#achieving sustainable growth is the holy grail for businesses. Growth Marketing Services
reportprime01 · 7 months
Empowering Growth: The Impact of Growth Marketing Services
Empowering Growth
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, achieving sustainable growth is the holy grail for businesses. Growth Marketing Services, offered by Growth Marketing Consultants, Agencies, and Companies, have emerged as the catalysts of this growth. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of Growth Marketing Services, exploring the pivotal roles of Growth Marketing Consultants and Agencies, their services, and the diverse channels they utilize to drive success.
The Essence of Growth Marketing Services
Growth Marketing Services represent a strategic approach to marketing that prioritizes achieving rapid and sustainable growth for businesses. Unlike traditional marketing, which often focuses on individual campaigns, Growth Marketing takes a holistic view of the customer journey, encompassing acquisition, activation, retention, and referral. Here's why Growth Marketing Services have become indispensable:
Data-Driven: Growth Marketing relies on data and analytics to make informed decisions and continuously optimize strategies.
Customer-Centric: Understanding customer behaviors, preferences, and pain points is at the core of Growth Marketing.
Experimentation: Growth Marketers are relentless experimenters, always seeking ways to improve conversion rates and user engagement.
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Growth Marketing Consultants: The Architects of Success
Growth Marketing Consultants are the visionaries who lead businesses toward growth. They play pivotal roles in:
Data Analysis: Consultants dive into data to identify trends and insights that guide strategic decisions.
Customer Research: Understanding the customer's journey and needs is fundamental. Consultants conduct in-depth research to gain valuable insights.
Experimentation: Consultants design and execute experiments to optimize conversion rates, user engagement, and other critical metrics.
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Growth Marketing Services Offered
Growth Marketing Consultants, Agencies, and Companies provide an array of services aimed at achieving accelerated growth:
Customer Acquisition: Crafting strategies for attracting new customers through various channels, including social media advertising and search engine optimization (SEO).
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Enhancing the user experience to improve conversion rates on websites and landing pages.
Retention Strategies: Developing tactics to retain existing customers and transform them into loyal advocates.
Email Marketing: Leveraging email campaigns to nurture leads and drive conversions.
Analytics and Reporting: Regularly analyzing data and providing insights that drive decision-making.
The Role of Growth Marketing Agencies and Companies
Growth Marketing Agencies and Companies serve as the driving force behind the successful implementation of Growth Marketing strategies. They bring:
Expertise: Specialized knowledge and experience in Growth Marketing strategies and tactics.
Resources: Access to tools, technologies, and talent necessary for effective execution.
Strategic Planning: Development and execution of comprehensive Growth Marketing plans tailored to the unique needs and goals of businesses.
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Diverse Growth Marketing Channels
Growth Marketers employ a diverse set of channels to reach and engage target audiences:
Social Media: Utilizing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to connect with and engage target audiences.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Leveraging paid search advertising to achieve prominent visibility in search engine results.
Content Marketing: Creating valuable, relevant content to attract and retain customers.
Email Marketing: Nurturing leads and customers through targeted and personalized email campaigns.
Growth Marketing Services, led by Growth Marketing Consultants and fueled by Growth Marketing Agencies and Companies, are the linchpin of sustainable business growth in the digital age. These services harness data, prioritize customer-centricity, and embrace experimentation to empower businesses.
In conclusion, Growth Marketing Services are not just a trend; they are the driving force behind business success in the modern world. By partnering with Growth Marketing Consultants, Agencies, or Companies, businesses can tap into a wealth of expertise and resources to achieve accelerated and sustainable growth. In an era where data and customer-centricity are paramount, Growth Marketing Services are the catalysts that transform businesses into growth stories.
#Empowering Growth: The Impact of Growth Marketing Services#Introduction#In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing#achieving sustainable growth is the holy grail for businesses. Growth Marketing Services#offered by Growth Marketing Consultants#Agencies#and Companies#have emerged as the catalysts of this growth. In this blog#we'll delve into the world of Growth Marketing Services#exploring the pivotal roles of Growth Marketing Consultants and Agencies#their services#and the diverse channels they utilize to drive success.#The Essence of Growth Marketing Services#Growth Marketing Services represent a strategic approach to marketing that prioritizes achieving rapid and sustainable growth for businesse#which often focuses on individual campaigns#Growth Marketing takes a holistic view of the customer journey#encompassing acquisition#activation#retention#and referral. Here's why Growth Marketing Services have become indispensable:#Data-Driven: Growth Marketing relies on data and analytics to make informed decisions and continuously optimize strategies.#Customer-Centric: Understanding customer behaviors#preferences#and pain points is at the core of Growth Marketing.#Experimentation: Growth Marketers are relentless experimenters#always seeking ways to improve conversion rates and user engagement.#Visit Our Website: https://www.reportprime.com/#Growth Marketing Consultants: The Architects of Success#Growth Marketing Consultants are the visionaries who lead businesses toward growth. They play pivotal roles in:#Data Analysis: Consultants dive into data to identify trends and insights that guide strategic decisions.
