shieldofgod · 4 years
@actually-my-name-is-samandriel, continued from here.
“I never mind your company,” Samandriel said softly. “Shall I make us tea? Or do you just want to sit on the couch together?” He was already heading over to the tea kettle. It was a small apartment but Samandriel was confident they wouldn’t wake Adam.
“Ah-- the couch is fine.  Tea would be good, too.”  Cas followed after his brother, more because he didn’t want to be alone than because he intended to get in the way.  He glanced around, just noting any differences since the last time he had been there, before looking at his brother, eyes soft. “How are you?  How is your Adam?”
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Send ‘🗝’ for our muses to meet at a formal Masquerade Ball.
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"I don't know, Monsieur." The young woman shrugged. "It's really of no consequence to me what havoc a scoundrel like that highwayman chooses to rile up. I've far too much work to do to be bothered by such things." 
Quickly excusing herself by making the fib of finding her father, Belle instead snuck off to the barnyard. These simple country peasants! Oh, they liked to talk and talk, and to judge. But if they only knew that she was the scoundrel they all spoke of! 
Not that they'd have any idea, of course. It was simple enough, really, to make a man's clothes, bind her chest, and take on a date beard and voice. In fact, it was far simpler than they realized to pass as a man. And since she always had different horses at her disposal, there was very little chance of her being caught. 
"The fools." Belle scoffed, shaking her head, not seeing the other figure nearby. "I'll show them..."
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nursemilligan · 4 years
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@actually-my-name-is-samandriel​ asked for a starter
Kate stirred when she heard someone coming in to her house again, immediately going alert. Not again. She rushed downstairs to see a young man she couldn’t recognize.
“Go away. You aren’t wanted here.”
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"I don't need you to save me."
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Adam sighed at the angel’s insistence. “I’m not trying to,” he said softly. “I just want to help you. You don’t have to keep being miserable.”
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chidorikiller · 5 years
“who knew you’d be here?”
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      Hand on his katana, thinking he would be ready for whatever this new potential threat would throw at him, Kakashi held still for the moment. “Oh, you know, a few people,” he said vaguely, his Sharingan tracking the other’s movements precisely. // @actually-my-name-is-samandriel
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The angel squinted at him. “Why?” he asked. “You barely know me.”
          The hunter looked at Samandriel with a slight frown. “Yeah...” he trailed off a bit. “But you’re Cas’s--family, yeah? So...” He stuck his hands in his pockets. “Besides.” He’d heard what had happened to the angel, of course. “I know what it’s like.”
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mischiefsmessenger · 8 years
“I heard you were brought back.”
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Gabriel’s voice was startlingly loud against the almost unnatural silence that was casted around them. Golden eyes were foxed on the younger angel, while his grace, although still not at plan sight wasn’t really disguised anymore.
And honestly, whatever for? When dear ol’ daddy-o brought him back he did so with a flash, leaving the Archangel with zero doubts that keeping up this pretense was going to be a useless waste of time he’d rather not go through.
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The moment Rafael walked into the Halloween costume party, he could sense him. His brother. The angel’s first instinct was to run. After all, he hadn’t encountered another angel for a few millennia. He was in hiding. But the other angel had probably already sensed he was here, and besides, any angel at a costume party Rafael didn’t think was likely to try to bring him back to Heaven. Dressed in a Robin Hood costume, Rafael made a beeline towards the other angel. When he saw him he recognized the angel as Samandriel. A smile came to his features. “Samandriel. It’s been a while.”
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shieldofgod · 4 years
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Speaking of wings with actual elbow joints; here’s one I did for my brother, @actually-my-name-is-samandriel.  Samandriel’s right wing, ventral (inside/front) view.
Like, obviously don’t take it, it’s gift art.  If you need/want a wing template, though, I do have them for people to use!  For free!  Just ask!
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1 (for the image starter)
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Adam watched as the shadow of a person, or at least what looked superficially like one, moved at the edge of the lights of the parking lot of the motel. Adam aimed his gun and cocked it, the recognizable click echoing in the silent night. “What are you and what do you want?”
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randomly generated angst meme // 33. Your muse must mercy-kill mine.
