#actual footage of me emerging from my room when the fire alarm goes off at 2am
jaws-and-canines · 1 year
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Every knock on the door will haunt you, every little rustle of wind in the leaves, every passing car- every little glance at you on the street- it will haunt you, and haunt you forever- but you wouldn't have it any other way.
They will have taken you to pieces with everything that you could survive having done to you. You will have bled, you will have cried, screamed, and wept, and then you will have been silent. When your body started to give out you gave them your mind to stay alive and it will have barely been enough to keep them away from your broken body. It will hurt you forever, every waking moment, and some of your dreams as well. It will hurt forever and you wouldn't have it any other way.
You said that you would always remember them, and you will, but it will seem so little in the face of your betrayal. It will always be the thing that eats at you. You will always have fallen apart, you will always have been insane, and you would not have it any other way- because despite the pain that follows you relentlessly, despite your cowardice, despite all you have done, despite everything, you will come to love yourself, in one way or another.
You will, one day, come to love yourself again, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Mile High Job
leverage 1.08
Nate: We need a key card.
Eliot: And I hate to say it, but you know who we could really use --
Nate: Don't even say his name. I don't want it spoken aloud
eliot begrudgingly admitting they could use hardison because although they may bicker all the time, he knows to appreciate him
- - - - - 
[Leverage Headquarters]
(Hardison is watching a microwave, which dings)
Hardison: Yeah, buddy!
(he tries to pick up the pizza pocket but it is too hot and he drops it)
Hardison: Damn it!
(he blows on it and picks it up to eat it, then takes a watering can and heads out of the kitchen)
why do we (and parker and eliot) love this fucking idiot so damn much ???
- - - - - 
(Hardison walks through the offices watering plants)
he’s such a nester + he’s probably watering parker’s plant too which is adorable
- - - - - 
Eliot: All right.
(open the door to the hall to find Parker waiting)
Parker: So, what are we waiting for?
Eliot: How does she do this?
Nate: I don't even ask anymore.
Hardison: Don't bother with the stairs. I got you a ride down.
(elevator dings and they enter)
we love to see parker defying all laws of physics and logic and the team being baffled by it e v e r y time
- - - - - 
(Nate, Parker and Eliot run into the lobby, headed for the door)
Nate: No, it’s right behind us, it’s right behind us!
(guards put their hands on their guns)
Parker: It’s furry, it’s big, it’s chasing us, get down now!
(they grab Sophie on the way out the door, leaving the guards confused)
Nate: Come on, we need to get to the airport, now!
that’s actually a really clever way to escape a situation ??? it was very effective to distract the guards ???
- - - - - 
Hardison: What I.D.s have you got on you?
[LAX Airport]
Nate: Let's see...
(team begins looking through their pockets)
Nate: We got, Peter Davison, Sylvester McCoy, and I have a Tom Baker. Yeah.
Sophie: Ooh, yeah, I have a Baker. Sarah Jane.
[Leverage Headquarters]
Hardison: Perfect. I now pronounce you man and wife. (typing on keyboard) Now go on and kiss that bride.
[LAX Airport]
(Sophie hands Nate a ring that he places on her finger)
hardison bases their ids on doctor who characters, what a fucking nerd
also, we gonna talk about how sophie carries a bunch of different wedding rings with her at all times or ???
- - - - - 
Sophie: How did you both know there'd be an extra uniform in the bag?
Nate: Everyone knows flight attendants are required to carry extra uniforms in case they get called to work unexpectedly.
Eliot: Or if something happens to the one that they're already wearing.
Sophie: How does "everyone" know that?
Nate: Worked airport security.
Eliot: Slept with a flight attendant
sophie being exhausted + eliot never mentioned the gender of the flight attendant so let my bi heart dream okay
- - - - - 
(security guard opens Nate’s luggage to find many BSDM items inside. Nate gives Sophie a look)
Sophie: What? We needed luggage. Lost and found.
Nate: You didn't check the bag first?
Sophie: We were in a bit of a hurry. (to guard) Yeah. Cuffs are his. Whip's mine. (slaps Nate’s butt) Second honeymoon.
Eliot (picking up his bag): Idiots.
me watching this scene: part horrified part secondhand embarrassed 
- - - - - 
Hardison (on computer): Let's see what we can learn about Nathan Ford today. Online poker? Online chess? Sudoku. Crossword. What... Damn. Somebody needs to get laid.
y i k e s
- - - - - 
(Parker on P.A. while another stewardess demonstrates)
Parker: Place the mask over your mouth and nose and breathe normally. In the event of a water landing, your seat cushion can be used as a flotation device. But let's face it, if this thing goes down in the water, more than likely the impact will kill you. 
(Eliot grabs the bridge of his nose while the other passengers get alarmed)
Parker: Please take a moment to locate the nearest emergency exits, because if this plane's on fire, you're gonna want to get out quick. Jet fuel burns at over 1,000 degrees. That's hot, folks.