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nickyysharmi · 6 months
A Dive Into The Benefits Of Reducing Operational Expenditure For NBFCs
In the swift world of finance, NBFCs are actively exploring ways to optimize operations. A notable strategy gaining traction is trimming operational expenditure. This blog examines how cutting these costs can significantly boost the performance and sustainability of NBFCs. Also termed non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs), they lack a banking license, restricting them from accepting traditional demand deposits, per James Chen.
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Understanding Operational Expenditure
Before delving into the advantages, let's demystify operational expenditure. It encompasses the day-to-day expenses required to keep an NBFC running smoothly. These include salaries, rent, utilities, technology infrastructure, and other routine costs that contribute to the regular functioning of the organization.
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The Financial Landscape
NBFCs play a pivotal role in the Indian financial landscape, offering an alternative to traditional banking services. Their agility and focus on niche markets make them essential players in fostering financial inclusion. However, like any business, they face the perennial challenge of balancing growth and profitability.
1. Cost-Cutting For Long-Term Viability
In the intricate world of finance, the mantra often revolves around doing more with less. By strategically trimming operational expenses, NBFCs can enhance their long-term viability. Abhay Bhutada, Poonawalla Fincorp's MD, foresees a quarterly reduction of Rs 30 crore in operational expenditure, setting a precedent for the industry.
2. Enhanced Profit Margins
Reducing operational costs directly contributes to healthier profit margins. For NBFCs, this means a greater capacity to weather economic uncertainties and invest in future growth. A leaner cost structure allows for a more flexible financial approach, positioning the company for increased profitability.
3. Technological Efficiency
In the dynamic realm of finance, technology is a game-changer. Embracing digital solutions not only streamlines operations but also cuts down on manual intervention, reducing the need for extensive manpower. Implementing advanced technologies enables NBFCs to enhance efficiency without compromising on service quality.
4. Agility In A Dynamic Market
As any astute finance student knows, adaptability is crucial. By reducing operational expenditure, NBFCs can achieve a level of financial agility that is vital in navigating the ever-evolving market dynamics. This agility positions them to capitalize on emerging opportunities and promptly respond to challenges.
Also Read: What Is Digital Collection In NBFCs?
5. Customer-Centric Approach
Striking a balance between cost efficiency and customer satisfaction is the holy grail for NBFCs. By optimizing operations, these financial entities can redirect resources towards improving customer service, thereby fostering loyalty and attracting new clientele.
6. Sustainable Growth Trajectory
Sustainable growth goes hand in hand with prudent financial management. When NBFCs curtail unnecessary operational costs, they free up resources that can be redirected towards strategic initiatives. This, in turn, paves the way for a more sustainable and robust growth trajectory.
Also Read: How Reducing Operational Expenditure Helps NBFC?
In conclusion, the strategic reduction of operational expenditure emerges as a beacon of financial prudence for NBFCs. As highlighted by Abhay Bhutada, MD of the Poonawalla Fincorp, the prospect of a quarterly reduction of Rs 30 crore in operational expenditure is a testament to the tangible benefits that await those willing to embark on this path.
As NBFCs navigate the complex financial landscape, the significance of operational efficiency cannot be overstated. It is a transformative step that not only bolsters the bottom line but also positions these entities as nimble players capable of thriving in an unpredictable market. In the pursuit of financial excellence, the judicious management of operational expenditure stands as a key differentiator for NBFCs aiming to secure a prosperous and sustainable future.
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swedna · 4 years
Atmanirbharta, or self-reliance, has been a holy grail for the Indian economy. In its present avatar, the idea hovers around increasing competitiveness and growth of the manufacturing sector, and rightly so. The manufacturing sector in India has been bypassed by the tentacles of economic growth over past three decades, with services sector heralded as engine of growth with a high share in output and employment.
