lectophile · 4 years
"Feyre went into the forest to hunt for her family at 14! And Nesta didn’t do shit about it!”
Nesta was raised to depend on men.
Nesta was raised to use men as ways to support herself and any dream in life.
Nesta was never raised for any purpose other than to elevate her social stature.
At 14, Nesta had been groomed enough that she knew how to seduce a much older man. This implies that at the age of 14 Nesta:
Had already had strict dance lessons, which we all know were a way to use her love of dance and music as an asset for a better marriage—not to cultivate as her passion.
Had been trained in the art of seduction and body language.
Had been raised to solely focus on her ability to marry high and marry powerful.
I’m just gonna leave this here. I think proper critical thinking skills should successfully allude to the reasons for why these young girls became the women they are today.
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lectophile · 4 years
I think everyone got the whole three faced goddess for ACOTAR all wrong.
The three faced goddess was often also associated with Persephone, Demeter, and Hecate.
Persephone is the maiden — as is Feyre.
Persephone is forced to live half her life in the human world and half her life in the underworld. Feyre is known as the High Lady with the human heart.
Persephone is queen of the underworld. Feyre is high lady of the night court, and of the court of nightmares.
Persephone was abducted by Hades. Rhys is seen in Prythian (by those that don't know him) as the high lord of the night court, which to them is the court of  nightmares. Though Feyre went on her own accord, Tamlin believed Feyre was abducted by Rhys through mind games.
Rhys even told Feyre that he felt that the mating bond made him seem like the evil man that took the bride of spring. Persephone is associated with spring due to being the personification of vegetation. Associated with spring, Feyre being called the bride of spring. Idk, maybe a reach but I saw it.
Demeter is the mother — as is Elain.
The Olympian goddess of harvest and agriculture. Elain loves to garden and is known as the gardening sister with a very skilled ability with most kinds of gardens.
Demeter is also seen as the harvest-mother. And I think we can all agree that Elain does give off (atm) an especially mother-like countenance with her kind character. I always felt that if the three Archeron sisters had been allowed to be humans their entire lives, Elain would have been the first to settle down and have lots of children. So idk why but the idea of her being a harvest-mother is especially fitting in my mind.
Demeter is associated with the earth goddess Gaia through her association with the goddess Cybele. Elain seems to be the most in tune with the earth, with her love for gardening and her seeming perfectly fitting personality and character in the spring court, which is all about nature and flowers and life.
Demeter also invoked the guise of Thermasia, who is a symbol of warmth, and I think that we all agree that SJM has painted Elain as someone drawn to warmth. She looks great in pastel colors and warm pinks and reds—not so much in dark, cool colors like black.
And then we have Hecate as the crone — as is Nesta (which we all knew).
Hecate is seen as the goddess of necromancy (*cough* *cough* mask) and the moon. I already alluded to the necromancy, but the moon—more specifically its cycle—is associated with rebirth of the soul. Nesta’s soul was reborn as that of an ancient death goddess when she was Made.
Hecate was drawn and protected those shunned, ostracized, and less conventional people like her. Nesta was drawn to Emerie and Gwynn. Also, she did as much as she could for the priestesses in the library through her trying to get them to join the training with Cassian. 
Hecate is often seen carrying twin flames mounted on torches. Nesta’s power was death in the form of cold fire which was often seen with a glimpse from her eyes—twin flames.
Hecate is known for and associated with witchcraft. I think we all remember Nesta’s iconic “I’m a witch” lines throughout ACOWAR/ACSF.
Hecate is also believed to have the power to speak with spirits, ghosts, and such; she also helped Persephone adjust to her life in the underworld and was therefore believed to possibly carry the power to help people transition into their next lives. I think we see this somewhat during the birth scene in ACSF when Nesta stops time to prevent death from taking Feyre to her next life.
I just always got an off feeling with Feyre being the mother just because I didn’t see anything other than her actually being a mother and being pregnant that could make her fitting for the association with the mother. It’s okay if you all disagree, I’m just reading into greek mythology and felt the need to write this small report on this “text to world” (lol) connection I made.
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lectophile · 4 years
Friendly Reminder:
While you may not have liked that Feyre got pregnant in this book—remember that Aelin walked through the worlds (more like was flung through them) and saw Feysand when Feyre was pregnant.
SJM just confirmed the timeline between her two universes. Aelin was flung through the ACOTAR world during ACSF!!! :))))))
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lectophile · 4 years
The IC: *have a hierarchy, promote unhealthy communication, use one another as buffers for important subjects they don’t want to talk about* Look at us, the court of dreams :,). 
The Valkyries: *survive their traumas and help each other grow from them* It’s what sisters do :,,).
The IC: Shit.
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lectophile · 4 years
Let's talk about Cassian weaponizing Papa Archeron's death against Nesta during breakfast before their first "training" at Windhaven.
