothes that cover most of his body so that he doesn’t have to feel the contact of skin on skin. If someone tries to hug him, he’ll curl up in a ball or shrink to the ground and shout in terror (he can never get his voice up to a scream. If he’s frightened, he usually goes quiet)
Sometimes he forgets to remove his hood and mask after his “missions,” so people tend to think he looks like a shifty guy. It’s not uncommon, though, for some people to later spot him have a sudden character change the moment he sees a cute Pokemon
He doesn’t take on gym leaders because he’s terrified of crowds and doesn’t want to be watched.
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Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB)  Market Research Report By Type, Application and Regions 2021-2027
The Global Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) Market Size, Share & Growth Analysis By Application (Alzheimer’s Disease, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Hunter’s Syndrome, Brain Cancer), By Technology (Bispecific Antibody RMT Approach, Trojan Horse Approach, Increasing Permeability, Passive Diffusion, Others), By End-Use (Hospitals, Surgical centers, Research Institutes, Others) And Regional Forecast, 2021-2027 This research & consulting report doles out information about the global Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) market. The forecast period of the market extends till 2027, while commencing in 2020. The report sheds light on various key insights & trends that have occupied center stage & drawn the attention of end-users. The Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) industry is witnessing impressive expansion at present, having logged double digit CAGRs in the past.
Read more: https://www.eternityinsights.com/report/blood-brain-barrier-bbb-market
The report alludes to the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) market as a lucrative sector. This sector is slated to generate substantial revenues during 2021 to 2027 (forecast period). The analytical report highlights data & overview regarding the size, shares, & demand of Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB). Several other factors have had a positive or negative impact on the industry, all of which have been laid out in details.
Pros & Scope of The Report
The said factors comprise drivers, novel prospects, hindrances, and other vital characteristics of the market. Investments by rivals into Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) products have catapulted the market into limelight & have stoked its demand, globally.
Few among other key aspects that find a mention; encompass the industry segments, predictions, & size and shares for 2021 to 2027. Besides these; the report narrows down on the innovative trends & technological developments, expansion strategies of key players, and regional statistics.
Some of the companies for Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) market are:
·         2-BBB
·         2X Oncology
·         4P Therapeutics
·         AB Science
·         Abbott
·         AbbVie
·         Ablynx
·         AC Immune
·         ACADIA Pharmaceuticals
·         Accera
·         Acelot
·         Acorda Therapeutics
·         Actinogen Medical
·         Acumen Pharmaceuticals
·         Adamas Pharmaceuticals
·         Addex Therapeutics
·         Advanced Accelerator Applications
·         Advanced BioHealing
·         Aeolus Pharmaceuticals
·         Aescap Ventures
·         Aestas Pharma
·         Affectis Pharmaceuticals
·         AFFiRiS
·         Agate Medical Investments
·         AgeneBio
·         Agoranov
·         AiCuris
·         Aix-Marseille University
·         Alaska Permanent Fund
·         Alcyone Lifesciences
·         Alector
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·         Alkahest
·         Allergan
·         Allinky Biopharma
·         Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
·         Alzinova
·         AlzProtect
·         AMAbiotics
·         Amarantus Therapeutics
·         American Cancer Society
·         American Life Science Pharmaceuticals
·         Amgen
·         Amylyx Pharmaceuticals
·         Anavex Life Sciences
·         Angiochem
·         Antea Group
·         Antoxis
·         Aphios
·         ApoPharma
·         APRINOIA Therapeutics
·         Araclon Biotech
·         Arbor Pharmaceuticals
·         ARCH Venture Partners
·         Archer Pharmaceuticals
·         ArmaGen
·         ARMGO Pharma
·         ArQule
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·         Array BioPharma
·         Arrien Pharmaceuticals
·         Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals
·         Artenga
·         Asceneuron
·         ASCIL Biopharm
·         ASEBIO
·         Astellas Pharma
·         AstraZeneca
·         Atlas Venture
·         aTyr Pharma
·         Aurin Biotech
·         Ausio Pharmaceuticals
·         Autifony Therapeutics
·         Avanir Pharmaceuticals
·         Axon Neuroscience
·         Axovant Sciences
·         Axsome Therapeutics
·         AZTherapies
·         Bach Pharma
·         Baillie Gifford
·         Baxter Healthcare
·         Bayer
·         BBB Therapeutics
·         BDC Venture Capital
·         BELLUS Health
·         BenevolentAI Bio
