#actually dognapped my baby YEARS ago
sakuramotion · 3 years
do u wanna hear abt how i became the other woman? ok so back in june, we were outside my house waiting for my bf's cab to arrive when i noticed there was a kitten, a beautiful white kitten on the balcony of a house across the street, the house next to it also has a balcony and so this kitten was going back and forth between these two balconies. it then stayed in the balcony of the house right in front of mine. the kitten was meowing and it'd constantly walk to the edge of the balcony and look down. my bf then said i think it wants to come down but it probably is way too high for it. it wasn't that high actually but i guess for a kitten that was mount-everest-high. so i turned to my bf and asked do you think it would hurt me if i walk to that house and try to catch it? and he looked at me and said i was thinking the same!! but yeah i guess it could scratch you. so for a moment we just stayed there, cheering on the cat like you can do it!! jump baby!! jump!! and then my bf looked at me, handed me his phone and said well, i'll do it and he walked to that house (mind you, i think that house is empty) and was like pstpsting the kitten and was trying to make the cat jump to his arms i mean he literally climbed on the freaking wall and i was like 😍😍😍💕💗💘💖😍🥰🥵💕💖💓🥵💞💘🥵💓 that's so hot but anyways he managed to grab the kitten and came back to me and the kitten was so friendly 💗 and my bf was like do you wanna hold it? do you wanna keep it? and i was like ofc!! so that night i kept it inside until my mom got home and was like hell no. about two months passed by and my whole i-got-tested-positive-for-covid era began and i was miserable and stuck at home, missing my bf and being more depressed than usual. but then after the 14 days had passed, i was chilling in my room when i heard my sister say it's back! meli come here the cat is back! so i left my room and the cat came straight to me. the friendliest cat i've ever met. cats are never like that with me, they either walk away or run away! but this lovely cat was like i want you human and so it kept coming back for 3 days straight. honestly i thought it was just another stray cat bc there are just so many of those in this street. my bf kept saying he wasn't. but after those 3 days i stopped seeing mini again. ah, yes! i even named it, mini. anyway so that was late august and then it was mid september and i saw it, it was sitting right outside my house but i noticed there's was a woman outside the house across the street and she was yelling "dominique!" and i thought wait... and i noticed the cat was just standing there and she was looking at it and i looked at my mom and was like i think that's HER cat and my mom was like no way and she went to the window and started yelling mini! mini! and the woman kept yelling dominique! dominique! and the cat was just..... sitting there [sims moment] and finally my mom went is that YOUR cat? and she was like yes!! and i was like oh noooo and the cat i swear it froze there. my face got red and i was like hiding behind the door and my mom went outside and starting talking to that woman and the cat was like stone-cold.... just standing there! and my mom was like mini come and the woman was like you even named it!? and my mom was like we thought it was a stray cat! and the cat.... caught red-handed didn't even dare look at us !! but the woman was like it's ok! it's a really friendly cat, you can let it into your house whenever you want! AND that's how i found out the cat i thought was a stray one actually had a family and its family happened to be the people living RIGHT across the street!! anyway i think it really likes us bc it keeps coming back like as soon as it gets out of its house it comes right at mine. it stands outside my window and meows and meows until i let it inside. the house with the balcony is right next to ITS house. i guess that night, he must've found its way to the balcony and then didn't know how to come back down. and since it was quite late and everyone was sleeping, its owners couldn't hear it meow.
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suchatinyinfinity · 4 years
Curious tag game
Tagged by @madamrogers who is such a gem!
Who were you named after? My mom’s fourth grade teacher. She was pregnant when my mom was in her class, and when she heard that her teacher named her baby Danielle, she loved the name.
Last time you cried? It’s been awhile, which means I’ll be crying any day now. It’s like an every few months type of thing.
Do you like your handwriting? Sometimes! My cursive is okay. My print is super juvenile because I went to a private school, where we learned cursive in 2nd-3rd grade. After that, we weren’t allowed to turn in anything that wasn’t written in cursive, so I never really got back to printing until freshman year of high school.
