#adam lowry fanfiction
amusingelf · 2 years
Hello Elf 😊
So I have three questions for the "make me admit stuff" game: 26, 74 (I don't read much besides fanfics, now, but when I do it's usually thanks to someone's advice/recommendation) and 85 :)
Hey! 🤩
26. Is your current hair colour your natural hair colour?
Yas, dark brown. 😁 A few years back I tried to dye it blue but the pigment in my hair is too strong so the colour wouldn't take and it ended being bleach blond 🙃🥲
74. What's your favorite book?
I also read mostly fanfiction at the moment since it focuses on characters and a setting that I love in a new story.
I have been trying to read more books but I've realised that I've had a change in the genres that I enjoy and need to find some more stuff, so the list is small but;
Watership Down by Richard Adams
The Stolen Throne and The Calling by David Gaider (The first two in a series based off the Dragon Age games 🔥 I'm working on the rest)
Call of The Wild by Jack London
The Giver by Lois Lowry
Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo (I still need to read the rest of the series 👀)
85. Are you patient?
That depends 😂 If I get excited about something, then I might struggle a bit to wait but I have a few things that I've started doing to keep me busy.
With people I hope to be. I'm easily excited and can get confused easily. I've had a lot people in the past who were continuously quick to lose patience with me, so I always try not to. Sometimes someone just needs a second. 😁
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hockeyisreligion · 4 years
The One That Got Away - Part 5
hey guys, this is a bit of a filler chapter with A LOT of dialogue but still, pls enjoy!! (I’m procrastinating finishing my finals papers so)
link to part 4
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“So what is up with you guys?” Sarah quizzes Talia the minute Elaine excuses herself to the bathroom during their brunch date.
“With who?” Talia murmurs back.
“You and Adam.”
Talia almost spit out her coffee. “Um,” she coughs, regaining her breath. “Nothing.”
Sarah scoffs. “Tal, you are being naive.”
“How am I being naive? I don’t even know you are going on about!” Talia whisper-yells back to her, not wanting to disturb the other people having brunch around them. They were at Elaine and Dave’s country club and Talia did not want them to look bad.
“Adam is still in love with you.”
It was Talia’s turn to scoff. “Its been 6 years.”
“Yes, 6 years and neither of you got to have closure.”
Talia spots Elaine coming back from the bathroom, “I’m not having this conversation with you.” To Talia, Sarah was her sister and Talia knew Sarah was just asking her as a sister but also for the interest of her brother. Sarah, being the oldest felt she needed to protect everyone in the family.
“What did I miss?” Elaine smiles taking a seat beside Sarah and across from Talia and Tessa.
“I was telling Talia about hockey and school.” Tessa thankfully changes the subject.
“How has your summer training been going?” Sarah asks, which Talia was grateful that she didn’t bring up what they were actually talking about.
“Good,” Talia somewhat drowns out the conversation they were having thinking about what Sarah had said.
Talia and Adam had been more regularly texting each other, talking about their days, Adam’s workouts, and Talia’s coworkers. They were slowly becoming closer and closer of friends and Adam was so happy about that. When Talia and him broke up, they obviously broke up relationship wise, but their friendship also broke up with them too. Adam hated not being able to talk to her and confide in her as he had been so used to that since they were best friends since they were 7. So to be back talking to her almost daily made Adam’s heart and head happy.
They were even planning on meeting up for drinks that night after Talia got off work. This would be the first time they hung out in person since they went for coffee. Talia was a little nervous because they hadn’t talked a lot about their break up and the messiness that came with that. They were in a little bubble and Talia nor Adam wanted for it to pop.
Adam and Talia had decided on a low key sports bar near Talia’s work to meet. Talia had a feeling she would be a little overdressed in her blouse and dress pants but she didn't care all that much.
Adam was already there when Talia got off work and had downed a shot to take the edge off. He ordered a beer for himself and got Talia a cider they had on draught, he hoped she would like that.
“What would you do if I told you I detest hard cider?” Talia jokes giving Adam a little side hug before sliding into the booth across from him.
“I would be seriously shocked because you used to drink apple juice from the gallon growing up.”
“Well I guess you won’t be shocked.” Talia chuckles taking a sip of her drink.
“How was the day at work?”
“Good, I basically had client meetings all day so it was busy, flew by. What about you? How was your workout?”
“It was tough, coach worked us hard today. Heavy lift and basically bag skated us.” Adam replies referring to his offseason trainer, his father as coach.
“Do you ever get annoyed at having your dad as your trainer?”
Adam chuckles. “All the time, he’s a menace. And if you screw up or don’t work as hard he tells on me to my own mother.”
That makes Talia smile. They continue talking until their drinks are empty and Talia springs up to get the next round. “Canadian?” Talia asks with a smile.
Adam stutters, “Yes but put it on my tab, I already have one going.”
“Not a chance.”
Talia returns shortly after to a girl talking to Adam. Talia was used to it by now, the Lowry family was pretty well known in Calgary as Adam’s dad was a NHL player and as Adam is now.
“Babe,” Adam greets with a glint in his eye as Talia slides him his own beer.
“Hi,” Talia greets back to Adam and the woman with him. Talia’s brain short-circuited a little when Adam called her that, she didn’t realize how much she missed hearing it. “I’m Talia,” Talia reaches her hand out for the girl to shake.
“My name is Claire.” The girl responds and Talia gets to have a good look at her. She was petite, slim figure with blonde hair. It takes a second for Talia to clue in to what was happening, making her chuckle a little under her breathe. Adam has slept with this girl before and she was talking to him again, hence Adam’s red face and the use of the pet name.
“Did you wanna sit?” Talia asks, moving over in the booth. For some reason, Talia wanted to see Adam squirm.
Claire looks at Adam with an unreadable expression. “No, thats okay. My friends are waiting for me, I just wanted to say hi. Thank you though,” Claire swiftly answers, putting her hand on Adam’s forearm before walking away. “It was good seeing you again Adam.”
“It was nice meeting you” Talia answers back with a smirk on her face, looking at Adam the whole time. Once Claire is gone, Adam visibly exhales and looks down at his lap. “She seems really nice.” Talia comments.
“Oh hush,” Adam laughs a little. “I’m sorry you had to experience that.”
“What did I just experience there?” Talia asks with a smirk, wanting to hear Adam say it.
“Talia,” Adam starts.
“Oh don’t worry about me,” Talia pauses, “babe.”
This makes Adam bark out in laughter. “I can’t tell if you are mad or not.”
“Why would I be mad?”
“Because I had you pretend to be my girlfriend just so I could avoid an interaction with someone I slept with once.”
“Oh? So she wasn’t an ex?” Talia replies, wanting to continue Adam’s pain.
“What?” Adam asks confused. “Oh no.”