Eliot: All right, Nate. We're here. Now what?
eliot looks exhausted like 300 different times during this episode
+ bless the other flight attendant that just carried on with the crazy white chick being crazy over the speaker 
- - - - - 
poor eliot with the guy sleeping on him, he’s so exhausted already lmao
- - - - - 
Steve: Nothing. It’s just... I could've sworn I saw a maintenance guy get in that elevator.
Hardison: A- A maintenance guy? Wow. Real nice. I bet you think we all look alike.
Steve: That's not what I meant.
Hardison: You know what -- If I have to go to one more of those damn sensitivity seminars, I know who I’m blaming.
Steve: No, no, no.
Hardison: I know who I’m blaming.
Steve: It's not what I meant.
Hardison: I blame you! You! (walks away)
hardison using societal tendencies of racism is iconic every (every) time
- - - - - 
(Eliot gets up and begins going through luggage in the overhead racks. One of the passengers watches him suspiciously)
Eliot (to passenger): Can I help you with something? Watch the movie.
what would you even do in this situation ???
- - - - - 
Marissa: I know. It's just -- It's like a placebo effect. It's not really working, but it makes you feel better anyway.
Parker: Yeah? So, when's that supposed to kick in? (she moves forward) Look. Flying isn't really all that scary when you think about it. I mean, there are a lot more likely ways to die than on a plane. Car crash, house fire, electrocution, drowning, autoerotic asphyxiation. I mean, the fact is, death haunts us every day. No matter where we are.
(Parker smiles and moves away)
- - - - - 
Hardison: You kidding? Did you get the new expansion pack? Woman, I was up all night. Now, look, I mean “Burning Crusade" was great, but this new one is mind-blowing.
Nate: Hardison…
[First Class]
Nate: …you bailed on the job because you were up all night playing a game?
[Genogrow Break Room]
(Hardison turns aside and opens a cabinet door to hide his face)
Hardison: First off, "game" is hardly adequate, okay
hardison is DONE with them not taking his “games” seriously ,,, also LMFAO that’s why he was late 
- - - - - 
Hardison (opens door): The meeting's starting, sir. (closes door)
Haldeman: What meeting? (sighs and puts on his jacket)
that is such an effective tactic tho ???
- - - - - 
Parker: Hatbox full of Euros, pouch of uncut diamonds, and a stolen Stradivarius. Now, I’ve never lifted one of those.
Nate: Parker..
let! her! steal! it!
- - - - - 
Eliot: Ms. Devins, those payments were not made in error. They were bribes. He was trying to pay off the researchers so they would not testify.
Marissa: What are you talking about? What the hell is going on here?
(Parker sits down next to Marissa)
Parker: The guy in 1D wants to kill you. Ginger ale?
Eliot: Just – sh-she--
that poor lady is NOT having a good time
also eliot looks sO DONE WITH PARKER LMFAO
- - - - - 
Eliot: Erlick's a pro. He had a ceramic knife. If anything was going down, he'd sniff 'em out when he saw them coming.
Nate: How would they do it?
Eliot: Easiest way? Take 'em out in transit.
Sophie: You mean bring down the plane they're on?
(everyone looks at her pointedly)
Sophie: You mean bring down the plane we're on?
Nate: Yeah
that’s interesting meta to know but we hate to see it
- - - - - 
Nate: Okay, Parker, I -- Parker, I need you – (to Eliot) All right, we got to talk to Erlick now.
[Plane Bathroom]
(Dan is still unconscious on the toilet as Eliot and Nate come in)
Nate: Geez!
Eliot (patting Dan on the face): Hey!
(Dan does not stir, Eliot sighs)
Eliot: When I knock people out, they tend to stay knocked out.
Nate: Hey!
(Nate taps the guy on the face)
Nate: Luggage tags.
(they search Dan’s clothes and take his luggage tags. Eliot grabs the ceramic knife before they leave the bathroom)
eliot doesn’t fuck around lmao
also he did the flippy thing with the knife
- - - - - 
Hardison: Parker, the device you found -- is it anywhere near an orange box?
Parker: Yeah.
[Haldeman’s Office]
Hardison: Oh, god. They tapped into the black box.
[Cargo Hold]
Parker: No, no, it's not black. It's orange.
[Haldeman’s Office]
Hardison: Yeah, the black boxes, they're orange.
[Cargo Hold]
Hardison: Makes them easier to find in the debris.
Parker: Oh. Oh…
[Haldeman’s Office]
Hardison: They've hacked into the flight's computer, which means they have access to the system, which means they can spoof the black-Box data all at the same time.
[Cargo Hold]
Parker: Crash the plane without anyone knowing it was sabotaged.
[Haldeman’s Office]
Hardison: Exactly
that’s terrifying
- - - - - 
Nate: Listen to me!
