glasstomas-blog · 5 years
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[ max thieriot, twenty-one ] did you see DOUGLAS GLASS’s snap story last night? how do you think he plans to get through his JUNIOR year doing stuff like that? i’m sure his parents don’t mind, though. especially since DOUG can be so OBSERVANT + CREATIVE. then again, he can be INSECURE + DISOBEDIENT, so maybe they will mind after all? by the way, did you know his MOM is a SUPREME COURT JUSTICE? fuck it, at least their son is hot, his THIRD year is treating him well enough i suppose…
Doug’s mother had his whole life planned out for him before he ever dared to pop out of the womb, and there was nothing that bored him more than that very plan. The boredom hadn’t rolled in with puberty or a rebellious teenage phase, it had always been there. Most of his homeschool lessons during his formative years were spent staring out windows and daydreaming, fantasizing about finger painting and being a rock star. His mother’s suffocatingly strict management of his life created an unavoidable rift between them but he never directly disobeyed the life plans she laid out for him. She was the only family he had, after all.
His father had left before Doug had any real hope of forming lasting memories of the man, chased off by his mother’s neglect and ambition as far as Douglas could tell. That long-survived elephant in the room didn’t help his strained relationship with his mother, and the two had very little in common by the time Doug was eighteen. However, the one thing they did share was a love for tennis. Their matches together were one of the few times he ever caught a glimpse of what his mother was like outside of being Judge Glass. It had been during one of those matches that she informed of his enrollment into Adams University. That match had been their last match together. The final tally between them had been 52 losses and 3 wins for Doug.
The transition from private, well-monitored studies to an academy that provided limited freedoms of choice was not a difficult one for Douglas. In fact, his freshman year was a blurry overindulgence of parties and alcohol and the only thing that kept him from completely losing focus was tennis and art. And the threat of his mother showing up to set him straight. By the start of his junior year, Doug had carved out a purpose for himself at Adams while dreading the day graduation came around and he’d have to return to the life his mother mapped out for him.
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goldmended-blog · 5 years
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    hey lads, i’m neal and this is ryan!! this intro went in like a hundred different directions when i was writing it so i apologize for that...
         [ lorenzo zurzolo, 20 ] did you see RYAN JACOBSON's snap story last night?  how do you think he plans to get through his JUNIOR year doing stuff like that?  i’m sure his parents don’t mind, though. especially since RYAN can be so OBSERVANT + RESOURCEFUL. then again, he can be WITHDRAWN + JUDGMENTAL, so maybe they will mind after all?  by the way, did you know his DAD is THE CEO OF BOEING? fuck it, at least their son is hot, his THIRD year is treating him well enough i suppose… [ neal, they/them, 21, est]
HISTORY (cw. injury, accidents, broken bones)
ryan grew up believing he was going to be a star, dreaming of the day when arenas would scream his name and fans would have his number plastered on their backs. but he did not grow up in lavish wealth, OBLIVIOUS his entire childhood of the millions attached to his name in a hefty trust fund. instead he was raised by his mother arianna in a modest enough home --or at least as modest as you can get-- in a california suburb just north of the bay area. a well-respected aerospace engineer, arianna never spoke much about his father, nor were there any signs of him in ryan’s life save for the checks that came every month. he learned early on to not ask questions and came to the conclusion around age ten that his birth had been less than ideal. that was that. if only...
they lived three doors down from a family from minnesota who moved there when he was SIX, the boys around his age were a god-send for his mother who was able to ryan let off energy and steam playing street hockey. street hockey turned into ice hockey soon enough, and against the odds of california hockey ryan absolutely fell in love. his talent for the sport become quite obvious as he grew older, playing his way onto various teams and at 16, being invited to the USNTDP ( us national team development program ) camp. he was accepted into the program and lived the best two years of his life in plymouth, living with a billet family and playing for the ntdp. he played his way through the ranks, signing a letter of intent for boston university and being drafted in the first round of the 2017 draft by the san jose sharks -- practically a dream come true. he played one season at bu before disaster struck...