“Oh no? What is so wrong with her Adam?”
This makes Adam stutter. “Nothing-nothing is wrong with her. She’s cute, but she’s not my type.”
“What’s your type then?” Talia questions.
“Why are you making me squirm so damn much?” Adam huffs.
This makes Talia crack, bringing a smile to her face and a little laugh to Adam’s ears. “I’m sorry, but THAT was so much fun.”
Adam pouts a little. “I hated every second of that interrogation.” Adam begins to crack a smile.
“I couldn’t help it,” Talia shrugs. “So how long ago did you sleep with her?”
Adam pauses, wondering how he should go about answering this question. “Um.” Adam pauses, but decides against not answering. “Last summer I wanna say.”
“The sex is that good? That she’s coming up to you in public places a year later after having sex with you ONCE?” Talia mock asks.
“Remind me again, why exactly am I speaking to you about this?” Adam questions, kind of baffled at how the conversation has turned.
“Because isn’t that what friends do?” Talia replies back sipping her drink.
“Pretend to be each other’s boyfriend or girlfriend to hide a run-in with someone you have slept with?”
“Oh? So this won’t the first and only interaction we have tonight? I’m impressed Lowry.”
Adam groans, “Please stop.”
“I get it, you are a hot shot hockey player who is single and you look like that so.” Talia points to his body.
“Look like what?” Adam smirks.
“Is the huge ego an act? or did the NHL really change you?” Talia jokes.
“You know me.” Adam replies seriously, halting the light hearted conversation for a moment.
“I know your sense of humour has gotten terrible.” Talia smiles, trying to keep the conversation light.
“Okay fine,” Adam sits up straight. “Tell me about the guys you have slept with.”
“Well to be fair, I have only met one of the girls you had sex with.”
“Fine, just one guy then. What does he look like?” Adam sips his beer.
“Well hopefully none of them come up to us tonight,” Talia jokes. “I’ve hooked up with one of my co-workers.”
“Which one?”
Talia chuckles, “Like I would have told you about him.”
“Why? Aren’t we friends?”
“His name is Jake, he works in another division at my office.”
“Is his job similar to yours?”
“Not really,” Talia pulls at the sleeves of her blouse. “He — he owns part of the firm.”
Adam whistles. “I knew you had it in you.”
Talia blushes, feeling so weird that she was feeling comfortable with sharing this type of information with Adam, her high school sweetheart.
“Was it a one time thing?”
“Yeah, we both had too much to drink at the office Christmas party.”
“Thats going to be a great story to tell your kids one day,” Adam jokes, pretending to wipe a tear from his  eye.
“Oh shut up,” Talia laughs. “Now you have to tell me the story behind Claire.”
“I don’t think it can compare to your romance novel of a story.” Adam jokes. “We meet one night at a bar and went home together” Adam shrugs.
“So are you more of a one-night stand type or a friends with benefits thing?” Talia asks.
Adam thinks about his answer carefully. He found it so odd to be talking about this stuff with Talia but it felt nice to be able to be friends like this. “One night stand type,” Adam comments. “Is that bad?”
“Why would it be bad?”
“I don’t know some people are not into that.”
“Yeah but that doesn’t mean your opinion isn’t valid.” Talia replies, making Adam feel a little better.
“What about you?”
“Um,” Talia pauses. “I’m a little bit of neither, but probably I’m more of a benefits person”
“Really?” Adam questions.
“Yeah,” Talia replies sheepishly, sort of put off by Adam’s reaction to her choice.
“Why would you say neither?”
“I never really do the one-night stand thing often. In university I had a benefits thing.” Talia shrugs. “I’m more of a relationship girl.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, did you date after us?”
Talia nods. “I’m mean sure I dated other people, but enough to be in a serious relationship? No. Not until Liam.”
Talia was pretty sure Adam had known about her ex-boyfriend as he was from Calgary, he went to a different high school than they did, and she figured Sarah had told him.
“Who’s Liam?”
“My ex-boyfriend. We dated after I moved home from university so like two years ago we dated. He went to Nelson, we met through Natasha’s boyfriend.”
“How did that go?”
“Good, we were good until he wanted to get more serious and I panicked. I wasn’t ready for that type of relationship so we broke it off.”
“I didn’t know that,” Adam comments.
“I figured Sarah would have told you.”
“She didn’t.”
“Have you had any girlfriends since us?”
Adam cringes a little, he was sure Talia knew about Emily. “One, Emily.”
“What was Emily like?”
“My second year in St. John’s, she had moved there for school. To be honest, she reminded me of you and I think thats why I dated her.”
“That’s unfair to her.” Talia comments.
“I know, but I was still grieving our break up.”
“How long did you date her for?”
“It was like on and off for a year and a half.” Adam replied, the last thing he wanted was for Talia to get uncomfortable.
“So you tried long distance with her?” Talia asks quietly, she was hurt just thinking about that.
“Yeah, for a couple months before I broke up with her.”
“Talia, I didn't love her.”
“She just reminded you of me.”
“She is nothing like you. You two are incomparable.”
“But you were able to compare us.”
“I was 18 and completely stupid and immature.”
“It sounded like you tried to replace me.” Talia murmurs, downing the rest of her drink.
“No one could ever replace you.”
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ipuckwithhockey · 3 years
Too Hot to Handle- A. Lowry
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a/n: adam lowry is hot.
summary: smut. adam lowry is hot. 
warnings: smut. adam lowry is hot. 
If you had known that coming on this trip would mean that you would be sharing a room, let alone a bed, you probably wouldn’t have agreed to come. Jen and Nikolaj had promised that the trip would include other singles, and while they hadn’t totally lied, they could have at least mentioned that the only single people coming would be you and Adam Lowry.  
Jen and Nikolaj have only been together for a few months, but they both seem equally and genuinely infatuated with each other. He was sweet and patient with her and her wild personality and while you had doubts at first about the hot shot hockey player, as you got to know him and his friends you came around to the idea of them dating. Jen hasn’t been this happy in ages and that’s just another reason why she was able to so easily talk you into coming along on their all-star week vacation.
Now you’re lying in a bed next to Adam, who seemed just as surprised when they told him the two of you would be sharing a room. It’s not that you don’t like Adam, it’s actually the exact opposite. You’re pretty sure you’re totally and completely in love the guy. Sure, you’ve known him for less time than Jen and Nikolaj have known each other but there’s something about him that keeps pulling you in.
It’s the way he leans down to listen, making eye contact with you when you’re standing in a crowded bar. It’s how he smiles with his eyes and laughs with his whole entire body. It’s how he always seems to find you and makes an effort to say hello, asking about your day or your work. It’s his hair that is dark brown but somehow looks auburn in just the right light. And after today, it’s the way his broad shoulders and toned chest look as he runs out to the ocean. 