[Haldeman’s Office]
Nate: You can do this! I trust you!
(Hardison looking very unsure of himself)
Nate: No matter how many times you goof off or screw up, you always come through in the clutch.
[Haldeman’s Office]
Nate: You're the only guy I can count on in a situation like this.
Hardison (cracks his neck): You know what? I-I-you... You're right. 
You're right. I got this.
Nate: Yes! Yes! Yes, you can!
Hardison: You're right. You're -- I'm the man.
[Cargo Hold]
Hardison: I'm the man. I got this. I'm gonna do this.
hardison is amazing and they need to appreciate him more
- - - - - 
[First Class]
(Nate and Eliot stumble into seats and belt up)
Nate: Sophie?
Sophie: Yes?
[First Class]
Nate: You okay?
Sophie: Yeah. You?
[First Class]
Nate: Ask me again in 10 minutes.
Sophie: You're gonna remember this one, aren't you?
[First Class]
Nate: Oh yeah.
everyone else on the comms: ,,, y’all have to flirt right this second ???
- - - - - 
[Haldeman’s Office]
(Hardison watching footage on the Internet of the plane landing)
Announcer (on monitor): …emergency landing on the seven mile bridge…
Hardison: Whoa! (gets up and dances) Baby! Unh! Age of the geek! Smooth! Too smooth! Lord, I was so scared, I wanted to cry, call my mama. Y'all cool? Y’all cool?
Nate: Yes, cool.
Hardison: Family. All right.
hardison is baby + HE CALLED THEM HIS FAMILY !!!
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kamen-rider-zed · 7 years
Do You Believe in Miracles? Chapter 4
I’d like to first of all apologize for how long it’s taken to get this chapter published. Lots of irl crap happening to me in the last 7 months. I’d also like to give a big thanks to @ageisia​ for beta reading this and helping me get this fic out of hiatus.
Last of all, I’d like to thank tumblr for being so janky as to require some BS workaround just to get my work to appear in tag searches. So yeah, thanks tumblr you pile of utmost garbage.
Chapter 4: Long Live the Queen
“Chloé, do you have an explanation for where you were during the evacuation?” Miss Bustier demanded the moment the girl in question stepped back into the classroom. “And for the first–” she looked at her watch “–twenty minutes of class?”
“I told you before I stepped outside,” Chloé mumbled, ignoring the eyes on her as she made her way to her desk. “Restroom.”
“Well,” Miss Bustier planted her fists on her hips, “you should know that when the fire alarm goes off, evacuation takes priority over powdering your nose.”
“There wasn't a fire.” She sat in her seat, rolling her shoulders again, and dug her tablet from her bag. “Some kid from another class pulled the alarm. Probably another one of Kim's stupid dares.”
“I-I had nothing to do with it!” Kim jumped from his seat and waved his hands. “I only make dares with Alix! A-and nothing reckless like pulling a fire alarm!”
“I realize that Kim, and thank you.” Miss Bustier turned her gaze back to the front row. “Now, Chloé, I can't just overlook something like thi–”
“Su-su-success!” The entire class turned to the door only to see Alya leaned against the frame, panting. She coughed and took a deep breath, then held her phone aloft, a wide grin upon her face. “F-first footage of the *pant* t- the new hero!”
“You alright Alya?” Nino asked.
“Pe-pedaled fast as I could to get back in t-time for class.” She swallowed and gasped. “G-g-gonna die now.” She fell over, thankfully towards Nino, who jumped from his seat to catch her.
“Friggin drama queen,” Chloé muttered with none of her usual fire. Why wouldn't Alya be excited to interview a new hero? Especially if said hero was Paris' beloved Chloé Bourgeois? Not that anyone would ever know that if Ladybug had her way. Maybe once all this was over and Hawkmoth was behind bars.
“Alya, what did I tell you about chasing after Akumas?” Miss Bustier bellowed.
“Uh,” Alya coughed and offered the teacher a sheepish smile. “D-don't?”
She nodded. “And that's why you'll be joining Chloé in detention. Now–”
“Wait, what?” Chloé jumped to her feet and slammed her hands on her desk. “I walk in a few minutes late because I had to use the restroom and you're giving me detention? I’ll have you know that when Daddy…” She stopped. Miss Bustier gave her a knowing look and Chloé remembered her father was no longer in her corner. “Well...at least I didn't leave the building!”
“It's not just tardiness, Chloé. It's tardiness during a fire evacuation.”
“Uh, what's this about detention?” Adrien now stood in the doorway, looking from an angry Miss Bustier down to Alya who still hadn't recovered from her exhaustion enough to acknowledge her punishment, to Chloé whose fingernails were digging into the wooden desktop. “Am I too late?”
“Miss Sancouer forwarded your photoshoot schedule to me earlier, Adrien. You're excused.”