What is your favorite lunch meat? Cajun turkey!
Longest relationship? I met my husband 20 years ago. We were both babies.
Do you still have your tonsils? I do, but I shouldn’t. They’re huge and i used to get tonsilitis once a month when I was little... and now, i get weird ass tonsil/throat problems that last forever. Plus tonsil stones. 
What is your favorite kind of cereal? Lucky Charms (junk cereal), and either Rice Krispies or Frosted Flakes (more junk cereal) with sliced bananas or strawberries.
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? I typically don’t unless they’re boots/it’s a necessity.
Do you think you’re strong willed? Absolutely, about things I have strong feelings about (most things).
Favorite Ice Cream? Either Breyer’s strawberry (because it has real strawberries mixed in) or straight up vanilla bean... drizzled with chocolate syrup and sugar-like sprinkles because I’m five. 
What is the first thing you notice about a person? Their hair and height until they get close enough that my blind ass can see their smile/eyes.
Football or baseball? College football. LSU TIGERS, BABY!
Favorite doughnut? Regular donut with chocolate and sprinkles on top. Or glazed donut holes.
Last thing you ate? A huge piece of strawberry shortcake, homemade. 
What are you listening to? Hubs playing guitar and noise from an iPad.
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Blush, or Mountain Meadow (I actually googled Crayola colors).
What is your favorite smell? BOOKSTORES. That new book smell, there’s nothing like it. There are candles that are “bookstore” scented but they’re insanely expensive.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom.
Hair color? Naturally, dark brown. Currently? Red. And in need of another bottle of hair dye.
Eye color? Depending on what I wear, they’re sapphire blue, ocean blue, or grey.
Favorite food to eat? I’m not at all hungry right now so, nothing. But I love fresh fruit. And salad.
Scary movies or happy ending? Hi, I’m Dani, and I’m all about angst.
Last movie you watched in a theater? Zombieland 2: Double Tap (I like movies in the comfort of my own home, so I can pause to pee).
What color shirt are you wearing? Royal blue.
Favorite holiday? Holidays as a grown-up and mom are nothing but stress, to be honest. 
Beer or wine? Pink moscato. The only beer I drink is Angry Orchard Crisp Apple.
Night owl or morning person? Night owl.
Favorite day of the week? Now with this COVID shit, every day is the same, but maybe Tuesday because that’s when Apple gifts me a new favorites playlist.
Favorite animal? Bengal tiger. 
Do you have a pet? No, unfortunately. But I want to dognap my mom’s lab/pitbull mix because she loves me as much as I love her, or a cat because I am a cat in a human’s body.
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Untitled and barely edited
After much self debate and following my heart and mind I have come to the realization that the top secret Garvez fic from a few months ago isn't going anywhere. I lost my mojo and am stuck. I know my track record and I'll never pick it up again. This was the main reason I was attempting to finish it before sharing as a work in progress. The thing is I actually like what I had (well most of it LOL) and I don't want my work to go to waste. So I decided to share it. I have it separated for the different chapters but for the sake of sanity just gonna put it all together. I suppose if anyone would want to continue it I won't argue with it. Sorry I wasn't able to finish it.
Title: TV Show: Criminal Minds Ship: Garvez (eventually lol) Note: Takes place after the events in 13.4 Disclaimer: I don't own don't sue
At what point exactly the conversation had switched to Garcia Luke couldn’t exactly say, but it wasn’t a topic that he minded. Being still new to the team it was Emily that lead the majority of the discussion sharing anatotes and silly stories she held in her head from nearly thirteen years of history.
“She really is something else huh?” Luke chuckles as he throws the final piece of garbage of their late night dinner into the bin.
“That she is. No matter how dark and depressing things can become Penelope Garcia is that permanent flashing light in the storm."