This might just be the right time for India’s manufacturing sector to exhibit a coming of age, with thrust on competitiveness. Competitiveness arises from productivity differentials, which, in turn, are a function of firm size, especially in manufacturing. Larger firms are more productive with higher value added per capita, and higher levels of sales and output per employee. Formal status is another empirically established characteristic of productive firms across countries. World Bank’s micro and informal enterprise surveys show that for India the wedge between value added per employee in a registered and unregistered firm is 35 per cent, that between a small registered firm and a large firm is 68 per cent, and that between a large registered firm and an unregistered firm is 212 per cent.
This differential is due to large, formal firms’ access to external finance, and use of more capital per labour. These firms with economies of scale are often run by better educated managers, and employ specialised staff for specific functions, resulting in better internal processes, and customer outreach, allowing these firms to generate sustainable productivity differentials to achieve competitiveness.
Indian manufacturing, however, is characterised by a high share of fragmented informal organisations. National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) data reveal that the share of informal employment is as high as 95-98 per cent in sectors such as textiles, leather and furniture. Other potential export sectors like industrial machinery, specialty chemicals, food products and fabricated metals have 60-85 per cent share of informal employment. There are 19.67 million micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in manufacturing, employing 36.04 million people. The share of micro enterprises, among MSMEs is almost 99 per cent.
The antimonopoly regulations and stringent labour laws practised over years have ensured that the average Indian manufacturing firm remained small in size. The romanticism around employment-generating and cost-cutting characteristics of these informal firms have made us believe that informality is forced by excessive cost of regulation. It is important to start acknowledging that these firms may be unproductive, run by lowly qualified managers, unable to function efficiently and, therefore, out of formal structure. The notion that economic growth will generate returns for these firms, bringing them into formality has not worked so far. Nor is there much empirical support for the hypothesis of registration alone increasing their productivity.
Shift to a formal status would typically mean additional costs of paying taxes, adhering to safety norms, and providing additional employment benefits to workers. All these are genuine costs. Any estimation of loss of revenue to the exchequer due to tax evasion, loss of lives and project assets due to non-compliance with safety norms, and loss of productivity due to non-provision of social security to employees, is sure to bypass the loss of profitability to informal enterprises.
Regulation and productivity need not be mutually exclusive. Supporting informal businesses is desirable from social perspective. Initiatives to keep them afloat and make them increasingly productive are welcome. However, thrust of the self-reliance movement undoubtedly has be to on designing regulatory systems conducive to creating large firms with a clear competitive edge.
Failure to separate ownership and control by family-owned large businesses is another proven impediment to competitiveness. Ceding control to professional managers with independence to run the operations and plan for growth-enhancing strategies benefits these businesses. Loyalty and bonding relationships in the family provide intangible resources such as trust and goal congruence promoting competitive advantages, especially when weak legal structures impair contractual enforcement and good governance. However, altruism within extended families makes it difficult to discipline underperforming members of the family, hurting firm performance.
Ample macroeconomic evidence suggests that limited access to capital constrains productivity growth in developing countries. Ownership of banks by the government has resulted in hampered credit allocation as there is a conflict of interest between social objectives and the running of an efficient financial system. Implicit government guarantee weakens their incentives to pursue operational efficiency. They are prone to evergreen non-performing loans and keep insolvent borrowers afloat. Slow in adopting new technologies to improve the efficiency of financial intermediation, public banks are more susceptible to distress than private banks. Their investment in government securities reduces availability of loans to the private sector. Designing regulations to prune these hydra-headed institutions is vital in pursuance of self-reliance.
‘Atmarnirbhar’ development requires organisations that can benefit from scale economies, entrepreneurs who take risks and grow those organisations, independent professionals who have the skills that can support technological progress and productivity growth, and banks that understand the hazards of providing credit and that diversify their risks while financing growth. It requires regulating and unleashing the power of markets and holding back the temptation to use the state to direct scarce resources towards centrally-handed-down goals.
Prof Errol D'Souza is IIM Ahmedabad director, and Prof Ashtha Agarwalla is Associate Professor at Adani Institute of Infrastructure Management
Disclaimer: Views expressed are personal. They do not reflect the view/s of Business Standard.
