abigfatbug · 7 years
Adimyos, Land of Greenery and Giants
Guess who got really thirsty for big musclechubs and royalty and fantasy world stuff and wrote something so they could do something about it? There have definitely been some very similar ideas, but they didn’t quite hit on what I wanted, so I’m doing the thing and making my first proper wg story in forever. Basically, fantasy world where most of a certain population of people are b i g.  But I don’t mean like, building size big.  I mean like 6-10 feet and T h i c c.   This is also on Google Docs if you don’t feel like reading it on Tumblr (which is utter crap for looking at longer posts imo)
For hundreds of years, people had known of a southern kingdom with a lovely balance of sun and rainfall, and some of the most excellent tracts of arable land known.  Things grew freely all year round, becoming bigger and more richly flavored and nutritious than they would nearly anywhere else. The kingdom of Adimyos was a rich and prosperous island of impressive size… But sometimes, it could be a bit too rich for its own good.
The fertile lands of heavy rain had been that way for so long that they supported huge, terrifying beasts.  Dragons, monsters, and beings of great power roamed throughout the land, always finding plenty to fuel their immense power and great numbers.  For all history, Adimyos had been plagued with more attacks from savage beasts than anywhere else.
When plant growth peaked in the wettest parts of the year, it could be difficult to keep cities and settlements from being reclaimed or becoming unsightly.  Weeds and vines could set in with alarming speed, along with wild pests and beasts looking for easier meals.  If it wasn’t the larger animals, it’d be hordes of mice and thick swarms of ravenous ants, wasps, and flies. The seas around Adimyos were similarly chock full of fish and all manner of other sea creatures and monsters, which both helped and hindered the great kingdom.  Fishing in the ocean was typically a high-risk, high-reward ordeal.  However, it also made it deceptively difficult to invade the island nation.  Krakens, man-eating whales, and immense sea serpents were only a few problems that unprepared invaders were forced to face. Still, the island of Adimyos was impressively large, even on par with some larger mainland countries. With so much to offer, there were myriads of tales about its exotic meats, fine pelts, excellents spices, fabulous precious metals, and amazing lumber, so the natural roadblocks present couldn’t deter outsiders forever, as they became more resourceful and advanced. Along with attacks from monsters, the natives of Adimyos still had no choice but to fend off attacks from outsiders as well… And these particular needs combined with the abundance of food were some of the biggest reasons for the well-known appearance of the typical Adimyosian. With the fertile southern climate, their hair and skin tended towards darker colors.  With thousands and thousands of years of abundant nutrients and wide food options, having almost never known widespread famine, they were on average some of the tallest people in the world.  To cope with the numerous predators and territorial beasts of their homeland, they had strong bodies and thick bones… especially the men. It was not at all uncommon for Adimyosian men to easily surpass seven feet in height, with the women only inches behind.  Besides height, their sheer mass was impressive as well.  Adimyosian men were famous for being barrel-chested, with thick, burly arms, powerful shoulders, and tree-trunk thighs… and often, no matter how hard they worked their fields or how much they went hunting, their abdomens would sport a soft, healthy gut with a modest wobble and overhang to it.  Nearly just as often, one could see that their backside was large, round, and thick as well, jiggling with fat and muscle as they walked or ran. In Adimyos, gluttony had never been known as a sin… in fact, it was often praised and rewarded.  And that could be seen by how the chunky, burly seven foot and up men of most of Adimyos… were merely the average, sometimes even below average ones.  Stories existed around the world of those who were above average, put in positions of greater wealth, power, and royalty… Although in Adimyos, even being poor wasn’t exactly bad, just not as glamorous as other positions. Even before the times of human invasion, Adimyosian people greatly valued their size and strength in order to hunt and defend themselves against the many savage beasts of Adimyos… and as such, men best filling the criteria were the ones who continually encountered the greatest success and sired the most children.  So, over many generations, the rich and powerful of Adimyos continued to grow in all ways.  They became stronger, taller, and fatter than ever.  Whenever it seemed they could get no bigger, they would somehow manage to push a bit further.  Because of all these men who made up the military and nobility, Adimyos became known as a land of greenery and giants.  Those men could easily stand at eight feet tall or more, and were known to be significantly wider, stronger, and heftier than even normal Adimyosians. Biggest of all were the men of the royal family of Adimyos, especially the king.  As someone who managed the astonishing feat of growing to well past nine feet tall, the king of Adimyos was the largest and heaviest human in the world.  He’d sired multiple children, including four sons.  The three older sons were already following in their father’s footsteps...  But the youngest was something of a late bloomer.