His hazel eyes guttered. "Not eating won't bring your father back."
Bitch, wtf in the hell was even that??
You just spent about two pages talking about how you and Nesta have ceased communicating up until the day you escorted her to a pathetic excuse for an intervention and you think you have the kind of relationship to bring up such a subject????? The entitlement in that alone is astronomically, and nauseously, high. Bring it down bro, way down.
And just in general, for anyone, no matter who:
You never, ever do something like that, especially not in regards to a very traumatic pain point in their lives—never, ever. It's rude and tone deaf.
You never use someones traumatic incidents as propellers for their growth from that trauma. If anything, you're just helping them dig the hole deeper.
I was just so thoroughly angered and confused by this man in this scene. Be better, Cassian.
Then he goes on and gaslights the shit out of her:
He braced his forearms on the table. “We’re going to cut the bullshit. You think I haven’t gone through what you’re dealing with? You think I haven’t seen and done and felt all that before? And seen those I love deal with it, too? You aren’t the first, and you won’t be the last. What happened to your father was terrible, Nesta, but—”
Thank fucking goodness she cut him off. Queen shit right here:
She shot to her feet. “You don’t know anything.” She couldn’t stop the shaking that overtook her. From the rage or something else, she didn’t know. She balled her hands into fists. “Keep your fucking opinions to yourself.”
First off, the imperious attitude he gives off with “[bracing] his forearms on the table,” as if he’s about to lay the law is just not it. Second, “What happened to your father was terrible, Nesta, but—” Huh??? What were you going to say big guy? What were you going to “but” about her totally valid, guarded emotions??
This man right here, this man, while I love him, needs to seriously grow up. Seriously. The fact that all Nesta did was keep her cool as much as she could and tell him to shut up is incredible. I would’ve blasted him into Aelin’s realm.
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lectophile · 4 years
Okay but how did SJM expect us to like the Nessian arc in ACSF as much as the Valkyries arc when one had Nesta apologizing and never getting an apology back, and the other had sleepovers with bubbly bathtubs/a mini Pegasus/dancing frogs and the best battle scenes ever?
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lectophile · 4 years
The unfair absolute, pure hate that Azriel gives to the Illyrians is equal to that of Mor to the Court of Nightmares.
Both of them have placed their hate for the trauma they have endured in their own communities and have ignored the fact that there may be Emeries and other dreamers left behind; that there are people that need saving from the troubles they were able to escape from.
While I love Azriel, he is no better than the Illyrians that hurt him if all he believes is that all Ilyrians are the same and therefore he must not go back to try to help the victims of SA and abuse that are being hurt by the toxic Illyrian society.
As for Mor, honestly she has so much redeeming to do after ACSF. Yeah she took Nesta to Emerie when she needed companionship after their fight on the bridge. Mor suggesting that Nesta be put in the Court of Nightmares was the most disgusting thing I could have heard come from her mouth. Absolutely disgusting. Just emphasizing how she calls herself a dreamer but in reality she just had the privilege of leaving the Court of Nightmares and would very well fit in with the kind of tone and attitude she gives Nesta.
*this in no way underrates the traumas both went through. Criticizing their behavior to their respective communities is not the same as saying their trauma or emotions are invalid.
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lectophile · 4 years
I know we’re all pissed at Elain for not being there for Nesta and for being a dumbass as well as for fucking up but—but we can’t hate her guys, we can’t.
Yes, Nesta deserved better—but just because Elain is always sweet and kind and seemingly perfect doesn’t mean we should expect her to actually be perfect. We’re just so used to Feyre painting her as the “lovely fawn,” the kindest, sweetest older sister ever, and someone who could easily win over anyone’s hearts, that when she does shit like this it’s so shocking and annoying to a level that we didn’t think we could be angry at.
I’m glad she fucked up as a sister. I’m glad that she has depth in her relationship with her sisters and that she is hurting the relationship by adapting to life unhealthily. I’m glad she’s hurting Nesta because it shows that both Nesta and Elain have a lot of stuff to cover before their relationship to heal.
I’m glad Nesta isn’t always the one fucking up relationships, I’m glad that Feyre is enjoying that now it’s her and Elain with Nesta being singled out. 
I’m not glad because of the pain it causes Nesta, I’m glad because it’s REAL. This is how life IS. It’s angering and frusterating and it’s because WE know how that feels because that’s how it happens in OUR lives. This literally happens in my house all the time. I side with my youngest sister against my middle sister and then the teams switch up and someone’s always left out and alone and hurting. That’s just how it is with siblings.
SJM improved her writing so much. She’s not the best but so is no author, and I’m glad that she’s stepped it up with showing the uglies and pretties of every character in her series. As someone who writes, I know it’s hard to write your characters in a light that you’re scared your readers will hate them for because you love them so much. Good for you SJM.