“Do you think she’s ok?” Emily sighs, she knew what Luke was referring to and the entire evening, even longer, it had been quietly buzzing in her head as well. Besides being a beacon of light Garcia was also sensitive at times nearly at fragile levels. The team respected that, gave her space after more difficult cases, didn’t reprimand her for her office not meeting FBI requirements.
“I honestly don’t know Alvez. That case...those children...I don’t know.”
“We’re trained to process these type of things, how exactly you train yourself to process shit like that, I’m not entirely sure but somehow we do. I know I’ll be okay tonight. Same as you. Garcia though?”
“Yeah. I know. Perhaps I should give her a call?”
“No. Better yet let’s just go over there Emily. I have no doubt she’s still awake.”
“And I know a diner on the way that sells her favorite pie.’ She stands up walking to the desk and pulls out her purse and keys from the bottom drawer.  ‘Come on Luke our lighthouse needs saved.”
Title: TV Show: Criminal Minds Ship: Garvez (eventually lol) Note: Takes place after the events in 13.4 Disclaimer: I don't own don't sue
The topic of work in any capacity never came up. Anything that could be considered a stresser was held back from being said again. For the nearly two hours the three of them gathered in Garcia’s living room they didn’t say much in reality instead opting towards watching a movie. Neither Luke or Emily were surprised when a sweet family animated movie was selected. They all right then could use a non-stresser of a night. Trolls certainly was able to help provide that.
“I think she’s asleep.” There was no thinking about it, Emily’s soft snores gave away Luke’s quandary.
“Yeah. Sometimes I don’t know how she stays sane. Any of the team.” Garcia gently stands up from the couch careful not to hit the sleeping late night guest and removes a gray blanket from the bookshelf. Without saying anything she hands it to Luke who carefully lays atop of Emily.
“It’s hard.” He feels he should say more, try to reassure her that everything was gonna be okay, but she had already nodded solemnly and step out of view into the kitchen. Emily’s snores increase in volume and he finds a smiling at her fondly. In the last year, now more then a year he hadn’t recalled ever seeing her sleep. Everyone else on the plane had some point or other had slept on the often late night flights back to D.C. but never Emily Prentiss. Either working on something with the case or lost in thought.
“She’s pretty amazing huh?” Garcia had returned holding a Kermit The Frog mug with a liquid steaming out of it.
“Sure is. Gotta say with the nearly countless people who have served as my superior she's within the top 5.”
“No, she’s the best.” Garcia says matter of factly. Luke chuckles.
“Ok she’s the best.” A silence that held the room the majority of the evening has returned. Garcia takes a seat in the cushion chair that Luke had previously been occupying as she sips gingerly from the mug.
“It has to be hard for you.” She states after a few moments.
“What is?”
“To be in love with her and not be able to do anything.” At that moment Luke was grateful he hadn’t been offered anything to drink because he’d either do the ultimate spit take and or drop the mug onto the carpet.
“What?! I’m not.” He responses in a harsh and panicked whisper hoping it won’t awake a certain someone.
“It’s okay to admit it. Despite my repetition of not being able to I can keep a secret.”
“There isn’t anything to admit. Emily is great but yeah no.” Garcia lowers her eyes and glares at him as if trying to bore into his mind perhaps his soul.
“I’ve seen the way you look at her.” Luke stays silent, he was completely unaware of any looks recently he had given to Emily (or any individual for that matter) which would have opened Garcia’s opinion to this conclusion.
“Yeah um no.” He considers apologizing for not having feelings for their unit chief but opts against. That silence returns, this time it felt heavy. He pulls his cellphone from his pocket to get see how late it was. Twenty minutes til two. He was surprised Susannah hadn’t called or texted to see when he was coming by to get Roxy. He had previously informed her he was back in town and would get Roxy that night. Though apart of him suspected Susannah would dognap his baby and live on the run. Perhaps dressing the canine in silly costumes. Luke snickers at the images in his head and silliness of his delusions. He lifts his head back up to Garcia only to find she had followed Emily’s move and had fallen asleep. For a second he’s disappointed, he would have loved to know what she thought of Roxy dressed as a pirate. Perhaps another evening. He steps quietly to the same bookshelf that held Emily’s blanket and removes one for Garcia. He removes the nearly empty mug from her hand placing it on the coffee table before drapping the at times crazy tech analyst with a red and blue striped fabric.