“Oh, okay,” he shrugged. “I'll just–”
“Sorry! Sorry I'm late, I–” came a cry from behind Adrien. He turned only for a blur of pink and gray to slam into his chest and knock him backwards. He landed hard on his back and his assailant landed with her face squished against his chest and her legs on either side of him. Marinette shook her head and pushed herself up. When she realized just who she had attacked, and who she was currently straddling, all the blood in her body teleported to her face and she scrambled away from him with a shrill whine.
“S-sorry! I mean'nt did I mean didn't mean to Tadrien, uh, t-tackle Adrien I'm so sorry!”
“So if I get detention for coming in late,” Chloé started, “does that mean Marinette gets two detentions for coming in late and assaulting my Adrikins?”
“I'll dispense the discipline, Chloé,” Miss Bustier scolded. “Marinette will receive detention along with you and Alya, but only one since it seems Marinette's, er, clumsiness just got the better of her.” She turned to see Adrien standing and offering Marinette his hand. She shakily accepted it with a wide grin and he pulled her to her feet. “See? No harm done.”
'No harm done. Who does she think she is? Maritrash could have ruined Adrien's million euro face and Miss Bustier would let her off with a slap on the wrist. At least she still gets detention. And maybe someday I'll get to rub being a superhero in her stupid little face.'
Chloé should have been working on the essay. It was due in two days and she hadn't even started. Yes, she had taken some half-hearted notes, read (more like skimmed) a few articles, and was still waiting for Sabrina's assistance. And being in detention with Alya and Marinette should have been the perfect time to catch up on her work.
Unfortunately, she was too focused on the phone she had hidden under the desk.
Fred Haprele was in charge of watching them for the next hour, but had been called away for some irrelevant reason, so Chloé took this opportunity to, shall we say, catch up on current events. Her eyes sparkled as she reviewed Alya's footage of the Akuma fight. Shaky as it was, it still captivated her. Alya had focused entirely on Queen Bee from the moment Shockra blasted her in the chest. From flying away with her and Emelie to protecting them from the lightning clones, Chloé couldn't tear her eyes away. That was her. She was Queen Bee. She was a hero.
“Thought you weren't much of a Queen Bee fan.”
Chloé turned to look over her shoulder and caught Alya smirking at her. “I never said that,” Chloé whispered. “She can't hold a candle to Ladybug, but I have to admit.” She smiled back down at her phone. “Queen Bee has style.”
“She is so cool!” Alya giggled. “I mean, it's obvious she's new to this, but her powers are awesome! She can fly, she has that wicked sword, she summons these drones that follow...”
“Alya,” Marinette interrupted, placing her hand on her friend's shoulder. “Maybe you should save gushing about the new hero until after detention.”
“Yeah,” Chloé remarked before she realized she had actually agreed with Marinette. “Don't want to get held up any longer than you have to. You're already gonna be late to your interview with Queen Bee.”
“Yeah I guess you're...wait...how did you know about the interview?”
Chloé tensed slightly in her seat. That's right. She wasn't supposed to know about that. By some great fortune, the video on her phone had just showed footage of Queen Bee setting the time and place for Alya's exclusive interview. She held up her phone and said, “Y-you just mentioned it. See?”
Alya nodded and smiled, accepting the small lie which wasn't entirely a lie. She opened her mouth to say something else, but Mr. Haprele chose that moment to poke his head back into the classroom and check on them. Luckily, Chloé's phone zipped back under her desk before he could see it. She pretended to dig something from her bag, and Mr. Haprele seemed content with the student's behavior. When he left, Chloé dropped the book she'd lifted from her bag and turned her eyes back to her phone.
'Oh, please. There's plenty of time to get it done.'
'Sabrina promised she'd help. I don't want to do all of the work only for her to finally pull through when I've done everything.'
'Okay, why does my mind keep going back to that?'
A squirming in her purse gave her the answer she sought.
‘...lets me get inside you…’
The voice in her mind constantly reminding her of the essay, the voice that had tried to convince her to leave the school without Alya, the voice that had told her to protect Emelie rather than help Ladybug. Chloé's fingers curled around her phone, her nails scraping into its case. How dare that little insect mess with her mind like that? What was she trying to pull? Vii fidgeted a bit too much in Chloé's bag and the girl slapped it. Chloé was a queen, and that meant that Vii needed to learn her place.
About twenty minutes later, Mr. Haprèle dismissed the trio from detention early, claiming some emergency with Mylène. Chloé smiled at her fortune as she gathered her bag and dashed from the room before Marinette and Alya could even rise from their seats. She didn't have time to dawdle. She had to get to Notre Dame before Alya. If she arrived late, Alya might get suspicious. Just outside the classroom, Chloé came upon Sabrina sitting on the top steps, her eyes focused lazily on her phone.
“What are you still doing here?” Chloé demanded.
