#acftl sneak peak
heyo-428 · 1 year
ACFTL Sneak Peak (Well, now I guess it’s a leak) Chapter Thoughts:
Spoilers below!!
This isn’t proofread if something is confusing please ask me in the replies for clarification
- The dedication to “anyone who ever wanted a second chance” is… almost ominous. On one hand it seems it’s like just a normal dedication but on the other it’s almost as if it’s a warning. Like Stephanie’s trying to warn a person who wants a second that it’s not always gonna end well.
- The story from the beginning about doorknobs was told before I believe and I think emphasizing this again is to allude to her ability to open doors with her blood. Will she figure this out again on her own? The doorknobs to what is rumored (The rumor’s probably true) to be the Valor children’s rooms in Wolf Hall spoke to her.
- Evangeline being absolutely lost is actually so sad to me. While I was reading the second page and it said she was feeling as if she couldn’t breathe I actually started to cry a bit. She’s in an unfamiliar location with no clue how she got there, when she got there, why she’s there.
- Her last memory is her father dying. 😭
- She doesn’t remember anything about Apollo but does remember there was something important she needed to say to someone. She doesn’t remember but it’s that she needs to tell Jacks she loves him. She slightly remembers Jacks even though she’s not able to attach a name to it. (I’m latching onto any hope I can)
- “Your memories were stolen by someone who’s been trying to tear us apart” Apollo if you don’t shut your ass up.
- “…and over his heart was a vibrant tattoo of two swords in the shape of a heart with a name in the center: Evangeline.” I CACKLED. THATS SO BAD 😭 IM DYING FROM SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT. She doesn’t really want you Apollo please give up.
- Apollo says that the marks on his back was the price he paid to return from Hell. Also the price Evangeline payed for your stupidity when you decided to get tortured😐 Who even tortured him? Or was it like done on purpose to have a story for why he came back. Doubt it’s the ladder because the curse wasn’t having him thinking right.
- Okay so Apollo’s not lying when he says Jacks put him in a suspended state but, Apollo, PLEASE calm down it’s not that deep. AND STOP LYING JACKS WOULD NEVER INTENTIONALLY HURT EVANGELINE
- Out poor boy Jacks is gonna have a difficult time in acftl 😭
- “You’re looking at me differently” he’s acting like she shouldn’t be…
- No Eva :((((( you didn’t trade your memories to be with him :(((( HE STOLE THEMMMM
- He makes her go back with him and then almost instantly leaves her. She is left as a shadow of herself because of him and he leaves her in her room to go handle matters. Like PLEASE how does Evangeline think this is okay.
- I- Stephanie please stop with mentions of arrows it reminds me of the fact Jacks is the Archer and what he’s been through (this is obviously why she’s doing this and i love and hate her for it)
- Wonder which door handles belong to which of the Valor children’s rooms. If what the rumors say is true. Feel like the one shaped like a dragon is Dane because he was a shifter and the one story LaLa told about him picking her up as a dragon or something. I’m not sure about the fairy wing one or wolf head with crown (maybe Aurora??) because we don’t know a lot about the Valor’s besides the basics. I am very excited to learn more though, they have a very interesting story.
- The fact Evangeline’s having to relive the grief she felt over the death of her parent’s because she doesn’t know it wasn’t very recent (thanks to her memories being stolen) is so tragic. I feel terrible for her :( It’s terrible having both your parents die but to have to deal with the grief twice?
- The door handles speaking to her is crazy because if I remember right known of the others ever did. I wonder why they do that. Probably because they’re old and from a family of people with magical gifts lmao. Plus Eva is literally a part of a prophecy connected to them. It’s gonna have some importance (hopefully)
- Really looking forward to learning again (or hopefully remembering) that she can open doors with her blood.
- Wait crazy theory, what if Stephanie’s making references to things from ouabh and tbona throughout the whole book? Like important things Evangeline forgot? That’s a bit of a stretch but I am writing this at 1 am so
- A few things have happened that are almost like deja vu/repeating history moments. If you think about it, it’s happened a lot throughout the books too. I’ll make a more in depth post on this at a later point.
- The maid Martine seems important. I don’t know what yet but there’s something. How could he just have moved so quickly from the Meridian Empire?? Something isn’t adding up especially her pause in speaking.
- “Her heart still hurt as if it had been broken” This is so sad Stephanie will be expecting many therapy bills after this book.