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Just her luck. She was going to be killed by somebody she considered a brother. Again. At least this time he wouldn’t actually want to do it. She hoped. After all, it had to be done before she got any worse. And if she was going to be taken down this was probably one of the better ways to go. Not very cool or badass having your adorable angel brother stab you in the chest but at least it wasn’t boring… 
Of course the preferable situation would have been having an enemy finish her off. Eleni hated having to make him do this. She certainly wouldn’t be able to. In fact, she takes it back. This whole situation was just shitty and unfair. She didn’t want to die and she certainly didn’t want Samandriel to do it. There really wasn’t much choice though.
On the plus side, angel blades were pretty effective and Samandriel was her friend, so at least she didn’t have to worry about it being dragged out. Silver linings and all that. 
“C’mon, do it.” A strained, shaky breath. “It’s fine. No hard feelings.”
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dear-indies · 8 years
actuallymynameissamandriel is such a quality rper who has brought depth into a minor character most of the fandom just woobifies. All of their threads are interesting to read.
send me nice messages abt ur favorite bloggers and i’ll @ them
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syvamiete · 8 years
My Canadian girlfriend about Sweden and Eurovision
“Sweden likely has some few acres of land where they groom people for Eurovision. Like a secret base or something.”
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shieldofgod · 5 years
Everyone agreed that there was something odd about the boy.
Rumor had it that he had broken his parents’ eardrums when he emerged into the bright, cold world for the first time, and had shattered the lights in the room with his thin, infant’s wail; that was supposedly why he was turned over to the state of Illinois.
Of course, no one actually believed that.  Still, there was something odd about him, because even though he was quite adoptable, no one could actually seem to keep him.
Family after family tried.  As an infant, it seemed only singing could soothe him enough to eat and sleep; no parent could handle a baby who cried nonstop otherwise.  As a toddler, he managed to escape out of the front door of a nice couple’s house and make it most of the way down the block before he was caught.
He talked later than most, leading some to think he was developmentally delayed; still, there seemed to be something sharp in his gaze, something probing and curious and incredibly stubborn.
When he did speak, his first word was, “See-ah.”  No one could figure out what it meant.
He knew, but when no one else could understand, he finally stopped trying to tell them.
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At age almost-ten, Kai was frustrated.
He did things most other boys did; he woke up and brushed his teeth and combed his hair and went to school.  He sat through class and tried not to be too bored. He sat alone on the playground, drawing swoops and strange letters in the dirt or picking up a stick to shadow-fence with invisible foes.  On the weekends, he climbed trees and watched birds fly and he liked being on the swing and being pushed high.  After school or play, he went home and Mrs. McCullough -- because he still couldn’t call her Mom even after a whole year -- would make him a snack and try not to look too sad when she smoothed his hair down and he thanked her using such formal language.
That made him feel even worse, because Kai did like her. He really did. He liked Mr. McCullough too, and he knew they wanted to adopt him, but they couldn’t because when he told them he had a twin, and he couldn’t be adopted without his twin, they wouldn’t believe him.  Something about records, and only being one, and--
Kai knew better.
And he knew he wasn’t supposed to cry himself to sleep at night, because he wasn’t a baby, but he still did sometimes.  And sometimes he woke up crying, because he could almost feel his brother beside him and he’d get really excited and then--
He’d wake up alone.  Again.
The counselor tried to get him to talk about his brother, but Kai knew a trap when he saw one. His foster parents tried sometimes, too, like maybe if they could convince him he didn’t have a brother, he’d quit.  He knew better to give into that one.
He wished he could make friends with the other kids, but it never really seemed to work.  Being alone felt wrong.  But nothing really felt right, either.
On the really bad nights, he dreamed of falling and falling, always into darkness.
On this day, it was no particularly special day. He’d finished his homework and gone outside and sat out drawing on the sidewalk, humming softly to himself and occasionally singing the word that he thought was his brother’s name.  He drew birds and mountains he had never seen, and great star fields above them -- because he knew their names! or, at least, most of their names! -- and felt that same yearning that never, ever went away, no matter how much older he got.
So, he drew, and hummed, and sometimes sang, “Esiasch.”
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Missing brothers
Continued from here.
“Maybe if you and Sam weren’t warded against being found by angels,” he replied. “Where did you last see your brother?”
“Saw him at our motel. We split up. What about Cas? He didn’t answer me but maybe you can hear him?” Dean asked.
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“is that cocaine?”
Adam looked Samandriel puzzled for a moment before it dawned on him what he meant. "Oh this?" Adam took a minigrip bag of white powder. "I guess it looks shady. But it's just laundry deterrent I put into the bag so that it wouldn't get wet in my bag."
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