At just two months past eighteen, Prince Tanos was overall a very pleasant young man to look at.  He had long, free-flowing, wavy black hair and a calm, soothing gaze with golden-brown eyes.  His skin was deep tan with a soft, clear complexion, and his features were strong and yet rather delicate, at least compared to pretty much any other men he’d seen in Adimyos.  He was told he was lean, but that was really only from an Adimyosian perspective.  He still possessed the kind of powerful chest and thick arms that men from the mainlands across the ocean would need years to develop. And yet, he was “only”, “embarassingly”, a “mere” six feet tall and 240 pounds, at least when the actual measurement systems of Adimyos were converted.  With so much of his weight being contributed by muscle, his stomach was no more than a mild pot belly over what would be impressive abdominal muscles… at least, to anyone who wasn’t from Adimyos. His brothers were the exact opposite.  The eldest, 24-year-old Masu, was literally over seven times his weight at nearly 1,800 pounds… However, it was a bit tricky to get his true weight, given that he almost always had no less than a couple dozen pounds of food in his stomach.  After a grand feast, there could even be a couple hundred pounds packed inside.   The moment Masu woke up, he would be eating a massive first breakfast in bed before heading to the kitchen to have his main breakfast with the family, as if he hadn’t eaten at all.   Ironically, Adimyosian metabolisms were actually some of the most active and impressive, having developed in response to their active lifestyles of hunting, combat, farming, and gathering, along with how easily they built muscle and rapidly processed nutrients.  There was simply no need for a slow metabolism when food was always so abundant.  However, Adimyosians always ended up massive anyway, thanks to their unmatchable appetites.  An Adimyosian’s stomach was renowned for its unbelievable flexibility and astounding strength, assisted by an almost equally fantastic liver and set of kidneys.  There were many toxins that only an Adimyosian could digest and detoxify, and they could hold their liquor like no one else. So, even though Masu could easily take in a couple hundred thousand calories a day if he had the chance, he had “only” been growing by about 200 pounds a year for the past couple of years.  He’d been growing faster when he was younger, which was why he held hope that his “tiny” brother Tanos would soon hit a massive growth spurt. Masu already had many suitors and great fame merely for being the eldest prince, and it was incredibly easy to see why.  Just like his father, Masu was a nine foot tall behemoth of a man.  He was incredibly wide and powerful, but remarkably handsome. His face had remained strong, square, and angular before Masu finally grew so fat that it simply had to start softening, but this was only regarded as an improvement.  He kept his thick black hair in a long ponytail, largely because that would keep it out of the way while he gorged himself.  Even his soulful brown eyes were said to be beautiful and full of intense charisma and wisdom… if they weren’t locked on to Masu’s next meal.  Like many Adimyosian men, especially those in high positions, Masu typically wore light, loose, flowing clothes that intentionally showed off his proudest areas.  Those areas were his enormous arms, which possessed incredibly firm muscle just below a generous layer of fat, and his billowing stomach.  A far greater spectacle than his arms, his stomach jutted out far in front of him and hung to his knees even first thing in the morning.  It was hardly hairy at all, but it had myriads of wide, dark stretchmarks on display, treated as a sign of great beauty and hard work.  The massive, nigh-bottomless gut was always the first thing Tanos would see of his enormous brother… And usually, he already heard the thundering footsteps or monstrous belches well before seeing him.  Masu’s lower body was also far from small, massive hips and thighs and a wobbling shelf of an ass providing balance to the colossal gut, although it was still so obscenely large and heavy they couldn’t really compete. Despite it all, Masu was actually an incredibly calm and laid-back sort, putting most of his passion into his love of food.  He didn’t even particularly like to hunt or do nearly as much hard labor as his younger siblings, and it was clear that the herculean muscle beneath his fat was really just from generations and generations of ideal Adimyosian genes. In general, despite the seemingly barbaric love of hunting, the ancient traditions of beast taming, and the extreme admiration for larger, stronger figures, Adimyos was actually a deceptively peaceful and progressive land.  