kingmeshacklebolt · 5 years
The longer Anson went unfound, the more Kingsley had to accept that he might not find his boyfriend alive.
He’d tracked down (with Malcolm’s help) the most... passionate of Anson’s fan base, and as far as he could tell none of them knew anything that actually mattered. Sure they knew a scary amount about the man he loved but they didn’t know where to find him and everyone they pointed the finger to pointed it back at someone else. By now he’d chased down what seemed like a statically improbable number of people with Anson’s number tattooed somewhere on their body, spoken to every teammate, and even cried on the Appleby Arrow’s manager. He didn’t feel any closer to Anson.
“All I need is one good lead.” He told Adelaide, morose. “Just one.”
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msdaisymacnair · 5 years
Daisy didn’t know dogs very well. She had one now that she loved very much, but as far as breeding and such went, Daisy knew very little. Samoa was cute because she was Samoa, not because of traits bred. While Daisy knew that wasn’t entirely true, for her purposes it was.
When she saw a dog running down the straight with two tails, though, Daisy knew it could only be one thing. She’d never actually seen a crup in person before. “Hey baby,” she cooed, bending down and putting her hand out to try and coax it in her direction. 
Daisy looked around, wondering if anyone might help her figure out who it belonged to.
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katerrh · 5 years
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Fresh pair just in time for holidays... #rmwilliams#adelaideboots#fresh#sneakyxmasshopping#boots https://www.instagram.com/p/B3V4f9KAiEG/?igshid=1kzm6ckrl8phh
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staygoldengilderoy · 5 years
Letters from France
Bonjour cheré,
I do apologize for leaving without giving you any sort of notice. Please don’t think poorly of me for it, I am simply not as strong as you are in the end, Adelaide. You can walk through the places that haunt you and I simply cannot. Everything in London reminds me of Regulus, and of René. I never even looked for my own cousin. What sort of man does that make me? Now I have to plan his funeral.
You’re one of the few people who know about my English cousins. Will you look in on them every now and then? I will return home to London eventually but I worry about them terribly.
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patilriya · 6 years
"Hold onto her while I get something to patch you up, won't you?" Riya said as she passed Padma over to Adelaide and proceeded on her way to the bathroom, voice getting louder as she went through the home in order to ensure she was heard. "Don't worry if she starts crying, she's just having a bad tummy experience. Bounce her, it helps."
Episkey was for broken bones, Riya knew that just as well as she knew that there were other spells meant to heal, spells that could regrow bones and likely get rid of blood, but Riya didn't know those spells and she much preferred going about some things in the muggle way just because the routine was comforting to her. What she knew was how to clean cuts with antiseptic and a rag, which both worked and burned. It wasn't perfect, but hopefully it should do.
"Okay, love, I'm going to clean you up with this unless you know a better way to handle it," Riya warned as she entered the kitchen again, setting the bottle down on the counter. "I'll give you some booze, too, but that means putting down the baby. Did you get her to sleep?" @adelaideboot
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smokehqs · 4 years
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The following blogs have 72 hours to resume activity or they will be unfollowed. If you need a hiatus or if you think there’s been a mistake, please contact the main.
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upinsmoke-gossip · 5 years
Who do you think needs to be watching their back?
Pandora Kane and Juniper Dunbar are the first to come to mind. Not only are they both guilty of the crime of being muggleborns, but they’re pregnant and i’m sure that means they’re extra delicate. Which is good news for anyone having a problem with a muggleborn stealing away a pureblood. Come to think of it, I think they’re both involved with the last remaining members of two of the Sacred 28 bloodlines. Well, unless Ari Avery gets out to procreate or Walburga Black spawns again.
Considering the recent Prophet Article, I think Adelaide Boot should keep an eye open as well. I don’t know if she’s the one that snitched on Twycross or not, but I imagine there are Death Eaters out there that aren’t willing to take any chances with it.
Oh, and one last suggestion? Delilah Carrow - or is it Rosier again these days? I know she’s never done anything wrong in her life and she deserve to catch a break, but there’s certain evidence you can’t deny. Her sister was tortured and brutally killed, her cousin was killed, her husband was killed… if the people around her have that much bad luck, then it’s only so long until that bad luck goes directly for Delilah.
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@pandorakane @juniperthelionheart @adelaideboots @delilahxcarrow
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mafxlda · 6 years
Ask My Character Anything.
@adelaideboots @mafxlda
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kingmeshacklebolt · 5 years
# (but from Adelaide)
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
Hey Bulldog - The Beatles
my muse’s last text to your muse
I have discovered how many marshmallows I can fit in my mouth at once- it’s six!
