#actually. yknow what. fuck it. i finally understand galadriels temptation.
soldier-poet-king ยท 11 months
St Thereses little way and small kindnesses shape the world and make it go round etc etc etc
Yes that is ALL true and I don't discount it but ALSO have you considered I ALSO want the Big Grand Kindnesses and Great Works and Gestures
Not just for the drama. Not for the recognition, I generally hate to be noticed. But for the competency. The satisfaction. The possibility that I CAN. Surely there is this ambition and drive for a reason. Surely I am incredibly hungry and yet have no concrete selfish tangible dreams, just a Grand Desire for The Good in some great manifestation, surely for a reason. A meaning. A purpose.
I want it. More than comfort and kindness and love I want this. The deepest hunger of my existence. The reason for my existence.
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