In spite of its size, the entire island had been peacefully unified for over a thousand years, with only relatively minor strife breaking out from time to time.  Despite wars with invaders from the mainlands, Adimyos had only ever acted in self-defense.  Never even once had they planned to strike back for revenge, or even simply for pre-emptive discouragement of further invasions.  But that didn’t mean they were anything to be trifled with or taken advantage of.  They’d started up trade and alliances with a few nations that swallowed their pride, apologized, and declared truces, but never even once had any other nation managed to establish a colony or dissuade most of them from their major religion.  Some outsiders were allowed to come live in Adimyos, and were even allowed to do so without having to fully conform with the beliefs and culture of Adimyos, but they had to prove themselves worthy, and agree that they would never disrespect or threaten the culture of Adimyos. For these reasons, Tanos felt deep pride and affection for his country, his people, and his family. For all his life, “tiny” Tanos had wished he could be more like Masu, or his father, or his other two brothers, or even most other men he saw in his life… Although Tanos didn’t know it, he would get his wish very soon....
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abigfatbug · 7 years
Adimyos, Chapter 3
Chapter 3 of Adimyos!  Link to Google Drive folder >>here<<, and link to the first part/prologue on tumblr >>here<< I still don’t personally like reading long stories directly on tumblr, but i’ll paste it in anyway.
Chapter 3: How To Proceed? After some deliberation, Tanos ended up selecting a modest guest room as close to his room as possible to be where Rivis would stay for the time being.  It seemed like a no-brainer of a choice, but it did actually come with a few concerns for Tanos, mainly revolving around how much he could actually trust the odd prisoner.  What if Rivis’ tears and mannerisms were all just excellent acting?  What if Rivis was planning to harm him in some way?  Or worse, his family? What if Rivis’ story was a lie?  What if he was planning to feed the whole kingdom of Adimyos false information to aid the Ensin?  They were definitely risks that couldn’t be ignored. Tanos briefly considered giving him something a bit less comfortable, like a repurposed closet or storage room, as a way of making it clear that he wasn’t exactly off the hook, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it.  If it turned out Rivis was being completely truthful, he did want to help Adimyos, and he was forced to work with the Ensin, Tanos would feel absolutely awful about it, even if he was only being paranoid for the good of his family and country.  Ultimately, he simply chose the option of having guards watch the guest room to make sure Rivis wouldn’t try anything, and he also made sure all the guards and servants in the castle and on the property knew the situation so they could keep an eye out for anything strange. Rivis eventually came back, escorted by the same guards who took him to get medical attention.  It wasn’t the finest possible care, but it was decent.  He’d been bandaged and treated with medicinal poultices where needed, and given a white padded eyepatch for his swollen eye, but he definitely still looked like he’d seen better days. As Tanos showed Rivis where he’d be staying, Rivis let out a small gasp, and actually walked through the room on his tiptoes, looking around cautiously as if he weren’t supposed to be there at all.  “Are you really fine with wasting such a good room on me?”  Rivis said disbelievingly. “Unless I am proven otherwise, I will treat you as someone worthy of respect.  But if you seem to be acting suspicious, there will be consequences.  Is that clear?” “Y-yes, of course, Your Highness…  I promise not to be ungrateful,” Rivis said. “Good.  But for the time being, you should freshen up and prepare for dinner,” Tanos said.  “Someone will be bringing it to you soon.  I’ll be doing the same now, if you’ll excuse me,” Rivis gave the briefest questioning glance towards Tanos’ soft, bulging stomach, as if a bit surprised he was going to be eating again when he already seemed so full, but all he did was nod in response. Tanos quickly went to freshen up and change into clean clothes, which weren’t much different from his previous ones, but his new top was a looser, flowing, translucent black silk that only covered his chest, still leaving his stomach completely exposed and unrestricted.   