Sabrina jumped at her friend's voice. “Oh, Chloé!” She stood and brushed off her shorts. “I needed to talk to you. It's...it's about the essay...”
“Not you too,” Chloé groaned. When Sabrina raised a brow, Chloé waved her off. “Never mind. Listen, just email me some references later. I'm busy.”
Sabrina shuffled on her feet, unable to meet Chloé's eye. “No, Chloé, about that...”
“Sabrina, I don't have time to work on this stupid essay right now. Honestly? It'd be a lot better if you just did it for me. Some...personal stuff came up that I need to take care of.” Sabrina opened her mouth to argue, but Chloé was already making her way down the stairs. “Just explain to your grandparents you owe a friend a favor. I'm sure they'll understand.”
Chloé smiled to herself as she stepped onto the sidewalk in front of Francois-Dupont. That's how it's done. That's how a queen manages her domain. Now, if only Vii could get with the program.
“That was rude, you know,” came a tiny voice from just behind her head, likely nested in her ponytail.
Speak of the devil...
“You don't know my relationship with Sabrina,” Chloé whispered. “She has no problems helping me out. In fact, she'd have even fewer problems with it if I told her I'm a superhero now.”
“You remember what Ladybug said: no one can know your identity.”
“I know, I know. But once I hand Hawkmoth his own butt, I'll tell her and she'll realize this was all worth it.” Chloé smiled wider. “She'll get the satisfaction of knowing she's been helping a superhero this whole time.”
“But right now, all she sees is her supposed friend abusing her and–”
“Listen here, Vii!” Chloé said a bit too loud. A few people turned to look at her, but she simply glanced down at her phone and put a finger to her ear, pretending to fidget with a Bluetooth earpiece. “I know what you've been doing in my head.”
“I...” Vii began slowly, “haven't...been doing any–”
“Save it!” Chloé hissed. “I keep hearing this voice in my head trying to tell me what to do and I know you have something to do with it! You said I was chosen to be a hero, so whoever chose me trusts my judgment. Just let me be a hero and stop trying to be my conscience!”
Not another sound came from behind her head while she searched for a suitable place to transform. However, for all her searching, she failed to notice an old man in a Hawaiian shirt standing just outside the school, hunched over his cane with sorrow stretching his features.
“Master, again I must protest,” came a small voice from just over his shoulder. “She is abusing Vii, mistreating her friends, and prioritizing her own fame above the city’s safety. I believe it was unwise to entrust her with the Bee Miraculous.”
“You cannot plant a garden in the evening and hope to eat at dawn. Besides,” Fu glanced back over his shoulder, “you know the nature of the Bee demands such a wielder.”
“But how can anything grow in her hardened heart?”
Fu remained silent for but a moment, then lowered his head and sighed. “There are two forces at war within her, Wayzz: a desire for love and a desire for security and safety. She craves the love she is denied due to her mother's absence and her father's neglect.”
“I’d hardly say the mayor neglects her,” Wayzz argued.
“Though he believes he is doing right by his daughter, enabling her behavior and placating her with material possessions are no substitutions for a father’s love,” Fu countered. “But however much she may desire to be loved, opening herself to that love would leave her exposed and vulnerable. Losing her mother, the person she loved above all others, was the greatest pain she has ever felt, and so she has shut herself off, made herself cold and cruel. She would rather be alone than face that pain again. However, misery loves company, as they say, so she inflicts the pain she feels on others, just to have something in common with someone else.”
Fu heard a set of slow footsteps descend the steps in front of Francois-Dupont and turned his head to see Sabrina with her head low and tears threatening the corners of her eyes. Her face brightened when her father pulled his police cruiser up to the sidewalk, but the sorrow never left her eyes.
“In Miss Raincomprix,” Fu continued, “Chloé has found a submissive soul who accepts the pain and still stands by her side. Though Chloé does not know it, she has opened her heart to the girl, and left a hole in her armor. If Sabrina were to ever abandon Chloé, it would shatter her.”
“You are only reinforcing my point, Master.” Wayzz floated up to glance at the red-haired girl climbing in the car. “If Chloé is so fragile and unstable, then how can we expect her to--”
“You asked how anything could grow in her hardened heart,” Fu interrupted. “Look beneath us, at the cobblestones in the sidewalk. Hard, cold stone. Yet in some places--” he gestured towards a tuft of weeds with his cane “--life has found a way. It grows through the cracks, through the weaknesses in the stone, and so for anything to grow within Miss Bourgeois, she must be like the stones beneath us. For her to become the hero she is destined to be…” His eyes followed a streak of gold flying off to the west, then turned and strode back towards his shop.
“...she must break.”