Luke is about to make his venture out to get his dog and get home at last when it occurs to him he didn’t have a key to the door. He certainly didn’t have the heart to wake either of the women. And no way in hell was he gonna leave with the apartment unsecured.
Sorry if this wakes you. Can’t get Roxy tonight. Thx for watching her. Will get in morning.
Once the text to Susannah is sent a wave of pure nearly knocking you out exhaustion hits Luke. Garcia’s room with her bed was not gonna happen. He looks around and sees next to Emily is the only viable place. Spotting the light switch it flips it down and using the outside lights shining in from the window cautiously makes his way back the couch. In mere minutes he is asleep.
Title: TV Show: Criminal Minds Ship: Garvez (eventually lol) Note: Takes place after the events in 13.4 Disclaimer: I don't own don't sue
As an FBI agent and before that an Army Ranger he knows when someone is watching him, staring at him. His heart starts to increase in tempo, the fight or flight response is starting to battle within. Next to him something or rather someone starts to stir and push against his body. At that point Luke finally opens his eyes to fall upon Garcia in a different outfit then he previously saw her in staring down grinning. He turns ever so slightly to discover at some time that night the cushion of nothingness between him and Emily they both now shared the space. He even had the majority of what had been her blanket. Emily is the first to scrabble to her feet and make a beeline down the hall; he assumes to the bathroom.
“See? I told you.” Garcia almost says in a sing-song voice.
“See what?”
“You like her. Even if subconsciously you like her Luke.” He rubs his eyes fiercely letting a groan escape.
“I don’t. We were just two adults who slept on the same couch. Thats. All.” Garcia shrugs before turning away herself and walks into her kitchen.
“What do you want in your scrabbled eggs?”
“Actually I need to get go....”
“I got peppers, onions, sooooo many cheeses. What’s your poison L.A.?” He smirks at the newest moniker for his name.
“Thank you Garcia but if I don’t get Roxy soon I’m not gonna have her any longer.” The sound of a metal utensil falling on a tile counter, a gasp, and barefeet hitting wooded floor fill Luke’s ears.
“Oh my God what happened to Roxy?!” He understands smiling let alone laughing would be the worst thing to do, but God he couldn’t help it.
“Garcia she’s fine.” He at last gets out, her glaring at him helped speed up his recovery.
“You said you weren’t gonna have her any longer.”
“Yeah as in Susannah my dog sitter is gonna insist on just keeping her.” A stare down between the two commences, it’s broken when the bathroom door reopens and Emily walks back into the living room.
“Good morning.” Emily says to both, but her glance only lands on Garcia.
“Good morning my sweet princess! Sleep well?” Luke can swear Garcia gave a wink in his direction. He nearly throws his hands up in disbelief. What exactly did she think could have occurred with herself literally sitting a foot away?!
“Yeah it was nice. But I’m gonna have a kink in my neck.” He would have said the same if asked.
“I’m sorry my love. I’m making scrambled eggs. Just let me know whatcha want in them!” Emily’s eyes grow wide and without invention moseys into the kitchen with Garcia pivoting to follow. He remains on his spot on the couch hearing mutters of their discussion, refrigerator opening and closing, pots being shuffled around. He removes his cellphone. 7:37 and 5 missed calls and 12 text messages from Susannah.
“Shit.” He leaps up and beelines to the door.
“Everything ok Luke?” Emily pokes her head out of the kitchen, Garcia hovering behind.
“Yeah fine. Its just Roxy I need to...”
“Of course! Thank you for last night. It meant a lot to me.” Luke is surprised Emily didn’t turn at the gasp Garcia made, but grateful she was missing the apparent ‘I told ya I knew something is going on!’ grin.