- It’s so upsetting that Evangeline can’t remember anything like our poor girl :(
- I don’t like this doctor but the helpers are odd
- Wait Evangeline is 17. I guess it makes some sense but like wow that’s crazy.
- I still really hate that reporter guy he’s annoying.
- Who is Yrell really because like why did they shut Telma up? There’s gotta be some reason.
- Okay okay the reporter guy just… disappeared? Like it was super quick too. wtf? How? Probably reading too much into this but how does he just disappear. It’s not like it would take a while to read that card there was nothing on it practically and then he just is gone.
- “He would carry her through more than freezing water” Eva darling that’s not Apollo that’s Jacks please remember 😭😭
- Apollo you are a monster not Jacks so stop lying. You removed Evangeline’s memories, you literally hunted her down and I do not care if you were cursed Jacks got over it before.
- He makes me SO mad. How can he so easily lie??
- He’s selfish to think a ton of people would make him monuments and stuff. Apollo you haven’t even done anything grand to help the people (that we know of) why would they do that?
- Who else knows Apollo took her memories? He says that someone does but that he won’t have to worry about them soon. No one else was right there and able to know? Right? I thought they were all in the Valory. It can’t be Jacks because it goes on to talk about Jacks directly after and it’s in a different manner.
- Crazy idea, what if because Apollo knows the Valor’s are out he thinks the one who’s able to see the future (Think his name is Vesper I don’t feel like looking right now) knows what he did 👀 I doubt it but.
- Apollo’s really upset over Jacks being better that he’s making reporter guy make his crimes uglier until he’s caught. He wants his name synonymous with vile, Apollo, you are synonymous with vile please shut the fck up <3
- Was it previously mentioned that the Great Houses have a council? I don’t think so but that makes sense I guess.
- Them talking about Luc attempting to steal the throne and calling him a whelp 💀 Where’d he run to? Back to Chaos’s? Kinda doubt that they have issues because Luc won’t listen to him or something. Wonder where he’s at and if he’s gonna be important this book.
- So funny to me that Wolfric Valor just shows up and is under the house of “Vale” like whose idea was that? It’s like the worst disguise ever Vale and Valor sound the exact same.
- How does Apollo know the Valor’s aren’t really dead? Unless it’s a secret that everyone in the Arcadian family line kept because Wolf Hall used to be the Valor’s.
- Am I the only one who doesn’t like Wolfric that much? I get bad vibes.
- Plus the whole betrothing his daughter to a dude named VENGEANCE
- I know he didn’t exactly know his name before betrothing her but you think he would’ve been like “uhm maybe not” HIS NAMES VENGEANCE I MEAN HE CAN’T BE GOOD
(Sorry had to rant about that because that whole story is absolutely wild to me)
- Who tf is Byron Belleflower. Like I know who he is he’s some lord but like who tf is that??
This whole thing probably doesn’t make sense I’m sleep deprived
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elriell · 1 year
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“The Fate gave the queen a look more vicious than any curse. “There is nothing of equal value to me.”
Is there ever a bad time for another spectacular @berizart piece? And with all the juicy sneak peaks for book three it seems like fate dare I say!!
I am always honoured to work with Beriz on any project because she always puts such life and beauty in to everything she does and this is no exception, thank you darling👏🏻
Characters belong to the incredible @stephanie_garber !!
what are you most excited to in ACFTL?
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sweetingseva · 1 year
#3 ACFTL Quote! 💖✨
Stephanie released a new quote from pages 21, 100, 213! Also, we have a first sneak peak of the final map! A certain inn is seen 👀🛏
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sweetingseva · 1 year
do you remember the site that posted the first 4 (?) chapters of tbona last year? i know it was available at apple books too but i remember another site posted it before. i wanted to start looking into it like every week even though if they release it again it will probably be next month but since the previous release date were for september who knows...
Yes, I know exactly the one you're talking about since I have been checking nonstop on that site for a couple weeks now 😅😉
This was the site that posted the first few chapters of TBONA last year! You can check ACFTL's page here!
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As of today, there is no available sample, but I'm sure it'll be there soon! Although, it's a gamble since apparently the ones at the Waterstones dates in the UK tour will get the first sneak peaks 😉
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heyo-428 · 11 months
so would anyone be interested in me writing my thoughts on Stephanie’s ACFTL pinterest board? I believe I had done the sneak peak board but she just released the entire board.
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