You were sure it was just a crush, and maybe it still is, but after a long hot day at the beach you’re so worked up you think you might explode. It’s archaic really, that you’ve spent the entirety of your day objectifying a man’s body. You tried your best to hide your wondering eyes behind your dark sunglasses as they lingered on his sculpted abs and defined arms. You just couldn’t help but stare.
The room you’re sharing with him just seems to be getting smaller and hotter and you’re sure you’re having trouble breathing at this point.
Adam, the polite man that he is, asked if you minded him sleeping without a shirt on. You, being the polite and sane woman that you are said it would be fine. The two of you climbed into bed nearly an hour ago, Adam in just a pair of shorts and you in an old college t-shirt and some sleep shorts that you now realize are a bit too short. Had you known you would be in this situation you probably wouldn’t have packed the world’s tiniest pair of shorts, but because you don’t live in a fair world, you did. 
Adam hadn’t missed those shorts either. When you came out of the bathroom his bottom half was already tucked under the covers of the bed. You worked your way through the room, moving some things around in your bags and while you thought Adam had been scrolling through his phone, he had peaked up and caught glimpse of your ass as you bent over to reach for something you had dropped. He almost forgot to look away and when you turned around, he had a blush in cheeks that he hoped you wouldn’t notice. It’s the same shade of red that found itself present throughout the day on the beach. He tried to keep his distance, keeping busy with the guys playing football or swimming in the ocean, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself from drinking in your bikini-clad body. When you were in conversation with Jen or had your nose buried in your book he would let his eyes rake over you. They tried to memorize every curve of your body and now, those images are dancing through his mind, taunting him and keeping him from sleep. Luckily for him, you didn’t notice any of those quick glances because you were too busy in your own head, trying to calm yourself down about sharing a bed with Winnipeg’s most beautiful man. 
The clock on the wall keeps ticking and you’re about to just haul yourself onto the couch downstairs when you feel Adam turn over on his side. You gingerly turn over in response and to see if he’s still asleep but to your surprise he isn’t. His eyes are very much open, and they don’t seem to have any remnants of sleep in them. The two of you lay there, both on your sides, looking at each other for what feels like hours. In reality its only a minute, maybe two.
“I can’t sleep,” His raspy voice cutting through the silence in the room.
“Me neither.” You reply, not breaking the eye contact that Adam is so good at holding. Your breathing still feels labored and you try your best to appear calm, cool, and collected.
“Why not?” 
You could say that you can’t sleep because you’re so horny you think you might explode. Or you could say that you’re so hot and bothered that you might actually have a fever. But you don’t. You just give him a small shrug of your shoulders that says you’re not sure. 
This doesn’t satisfy him though, and he lets out a frustrated huff as he flops onto his back while running his fingers through his hair. He stares at the ceiling for a few seconds and as you’re about to turn back over yourself, he speaks frustratedly, “You’re driving me fucking crazy.”
A knife to your gut. That’s what it feels like. You’re not sure what to say and a small, sad, barely audible, “Oh,” slips out as you start to shrink back over to the other side of the bed. But you can’t move because there’s something that’s stopping you. It’s his hand. His warm hand on your arm, burning against your skin, is preventing you from rolling away from him. 
“Wait. I-I didn’t mean it like that.” 
You’re looking at him, unsure of what to say, and regretting even engaging in the late night conversation. 
“I- I don’t know if I can sleep in the same bed with you and also keep my hands off of you. I will. I swear I’ll stay as far away as I can if that’s what you wa—“
You cut him off by closing the small space between the two of you as your lips collide with his. A small wave of shock hits him, but the overwhelming rush of want and lust overpowers him as he desperately kisses you back. 
Your hands instinctively find their way to his hair and your fingers entangle themselves between his shaggy locks. You can feel his bare chest against you and his large warm hands caress the curves of your body as he hikes your leg around his waist. You can’t help but moan into his body. Adam doesn’t miss a beat and uses the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. The two of you are entangled with each other and as good as it feels, you need more. 
“Ad-Adam.” You breathe out as he moves his attention to your neck, sucking and nipping at your soft skin. He stops when he hears the tone in your voice and looks up at you, worry in his eyes, “Shit. I’m sorry.” 
You cut to the chase, “Adam. I swear to god if you don’t touch me right now, I might explode.” And with that short sentence Adam’s lips are crashing back into yours. He reaches his hands under your shirt, and he’s pleasantly surprised to find that you’re not wearing a bra. As your shirt is swiftly lifted above your head, Adam’s hands find their way back to your body and as his calloused fingers massage your nipples, your body arches into him in reaction. His lips and hands and his bare chest against yours are entirely too much and finally his hand meets the hem of your shorts, pulling them down your legs along with your underwear. Your body is a fire and Adam was the match that lit it. 
“These fucking shorts might just be the death of me.” He growls as he tosses them off somewhere into the dark room and in the midst of everything that’s happening you can’t help but let out a quick giggle. He smiles back at you again before capturing your lips once more, and you bite at his bottom lip as you feel him grind against your core. Eventually you can feel his fingers run through your wet folds and as he dips one into your core you carefully choke back your moans. You can feel him getting harder against your thigh as he holds his body above yours and slowly, he adds another finger, spreading you further, with the heal of is palm rubbing against your clit. It’s not enough though, and you need more. You need him. 
“Adam,” you quickly breathe out, “please, just fuck me,” still overwhelmed by the feeling of his fingers pumping inside of you, and desperately trying to rid him of his shorts.
Once they’re gone, thrown away somewhere in the dark room just like yours, he slowly aligns himself with you and he looks up once more, seeking your consent to go further. You nod, smiling at him and his ocean-like eyes. Then, you gently bring your hands to where they are placed on either side of his face, as you pull him into yet another breathtaking kiss. As your lips and tongues intertwine with each other you can feel him slowly push inside of you. A soft and restrained “Fuck,” escapes him as he settles inside of you, feeling your walls tighten around him while he lets you adjust to his size. 
“Fuck. Babe. I gotta move.” Adam chokes out against you and you anxiously tell him you’re okay before he starts to slowly thrust deeper inside of you. His hips rhythmically roll against yours and you want to scream for how good it feels to have him like this. All day, hot on the beach, you’ve had to keep your mind from wondering to this place, but now you’re here for real. This isn’t a day dream or even a dream in your sleep. This was reality.
Your strained whimpers underneath him are becoming more and more uncontrollable and as he quickens his pace, thrusting you harder into the mattress, he places one of his large hands on top of your mouth to muffle your moans. 