·         Ben-Gurion University
·         BGN Technologies
·         BIAL Group
·         BIND Therapeutics
·         BioAdvance
·         BioAgilytix
·         BioArctic
·         biOasis Technologies
·         Biocat
·         Biocrea
·         BioElectronics
·         Biogen
·         Biohaven
·         BioLineRx
·         BioMarin
·         Bionomics
·         Biotie Therapies
·         Biovista
·         BlueRock Therapeutics
·         Boehringer Ingelheim
·         Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund
·         Boston Scientific
·         BpiFrance
·         Brain Biomarker Solutions
·         Brains for Brain Foundation
·         BrainsGate
·         BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics
·         BrainVectis
·         BrainX
·         Brisco Capital Partners
·         Bristol-Myers Squibb
·         Britannia Pharmaceuticals
·         Broad Institute
·         CAAP Creation
·         Caixa Capital Risc
·         Cantabio Pharmaceuticals
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·         Capo Therapeutics
·         Carna Biosciences
·         CarThera
·         Cellix Bio
·         Cenna Biosciences
·         CENTOGENE
·         Cerecin (formerly called Accera)
·         Cerecor
·         CereSpir
·         Cerevance
·         CHA Biotech
·         Changchun Huayang High-tech
·         Chaperone Therapeutics
·         Chipscreen
·         Chronos Therapeutics
·         CinnaGen
·         Cipio Partners
·         Clera
·         Clevexel
·         CNRS Innovation
·         Cobra Biologics
·         Cogentis Therapeutics
·         Cognition Therapeutics
·         Cognosci
·         Collaborative Medicinal Development
·         Columbia University
·         Contera Pharma
·         CoPlex Therapeutics
·         Corium International
·         Cornell University
·         Cortexyme
·         Cortice Biosciences
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·         Corvitex
·         Crinetics Pharmaceuticals
·         CuraSen Therapeutics
·         Curemark
·         Cyclenium Pharma
·         DAE HWA Pharmaceutical
·         Daewoong Pharmaceutical
·         Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma
·         Dart Pharma
·         Debiopharm
·         Deciphera Pharmaceuticals
·         DEKK-TEC
·         DelMar Pharmaceuticals
·         Denali Therapeutics
·         DermaXon
·         Dexcom
·         Domain Therapeutics
·         Dong-A ST
·         Edunn Biotechnology
·         Eight Roads Ventures
·         EIP Pharma
·         Eisai
·         Elan Pharmaceuticals
·         Eli Lilly
·         Elron Electronic Industries
·         EMD Serono
·         EMulate Therapeutics
·         EnhanX Biopharm
·         Enterin
·         E-Scape Bio
·         Ethris
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More Inputs & Objectives
The manner in which nascent & local competitors stack up against prominent players, hogs the spotlight. Novel products & services, coupled with the monetary shares of eminent competitors and the SWOT analysis unveil the complexities of the global industry size.
Segments Covered in the Report
This report forecasts revenue growth at the global, regional, and country levels and provides an analysis of the latest industry trends from 2021 to 2027 in each of the sub segments. For the purpose of this study, Eternity Insights has segmented the global Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) market on the basis of SMEs, large enterprises, others and region:
Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) Market, By Application
·         Alzheimer’s Disease
·         Epilepsy
·         Parkinson’s Disease
·         Multiple Sclerosis
·         Hunter’s Syndrome
·         Brain Cancer
Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) Market, By Type
·         Bispecific Antibody RMT Approach
·         Trojan Horse Approach
·         Increasing Permeability
·         Passive Diffusion
·         Others
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Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) Market, By End-User
·         Hospitals
·         Surgical Centers
·         Research Institutes
·         Others
Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) Market, By Regional Outlook
·         North America
·         U.S.
·         Canada
·         Mexico
·         Europe
·         Germany
·         UK
·         France
·         Rest of Europe
·         Rest of the World
·         Latin America
·         Middle East & Africa
·         Asia Pacific
·         China
·         Japan
·         India
·         Rest of Asia Pacific
Research Methodology
Research methodology is an integral component of any kind of high-level market research. It entails evaluation by expert panels, research on secondary & primary levels, checks on quality, & testing on completion. Secondary research deeply focuses on the whys, whos, wheres, whens, & hows and caters to answering the strictly consumer-centric base of people.
Some other secondary research sources comprise governmental affiliations & blogs, business magazines, and industrial journals. Primary research includes face-to-face & telephonic interviews with industry experts. It is comparatively more detailed & lays stress on unprejudiced opinions about the products & services.