“Anytime. And thank you Penelope for the movie and the couch. Maybe another time I can try those scrambled eggs.” His phone starts to vibrate still being on silent. Susannah, of course. The women give him a wave as he answers and slips out of the apartment.
Title: TV Show: Criminal Minds Ship: Garvez (eventually lol) Note: Takes place after the events in 13.3 Disclaimer: I don't own don't sue
Luke exchanges a look with JJ, it didn’t take six hundred hours in profiling training to have the sense something in that poor woman’s story wasn’t adding up. Or at least there were important elements being left out which could mean Kimberly’s life or another one of her clients being saved. He knew if anyone could dig through the half truths and missing information it would be a certain technical analyst.
“Cool hand Luke, what you need?” He smirks before giving an unexpected chuckle. And he thought that L.A. was an improvement.
“Wow, I like the way that sounds, Garcia. You feeling ok?” The opportunity to tease her about it despite the fact it made him feel good and appreciated as more then the ‘new guy’ or ‘newb’ couldn’t be passed up.
“I am naturally magnanimous in word and deed, and when it comes your way, bask in it. What do you want?” He feels his smile turning up again at her explanation in usual Garcia style.
“Listen, JJ and I’ Why he suddenly had a the foresight to mention JJ was prefy to this conversation was one he couldn’t answer. He assumed she knew he wasn’t alone, on calls like this it’s often groups spoken on speaker phone. ‘We need to run background checks on all the male members of the Desmond family. We were told that they're deceased, but we need verification.” Luke keeps going back to why would someone lie about that? What was being held back from them?
“So cyber grave-digging, look for zombies. Got you.” He won’t quite put it like that but any other response from Garcia he won’t accept or believe he was conversating with the real Garcia.
“You can start by double-checking a death certificate for Conrad Desmond sometime in '99.” JJ adds to the phone call helping reign in exactly what they were looking for to speed things along for everybody’s sake.
“I am the genie in genealogy. Just rub my lamp. That came out wrong. Goodbye.” The sound of her pure panic and picturing her expression was priceless.
“Wow.” Luke couldn’t help himself as he mutters at the dash of the vehicle.
“What did you do to her?” JJ questions a smile equally wide on her face. Luke shrugs not sure how to answer. He didn’t do anything to her, it was Garcia being Garcia. No more no less. He can see in his peripheral view that his passenger is staring him down.
“You know what Alvez. I’ve known Penelope for over ten years. She’s the Godmother to both my boys. To say I know her well is understatement. And that Garcia right then and in fact almost anytime she’s interacting with you nearby isn’t the Garcia I have known.” Luke still is unsure of how to respond. This wasn’t the first occurrence he had been told this. He always chalked it up with the friendly banter he had with Garcia.
“It’s just Garcia being Garcia.” He hopes that’ll be a satisfactory response. He sees JJ shake her head.
“Nope. I don’t buy it.’ She pauses before her small smile erupts into a full ear to ear grin. ‘I think she likes you!” He knows immediately what definition of like was being applied. Great just great. Now not only was he involved with Emily occurring to Garcia; he now was involved with Garcia occurring to JJ. He never would have suspected working for the BAU was a keen to being back in high school.
“JJ, she can barely tolerate me.” He knew that was a lie. Their relationship had made great strides the past few weeks.
“No. I’m telling you Luke there’s something there. And she’s pretty awesome too. Just saying.” She adds the last part softly. He can only hope JJ didn’t see his eyes roll into his head.