“Can’t have you waking up the whole house now, can we?” He says, smirking above you. You’ve never thought about having sex somewhere you could get caught and you’re not sure if its that or the fact that you’ve been pining over Adam for months that has you crumbling beneath him. Your hands are gripping at anything they can reach, and you’ve ceased to care if you leave marks as your nails rake across his toned back. Adam’s soft grunts and moans are strained and you can tell he’s holding himself back.
You’re both chasing your highs and neither of you know if you’ve ever felt this way with anyone else. Your bodies move together in sync, perfectly matching each other again and again as you feel yourself fluttering around him.
Adam desperately thrusts into you harder and faster as he works you toward your high, and as he reaches his hand back down to your clit you begin to unravel beneath him. Your screams are still muffled by his hand over your mouth as Adam fucks you through your climax. 
The dark room is silent, and only your shallow breaths fill the warm air. You’re still staring into Adam’s striking eyes as he slowly removes his hand from your mouth and gently rolls off of your body. The two of you now lay there naked, staring at the ceiling, slowly steadying your breathing in silence. 
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jiggyloveshockey · 4 years
Who has the horniest bromance in the NHL?
After reading too much fanfiction and reblogging way too many hockey gifs on this hellsite, I got slightly drunk and asked myself the following question: Who has the horniest bromance in the league? Here’s the scientifically totally legit poll where you can vote. But let’s look at our top 10 candidates first, shall we?
WE SHALL! But first, more wine! 
Mika Zibanejad and Chris Kreider
Sluttiness potential: People keep saying it’s just golf balls in his pocket, but personally, I choose to believe that Chris Kreider has the shlong to end all shlongs. Mazel tov!
Awww factor: They’re flying across the globe to visit during the summer, so- yeah. It’s love.
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Brock Boeser and Elias Pettersson
Awww factor: Hand holding on the bench levels of “awww”. Pettersson also donated 10 Grand to the Parkinson society of BC and Minnesota to honor Brock Boeser’s dad. It’s all very get-your-tissues-out sweet.
Sluttiness potential: Dude, they’re young, they still have to share their hotel rooms on the road, there is some sneaky boning going on. Probably. Maybe that’s just in my head? I don’t know. More wine!
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JT Compher and Tyson Jost
Sluttiness potential: I think this picture neatly sums it up. 
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(Look at the little weeny bum in the corner!)
Awww factor: Who can forget the time they had a moment™ because JT literally turned Tyson’s world to color?
Tyson Barrie and Nathan MacKinnon
Awww factor: Granted, they are no longer on the same team, but who cares. MORE WINE! Anyways,...
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Sluttiness potential: One time Nate fell into the ocean in Cannes, because he was too wasted to jump on his yacht and his first instinct was to walk - sopping wet - into Tyson’s room. If there isn’t some secret humping happening here, I’ll eat my boots. Or maybe the pack of mini salamis I just found in the fridge. Wine makes me hungry. Now, where were we..
Brandon Tanev and Adam Lowry
Awww factor: Aaaah, the couple that gave hockey tumblr The Kiss™. 
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Sluttiness potential: 
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No further questions, Your Honor!
Mitch Marner and Auston Matthews
Awww factor: The big, dumb one follows the fun smol one around all day long. Adorable.
Sluttiness potential: Auston “Knees breathing heavy” Matthews is currently shacked up with his goalie and Mitchy is back in Toronto chugging wine and playing Fortnite, but absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that.
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I’m approximately this level of tipsy right now by the way. 
[does awkward peace sign while eating another mini salami stick]
Alex Ovechkin and Nicklas Backstrom
Sluttiness potential: Ovi is legit coo-coo bonkers and Backstrom is the kind of silent that makes me think he’s secretly crazy, so I’m very convinced they’re both insane in the sack. But maybe that’s just me, sitting at home and getting unreasonably horny in self isolation. Have I mentioned I’m slightly drunk?
Awww factor: I might not be a Caps fan, but I teared up at this.
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It’s Love with a capital L and I will fight you if you disagree!
Jamie Benn and Tyler Seguin
Awww factor: Ty-Ty may be a narcissistic thot and Captain Cow Eyes may be a dum-dum and they don’t seem as smitten as they once were, but we all know they still love each other. We know. We most definitely know.
Sluttiness potential: Sluttiness potential is Tyler Seguin’s middle name. (Actually it’s Paul and I’m embarrassed I know that.)
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Travis Konecny and Nolan Patrick
Awww factor: The snarkier the bitch, the sweeter the moments of actual softness.
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“What do you think of?” 
[dreamy smile that you only have when you talk about your crush]
“Ugh, he’s the worst!”
Sluttiness potential: It’s hard to tell, because Patty hates everyone apart from TK.
Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin
Awww factor: The unsinkable ship, the pairing that keeps on giving. Read King and Lionheart and then tell me you don’t believe in love!
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Actually maybe I should re-read King and Lionheart again? I should.
Sluttiness potential: Sid’s buttcheecks invented sluttiness potential. 
Alright children, now go ye forth and vote while I pour myself a final glass of wine. Merry self isolation to us all and to all a good night!
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cellythefloshie · 2 years
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Cellythefloshie’s Kinktober 2022
It’s that time of year again - and after many years of fanfiction writing I have finally decided that it’s time step up and partake in Kinktober! 
The above photo will act as my prompt list and guide for this year - though they may feature other kinks as well. I will also be trying to stick to 500-1.5k words per prompt - but we also know that I like to get carried away with things (update: I failed, and wrote as many as 4k words for some prompts) - and my goal is that each prompt will feature a different player as well!  Status: Complete. Final Word Count: 26,992
*All posts for Kinktober 2022 will be 18+ Below the cut, you will find the table of contents and taglist for Kinktober 2022. 
day one - adam lowry - size kink day two  - anthony cirelli - best friends to lovers  day three - william nylander - thigh riding day four - ryan o’reilly - cunnilingus day five - brandon hagel - bondage day six - tj oshie - cheating day seven - brendan lemieux - biting day eight - matthew tkachuk - enemies to lovers day nine - brayden point - a/b/o day ten - chris kreider - voyeurism day eleven - ross colton - stepcest day twelve - pierre-luc dubois - forced orgasm day thirteen - roman josi - spanking day fourteen - brandon carlo - secret relationship day fifteen - auston matthews - blowjob
TAGLIST : @wingedwheelprxncess , @emsully2002, @charles11700​
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hockeyisreligion · 5 years
The One That Got Away - Part 4
been awhile, I hope you all are well!
the link to part 3 is here: part 3
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Talia was super nervous for the Lowry family barbecue she was attending. She hadn’t been to one since the summer before Adam left for Newfoundland, and they broke up. A lot had changed in the 6 years that have passed since Talia was a regular attendee. 
