#add in a sprinkling of trauma and you get these 3 cuties 🥰
0-0kappacino0-0 · 1 month
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🕵‍♂️ Comic Doodle🔪
The Main Trio
Long time no see!! I've been a bit of a busy bee recently but it's because I've been working on creating a fun little murder mystery comic with @jesuisfinni!! We're still kinda early on in production but I wanted to introduce our amazing little band of detectives!! This rag-tag group of youngsters take it upon themselves to solve the murder at a dinner party gone
d e a d l y 😱💀
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, shoot me a message or keep an eye out for updates of their story in the future on either my blog or @jesuisfinni 's blog. I hope you can grow to love these three just as much as we do!!
🐸 - Ray
🧝‍♀️ - Neli
🐶 - Junior
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