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brianburell · 4 years
Customization and Personalization: Key Trends Fashion Retailers Must Watch
Do you remember the golden days, when mass production was at the peak? Popularized by Henry Ford, mass production was one of the most successful strategies of its time when customers were delighted with the lowest prices and standardized products marketed with the absolute uniformity. However, as time evolved and technology took a front seat in the economic growth, every vertical, including fashion, gradually started embracing tech in one or the other way. And, in recent decades, the advent of smartphones powered by terrific data speed has changed the equations for consumers as well as manufacturers. The trend that began with online shopping in fashion has now reached to an ultimate level where customers are designing their own clothes and businesses are producing on-demand.
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From Mass Production to Personalization: From Tangibility to Intangibility
The journey from mass production to mass personalization has been mesmerizing. We began from a point where cost was the dominating factor and landed in the era where pricing doesn’t matter as long as consumers are receiving highly engaging experience. What matter are the sentiments that customers are developing with the brands by crafting and shaping the products and services they buy. Contemporary customers do not consume for the sake of consumption; instead, they consume for status signaling and self-pride. This is the turning point for brands as they are now not selling merely products; instead, they are offering ways to foster the emotions and personalities of consumers.
However, technology not only brought advancements but also retreat in some contexts. For example, the fashion industry is notorious for emitting more greenhouse gases than aviation and shipping combined, invariably bringing ecologically sensitive fashion bloggers, buyers, admirers, critics, and players on a common platform. The implication is that customers are moving towards sustainable fashion that is circular and viable with a reduced carbon footprint. And, here again, personalization comes into the picture. A customer would love to adorn a blazer or suit with his initials imprinted on it without worrying if the style is in trend or not.
Similarly, nobody would ever want to give up a T-shirt that was received as a gift with a personalized message. This is the swag of personalization, powerful enough to turn the fashion drift. This exemplifies how personalization is more about emotions and intangibility than buying the products available off-the-shelves.
Customization: Favorite Fashion Trend of Millennials and Gen Z
Customization is a philosophy that believes in creating a unique value proposition for every customer. Customization is a subset of personalization where customers can customize a pre-existing product by applying designs, prints, images, colors, monograms, and texts.
With ultra-sophisticated tools in the market that can help online and offline customers to become fashion designers, fashion companies are enticing millennials and Gen Z population with exclusive designs. Whether apparel, footwear, or jewelry; companies are extending opportunities to customize them as per their preferences.
Retailers are tapping into this privileged experience by creating meaningful engagements for their customers. They are adopting a direct-to-consumer business model where customers do not need to enter into the realm of haute couture to enjoy luxury fashion. They can create their own using ultra-modern technologies and flaunt their creative liberty. Thus, customization is altering the landscape of fashion as millennials and Gen Zers are creating irreplicable ensemble embellished with feelings.
Personalization: Fashion one step ahead
Personalization is all about shoppers. It strives to deliver a genuinely singular shopping experience to users by giving them complete freedom to design apparel or accessory from scratch. The fashion companies are taking the love of bespoke clothing to a new level by playing on the personalization card.
One-on-one personalization has become a holy grail, and brands are competing hard to achieve it. They are offering the best-in-class experience to their customers by allowing them to choose everything right from fabric to pattern to accent. By relying on machine learning and data-driven capabilities, brands are tailoring personalized recommendations and experiences to engage their customers.
Personalization is and will continue to rule the roost because it has the potential of delivering value. And modern customers crave for brands that help them to reflect their values while maintaining the style charm. They like to stay loyal with the businesses with purpose, those who stand for their mission. The increasing demand for signature items and exclusive embellishments is motivating brands to embrace innovative business models to serve these unique needs. Thus, personalized fashion is not only about flaunting one’s persona; it is about ideals and beliefs that one believes in when he/she choose to titivate himself/ herself with a specific brand’s collection.
What’s in for Fashion Retailers?
The speed with which customization and personalization are spreading their wings in the industry, the time is not far when every fashion retailer will trade on these models. And those who turn their backs may be thrown out of the competition as customers and their preferences dictate the current economy. Gone are the days when seasonal fashion was desperately awaited. Even the luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Gucci, Dior, Dolce Gabbana, and other label designers are showcasing the power of personalized outfits on the runway and extending the privilege for their customers.
The love for non-conformity and desire to stand out of the crowd has brought modern customers to an entirely new level. They are investing in a personalized fashion, a fashion that speaks for them, a fashion that is sustainable and a fashion that can never go out of the style. It is the high time when fashion retailers and entrepreneurs must offer hyper-personalization and let their customers feel extra special.