“Why are you nervous?” Adam comments as Talia gets into his truck to head to the Lowry household. He could tell just by how she scurries to the car. Talia had insisted on bringing something, and Adam finally cracked and told her she could bring a salad.Talia was wearing the cutest floral sundress and she was continuously pulling on it, Adam could’t believe how nervous she looked.
“Nice to see you too,” Talia murmurs. “You aren’t nervous?”
“Why would I be, Tal? I’ve been attending Lowry family barbecues my entire life.” Adam smiles over at Talia, pulling away from her apartment building.
“Ha ha,” Talia mocks. “Does your mom know I’m coming? I seriously don’t want to overstep.”
“Talia,” Adam pauses, talking a look at her to make sure she was being serious. “My mom has considered you to be her daughter since they day she met you. Just because we broke up, that doesn’t change a thing, I swear.”
“So she does know I’m coming?” Talia asks to confirm as they pull up to the famous Lowry house- or mansion as Talia refers to it as.
“You know,” Adam pauses putting the car in park. “I didn’t get a chance to tell her, so let’s go surprise everyone.”
“Adam Steven—”
Adam has gotten out of the car and is walking around the truck to try and get Talia out of the truck as well. He opens the door to see Talia biting her lip, she looks to be shaking a little. “Hey, c’mere” He begins to wrap his arms around Talia’s small figure. “You seriously have nothing to worry about Tal. My family loves you more than they love me.” Adam reassures, rubbing his hand up and down on her back.
This makes Talia chuckle, Adam takes this as a good sign and begins to pull back and get Talia out of the car. Adam grabs the salad she had made and took her hand gently tugging her along with him. They stopped outside of the front door, where Talia took a large deep breath. “There’s nothing for you to be nervous about, okay?” Adam smiles and gives Talia’s hand a squeeze before dropping it and opening the door to the Lowry house.
“We’re here!” Adam calls throughout the house.
“We?” Someone replies back, Talia thinks its Adam’s dad, Dave.
Adam and Talia round the corner to the kitchen and see the absolute surprise on everyone’s face (except Joel’s) when they notice Talia is with Adam.
“WHAT” Tessa, Adam’s younger sister, screeches, practically sprinting towards Talia bounding her up in the biggest hug. “Oh my god, what are you doing here?” Tessa questions, pulling back and looking at Talia from an arm’s length.
“We saw her yesterday grocery shopping and we invited her,” Joel comments, smiling at Talia.
“I’m mad that you two didn’t tell anyone I was coming,” Talia mutters, finally Tessa has let her go and Talia is being wrapped up by Elaine now.
“And ruin this surprise? I mean all of your faces were priceless,” Joel booms with laughter.
“I’m shocked you actually kept it a surprise, Joel” Adam nudges him.
“I told Sven,” Joel mutters, referring to the Lowry family dog.
“Let me at her,” Dave jokes, playfully pushing Elaine out of the way to give Talia a big hug, lifting her off her feet. Talia hadn’t seen Dave in a number of years, she couldn’t remember the last time.
“Easy big guy,” Joel jokes.
“It is so good to see you kid,” Dave whispers in Talia’s ear, putting her down with a swift kiss to her head.  
“Where’s Sarah?” Adam asks.
“She will be here soon, they just went to their hotel to get settled in.”
“Sarah’s in town?” Talia questions.
“Yeah, have you ever met the rug rats?” Dave asks referring to his grandsons and Sarah’s two boys, Lawson and Linden.
“I’ve met Lawson and I’ve seen Linden over facetime. But its been awhile, that was when Linden was a baby.”
“Sarah will be so excited to see you.” Tessa smiles, hugging Talia again. “We need to catch up, help me and mom in the kitchen?” Tessa questions which Talia nods with a smile.
“Okay boys, get grilling, so we can eat soon.”
It wasn’t long until Sarah was walking through the door. “We’re back,” she sing songs, followed by little fast steps running into the kitchen.
Sarah rounds the corner to see Talia cutting up some tomatoes for the hamburgers they were having, she immediately screams as she runs over towards her. Tessa and Sarah basically having the same reaction.
The two boys, Lawson and Linden look at this interaction with wide eyes and Lawson looks to their dad, Kyle to explain. “Daddy, who’s that?”
“Do you remember uncle Adam’s friend, Talia?”
“That’s her?” Lawson whispers now to his dad.
Sarah has finally let Talia go and now Kyle is giving her a friendly hug, Kyle and Sarah were only dating when Talia and Adam were still together. “How are ya, Tal?” Kyle asks.
“I’m good, what about you, dad?” Talia jokes, giving Kyle a nudge.
“Good, have you met the boys before?” Kyle runs his hand through Lawson’s hair.
Talia bends down to be eye level with Lawson, Linden hiding behind his dad’s leg. “You must be Lawson, my name is Talia.”
“You uncle Addy’s girlfriend.” Lawson smiles wrapping his little arms around Talia’s head. This gets the group to laugh. Talia doesn’t bother correcting him, just returns the squeeze. “Meet Lindy,” Lawson says trying to get his young brother to come out from hiding.  Linden looks out from behind his father’s leg and gives Talia the smallest of waves.
“He’ll come around,” Sarah comments. Talia stands up to see Adam, Joel, and Dave walking in with a plate of burgers from the barbecue. “Is the table set?” Sarah asks.
“We need another spot made up for Talia, and then we can eat.” Elaine comments, whisking everyone to the kitchen table.
Dinner was great, Talia forgot how much she missed Elaine and Dave’s cooking. After they ate, they enjoyed sitting on the patio, enjoying some drinks and the nice, mild night they were having in Calgary. Dave and the boys were talking all things hockey, even though it was the offseason for every Lowry, the NHL playoffs were still going on, with the Stanley Cup finals about to begin. The girls were catching up, asking a lot about Talia’s job. Talia felt like nothing had changed since the last time she was at the Lowry household for a barbecue. It was as if Adam and her were still together.
Adam really enjoyed having Talia over for dinner. He didn’t realize how much he missed having her fit in with her family so well. Talia and her family were so close even after all these years and their breakup, it still felt like nothing had changed. Talia was so close to his two sisters, fitting right in with them. It made Adam’s heart hurt a little seeing Talia interact with his family, especially his two nephews. It reminded him of what could have been, and that thought hurt Adam a lot. However, Adam was just happy having Talia back in his life, even if it is just as friends.
Talia, cleared her throat, getting everyone’s attention. “I just wanted to say a little thank you to you guys.” Talia pauses, taking a deep breathe before continuing. “When Adam invited me, I was quite nervous because it had been so long since I’ve been around you all. Which sounds stupid now because you have been nothing but welcoming to me and have always treated me like family. So I just wanted to thank you guys for that.” Talia blushes.
“Oh honey,” Elaine murmurs, moving her hand to rest on Talia’s thigh. “I have considered you to be one of my own since you were 7 years old. You will always be welcome here.”