Primary research findings cement secondary research & help end-users & businesses get a better hang of various markets. It is a well-established fact, though, that research methodology is best implemented through the mixed execution of its aforementioned procedures.
What Does the Report Offer?
·         A breakdown & profiling of the qualitative & quantitative analysis of the industry.
·         An in-depth overview of the segments & sub-segments of the industry, unlocking their shares and positions.
·         Data on market players & their growth strategies.
·         Industry outlook, via value chains.
·         Mergers & acquisitions, the SWOT analysis of prominent competitors, and high-tech product launches.
·         Drivers, hindrances, factors that positively & negatively impact the market, and new opportunities.
·         Crucial information and actionable insights, enabling businesses to widen their traction & to have an edge over others.
·         Regions into which the global market is fragmented and the reigning regional markets & their respective shares & revenues.
·         Analytical support on the purchases made/orders passed.
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Other Vital Points That Are Covered
·         The impact of Covid-19 on each of the segments of the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) market.
·         The suppliers, manufacturers, raw materials, dominating players, etc.
·         Key regional contributors & their shares in the past and the future.
·         Evaluation of most of the important countries within particular regions in view of their revenues, supplies, supremacy, business returns, & consumption volumes.
·         Advanced technologies that surround the market and comprehensive outlook on industry applications, products, end-users, & regions.
·         Technological & statistical data to cater to the demands of businesses, shareholders, & companies and to help them grow further.
·         Comparison of competitors against other players and the dominant companies during the forecast period. Strategies employed by reigning stakeholders to gain further traction & to generate higher revenues.
·         End users that are ahead in the rat race and the positive factors that influence those end users.
·         Applications that should come out on top by the end of the forecast period.
·         Products that occupy the maximum shares and the drivers behind those products.
·         Factors that bode well for the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) market and a mention of other industries that are closely associated with the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) market.
·         Regions that open the floodgates to higher investments and greater opportunities.
·         Records of the market sales, volumes, CAGRs, & shares.
The market report also brings to light major opportunities and untapped geographies. It is more like a blend of customized research documents & conventional reports. Besides informing buyers about the pros & cons of direct and indirect sales channels, the analysis exhibits illustrations & graphical representations of industry growth and the innovative trends within the industry.
About Us:
Our reputed “market research & consulting” portal, “Eternity Insights” publishes industry/market reports, equity & financial data, and analytical research reports. We focus on almost all industries and deeply examine their segments & sub-segments. Our platform further probes the market revenues, ongoing trends, driving/preventive factors of the industries, key categories & sub-categories, competitive overview, etc.
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jacobsenia · 5 years
Pokemon OC
I‘ve made a new Pokemon OC. He goes by “Ace” when he’s trying not to get discovered because he’s doing something reckless. His real name will be revealed when he’s actually been created art-wise (I suck at art, don’t expect it to be anytime soon).
(example: while sneaking into a restricted area, if he gets caught by the police he lies and says his name is “Ace Clera.” There’s now a whole file on “Ace Clera” in numerous regions because he’s a little shit who won’t stay put. The only difference is that he changes his birthday whenever he’s caught)
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jacobsenia · 5 years
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[ dress up game used ]
Decided to get a basic idea for Rein, though some things will change in his final design. I like to use dress up games for references, but then I change things and go from there.
Since Magikarp/Gyarados isn’t an option as a Pokemon to include, I chose to use one of his main 2 Pokemon (a Raichu named Sparky). However, his first pokemon was a Magikarp named Ryver, which has since evolved into a Gyarados (he’s from a small town. His father was the professor, but he never gave Ace’s grandmother intervened and insisted Ace keep the Magikarp he caught)
(note: he uses fingerless gloves only when he’s about to try getting into an area he shouldn’t be in. They have grips to help him climb better, that way he can sneak into areas in other ways. If you see him in fingerless gloves, might as well he’ll introduce himself as Ace Clera.)
(note #2: obviously his hair is dyed purple. He likes using purple because it’s a color of peacefulness. His mother painted his bedroom a lavender color when he was little, because it was a color he picked out. In this specific picture, I figured I’d say it’s after the color has washed out a bit. He doesn’t dye it often, because he has to bleach it, but he enjoys when it is purple because he associates the color with mornings spent reading with her in his room).
I’ll reveal his team later on, like once I actually start trying to draw him.
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