Katalyst Technologies can Help
The dynamics of the fashion industry are changed as we have moved from push to pull economy. Instead of pushing products based on forecasts, fashion is now pulled as per the demand. The journey has been beautiful, but now we are here in the age of tech-driven fashion, enabling customers to personalize their style.
If you are playing in the fashion industry and are keen to remain abreast with trends while becoming a top of the mind recall brand, Katalyst can be your ideal tech partner. We offer state-of-the-art customization solutions with the seamless capability to customize fashion apparel and accessories. Our reputed product iDesigniBuy is a one-stop solution for your customization needs. With immense expertise and profound knowledge of industry trends, our experts are staunched to catalyze your voyage as you sail to deliver an ultimate personalized experience to your valued customers.
Ready to Win? Contact us.
Source Link - https://katalysttech.com/blog/customization-and-personalization-in-fashion/
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boilwateradvisory · 5 years
A lot of grit and innovation spark local water treatment business’s success
By day, Mike Schuette helps run Merchandise Outlet, a long-time discount retail store in Mt. Pleasant. By night, he and his brother-in-law Josh Lauderman team up in a business that aims to cleanse industrial wastewater in a way that creates streams of income along the entire — no pun intended — pipeline.
GCI Wastewater applies the spirit of capitalism to the problem of what to do about oil field wastewater. Like a lot of successful entrepreneurs’ stories, it started in someone’s garage and through a lot of long hours and sweat equity now occupies physical space.
In fact, while the business has grown to be sustainable and poised for further growth, both men still work day jobs. Lauderman is a chemical engineering who works in Hemlock and Schuette co-owns Merchandise Outlet in Mt. Pleasant.
The space for GCI just happens to be Titusville, Pa., the home of the American oil industry. There is still a going oil industry where the nation’s first oil wells were sunk, and the small- to medium-sized producers who are chiefly there are GCI’s primary clients.
The story of why that is starts with how GCI does its thing.
It starts with barrels and barrels of filthy water created by drilling. The first is a grayish combination of muck and chemicals created when water is pumped into a well to help cool and lubricate a drillbit working deep beneath the ground. The second is water with an orangish hue. This is the water that comes back up with whatever is being pumped from the well, either natural gas or oil.
When that water reaches the surface, most of the desired product is separated out, leaving dirty wastewater.
GCI address the question of what to do about that wastewater, Schuette said.
Their primary means is an advanced oxydation process that helps make it easier to filter out volatile organic matter, radioactive waste, heavy metals and hydrocarbons, co-founder Lauderman said. Lauderman, a chemical engineer, is responsible for most of the business’s scientific and technical side. This separates out the chemicals, leaving only heavily-salted brine.
Some of the chemicals pulled out by this process are themselves valuable, Schuette said. One is lithium, which can be found in lots of modern electronics.
“That’s what’s interesting, the waste is valuable,” he said.
Another is the brine itself. In the past, the untreated wastewater has been sprayed on roads to melt ice in winter and keep the dust down in summer. Schuette said that as he leanred more about this, the more adamantly he felt about finding ways to keep hazardous chemicals off the roads. Spraying just the brine while removing the hazardous elements can achieve the same results without exposing people and the environment to toxins.
The next phase is about finding an economical way to remove the salt from that brine, leaving just clean water. Doing this economically is one of the great technological Holy Grails of our time. Schuette said that they are keeping track of some very interesting developments in which small-scale desalinization could become viable.
Once that is realized, just with being able to sell chemicals removed from the first phase of treatment, there is a market for the sodium, calcium and magnesium salts they remove.
While the two said they want to keep the actual technology they use a proprietary secret, what’s given them a leg-up in the competition isn’t a piece of technology they are selling. It’s how they are marketing it.
After the two started working on the business together, they realized that while the market was wide open there were vendors selling equipment similar to theirs. It’s just that the equipment is really expensive and operating it requires that a company hire people trained to operate it.
That leaves a lot of small- to medium-oil producers — some families going back generations — with few options besides going to big expense to ship it out of state. This is also why while the two live in Mount Pleasant, most of their business takes place in Pennsylvania.
Michigan’s wastewater disposal laws mostly just require that you put it down a deep hole. Schuette said that while they’d love to provide services in Michigan some day, there’s not really much space for them right now.
Pennsylvania has strict regulations, Schuette said. And they have only a few deep injection wells, which gives most producers the only viable alternative of shipping it out-of-state to Ohio and West Virginia. Those transportation costs for smalltime producers can be daunting.