Queen Bee sat hidden between the columns and gargoyles perched atop Notre Dame, awaiting Alya’s arrival. She blew a puff of air between her lips and groaned, rolling some more kinks out of her neck. She knew she could fly fast, but she didn’t think she had this much of a head start. Vii was proving a poor conversational partner, not saying a word since Chloé snapped at her before transforming. Something inside her told her to apologize, but it was likely just that obnoxious voice Vii had planted in her mind. Bee wasn’t at fault. She knew what she was doing and just needed the opportunity to prove that, not only to Ladybug and Vii, but to the whole city.
A beeping from her stinger interrupted her thoughts, and upon pressing the button, saw the caller as a red circle with five red spots in it. Queen Bee answered and hummed, “Hello Ladybug! Is there another Akuma somewhere? Need my aerial expertise?”
“No Akumas, Bee,” came Ladybug’s calm yet stern voice. “It’s actually about your interview with Alya…”
“Oh, called to congratulate me on getting my first interview so soon?”
“I didn’t call to congratulate you.” Queen Bee’s face sank. “There’s a reason Chat and I wanted to arrange the interview for you. We wanted to brief you beforehand. We need to make sure you don’t give away any secrets or answer any telling questions; Alya’s quite the journalist and she’s been hounding us for our secrets for months.”
“I know, secret identities, don’t let any weaknesses slip, typical superhero stuff.”
“There’s more to it than that, Bee. We need to--”
A blip of red hair on a bicycle steadily growing in the distance caught Queen Bee’s attention and she grinned. “Got to go, Ladybug. The Ladyblogger’s here.”
“Wait, Bee, we need--”
“Don’t worry so much, Ladybug,” Queen Bee interrupted, each of her words clipping short Ladybug’s protests. “You and Vii just need to trust me. I know what I’m doing.” Her thumb found the button on her stinger and severed their connection.
At almost twenty minutes past 5, Alya rolled up on her bike and glanced around. A small crowd had already formed before the towering face of Notre Dame, many of them with cameras trained on the skies. Bee smiled, knowing every one of them had seen the livestream from early that morning. Everyone was here for her. When Alya swung a leg off her bike and dug her phone from her bag, Queen Bee threw out her wings and gently glided over to her.
“Running late, are we?” Queen Bee asked once she was within earshot, floating above Alya with her arms crossed and a smug grin on her face.
Alya turned her eyes from her phone to the voice that came from above her. “Uh, y-yeah!” She stuttered with her phone already focused on the floating heroine. “Got stuck in detention for sneaking out of class to stream the attack this morning.”
“Detention? Why should you be punished for what you do?” Bee shrugged. “Who else will get such up close coverage of Akuma attacks? Most news crews are too afraid, or the news networks won't allow any--” she threw up air quotes “--’unnecessary damage’ to their equipment.”
Alya smiled even wider. “Thank you! Finally someone gets it!”
Queen Bee descended into a lightning storm of camera flashes and glanced about her. “Care to go someplace a little quieter? After all…” She extended her hand to Alya. “Isn’t this supposed to be an ‘exclusive’ interview?”
The only way Alya could have looked more excited that she was in that moment would be if Ladybug had asked her that exact question. When she accepted Queen Bee’s hand, the heroine lifted her from the ground and flew her up into the northern bell tower, leaving behind a disappointed crowd.
When Alya’s sneakers touched the worn wooden planks inside the belltower, Bee released her hand and said, “Not exactly the most glamorous place for an interview. But then again, any locale would appear dingy and grungy when compared to me.”
“It’s quiet and secluded; that’s all I care about,” Alya said as she fiddled with some of the settings on her phone. “So how do you want to do this? Record and edit, or livestream?”
“Darling, I know how to handle myself in front of a camera,” Queen Bee bragged. “I only need one take.”
“Livestream it is!” She tapped another button and held up her phone. “Goooood Evening, Paris! Alya Cesaire coming to you live from the belltowers of Notre Dame with a Ladyblog exclusive! Hate to disappoint the die-hard Ladybug fans out there, but today we have an interview with a whole new breed of bug. Paris, say hello to Queen Bee!” Bee tilted her nose up and settled her hands on her hips.
“So, Queenie, tell us: when did you get your powers?”
“Would you believe yesterday? And I’ve already faced my first Akuma. Impressive, no?”
“Yeah it was! For those who missed the livestream this morning, first of all, shame on you, second, Queen Bee protected me and another civilian from an electrifying Akuma tearing up the 8th arrondissement.”
“Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to help Ladybug like I wanted, so she had to contend with the Akuma by herself.”
Alya opened her mouth to respond, but instead quirked up her brow. “Wait, wasn’t?...no...Chat was there. I know he was.”
“Of course he was,” Queen Bee scoffed with a dismissive wave. “Getting in the way, as usual. Next question.”
Alya’s mouth popped open and closed, like a fish out of water, but she refocused her mind and figured it was best to keep Bee talking about herself so she couldn’t insult her teammates. “Okay, um...w-what can you tell us about your powers?”