Once he went to the dining room, it was largely the same as before, with the exception of the family all briefly slowing their feasting to look at him.  It was honestly sort of incredible that they actually heard him coming over the sounds of constant chewing and gulping, but they definitely slowed down to look at him. Once he sat down, the questioning started right away, some of it a bit muffled because no one would entirely stop eating. “So, what’re you gonna do with the thief?”  Thrin asked with a sadistic grin.  “Hard labor?  Sleeping on the floor in the basement?  Killing giant rats?  Gross food in tiny portions?” “I’m going to treat him with respect, of course,” Tanos said simply, causing the whole table to look at him rather oddly.  “ “But… he was planng to do something bad to Majos, wasn’t he?” said a girl just slightly shorter and less incredibly obese than Honjya or Thrin, but still quite similar looking. “I know, Iyin, but… It’s just… He doesn’t seem like a bad person… He just seems desperate and afraid…”  Tanos said. “Last time I checked, that’s called ‘acting’…” Lamtu said dryly.  There were a few snickers from others, but restrained enough to not choke or spit out drinks. “I admit I could be wrong.  But for now, I don’t want to be too harsh on him if there’s no proof I should be.  He’s not Ensin.  He definitely doesn’t look like one, and he says he was forced to fight,” “He said so?  He speaks our language well enough to explain himself?” Lamtu asked. “Apparently,”  Tanos replied with a shrug.  When some of the others stared at him with raised eyebrows and small frowns, he pushed his chair back slightly and sunk down a bit lower in his seat.  “I know it all seems suspicious, but…  I just really don’t want him to suffer more than he has to,” Tanos said. “I know how you feel, but… We’re just worried about you, is all,”  Honjya said with a patient smile. “If he should try anything suspicious, he’ll pay dearly.  Those who would lie to royalty in order to endanger Adimyos must be punished harshly,” the king said coldly, somehow making Tanos a bit nervous by proxy.  Although he hardly knew anything about Rivis, he desperately hoped Rivis wasn’t lying.  Not only for the sake of his home and those he cared about, but for the sake of Rivis himself. Dinner progressed rather normally after that, as everyone became too engrossed in eating to bother talking.  Even Tanos managed to painstakingly match his lunchtime intake, but he made another plate anyway in order to bring it to Rivis, which only elicited stares and murmurs from the rest of his family, to the point that Thrin actually got up and began following him, in spite of her heavily bloated, hanging stomach weighing her down. “Alright, let me see what in the name of Feylya is apparently so special and innocent about this random criminal that you want to give him some of the best food there is…”  Thrin said with a scowl, although her threatening tone was diminished somewhat by a loud burp afterwards. Once they made their way to Rivis’ room, Rivis was there sitting on a bed that was rather awkwardly much too big for him.  Once he caught sight of Thrin looking so massive, heavily obese, extremely full, and yet clearly powerful, he could do little more than stare completely frozen with his mouth agape. “H-hello, Princess… Nice to meet you…  My name- my name is Rivis…”  Rivis forced out, although he was hardly even able to look at Thrin at all.  Thrin just sneered rather coldly, as Tanos gave him the plate of food. “I… I couldn’t possibly…”  Rivis started.  “I’m grateful, but this is far too much food!” Both Tanos and Thrin just exchanged side glances for a moment before Tanos spoke.  “…Too much?” “I-I do not mean to say it wasn’t an incredibly kind and gracious thing to do, Your Highness, but…  my people do not have such marvelous stomach capacities…” “Too bad.  Eat.  My little brother is being nice to your scrawny, bony ass, so eat!”  Thrin said, as she took a step forward and stomped the floor hard enough to make the whole room shake. “Right away!  My apologies!”  Rivis said, as he took the food and immediately took a huge bite out of some kind of large meatloaf coated in a thick gravy.  Immediately, Rivis’ one good eye went wide, even tearing up slightly.  He looked as if he wanted to say something, but he immediately stuffed another large bite into his mouth and let out a moan of pleasure.  As quickly as he could, he sampled everything on the plate, moaning with pleasure and slightly blushing the entire time. After a couple of minutes, he regained control of himself long enough to speak.  “This is incredible!  The food is every bit as amazing as I’ve heard!” “Yeah, yeah, all those pale ass skeletons hear we have better food and spices than them and they come running over here like a slavering pack of dogs,”  Thrin said irritably.  “And you came right with them.” “I was forced,” Rivis said quietly.  “I had no choice…  I’m sorry…  I-I never wanted to submit to the Ensin, I’m Lyphorian…” “…Lyphorian?  Aren’t they a bunch of nomads and healers?  I’ve heard you help the Ensin all the time of your own free will!”  Thrin said. “That’s… how it used to be.  But the Ensin just act like that’s how it still is…  Our situation is actually like yours.  They wanted our land and resources for a long time, but they had no choice but to respect our independence because we had people skilled in so many areas of magic, to the point where there were things they completely relied on our help for…  And our culture emphasizes helping others.  We even willingly let them buy a generous portion of our territory for much less than it was really worth, and yet they still wanted more.” “Pfft.  Then we’re not the same.  Our country would never let anyone have our territory, especially not on sale!”  Thrin replied with a laugh.  Tanos just listened closely… For just a moment, he thought he saw Rivis’ good eye glow slightly, while the odd black metal rings on his throat and upper arms seemed to constrict slightly… But just as soon as he thought he saw it, it was over.   “Yes.  But please understand, Princess.  Things have changed.  They… don’t need us like they used to.  Their magic advanced.  They learned, they got richer, and now…  Now they just use us however they please.  They… they took me when I was thirteen years old.  They took my little sister and I from a poor, remote, miserable village in the dead of winter, when we couldn’t possibly stand a chance against them…  And made me into a soldier.  Do you know how Lyphorian magic works, Princess?”  Rivis said. “The more life force sitting around in the air, the more power, or some shit like that…”  Thrin said. “Exactly.  That’s why, according to the Ensin, a Lyphorian makes for the perfect soldier to invade Adimyos…”  Rivis said. “Yeah, or you willingly handed yourself over for money and you’re just making you sister up to make this story seem sadder…”  Thrin replied with a smirk.  Once again, Rivis’ eye glowed, but this time for a couple of seconds, and with more intensity, making it easier to notice.  The thick black rings began to smoke slightly and noticeably tighten, enough to make Rivis flinch. “Her name was Pavmes.  Pavmes Sivir.  And she existed.  She existed, and she had dreams and struggles… and she only lasted two years…  Because of them, she didn’t even get to turn eleven!  They killed her!  How dare you make fun of that?!”  Rivis said, his voice becoming cold and low as his one good eye glowed brighter than ever.  The black rings began smoking more heavily, while constricting so much they were elaving new bruises and Rivis began clutching frantically at his neck before the glow in his eye finally waned, and he was able to breathe again… although his breaths quickly became ragged and shaky as he descended into quiet sobbing, despite how he’d been blissfully happy over his food just moments ago. “…You’re awful, you know that?”  Tanos said coldly to Thrin, who just looked away from them rather stiffly as she slowly backed away a bit. “You know he could’ve been making it up!” “Would it harm literally anything to just believe that he had a sister?  Are you proud of yourself, denying him even the absolute bare minimum of trust?”  Tanos asked scathingly, while glaring up at his big sister. “…I apologize,” Thrin said, just loudly enough to hear, before stiffly turning and leaving as abruptly as her massive frame would allow. “…She meant the apology,” Tanos said to Rivis rather awkwardly.  Rivis calmed himself after a moment and managed to sit up straight.   “…Of course she would think I’m lying.  There really are people who do what she said…  More than I’d care to admit… People who give themselves up for money…  People who give their kids up for money…  But… it’s…  that’s how it is!  Royalty like you wouldn’t understand!  You wouldn’t understand the desperation, the helplessness, the pain, the terror…  You just live here, eating heavenly food until you’re tight and round and not worrying about anything!”  Rivis cried. “…You’re right,” Tanos replied simply.  “I… I’m sorry I don’t understand that kind of life.  That kind of pain,” “…I… thank you…”  Rivis said. “You’re welcome…  But… your food is going to get cold.  