“You and Adam not being together anymore, doesn’t change anything.” Joel comments, “You are still my sister.”
Talia had tears brimming her eyes and she took a big breathe collecting herself. “I wish I hadn’t stayed away from you guys all these years.”
Adam felt sick to his stomach, sitting there with his first love, best friend, and love of his life all wrapped into one, he felt helpless. He hated seeing her cry and knowing that he had a part in making her this emotional.
“Well you are here now, aren't ya?” Sarah comments, wrapping an arm around Talia. “Its been long overdue but I’m so glad you are here.”
“Me too.”
Talia and the Lowry family stayed talking until after midnight. She enjoyed catching up with the whole family and had even agreed to go to brunch in a couple of days with all the Lowry girls, before Sarah flew back home.
Adam dropped Talia back off at her apartment, they were both exhausted from the events of the day.
“I’m so glad you came,” Adam murmurs when they pull up to Talia’s building.
“Thanks for inviting me,” Talia replies.
“It was my pleasure, my family loved seeing you.”
“I loved seeing them.”
“I told you it was going to be just like old times,” Adam jokes, getting out of the car and walking around towards Talia in the passenger seat.
“I know,” Talia smiles. “You didn’t have to get out of the car,” she comments.
“I know, I just wanted to give you a hug.” Adam blushes, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace. They stand like this for awhile, Adam nuzzling his head in Talia’s neck.
“Can we hang out again soon?” Talia murmurs quietly.
“I’ll hang out with you any day.”
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hockeyisreligion · 5 years
The One That Got Away - Part 3
hey guys, so the other day when I said I have writer’s block about this story. well, I kinda lied and I kinda finished the chapter. It’s a little short. ANYWAYS, I hope you enjoy :) I start classes tmrw, ew 
the link to part 2 is here: part 2
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Do you want to get coffee sometime? Was the text that Talia received from Adam the next night.
The pair had texted back and forth casually throughout the day catching up with each other a little more. They eventually agreed to get coffee the following weekend.
The rain was pouring that Saturday morning when Talia woke up. She meeting Adam for coffee in an hour and a little bit of her wanted to cancel to just stay cuddled up with her cat, Leo all day long. But a bigger part of Talia was excited to see Adam again, she had missed that awkward, lanky guy.
Talia was 20 minutes early for coffee with Adam. They were meeting at a spot walking distance from Talia’s apartment. Talia frequented this coffee shop quite often as it was one of her go to shops to get work done if she was able to work from home. But to Talia’s surprise as she got to the coffee shop, Adam was already there.
“I guess we both wanted to be early,” Talia comments as she spots Adam sitting at a table in the back corner.
Adam chuckles, “my workout didn’t take as long as I thought it would this morning.”
“Have you ordered yet?” Talia questions.
Adam nods, “I ordered for you as well, the barista remembered what your drink order was”
“Oh,” Talia stammers. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“It was nothing,” Adam shrugs.  
“Well, thank you anyways.” Talia gives Adam a genuine smile and the pair begin to relax, conversation flowing through them.
“So you work at a PR firm?” Adam asks Talia, in which Talia nods in response. “Are you enjoying that?”
“I love it,” Talia begins to beam. “I really seem to be fitting in at the firm and with my clients. I never thought I would doing this when I first began my degree but I so happy with how it turned out. It’s crazy how life works out like that, eh?”
Adam is just smiling at Talia, enjoying listening to her talk about her work. It seems to be something she is so passionate in.
“But what about you? Do you like Winnipeg?” Talia turns the conversation to Adam.
“I love Winnipeg, it’s such a great city.” Adam smiles. “They love their hockey and the people there are so friendly and I feel like the whole city supports us. Did you see the playoffs? The white-out is just something everyone needs to experience, its incredible.”
“I bet, it looks crazy from what I have seen on tv.”
“So you have been watching Jets games?” Adam leans in towards Talia and the small table that is separating them.
“I have watched a couple in passing.” Talia replies, leaning back in her seat.
Adam rolls his eyes playfully, “I think you just admitted to watching my games.”
“Adam,” Talia pauses. “Of course I have watched your games.”
This makes Adam suddenly quiet. “I figured that once we broke up, you would have never watched me or even hockey again.”
“Well,” Talia takes a deep breathe. “For a while, I hated hockey. Never watched it, almost resented it. But then I realized how much I missed hockey. I mean it has been apart of my life in some form since I was 5.”
“And I realized that in some way I could still keep up with your life by watching your games. I realized that I missed just being around you.”
“One of the hardest things when we broke up was that I didn’t really have a reason to talk to you and keep up with your life. You had been in my life in some form since we were 7. It was hard to go from being a constant in your life to never talking.”
“Yeah, I guess you couldn’t watch me on tv a couple nights a week, eh?” Talia smiles weakly.
“No,” Adam smiles sheepishly. “I had my sister stay in touch and she let me know how you were doing.
“You could have just asked yourself,” Talia whispers.
“Yeah, well, I think that would have hurt too much.”
It had been 5 days since Adam and Talia’s coffee date - well, Talia didn’t want to label it a date but since the two met up for coffee - when Talia ran into Adam and Adam’s brother, Joel at the grocery store.
Joel was the first to spot Talia. “Hey Tal.” Joel smiles, coming over to give Talia a big, warm hug.
“Oh, hey guys.” Talia accepts the hug and quickly after Adam is wrapping her up as well. “What are you guys up to?”
“Oh, we are just grabbing some things for a family barbecue we are having tomorrow tonight. Mom made us do all the shopping this year.” Joel says.
“Wouldn’t be a Lowry family barbecue without Elaine’s potato salad. Does she still make that?” Talia smiles, reminiscing of all the years she would be at Lowry barbecues and Elaine would devote hours to her potato salad.
“Got the potatoes right here,” Adam motions toward the bag of potatoes in their cart right now.
“Oh, awesome,” Talia smiles.
“Adam tells me you are working at a PR firm here, how’s that?” Joel asks.
“Great, I’m really enjoying my job.” Talia replies.
“Good, I’m glad.”
“Hey, I almost forgot congratulations on a great season this year!” Talia gives Joel another hug. Joel always will be like a brother to her, even if Adam and her are broken up.
“Thanks Tal, I’m hoping to sign with the Panthers this year, maybe make the big leagues.”
“Thats so awesome Joel, I’m so proud of you.” Talia beams. “Well, I better let you two go so you can finish up your shopping. You don’t wanna forget anything on Elaine’s list.”
“It was great seeing you again, Tal.” Adam goes in for another hug.
“Say hi to all the Lowrys’ for me, will ya?” Talia smiles, hugging Joel now.