Queen Bee smiled wider. Now, this was her opportunity to show off. “I’m sure you caught most of it this morning. My electric stinger-” she gestured to the hilt on her hip “-my drones, and Vii tells me I’m the fastest among all of the Miraculous heroes.”
“All of the Miraculous heroes?” Alya shrieked, causing Bee to jump back a little. A great smile bloomed on the journalist’s face. “Th-there’s more? How many? A-are they all animals? What are their powers? Who’s Vii”
Queen Bee cleared her throat. “I-I...don’t know the answers most of those questions, but if you must know, Vii is my kwammmmm…” She blinked. “Mmmmmmmmmm!” She grunted and groaned, bringing her hands to her mouth when her lips refused to part.
^You can’t let people know about me!^
‘Oh, so this is your doing!’ Queen Bee screamed in her mind.
^This is exactly what Ladybug was talking about! You let my existence slip and now that girl’s curious!^
‘Okay okay, fine, I won’t blab! Just give me my mouth back!’
Queen Bee’s lips popped apart and she drew in a deep breath. Alya looked on in wonder and shock, unsure of what just happened. Bee gave an awkward grin and said, “Uh, it seems m-my powers prevent me from giving away too many secrets. S-sorry.”
“Sooo…” Alya purred with a fox-like grin, “if I were to ask you for Ladybug and Chat Noir’s identities…”
“I’d say ‘nice try’,” Bee smirked. “Besides, it’s not like we know each other’s identities anyway…”
“Wait,” Alya leaned forward, “you don’t know each other’s identities?”
“Unfortunately no, even though Ladybug and I would be the bestest of besties if she knew who I was.” Bee pouted and crossed her arms. “I think she’s just paranoid because of the number of times Chat’s been brainwashed, useless cat.”
“Uh,” Alya looked down to her phone, still streaming with several thousand viewers tuning in. Well, Bee said she wanted to do this live… “Would, uh, would you mind sharing what you have against Chat Noir?”
“Please, you’re at every fight and even you can’t see how much he gets in Ladybug’s way?” Bee rolled her eyes and strolled closer to an opening in the tower. She peered down and smiled at the explosion of camera flashes, twinkling like earthbound stars. “He’s a show off. He doesn’t take his duties as a hero seriously, he puns every chance he gets, and flirting with Ladybug just distracts her from her job. That’s clearly why I was given a Miraculous; Ladybug needs help and the alley cat’s not cutting it.”
“You know she’d disagree with you.”
“Of course she would, but only because she doesn’t know any better.”
Alya raised a brow. “And you think you can do better?”
Queen Bee whirled around and fixed Alya with a frightening glare. “Oh, I know I can do better than that mangy feline. I just need a chance to prove it.”
Alya sat in stunned silence for a few seconds while Bee impatiently tapped her foot. That couldn’t be it. Usually the Alya had piles of questions, but this? This was a sorry excuse for a debut interview.  Her stinger beeped once again and only served to further ruin her mood. “Hold on, Miss Ladyblogger, I need to take this.” She pressed the button and when her antennae swung in front of her face, she smirked a little when Alya lifted her phone again and muttered, ‘so cool’ under her breath.
“Hey, Ladybug. Listen, I’m in the middle of--”
“Akuma, just west of the Louvre.”
Queen Bee’s face and mood immediately  brightened. “On my way!” Another button press and she turned back to Alya. “Duty calls. Rain check on the rest of the interview?” She threw out her wings, buzzed them to life, and flew towards the nearest window, oblivious to Alya yelling behind her about how she was supposed to get down from the tower.
The setting sun in her eyes, Queen Bee settled down on a rooftop just west of the museum barely a minute later. She glanced around, but only took in silence and calm. No screams, no sounds of destruction, no wicked laughter. She began to wonder just what kind of Akuma this could be when Ladybug stepped from behind a chimney with her arms crossed and eyes locked on Bee. Chat followed her close, his hands on his hips, but his eyes off to the side, focusing on nothing.
“So, where’s the Akuma?” Queen Bee asked, likely a little too giddy to be fighting a supervillain.
Ladybug turned her eyes to the roof beneath them and sighed. “There’s...no Akuma. I...I was watching the interview and I...lied to get you away from Alya.”
Shock spiked through Bee’s heart and her mouth dropped open. Her hero...the one person in Paris she knew, knew, could do no wrong, had...lied to her?
“I’m sorry. But again, there’s a reason we wanted to talk about the interview first. We’re lucky Vii managed to stop you from mentioning what a kwami is, but everything else…”
“H-hey!” Queen Bee shouted defensively. “I didn’t give away any secrets! Yeah, I accidentally mentioned Vii’s name, but I didn’t--”
“You said we don’t know each other’s identities,” Chat finally spoke. “While it’s true…”
“What does it matter?” Bee scoffed. “What difference does it make, you stupid cat?”
