horroraceman93 · 1 year
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Here's a great and powerful My Little Pony/Equestria Girls ship for my Pride Month fanart. AdaXie or Triagio (Adagio Dazzle x Trixie Lulamoon). Must've gone on a date together and are ending it with a kiss.
Happy Pride Month 2023!!!
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For example, a transverse incision dividing the SAM from the primordium initial (I) caused the initial to develop radially without forming any adaxial tissue (Figure 19.3A). (...) However, two marginal incisions that allowed unimpeded communication between the SAM and the primordium initial led to the development of normal adaxial-abaxial symmetry (Figure 19.3B). (...) As described above, the abaxialized primordia produced by surgically isolating primordia from the apical meristem fail to form leaf blades (see Figure 19.3).
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clearwillow · 3 months
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Took a different approach and stuck completely traditional for this one.
HB graphite pencil
Artify alcohol markers
Adaxi alcohol markers
005, 01, and 08 Pigma Micron pens
white gel pen
Parkoo Watercolor brush pen
Strathmore marker paper, 6x8"
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nuklearis-sutotok · 9 months
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I got new markers, ADAXI brand, grey scale. I've never used these before. Ignore my handwriting, it's awful and something went sideways with that "b." Otherwise, I'm really happy with the way this came out. ❤️
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equestriaqueerz2024 · 8 months
.Fluttershy x Aria Blaze (AriaShy)
.Sunset Shimmer x Twilight Sparkle (SunsetSparkle)
.Adagio Dazzle x Trixie Lulamoon (AdaXie)
Who’s the Dom of the relationship? Adagio
How did they get together? Hmmm….tbh, I’m not sure 🤔 I have to come up with a story that’s completely far-fetched to answer that question 😂
How long would they last? - Probably not that long. I don’t imagine them being long-term.
My personal sexuality headcanons for the both of them. Adagio is Bi and Trixie is a female leaning Bi.
Who would be the one to propose? I don’t really imagine either one proposing. If they ever were to get married, it would just be a proposal that…”just happens”. But if I had to choose…maybe Trixie?
A song that would fit them. - Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen
Their favorite food that they like to share together. - Hmmm…Caviar and sushi. Trixie didn’t like sushi at first, but Adagio introduced her to it.
Who’s the Dom of the relationship? - Sunset obviously lol
How did they get together? - Like that one person on the show’s team said, I imagine them getting together after highschool.
How long would they last? - For forever 😊
My personal sexuality headcanons for the both of them. - Sunset’s Bi, but prefers girls more. Sci Twi’s a Biromantic Grey Ace.
Who would be the one to propose? - Sunset Shimmer
A song that would fit them. - I think I Wanna Marry You by Bruno Mars or For Forever by Dear Evan Hansen
Their favorite food that they like to share together. - They both like many Asian cuisines, mainly sushi & ramen.
Who’s the Dom of the relationship? - Aria
How did they get together? - Like AdagiTrix, I have to come up with a story that’s completely far-fetched to answer this.
How long would they last? - I would like to think for a good while, until time catches up for Fluttershy…
My personal sexuality headcanons for the both of them. - Aria is Bi (female leaning), and Fluttershy is Pan & Demi.
Who would be the one to propose? - I see it as a “ accidental proposal”. The idea just comes up one day and they just decide to go through with it (after they both get through the initial awkwardness and all lol).
A song that would fit them. The Truth by India Arie (but a wlw version)
Their favorite food that they like to share together. - Their diets are very different from one another’s, but they like to eat fruit together.
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therxtking · 8 days
(what kind of markers do you use?)
Adaxi greyscales, Paper Mate gel pens, Gelly Roll white gel pen, Azure markers, Letraset, and Prismacolors
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pawpunkao3 · 2 years
!! !! i wanna see ur ocs !!
Since you did three pairs, I’m gonna give deets on three characters that aren’t technically OCs but might as well be because they get no canon personality at all: Kristen’s little siblings.