“I will. They will be so happy we ran into you.” The three bid goodbyes and finish their grocery shopping.
Talia is back at her apartment finishing putting away her new groceries when she gets a text from Adam.
‘My brother keeps bugging me about how I didn’t invite you to the bbq tomorrow. I’m sure you're busy but if you're not, would you like to come with me? It would be just like old times.’
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hockeyisreligion · 5 years
The One That Got Away - Part 2
HEY GUYS, here is part 2 of my new Adam Lowry Series. I hope you guys enjoy it :) 
the link to part 1 is here: Part 1
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Talia and Adam spent the majority of the night catching up over a couple of drinks. But that was abruptly stopped when some of Talia’s friends came over wanting to go home. Talia couldn’t abandon her friends, or so she thought.
Adam recognized one of Talia’s friends as her childhood best friend, Natasha. “Oh,” Natasha says when she sees Adam is sitting with Talia at the bar. “Adam, hey.” Natasha politely smiles.
Adam being the nice guy that he is, gets up and lightly hugs Natasha. “Its good to see you Natasha,” Adam greets.
“We were gonna head out Tal,” Natasha says, eyeing the old couple. “Evan is on his way to take us home.” Evan was Natasha’s boyfriend.
Talia starts to get up and gather her belongings when Adam says, “You know, I could take you home.” Adam has suddenly become nervous, scratching the back of his neck.
“I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation. Stay if you want,” Natasha adds, quickly hugging Talia and leaving the pair alone.
“I just live around the corner,” Talia says to Adam, blushing a little. “Um, you could walk me home?” Talia questions.
“I would love to,” Adam smiles. “Let me just tell my friends that I’m leaving.”
That gave time for Talia to grab her denim jacket and wait for Adam at the door of the bar.
“Hey, sorry,” Adam jogs over to Talia and opens the door to exit. “Which way?”
“Oh, left. This way,” Talia directs the two, falling into step on the side walk.
“It’s crazy that after all these years, I ran into you tonight.” Adam comments.
“It’s been quite a long time since I saw you last,” Talia replies.
“Yeah,” Adam huffs. “Last time was when I moved to St. John’s.”
“Do you ever think about what would have happened if we tried to stay together?” Adam asks curiously.
Talia hums, thinking about her answer. “Yeah, I thought about it a lot in the year after that we broke up.”
“Do you think we would still be together?” Adam questions.
“Honestly?” Talia sees Adam nod. “No.”
Adam is a little taken aback from her statement and quite frankly, a little hurt.
“I don’t mean to be rude,” Talia apologizes. “I just think that we wouldn’t have survived the distance.”
“It was only two years.” Adam argues.
“I didn’t know that at the time,” Talia points out. “Do you think we would still be together?”
Adam takes a large breath in. “I thought that our love for each other would have survived the distance.”
“Then why did we break up?” Talia questions.
“I thought you wanted to.” Adam argues.
“I don’t know if I wanted to per se, I think we both knew that it was for the best.” Talia remarks.
Adam shrugs almost whispering, “I guess we will never know.”
“This is my apartment,” Talia points to a high rise building that Adam and Talia are standing in front of. “Um, well. It was really good to see you.”
“Oh, yeah. I’m really glad we ran into each other.” Adam smiles politely, Talia could tell it was forced.
“Look, what I said about us not being together, its not personal, okay?” Talia points out. “You asked for my honest opinion.”
“I know, Tal. It just kinda stung a little thats all.” Adam admits.
“I know, and believe me, after we broke up I thought that we could have done it. But then as I kept thinking about it and began to move on, I came to the conclusion that it was for the best. And our relationship could have been a little more messy if we didn’t break up when we did.”
“I’m glad we can be friendly with each other and theres no hard feelings,” Adam admits.
“I’m glad too. I never thought I would see you tonight.”
“Me either. But it was the most pleasant surprise,” Adam smiles.
“Well,” Talia yawns. “I better get to bed.”
“Yeah, I will let you get your beauty sleep,” Adam begins to wrap his arms around me.
“It was really nice seeing you hot shot,” Talia smiles laying her head on Adam’s chest.
“Talia?” Adam’s mom, Elaine questions as she notices Talia was in the same boutique as her. It is the day after Talia saw Adam last night, Talia was doing some Sunday afternoon shopping with her mother.
“Elaine,” Talia exclaims. “Hi, it’s so good to see you.”
Elaine wraps her arms tightly over Talia. “How are you guys?” Elaine smiles, now wrapping Talia’s mother, Lena.
“Great,” Lena replies. “How have you been?”
“So good.”
“Busy with your grandkids?” Talia asks, smiling. Even though Adam and Talia broke up, she still kept up with Adam’s siblings, especially Adam’s older sister, Sarah, who has the cutest two little boys.
“Oh yes, they keep me young. I’m actually going to visit Sarah in a couple of days,” Elaine responds, pulling out her phone to show Talia and Lena pictures of her two grandsons.
“What a lucky Grandma,” Lena smiles looking at the photos of the two boys.
“You’re the second Lowry I have run into in the past two days.” Talia comments.
“Whattt? Adam, you saw Adam yesterday?” Elaine exclaims, a smile over taking her whole face.
“Yeah,” Talia replies, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. “We ran into each other at the bar last night.”
“No way.” Elaine remarks.
“He looked good, I hadn’t seen him since we….” Talia trails off, Lena and Elaine knew what she meant.
“I’m glad you two got to see each other again,” Elaine comments. No matter what Talia knew that Elaine loved her like another daughter. Even 6 years after Adam and Talia have broken up, she still considers Elaine to be her second mom.
“Yeah, it was good to talk with him. And catch up and stuff,” Talia smiles. The three said their goodbyes shortly after as Elaine claimed she had to get home to start working on the Lowry Sunday night family dinner.
“I didn’t know you saw Adam last night,” Lena tells Talia as they are in the line to check out of the boutique.
“Yeah,” Talia becomes sheepish. 
“You guys just ran into each other?” Lena asks.
“Yeah,” Talia shrugs.
“Well, how did he look? Did you get to talk to him or was it just a “hey, good to see you,” sort of situation.”
“Um,” Talia pauses. “Well we basically talked the rest of the night at the bar and then he walked me home.”
Lena seems to mull over what Talia said, giving it lots of thought. “Interesting,” she finally comments.
“Does he have a girlfriend?” Lena blurts out.
Talia rolls her eyes, scoffing. “Mom, I don’t know. I hadn’t seen him in 6 years, why would I ask him? That’s not any of my business.”
“He walked you home, Talia.” Her mother giving Talia a pointed look.
Talia just shakes her head, the conversation ending.
“You will never guess who I saw today,” Elaine tells her son the moment he walks into the kitchen.
“You will never guess who I saw last night,” Adam replies, going to the fridge to take out a beer.