GCI’s primary innovation isn’t in a new, novel way to treat water, but in modeling their business as a service rather than a selling of goods. Titusville was a good choice because it’s at the center of a network of wells owned by smalltime — sometimes family — producers.
GCI puts a treatment facility somewhere surrounded by operating wells, and producers pay them to take the water off their hands. But, since the proximity of that service facility is close, transportation costs are significantly cut, from $10 a barrel of water to $3.25. That is especially noticeable when the price of oil has plummeted to $40 per barrel. The difference is enough in some cases to let a family continue to operate a well and make a small profit.
So far, they have less than 1 percent of penetration in Pennsylvania’s oil industry. Given the openness of the market, they see tremendous room for growth. There’s also potential for growth outside of the oil and gas fields.
“The beautiful thing about water is that it’s in every industry,” Schuette said.
They see room for operations in Okalahoma in oil and gas production, and say they think they could help clean PFAS out of Michigan’s water.
These might represent big dreams for a company still largely in its infancy. They’ve got two employees at their Pennsylvania operation, so far, and much of the work is less technical and more traditional business building. This is Schuette’s specialty.
There are tremendous hurdles in raising capital and overcoming regulatory obstacles, he said. One thing they did early on was develop a good, working relationship with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. They are transparent with how they operate, which they said has helped smooth things with regulators.
As for raising the capital, that falls back on good old-fashioned sweat equity, Schuette said. And a little help from the Central Michigan University Research Corp. Actually, that’s quite a lot of help, Schuette said.
The CMURC, a business incubating program, helps small-scale entrepreneurs find money and make business contacts to help them realize their ideas. Schuette said that they have received critical assistance from the CMURC. In return, CMURC named GCI Water Solutions as the 2018 SmartZone Small Business of the Year.
“GCI Water Solutions came to CMURC while in the early development phase. By utilizing surrounding resources and funding opportunities, they progressed into a full-scale facility,” said Erin Strang, CMURC’s president and CEO, said in a press release. “The persistence and dedication of these entrepreneurs is why they were chosen for this honor.”
Source: https://www.themorningsun.com/news/local/a-lot-of-grit-and-innovation-spark-local-water-treatment/article_cb613a86-0ed2-11e9-a8ce-a337e1d7bb9e.html
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martechadvisor-blog · 6 years
Survata Bags $14 Million Series B Funding
San Francisco: Survata, the top technology-powered advertising measurement, and market research company, announced it has secured $14 million in Series B funding led by Conductive Ventures and joined by Industry Ventures. Previous investors Uncork Capital, PivotNorth, Ridge Ventures, Bloomberg Beta and Initialized Capital also contributed, with additional participation again from multiple marketing-technology visionaries. Building on the Survata’s success with its Market Research suite, Survata plans to use the investment to continue building its Ad Measurement suite, which has seen fast growth in the past year. 
“We have the privilege of investing in some of the most transformational marketing technology companies every year, so we have a high bar for partnering as an investor. In Survata, we saw a compelling value prop for marketers, driven by powerful industry trends, with clear market adoption. And, of course, we need to be aligned with the leadership team's vision and trust their capabilities," said Carey Lai, founding member and managing director at Conductive Ventures. “Major change continues to affect the marketing and advertising landscape where brands are increasingly careful about their spends. This means the time is right for a modern measurement platform like Survata to emerge. Only brands that can accurately measure their marketing impact will continue to thrive.” In fact, many of the advertisers are reducing spends due to these problems, with some even cutting hundreds of millions out of their budgets. Under pressure to eliminate ineffective spending, brands and agencies are looking to technology to better measure, validate and adjust ad campaigns to not just deliver the desired results, but even simply ensure they are reaching the right people. “We created Survata to solve a simple yet extremely difficult problem: give brands and agencies faster and more accurate consumer and market insights. And, in a few years, we built a very successful, sustainable business,” said Chris Kelly, founder, and CEO of Survata. “However, when brands and agencies started using our platform to achieve the Holy Grail of brand advertising -- measuring the branding impact of ad dollars in real-time -- we knew the time was right to accelerate. This funding from such well-respected VCs and visionary leaders not only validates our vision and direction, it also allows us to fuel further and faster innovation on the Survata platform.” Survata has attracted attention from many consumer platforms and leading players in data services and marketing technology, garnering more than 20 partnerships or technology integrations. Those include integrations with all of the top DMPs and certifications with many of the world’s largest media companies. The distinguished group of marketing-technology leaders that also participated in Survata’s Series B round included: SafeGraph CEO Auren Hoffman (former CEO of LiveRamp); Dan Beltramo, co-founder and former CEO of Nielsen acquisition Vizu; former CEO of Datalogix (Oracle acquisition) and current Oracle Data Cloud SVP/GM Eric Roza; Jonah Goodhart, co-founder and CEO of recent Oracle acquisition Moat; Tom Chavez, co-founder and CEO of Salesforce-owned Krux, Inc; and well-known angel investor and strategic communications guru Marcy Simon. Carey Lai from Conductive Ventures will join Survata’s board of directors. 