the summer of 2017 wasn’t just the summer ryan was drafted, but the summer his father michael bolding suddenly decided to take avid interest in him. the exact circumstances, ryan still doesn’t know, but he still vividly remembers that dinner in early may. a lot of truths came out that night, some probably better kept hidden and the least of which being michael bolding was the ceo of boeing. it made a terrifyingly great deal of sense, but even more terrifying was the clear intent : michael bolding expected his son to follow in his footsteps, no matter the fact he’d barely had a fingerprint in his life since birth -- unless you count a check. ryan, of course, refused : he thought he could see his future ahead of him and it didn’t involved millions from a trust fund from a manipulative and absent father. and so, may turned to june and he was drafted; june to september and he played ncaa hockey.
the summer of 2018 was supposed to be about pushing himself, about having a good off-season to come into training camp in september and winning a job. instead, he spent three weeks in icu in a medically induced coma after a horrific accident nearly killed him. his right leg was completely shattered, resulting in metal supports and several grafts and permanent splints in his leg --- the result in the end was simple : it would be unlikely he would skate again and if he did, nearly impossible for him to reach anywhere near his past talent. oh, ryan tried : months and months of physical therapy that while did end with him on skates, certainly never would be good enough to get him to the show when it would’ve been hard enough completely healthy.
michael bolding paid ryan’s medical bills because arianna couldn’t and paved the way for his future at adams university with a clinical efficiency that has convinced ryan of some ulterior motive. call him paranoid, but the details surrounding his accident seem a bit too circumstantial to him, especially since he can’t remember anything from that night after leaving a party -- just waking up in the hospital. so yeah, he’s suspicious. while he has come mostly to terms with this new future, he’s definitely not ready to become michael’s little pawn either.
even in his pre-accident days, ryan had a knack for photography and telling stories and this is the route he’s chosen to take at adams --- and hey, if those investigative journalism classes can teach him anything useful... well...
ryan plays golf at adams, mostly because he has to. he’s okay at it, but definitely doesn’t love it. he’s still trying to skate and practice his skills when he can -- it hurts less now almost a year and a half after the accident. he also can surf.
photography was a big part of his mental recovery after the accident ; it helped to calm him and gave him a direction to look in life ( much more than his so-called father anyway ).
he’s withdrawn and very observant, prefers to watch things from the outside, even moreso after the accident, but do not mistake that for shyness.
only very close friends can call him ry
he mostly does photography for the school bulletin, but he does write occasionally.
this is his SECOND semester at adams. he started last spring semester and earned his current junior status by taking summer courses.
he’s bi. he’s vaguely aware of this fact.
oh yeah, he was an undersized defenseman when he played ( two-way game, absolute excellent skater )
that’s it for now, i think --- so let’s get things going!!
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glasstomas-blog · 5 years
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[ bob morley, twenty-two ] did you see ALEXANDER TOMÁS’s snap story last night? how do you think he plans to get through his SENIOR year doing stuff like that? i’m sure his parents don’t mind, though. especially since LEX can be so PERSISTENT + OPTIMISTIC. then again, he can be IMPATIENT + CONCEITED, so maybe they will mind after all? by the way, did you know his DAD was CEO OF A FORTUNE FIVE HUNDRED COMPANY? fuck it, at least their son is hot, his FOURTH year is treating him well enough i suppose…
His father called him Xander ( Alexander when he was disappointed in his son ), and his friends called him Lex ( Lexie if he liked them enough to let it pass ). Not that Lex ever had many friends during his childhood. It was hard to make friends when he was being groomed to take over the family company and too busy striving to earn his father’s approval to admit that he hated studying business. His father’s business didn’t interest Lex in the slightest, even if it did allow for all the privileges he was used to while growing up. However, Lex kept his feelings to himself and played the dutiful son.
His father had never planned on having children, the likelihood of it happening had simply been far too slim due to medical reasons. So Lex had been an unexpected and happy accident, but an accident that also came with the cost of losing his mother during childbirth. Which left Lex to be raised by nannies and tutors, while he cashed after his father for the little moments of validation and pride that he could wring out of the man. And that meant dedicating himself to the family company with the same vigor his father did.
It also meant that his years at Adams University dragged by as he learned how to be the idle businessman, callous and calculating. Those traits went against the friendly, people pleaser Lex saw himself as and he made up for it by staying as social as possible when his studies weren’t weighing him down. He had hoped by his senior year that the weight of expectations would have severely lessened, but in fact, quite the opposite happened. Lex could only dread the day he’d have to leave the campus behind and begin actually working for his father. So he decided his last year at Adams University would be the year that he lived it up to the fullest. 
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