“Oh, I know who you saw last night,” Elaine responds, a massive smirk taking over her face.
Adam looks flabbergasted, almost spitting out his gulp of beer he just took. Adam shakes his head, chuckling a little. “Did Dad tell you?”
The look on Elaine’s face tells Adam the answer to his question. “You told your father before you told me?” If looks could kill, Adam would already be 6 feet under.
“Look, I was gonna tell you. But Dad and I were golfing this morning and it just came up.”
“How does seeing Talia for the first time since you broke up just simply come up in conversation?”
“Well we were talking about what I did last night and I just told him,” Adam says.
His mother huffs and continues on making dinner.
“Wait, so you saw Talia today?” Adam asks quickly turning around after getting ready to leave the kitchen but not before he remembered what his mother said to begin this conversation.
“Oh?” Elaine questions. “So you do want to talk to me about Tal?”
Adam rolls his eyes, “Oh, would you quit it? I’m sorry for telling Dad before you.”
“I saw Talia shopping with her mom today.” Elaine begins.
“Thats all the information I’m gonna get out of you?” Adam huffs.
“Maybe you should ask your dad for the rest of the story.”
“You are so petty” Adam’s laugh booms throughout the kitchen. Adam began helping his mother with dinner, getting the steak ready to be put on the barbecue. This is how he got all the information about Talia’s run in with his mom.
It wasn’t until later that night that Adam saw he had two new messages from a random number.
I ran into your mom today.
Shit, sorry. It’s Talia, I got your number from Sarah. I hope that’s ok.
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hockeyisreligion · 5 years
The One That Got Away - Part 1
HEY GUYS, here is part 1 of my new Adam Lowry series. I hope you guys enjoy it :) 
word count: 1,029 
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Talia never thought that she would ever see Adam Lowry again. Stupid, right? She got away with not seeing him for the past 6 years in a city like Calgary, she thought that was it. But boy was she wrong.
It was a mild, late May Saturday night when Talia finally saw Adam for the first time since they broke up. Talia’s 3 friends decided to drag her out on the town after a long work week. They were going to the bar that they frequent quite often, a little dive bar just around the corner from Talia and her roommate’s apartment. She never expected Adam to be here.
Talia was on her way to the bathroom when she saw him in the corner of her eye. She could pick him out of a crowd everywhere. Even after all of these years, she could find that 6 ft 5 handsome man out in the sea of millions. She stops abruptly when she spots him, turning to look and make sure it is actually him. Who was she kidding? of course it was him. Granted he had gained facial hair and looked older. Since they broke up six years ago Adam had filled out his tall and lanky body with muscle. He looked so good. Talia couldn’t deny it.
After realizing that Talia was staring at Adam, she quickly gets to bathroom. But Talia doesn’t get away free, Adam saw her as soon as she walked into the bar. Talia was someone that always will have some sort of power over Adam. Talia was Adam’s first girlfriend and first love and because they ended on somewhat good terms when they broke up. Talia was the one that got away.
Talia and Adam broke up before Adam moved to St. John’s to play for the Ice Caps. It was an amicable breakup as they both didn’t really want to do long distance. Adam thought that them breaking up was for the best but sometimes he wonders what would have happened if they stayed together.
Adam was astonished at how Talia had gotten even more beautiful from the last time they saw each other. Adam was always starstruck at how beautiful and natural Talia looked. She could pull off the effortless look that all girls wanted to master. Talia never looked like she tried and that was something that attracted Talia to Adam. Adam had a crush on Talia the second he saw her for the first time back when they were 7 years old. And to this day, that crush had never stopped, but has gotten worse.
Adam knew he needed to talk to Talia. They hadn’t in almost 6 years, Talia had cut communication when he left to St. John’s. She was moving to British Columbia for University and Adam was across the country at the literal other side of Canada. He had seen her posts on her social media and sometimes Adam’s mother would say that she was talking to Talia or Talia’s mother and thats how Adam got his information on her. He knew she was doing well and he never wanted to complicate or screw things up with her. He stayed in the distance and let Talia go.
But tonight? Adam wasn’t gonna let her get away without saying hello. He needed to say hi, it had been so long. So Adam got up from the booth he was sitting at with his friends and made his way in the direction that Talia headed only a couple minutes prior. He thinks she was heading to use the washroom, so Adam milled around waiting to see if he could talk to her.
Meanwhile, in the washroom Talia was freaking out. She had just seen her high school sweetheart and first love for the first time since they broke up. She had tried to get over Adam and she believed she had, but boy was she wrong when she caught a glimpse of him for the first time tonight. All her feelings that she pushed away about him came back, and they came back with a vengeance. She didn’t realize she had been in the bathroom for so long as someone had knocked to see what was taking so long. With a quick glance in the mirror, she unlocked the door and headed out. Only to be stopped by a broad shouldered, 6 ft 5 in male better known as Adam Lowry.
“I thought that was you,” Adam murmured, giving Talia a shy smile.
Talia couldn’t quite get an answer out before Adam is lightly wrapping his arms around her in a hug.
“Hi,” was all that Talia could mutter as Adam’s scent filled her nose and she let out a content sigh.
“Its been a really long time,” Adam whispered in her ear.
“How are you?” Talia whispers back still holding onto Adam and their hug.
“I’ve been good, what about you?” Adam replies as he slowly pulls back still holding his hands on Talia’s waist.
Talia blushes lightly, she clinging to Adam’s t-shirt. “It’s been so long,” Talia murmurs. “I’m good though.”
Adam grins down at her pulling her in for another hug. “You look good,” Adam whispers.
“I hear you are a hot shot hockey player now,” Talia remarks with a small smile on her face.
“Oh yeah?” Adam pulls back a little to look down at Talia. “Who did you hear that from?”
“My mom” Talia laughs, her whole face breaking out into a smile. Adam missed hearing that laugh and watching how her nose crinkles up, her eyes become slits, and he smile just radiating. Her laugh was so contagious.
“Lena became a Winnipeg fan? Thats sacrilege for her to live in this city and not be a flames fan” Adam chuckles with Talia, finally letting go of her.
“Oh c’mon,” Talia remarks, “She has always been an Adam Lowry fan.” Talia finishes, her cheeks getting a pinkish red tinge to them.
“I remember a different girl in your family that was my biggest fan,” Adam smiles, stepping closer to Talia.
“I was up there.” Talia smirks.
“Not you,” Adam scoffs. “Your granny.”
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hockeyisreligion · 5 years
Auston Matthews part 2 fic???
Thinking of making a part 2 for my “Daddy” Auston fic. Let me know if you think that’s something you would like :)
p.s. I wanna start an Adam Lowry series with many parts bc there is like ZERO Adam content okay.
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