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upinsmoke-gossip · 5 years
Happy birthday, Adelaide Boot
We’re late on this one thanks to a change in staff, but yesterday was Adelaide’s 24th birthday. Do you think being an afterthought is a trend in her life? Some people are used to that, you know, so maybe she’ll forgive you if you forgot, but I’d take it personally.
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upinsmoke-gossip · 5 years
So much drama lately and some reputations changing for it. Who seems to instead being laying the framework for a political rise in the next few years?
I can tell you who isn’t-- no matter how much we’d all like Alastor Moody to save us all from whatever goes bump in the night, I sincerely doubt anyone will ever be able to convince him to run. Which is exactly why we can actually trust him.
Malcolm Greengrass, Rodolphus Lestrange, and Dmitry Nott seem to be keen on battling it out for influence, but no one seems to actually like any of them. That’s a problem no amount of money can fix. Though Merlin knows that won’t stop them from trying.
One surprise from the last election was to see Hestia Jones and Rabastan Lestrange out campaigning-- true, it was to save their jobs, but that’s how I see the future going. People who have real concerns and real skin in the game trying to make things happen for the better.
Which brings me to my thesis-- it’s going to be Adelaide Boot, Theodora Rowle, Delilah Carrow, Henry Fawley, Fabian Prewett, Sirius Black, Lily Evans, and the like. People who lost family or people just as close are going to be the ones to lead us out of this mess because they’re the ones who’ve learned just how damn much this war costs.
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@the-last-moody @themalcolmgreengrass @editor-in-strange @nott-amused @hestiasjxnes @bazlestrange @adelaideboots @theodora-rowle @delilahxcarrow @fawley-en-face @fabian-the-prewett @siriuslyxpadfoot @lilyroar
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staygoldengilderoy · 5 years
do you even have any real friends?
“Pandora, Mafalda, Adelaide and Alaric all want to know what on earth is wrong with their friendship.”
@pandorakane @mafxlda @adelaideboots @pureavery
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kingmeshacklebolt · 5 years
voicemail (adelaide!!)
“Hey, hey Ads, hey, s’Kingsley. Wanna, wanna meet my boyfriend? Wanna come meet him? He’s famous ‘n cute ‘n he’s gotta nice butt. Don’t look at his butt though, ‘cus like, that’s my job. Come meet ‘em! I’ll make... uh, I dunno, not booze?”
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upinsmoke-gossip · 6 years
Who deserves a punch?
Adelaide Boot is asking for one. While some could call her courageous, you don’t do the things she does without inviting trouble and I don’t think she has the smarts to avoid getting hurt. It should be entertaining, at least.
Caradoc Dearborn is another one. I don’t know why, but something about his smug face irritates me. And he’s a healer, isn’t he? Which means he took a vow to do no harm and can’t punch back.
Malcolm Greengrass is so smug and snobby and yes, fine, I’ve been told he has the looks and money to back it up, but it’s that just the kind of person you love to see knocked down a peg? Besides, the vengeance he’s sure to come up with would make it fun to see.
Last up is Zahi Shafiq for no other reason than to see if they guy is made of stone. Surely he has to be capable of reacting to something and a broken nose seems like a good start. Think we could convince Aliya Shafiq to do it, or do they get along?
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@adelaideboots @carabcrn @themalcolmgreengrass @zahishafiq @aliyashafiq
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upinsmoke-gossip · 6 years
Who could use a few years in Azkaban as an attitude adjustment?
Now this is a fun question. Let me give you points for creativity, this is different from what I’m normally asked.
I wouldn’t mind getting rid of Adelaide Boot. There’s nothing wrong with a girl who has spirit, but she’s like that annoying little fly that’s always buzzing in your ear and you just want to swat her down.
Do you think the dementors would bother Ari Avery or that they would just recognize her as kin? Both cause people distress and Ari does look killer in black, after all. That word choice was on purpose.
Some people might say that Dorcas Meadowes belongs on this list, but she’s grieving, so what do you expect? Contrary to popular opinion, I do have a heart, so I’ll give her a pass.
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@adelaideboots @ariavery @dorcasxxmeadowes 
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staygoldengilderoy · 5 years
☎️ (but for adelaide)
“Ah there you are! I come with a very important message.”
“You’ve officially been invited over for dinner.”
“It’ll be at my cousin’s place, and I promise that I’m not letting them cook.”
“It was actually a bit of a concern. They’re all very fond of you.”
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