Bricker is the oldest save Kristen, and spent the longest time buying into Helioicism. His parents didn’t make the same mistake twice and sent him to a Helioic school, where he excelled both academically and physically, and then on to train to become a paladin border guard like them. He was also good at that, but as soon as he went on his first patrol and realized being a border guard meant attacking or even killing people who just wanted to go to a different location (people that everyone said were monsters, too inherently different to humans to ever relate to them but Bricker stares down a Goblin who can’t be more than twelve years old as she stands in front of her little siblings and he would do that in a heartbeat, too) he pretty quickly broke his oath. Of course, he was on patrol with some other paladins, so... he had to get rid of the witnesses. He was technically on the border guard for a while, intentionally foiling attempts to catch people crossing over from the Mountains of Chaos, but then someone found out about his first patrol. Now he’s a wanted murderer and adventurer (same difference, right?) who helps people cross the border. He speaks fluent Goblin also :)
Bucky is the most normal of his siblings. He did okay in school, got an office job, and decided he was going to get fit. He met the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen at the gym. She also happened to be an Orc named Adaxi, prompting him to very quickly have to decide if he was going to side with his parents or acknowledge the facts in front of him (that Adaxi was perfect in every way). He chose the latter, but pretended to side with his parents for a few years because he didn’t want to lose his family. A while after they started dating, Bucky got fucking wasted at an Orcish party, passed out drunk, and met Luthic. When he woke up, he was able to rage, as well as had a lot more confidence. That prompted him to quit his job, cut things off with his family and seek out his older brother to adventure with him (and his girlfriend, when her work isn’t too busy).
Gemma is Kristen’s youngest sibling. I will not say what she is referred to in canon because A) I hc her as trans and B) it’s a stupid ass name. She knew something was Off at a very young age, but obviously the Applebees household isn’t a very safe place to explore that, so she kept praying for someone to make her normal. Eventually, an angel came down and was like “there’s nothing wrong with you, also your parents are heretics for preaching hate instead of acceptance. Do you wanna be a warlock.” Gemma said yes (because she’d never met anyone, much less an emissary of Helio, who had told her it was okay to be who she was) and became a warlock of that angel. She passed her powers off as clericism, but of course, after Kristen her parents viewed even that with suspicion. It wasn’t much of a surprise when their last child vanished as well, going to meet her brothers.
In the end, they meet the Bad Kids on an adventure and reunite with Kristen. She feels horrible that she never really tried to get them out, but they all ended up leaving anyway. Sometimes she joins their party for adventures! She’s so happy to have her siblings back :)
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adz · 1 year
1760  J. Lee Introd. Bot.  iii. xviii. 207Securiform, hatchet-shaped; as in Humulus.
1815  W. Kirby  & W. Spence Introd. Entomol.(1818) I. ix. 299 (note)Mordellæ will open the anthers with the securiform joints of their palpi to get at the pollen.
1852  J. D. Dana U.S. Exploring Exped.: Crustacea Pt. II  ii. 869A small hand, slightly oblong, somewhat securiform.
1892 Bulletin(Queensland Dept. Agric.) 18 23Endocarp thick, woody, shiny on the inside, 5 to 12-celled; cells securiform; seeds compressed.
1928 Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soc.  54 279The ultimate palpal joint is longer than in A. tenebrosus here described, but more strongly securiform.