Chat recoiled and Ladybug’s nails dug into her suit, her brow furrowing. She swallowed hard and said, “It matters because now Hawkmoth knows he can send an Akuma disguised as a civilian to one of us, claiming to be me or Chat or even you, and we won’t know the difference.” She lifted her eyes back up to Bee, and the striped heroine flinched at the level of anger within them. “Every secret we let slip, every detail about our powers gives Hawkmoth an advantage, and he already has the ultimate advantage in that we have no idea where he is! We’ve been playing defense for months and you just --” She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lips, as though trying to hold back her words. She drew a breath in her nose and gently eased it out her mouth.
“We need to act more like a team,” Ladybug continued, her previous point dropped. “And that means listening to each other, respecting each other.” She looked back at her old partner, then forward to her new one, her look of anger gone, replaced by gentle intensity. “No more insulting each other.” Which Bee took to mean ‘no more insulting my partner.’ “The people can’t think there’s any friction between us. If people start doubting us, Hawkmoth has yet another advantage.” She held out her fist and managed a meek smile. “We’re equals in this, Bee. No one is better or worse than anyone else. Teammates, partners, not sidekicks.” Chat’s fist rose to join Ladybug’s and the pair looked expectantly at Queen Bee.
She sneered at the pair of gloved fists being held out to her. What did they mean ‘equals’? She was a Queen, and though Ladybug was a friggin Empress in her eyes, there was no way Bee would put herself on the same level as the stray. But...she needed to smooth things over with Ladybug, or her superhero career would become far too brief. Best to just play along for now, let Ladybug see the light in her own time. Queen Bee turned away and lightly bumped her fist against the others.
“There, see?” Chat said with a grin. “We’re all friends here. Now…” He spread his arms wide. “Comb over her and give us a hug!”
A groan and a giggle echoed into the evening.
Queen Bee landed back in her room just a few minutes after convincing Ladybug she’d be more ‘civil’ around Chat. Her transformation fell away and Chloé dropped into one of her chairs while Vii spiraled into a bowl of pretzels the hotel staff had refilled earlier that day. Chloé flicked through her phone, noticing zero texts from Sabrina about her progress on the essay and one text from Daddy about his disappointment that she got detention. She groaned and dropped her phone on the floor, pain burning in her shoulders from all the flying.
“I wouldn't have to be your conscience if you had one of your own.”
Chloé’s eyes snapped open and she glared hard at her kwami. “What did you say to me?”
Vii floated upwards and glared right back. “I said you don’t have a conscience. You hate Chat Noir for literally no reason, you shove all of your responsibilities on others while soaking in the glory, you mistreat your only friend--”
“I have plenty of friends!” Chloé snapped. “Everyone adores me!”
“--and I'm not entirely sure she wants anything to do with you anymore!”
“Sabrina loves me! We've been besties for years! And besides, if I was such a terrible person, like you claim, then why did this ‘Guardian'--” she mocked with air quotes “-- pick me to be a superhero?”
Vii crossed her arms. “You know, I'm beginning to wonder if Fu hasn't made a mistake this time. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe I should take the comb back to him. You're proving to be more of a pain than any of my other wielders.” She grumbled to herself, “Even Arista wasn't this bad and she...” Vii paused when she noticed Chloé holding out the comb, her hair down and an expectant look on her face.
“Well? Aren't you going to take it?” Vii froze. Her hesitation enticed Chloé, and a smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth. “Go ahead. Take it.” She waited a few more seconds, but when Vii didn’t move, she said, “Except...you can't, can you? If you could, you would have by now.” Vii turned away and Chloé cackled in victory. “It has to be me, doesn’t it? No one else can be the Bee! It’s destiny or fate or whatever, but it has to be me!”
She secured the comb back in her hair and stood, making her way to her closet to change into her pajamas, even though it was barely seven in the evening. “Tomorrow starts a new day for us, Vii. As soon as school is out, you’re giving me all the juicy details about my powers.”
The fluff around Vii’s neck stood on end and she zipped into Chloé’s face, pressing their foreheads together. “What did I tell you about bossing me arou--”
“Back off!” Chloé shouted, cutting Vii off. She smirked and added, “That’s an order.”
Vii trembled as she held her position, but soon backed away, her eyes filled with rage. Chloé strode forward, grinning wider when Vii moved out of her way. “You’re finally in your place, little bug.” Her hand moved towards a hanger bearing red silk coated in black spots, but she paused, and moved towards a pair of black silken pants and a yellow tank top. “It’s good to be the Queen.”
While Chloé changed and settled in her bed to flit around on her phone with some mindless time-waster of a game, ignoring every thought about the essay that crossed her mind, Vii looked down at her charge. Her chosen. Her...master. She sighed and whispered, “I wish they didn’t have to be this way.”
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