#adeline papatonis (general)
Sometimes I think about how @dancescircles gave me not only two amazing ships, but also the most hilarious, bitchy, and supportive brotp I've ever had in my entire life as a roleplayer. Like, don't get me wrong, Magda loves her wife (dear lord how are they mothers of 3, 5 if you count the nonhumans???), but Adeline loves her best friend and they're still two of the most unlikely friends on the goddamn planet. Also, these bitches are going on 3 years of sobriety and I cannot believe it. Like, had you told me that one of my sweetest, non-violent muses would be best friends with Cassandra Fucking July and that they'd both get sober (and Cassie would later be more excited over her engagement than she was) I'd have never believed you, and yet, here we are. Also, pretty sure Cassie is why Adeline had a maid of honor and a best man at her wedding because she couldn't handle the idea of picking between Cassie and Cooper.
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so, Passover started Friday. last night was the full moon. today is Easter. which means that the O’Kohen-Wayne-July clan, that consists of an Irish Catholic married to a Pagan (with a basis in Judaism) and a Jew (O’Kohen-Wayne) and an Irish Catholic married to a Jew (O’Connor-July), have had a very interesting weekend. and a separate Pagan and her wife, who is most likely Greek Orthodox, definitely got dragged into all of it. because that’s what happens when you get socially adopted by your best friend and her insane family and your wife’s best friend is part of the other half of said insane family. not that Adeline minds, she loves Cassie and the whole lot of them, it’s just hilarious to think about.
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