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lectophile · 4 years
I get Feyre being overwhelmed with her sisters’ well being and feeling cornered in a place where she doesn’t know how to help—but she shouldn’t have let Rhys take charge.
She should have gone to Amren and Elain and talked to them about the person they all mutually care about. Maybe even Cassian bc we know he has something with her (but honestly doesn’t deserve her atm in the book)—not Rhys, never Rhys. Girl, he literally told you he wanted to roar at your sisters when he first met them. What this man needs is a leash, not approved control over Nesta’s recovery. 
Helping someone not for their sake but for your own is not helping, it’s fixing someone you think needs fixing not healing. Fixing and healing are different. 
And also, Rhys did it for himself. He did it because:
It hurt HIM that feyre was hurting.
HE wanted Feyre to be happy.
HE did this so that Feyre would feel better and in turn HE wouldn’t have to suffer her sadness.
Feyre is young and in love so it’s hard to see that but...no don’t hand your sister who is so lost in despair and an eternal sense of worthlessness to the guy that would happily see her remain worthless if it weren’t for your deep love for her.
If Rhys cared about Feyre in the way she deserves then he would’ve sat with her and discussed the situation, he would try to become amicable with Nesta and try to care for her as the sister that she now is to him, too.
Rhys is a fucking prick, and I’m glad he’s scared of Nesta, next step: REVERE her, bow down you bastard. I wish SJM could keep writing these characters forever because each one needs their own fucking growth book.
Fuck you Rhys.
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lectophile · 4 years
But Rhys smiling because he believed that Feyre telling him off for talking during the intervention would result in sex just doesn’t seem healthy.
Idk, like he doesn’t take it seriously bc either way—whether he respects what she asks of him or not—he’s gonna get some and after having sex it will be an issue of the past, even if they didn’t ever settle anything.
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lectophile · 4 years
Mor: We have to stop having formal IC events at the House!
Azriel: Why?
Nesta: Yeah, what are you implying?
Mor: Anytime we do something it doesn’t approve of—I’m guessing something you wouldn’t like—it chastises us!
Rhys: Yeah, I have to agree. It wouldn’t let me open the door to the bathroom last time, so I had to pee off of the ledge.
Feyre: Ew, Rhys.
Rhys: What?! I-
Amren: Yeah, I was served with warm wine
Nesta: ... well, it serves you all right for whatever you did. House always knows best.
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lectophile · 4 years
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BEAUTIFUL ART OF THIS FAVE SCENE BY @ isabellamhsmith on Instagram.
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lectophile · 4 years
I just need to address why I feel Nesta acted so out of character with Rhys and Amren:
Remember Gwyn saying, “It’s all that matters,” and Nesta thought back on Feyre and their not-so-great-atm relationship and agreed that, “it’s all that matters” ?
I think that’s what went through her mind during those scenes.
She doesn’t give 2 personal fucks about bowing to Amren because all that matters is restoring her relationship with someone she cares about, and someone who is essential in having a strong relationship with Feyre.
Same for Rhys. I also think that something happened in that moment when she knelt with him and looked him in the eye before the hug. I think she opened her mind barriers and talked to him and I wondered what she said—but possibly something like, let’s just move past our difficulties and have a relationship with one another on the knowledge that we’d both do anything for Feyre.
I don’t think it’s healthy. I think it’s avoidant and I think it’s disrespectful to Nesta to have her take all the blame for situations that I believe were not her blame whatsoever. Rhys and Amren I think are used to people bowing to them and always revering them, so I don’t think they’ll grow up. Maybe (but idk with SJM and her eternal loyalty to the Night Court) this will be addressed and Nesta will open up these conversations, but again: idk.
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lectophile · 4 years
Just saying: whenever Nesta’s down in the dumps, if Cassian gets to comforting her first, the House treats Cassian—food, a new war book, a new set of bandages, etc. Cassian is the House’s dog.
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lectophile · 4 years
Okay but someone write about how one day Gwyn goes up to Nesta’s private library to indulge in some privacy and pampering catered by the House and she has a pile of sweets and frogs dancing in each one of the bubbles in her only-bubbles bubble bath and she’s reading a very smutty book because she’s leveled up and Az walks by and sees her giggling and blushing hard at her book and she doesn’t notice because he’s silent and shadowsinger-ee but maybe one of his shadows tries to scurry in to be with her and he has to walk away because its not listening to him as if its drawn to her without explanation.
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lectophile · 4 years
If Nesta Archeron doesn’t become the commander of the Valkyries with Emerie and Gwyn as seconds in command, I don’t want it.
If the Valkyries are under the jurisdiction of any court and are not to be ruled solely by themselves, I don’t want it.
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