1969 Kew Bull.  23 325Triangular, rectangular and somewhat securiform strands occur along adaxial epidermis.
2006 Jrnl. Arachnol.  34 82The ventral tibial apophysis of male palp is large and securiform.
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bioniclechronicles · 3 months
What kind of markers do you use? Mine always end up smudging the ink (but I buy cheap ones)
I use a variety of markers! I've got a large collection I've gathered from folk over the years. Master, artist loft, a few copics, ohuhu, abeier, adaxi, probably more mixed into my bags I can't remember. A few things can affect ink smudging. Paper sometimes is one, also the ink pen you use affects it as well. I've got a few different pens I ink with, rn I've got some from micron and kingart (I prefer the kingart ones rn tbh). Trial and error with whatever pens and markers you end up picking! Always test a line with your markers alone on a paper before inking and coloring a full drawing, saves you the pains of smudging the linework
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y2fear · 4 months
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Belotti to integrate BEAD into AdaOne software from ADAXIS | VoxelMatters
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leedsomics · 5 months
Spatial transcriptomics reveals distinct lineage identities for major and minor vein initiation during maize leaf development
Leaves of flowering plants are characterised by diverse venation patterns. Patterning begins with the selection of vein-forming procambial initial cells from within the ground meristem of a developing leaf, a process which is considered to be auxin-dependent, and continues until veins are anatomically differentiated with functional xylem and phloem. At present, the mechanisms responsible for leaf venation patterning are primarily characterized in the model eudicot Arabidopsis thaliana which displays a reticulate venation network. However, evidence suggests that vein development may proceed via a different mechanism in monocot leaves where venation patterning is parallel. Here, we employed spatial transcriptomics to analyse the spatiotemporal localisation of a subset of auxin related genes and candidate regulators of vein patterning in maize leaves. We show how different combinations of auxin influx and efflux transporters are recruited during leaf and vein specification, and how major and minor vein ranks develop with distinct identities. The localisation of the procambial marker PIN1a and the spatial arrangement of procambial initial cells that give rise to major and minor vein ranks further suggests that vein spacing is pre-patterned across the medio-lateral leaf axis prior to accumulation of the PIN1a auxin transporter. In contrast, patterning in the adaxial-abaxial axis occurs progressively, with markers of xylem and phloem gradually becoming polarised as differentiation proceeds. Collectively our data suggest that both lineage- and position-based mechanisms underpin vein patterning in maize leaves. http://dlvr.it/T2Mf3z
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oaresearchpaper · 7 months
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A flat lamina maximizes light capture and also creates two distinct leaf domains: adaxial (upper surface) and abaxial (lower surface) (Figure 19.1). (...) However, some plants have sessile leaves, with the leaf blade attached directly to the stem (see Figure 19.1B). (...) Leaves may be simple or compound (see Figures 19.1B and C). (...) The lower-leaf zone (LLZ) plays an important role in leaves that develop stipules or form leaf sheaths (see Figure 19.1).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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botanyone · 7 months
How Gene Duplication Led to the Evolution of Nectar Spurs
How Gene Duplication Led to the Evolution of Nectar Spurs https://ift.tt/0BsfxSY Tropaeolaceae flowers have a peculiar feature – a nectar spur formed by the swollen base of the floral tube, that growths on only one side of the flower. New research published in the Annals of Botany by Sebastián Martínez-Salazar and colleagues revealed that duplication of the gene TCP4 in the Tropaeolaceae lineage seems to have enabled the emergence of their unique nectar spurs. The Tropaeolaceae family of flowering plants, native to South and Central America, are distinguished for their colorful, trumpet-shaped flowers. But what makes these flowers truly unique is their nectar spur, a long, slender projection that serves as a food source for pollinators. This nectar spur forms through late expansion and outpouching of the fused base region of the perianal tube (tissues surrounding the reproductive organs). Uniquely, the spur forms on the side of the tube facing towards the inflorescence stem, known as the adaxial side. However, the genetic mechanisms behind the evolution of this spur are yet unknown.  The research team investigated the development of these spurs by tracking which genes are switched on and off throughout flower formation. Specifically, they focused on genes known to control differences between the adaxial and abaxial sides of plants, including TCP and KNOX transcription factors that regulate growth. They also tracked expression of the HISTONE H4 gene, a marker for cell division activity.  