This article was first appeared on MarTech Advisor
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reportprime01 · 7 months
Empowering Growth: The Impact of Growth Marketing Services
Empowering Growth
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, achieving sustainable growth is the holy grail for businesses. Growth Marketing Services, offered by Growth Marketing Consultants, Agencies, and Companies, have emerged as the catalysts of this growth. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of Growth Marketing Services, exploring the pivotal roles of Growth Marketing Consultants and Agencies, their services, and the diverse channels they utilize to drive success.
The Essence of Growth Marketing Services
Growth Marketing Services represent a strategic approach to marketing that prioritizes achieving rapid and sustainable growth for businesses. Unlike traditional marketing, which often focuses on individual campaigns, Growth Marketing takes a holistic view of the customer journey, encompassing acquisition, activation, retention, and referral. Here's why Growth Marketing Services have become indispensable:
Data-Driven: Growth Marketing relies on data and analytics to make informed decisions and continuously optimize strategies.
Customer-Centric: Understanding customer behaviors, preferences, and pain points is at the core of Growth Marketing.
Experimentation: Growth Marketers are relentless experimenters, always seeking ways to improve conversion rates and user engagement.
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Growth Marketing Consultants: The Architects of Success
Growth Marketing Consultants are the visionaries who lead businesses toward growth. They play pivotal roles in:
Data Analysis: Consultants dive into data to identify trends and insights that guide strategic decisions.
Customer Research: Understanding the customer's journey and needs is fundamental. Consultants conduct in-depth research to gain valuable insights.
Experimentation: Consultants design and execute experiments to optimize conversion rates, user engagement, and other critical metrics.
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Growth Marketing Services Offered
Growth Marketing Consultants, Agencies, and Companies provide an array of services aimed at achieving accelerated growth:
Customer Acquisition: Crafting strategies for attracting new customers through various channels, including social media advertising and search engine optimization (SEO).
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Enhancing the user experience to improve conversion rates on websites and landing pages.
Retention Strategies: Developing tactics to retain existing customers and transform them into loyal advocates.
Email Marketing: Leveraging email campaigns to nurture leads and drive conversions.
Analytics and Reporting: Regularly analyzing data and providing insights that drive decision-making.
The Role of Growth Marketing Agencies and Companies
Growth Marketing Agencies and Companies serve as the driving force behind the successful implementation of Growth Marketing strategies. They bring:
Expertise: Specialized knowledge and experience in Growth Marketing strategies and tactics.
Resources: Access to tools, technologies, and talent necessary for effective execution.
Strategic Planning: Development and execution of comprehensive Growth Marketing plans tailored to the unique needs and goals of businesses.
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Diverse Growth Marketing Channels
Growth Marketers employ a diverse set of channels to reach and engage target audiences:
Social Media: Utilizing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to connect with and engage target audiences.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Leveraging paid search advertising to achieve prominent visibility in search engine results.
Content Marketing: Creating valuable, relevant content to attract and retain customers.
Email Marketing: Nurturing leads and customers through targeted and personalized email campaigns.
Growth Marketing Services, led by Growth Marketing Consultants and fueled by Growth Marketing Agencies and Companies, are the linchpin of sustainable business growth in the digital age. These services harness data, prioritize customer-centricity, and embrace experimentation to empower businesses.
In conclusion, Growth Marketing Services are not just a trend; they are the driving force behind business success in the modern world. By partnering with Growth Marketing Consultants, Agencies, or Companies, businesses can tap into a wealth of expertise and resources to achieve accelerated and sustainable growth. In an era where data and customer-centricity are paramount, Growth Marketing Services are the catalysts that transform businesses into growth stories.
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