Title: TV Show: Criminal Minds Ship: Garvez (eventually lol) Note: Takes place after the events in 13.5 Disclaimer: I don't own don't sue
Luke stares out the window of the jet the latest briefing of what they were arriving to in under an hour had just been completed. Various topics from the other agents filtered in and out of his ears but they were just sounds to him. She had been shot? Garcia had been shot? He had studied and learned the histories professionally and personally of everyone on this jet; and Hutch and Steven too. Then it occurs to him he had never fully cracked Garcia files or asked in-depth questions involving her. Not because she didn’t matter to him, rather because much as she was involved with the team she was an outsider and not a true BAU agent. Plus it was Garcia she sits in front of multiple screens 97 percent of the time, Luke could justify why he never asked her ‘hey have you ever been shot and have that shooting be in connection to your job?’ But he still felt guilty as if he failed her not knowing.
“It was one of the scariest things I ever dealt with. Still is.” He looks up to see Spencer has moved seats to the one directly in front of himself. Luke did know Spencer’s history and if that statement was true he knew it had to have been extremely bad.
“I just feel really bad that she has to deal with all that. I’ve dealt with, hell I will always be fighting the PSTS demons until the day I die, so I’ve seen the signs. That what we saw was it clear as day.” Spencer nods knowingly himself.
“What makes it worse is I don’t think Garcia has ever dealt with it. I mean really dealt with it. You deal and master your experiences with Afghanistan. I have started therapy for my time in prison...”
“You have?’ Spencer nods once again. ‘Good for you Spence. But yeah I hear ya Garcia for what I can gather her wounds healed, the initial emotional drama faded, and that was it. It works for a time, sometimes even ten years but unless she really faces it she’ll never heal.”
“I don’t think she realizes there is a wound still, at least not until a few hours ago. And in a couple days it’ll be covered up again.”
“Until there is another trigger which could occur at any time. It has to be hell for Garcia the knowledge it’s always somewhere lurking in the back of her mind and without proper therapy or help she can’t handle it.”
“I think just being there for her on the days it begins to crumble is all we can do. Because much as I hate she never got help I’m not fool to think she’ll ever seek actual help.” Spencer sighs and turns to the window as the jet begins its decent back to the ground.
Title: TV Show: Criminal Minds Ship: Garvez (eventually lol) Note: Takes place after the events in 13.5 Disclaimer: I don't own don't sue
“Great job everyone. I’m really proud of you guys. This one... it was a hard one.” Emily address her team as they gather up their assortment of bags and begin to get off the jet. At this moment more then anything Luke wants to pop open a beer drown it down, followed by another, and another until the world and more importantly his memories become a blur. He exchanges a look with Matt, his face expressing the same. He didn't have to contiune looking at the others to know they were all on the same boat. Not all cases created this reaction, but this was as Emily said a hard one. The herd of them follow towards their offices to clean up the last few things before the relaxation process when the group is stopped by an excited Garcia and JJ equally as joy filled.
"Oh! Here they are. It's the whole everyone, ok, whole family, whole family is here. Whole family, I would like to take this opportunity to formally apologize. I am so..." She says with a pure sincerty in her words. Luke all during the case and away from her wanted to give her a call, send a text. to do anything to allow her knowledge of the fact he cared; but he knew that others on the team had gone an amazing job keeping her head above the water line.
"You don't have to apologize. We all understand from experience." Emily poiletly cuts Garcia off.
"All right. I'll shake that off. Uh, I am going to recommit to living life to the fullest.' Something in Luke strings, as he and Spencer had previously discussed she was covering up the pain. He sure a visit with Derek Morgan did wonders for her and was a great bandaid, but this simple solution of shaking it off didn't fly for him. 'Right now, to that end, I'd like to invite everybody over to my house for a celebration of life, liberty, and the pursuit of responsible intoxication." However right now more then his desire to help her Luke still wanted to get drunk. And he couldn't think of a better place or group of people to do it with
"All right." One spoken agreement for everybody.
"To the home cave!"
Yeah so that’s it. My vision was Garcia was gonna try to set up Luke & Emily and perhaps try to recruit some of the team on her “side” while JJ was gonna try to do the same with Luke & Garcia and also try to get others on the team on her “side”. I also was trying to deal with Garcia not really dealing with her stress and constantly burying things down and Luke was gonna force her  to deal with it.
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