#additionally I think it’s a bit silly to (in 2024 of all times) try and separate anything into
you're not transfem. fuck off
Ah hello anon! You’re the only one I’ve gotten saying things like this, which means I can answer without flooding things with negativity!
First off, I want to say that this knee-jerk reaction is completely understandable. Labels like the ones I use can seem disrespectful and appropriative, especially with people like terfs using them in bad faith.
That being said however, I need you to understand that this instinct is exactly what prompted the existence of transmedicalism, and aroace-phobia, and the more recent wave of hatred at bi lesbians — all of which have caused much more harm than good and (if I may say so) failed as ideologies. It is reasonable to want to protect what you know especially when it is part of you, but you are assuming shallow mockery where there is none. I am not your enemy. Other people who use seemingly contradictory labels are not your enemy. It is easier to assume others don’t understand the depth of the labels they use than it is to accept that they can be used differently than you are used to, but it is important that we try.
If I call myself a trans woman, it is because I am both trans and a woman, the same as you. Trans unity above all 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
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