#actually if anything im kinna thriving rn
eievuiisms · 3 years
A bit of an update regarding some of my current projects, especially those that I’ve posted on here &/or Ao3 (which I’m gonna put under a cut bc its just a lil bit lengthy)
I’m taking a step back and focusing on working on outlines for the many projects that I have (most of which i haven’t even posted about on here bc i’m usually shy abt publicly posting abt my og stories lol, so trust me when i say there’s quite a few).
I kinda realized that for these stories, while I have many ideas for them & have a general idea of certain plot points, I’ve yet to actually fully exit the planning phase, which I feel has greatly impeded the pace that I’ve been able to write things out. The fact just is, it’s extremely hard to write a story or create a comic when I actually have no start, middle & end - just bits & pieces with no real connection to each other. In fact, it gets a little frustrating at times, especially when it feels like I’m making no progress on anything because of my own lack of thought. & the thing is, this isn’t the first time - I’ve got quite a history of starting and dropping projects, & it’s always bugged me but it especially bugs me now that I realize I’m actually fully capable of writing and completing a large story, so long as I actually take the time to plan a majority of the story out. So, I’ve decided the most mature thing to do as a writer is put whatever semi-active projects I had (which are YNIM & Mother Tongue) on hold, take a step back, and focus on actually exiting the planning phases for my projects.
I won’t say what project (either posted on Tumblr/Ao3 or one that I’m privately working on) I’m aiming to complete first, because I honestly can’t say for sure. Ultimately, I write for my own enjoyment first & foremost, which means I could be working on one project one day, and a different project the next, all depending on how I’m feeling that day. All I can say is that my current goal is to fully plan a story out, complete it &, hopefully, be satisfied with it.
I do apologize to those who held genuine interest in YNIM & Mother Tongue - I know how disappointing it can be for projects to go on an indefinite hiatus - but I also thank you for that interest, since it always means a lot to have my work be appreciated. I only ask now that you be patient with me, & - & I know I say this a lot, but I do mean it every time I do - I hope that if you enjoyed my previous works, you’ll enjoy what I have to offer whenever I return with something!!
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