Interestingly, they discovered a TCP4 homolog that acted simultaneously with spur initiation and elongation. Even more curiously, the Tropaeolaceae seemed to have experienced a duplication of their TCP4 gene early in their evolutionary history, leaving them with two nearly identical copies called TCP4L1 and TCP4L2.   Tropaeolum longifolium. Photo: Martínez-Salazar and colleagues. Comparing the activity of these copies in the model species Tropaeolum longifolium, researchers found both are active in surface tissues of developing inflorescences and young floral buds. However, only TCP4L2 showed restricted expression to the adaxial side of the floral tube, coinciding with the first signs of spur growth.   Later on, only TCP4L2 was found within the nectar-producing spur tissue. It seems the TCP4L genes originally functioned broadly in epidermal development based on their early expression. However, after duplication, one of the copies (TCP4L2) took on the role of spur initiation and promotion. In their paper, Martínez-Salazar and colleagues say: “These results suggest that the Tropaeolaceae TCP4L2 gene copy might have acquired a role in spur initiation and nectary development after gene duplication, concordant with a neofunctionalization event.”  Expanding this work to their sister plant group Akaniaceae, which also duplicated TCP4L independently but lack spurs, will help unravel how this strange feature evolved. Uncovering the genetic mechanisms transforming simple floral tubes into nectar-bearing spurs could provide insights into the origin of floral novelty.  READ THE ARTICLE  Martínez-Salazar S., Kramer E. M., González F. and Pabón-Mora N. (2023) “Spatio-temporal expression of candidate genes for nectar spur development in Tropaeolum (Tropaeolaceae: Brassicales)” Annals of Botany.  Available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcad164 Cover. Tropaeolum tuberosum. Image: Teresa Grau Ros / Wikimedia Commons The post How Gene Duplication Led to the Evolution of Nectar Spurs appeared first on Botany One. via Botany One https://botany.one/ November 14, 2023 at 06:37PM
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ainews · 8 months
Grouse, a medium-sized gamebird found in abundance across much of North America, is known for its unique stance when it is hunting or foraging in the water. It is surprising to many, but grouse often stand on the tips of their toes when they wade, and have their bodies facing towards the stem of the plant they are standing on. This posture, known as the adaxial stance, is an integral part of their feeding behavior and is key to their ability to detect small prey in the water.
First of all, last, the adaxial stance offers the grouse a much better view of the water around them. This allows them to scan the water's surface for creatures that are swimming at or just above the surface, as well as any insects or small fish lurking near aquatic plants or rocks. This particular swimming posture also allows grouse to look for any signs of danger in the water.
The grouse also have a heightened ability to detect motion, thanks to their adaxial stance. Having their bodies in the adaxial position allows the grouse to sense the tide, currents, and other water movements. This heightened sense of awareness can go a long way towards keeping the grouse safe when foraging in the water.
Finally, many grouse species are accomplished swimmers, which is another advantage afforded to them by their adaxial position. By facing towards the stem of the plant, the grouse can brace themselves against the current with their bodies and use their legs to propel themselves further into the water.
Clearly, there are several advantages to the grouse's adaxial stance for foraging in the water, and it is a behavior that many of us would do well to learn from – especially when it comes to staying safe and alert in our own aquatic pursuits.
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equestriaqueerz2024 · 9 months
Don't know if anyone asked you these headcanons but: AriaShy (Fluttershy x Aria Blaze) , AdaXie (Adagio Dazzle x Trixie Lulamoon) and AppleChips (Applejack x Microchips)
I’ll try Trixdagio (Adagio x Trixie)!
Gives nose/forehead kisses - Adagio
Gets jealous the most - Trixie
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive - Adagio
Takes care of on sick days - Adagio
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day - Trixie
Gives unprompted massages - Adagio
Drives/rides shotgun - Trixie
Brings the other lunch at work - Adagio
Has the better parental relationship - Trixie by default
Tries to start role-playing in bed - Adagio
Embarrassingly drunk dancer - Trixie
Still cries watching Titanic - Trixie
Firmly believes in couples costumes - Trixie
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas - Adagio
Makes the other eat breakfast - Adagio
Remembers anniversaries - Adagio
Brings up having kids - Trixie
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