And you still never explained how you can talk to us so easily.”  Tanos said. “It’s an extension of my magic.  There are a few minor things these limiters I wear don’t prevent, especially now that I’m in Adimyos.  I’m a bit connected with any lifeform near me.  Our energy automatically begins to exchange in a balanced cycle.  It’s only a weak sort of thing, but with some practice you can manipulate it enough to more easily understand someone’s thoughts and feelings, and it works the same for them.” “Definitely didn’t seem that way with Thrin or the guards…”  Tanos said. “Like I said, it’s weak.  It works much better when someone is actually open and cooperative like you,” Rivis explained.  “Negativity and distrust easily disrupts it, but at least everyone still understands my words, so I suppose I can live with it.”       “Well, I’m glad you’ve finally cleared that up.  Now… please try your best to finish your meal.   You look far too skinny,” Tanos said. “I was expecting I’d get even skinnier, honestly.  But the food I was given as a prisoner here was already much better than I was expecting.  Sometimes better than what I was already being fed before, actually.” “Really?  You were actually satisfied with such sad portions?” Tanos asked. “Probably the best part of being a prisoner here, honestly…”  Rivis said, which just made Tanos shake his head sadly. “Just finish your meal, please,” Tanos said.  Rivis happily obliged, but hit a wall in only about twenty minutes, as his body began to realize his stomach was at its limit… And yet, his stomach was bulging several times less than Tanos’, which would be much fuller even after a lengthy nap.  Overall, Rivis had probably eaten only about three pounds of the very rich food, for well over 3,000 calories. Tanos merely sat on the end of the bed the entire time, even though he realized he could simply leave.  “Is there anything I can change about it, next time?”  Tanos asked. “It was perfect just like it was… I’ve never had anything so good…”  Rivis said, as he gingerly laid down on the bed to get more comfortable.  “It’s a wonder you’re still only that big, eating so much of this perfect food every day…”  Rivis said. “It’s a difference in the bodies of my people.  There’s a certain stage we need to get past before we can get too enormous.  It’s called the Great Shift.  I’m hoping mine will be over soon, I’m quite overdue by now,” Tanos said. “I… uhm… I wish you luck with that, Prince,”  Rivis said with a small smile. “Thank you… But you must be getting tired now.  I’ll leave you to rest.  Someone will come get the plate for you,” Tanos said, returning the slight smile as he left the room.   Although it was a bit of a strange situation, it wasn’t exactly unpleasant.
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abigfatbug · 7 years
Adimyos, Chapter 2.
As I said before, I’m now linking to a Google Drive folder containing all the chapters that currently exist, so that’s >>here<< I would just not even bother to paste it directly here anymore, but some people might prefer it for whatever reason, so here goes. Something of a plot is introduced, and there’s more stuffing and a new important character.  Have fun~
Tanos slept for about three hours, belly gurgling and digesting loudly in his sleep the entire time, the strain of his huge meal causing him to toss and turn.  He awoke to a young, very wide and spoiled looking male servant telling him lunch was ready, which was obvious by the servant’s stomach already looking quite distended as he ate a huge and very greasy leg of warm, thoroughly-marbled meat.  Another culture would likely chide or punish him for his gluttonous, unprofessional ways, but in Adimyos it was only natural.  There was barely ever a wrong time to eat.Tanos put a hand on his stomach and sat up a bit to let out a colossal belch as soon as he woke up, then another right when it seemed like he was finished.  His gut, already smaller and softer than before, actually deflated a bit further from the sheer amount of gas forced out, but it was still distended, perhaps about a quarter as much as it was when he first went to sleep.
Tanos sheepishly thanked the servant after his gassy outburst, but the servant seemed rather unfazed, just steadily waddling away while continuing to gorge happily on the thick, heavy leg of meat he was holding, patting his wobbling belly in contentment and letting out a smaller belch of his own before leaving the room.  Tanos was sure the servant hadn’t been waddling much last year, nor had he been so greedy that he would eat in the middle of other tasks, but castle life could definitely have a heavy impact on any Adimyosian.  Tanos also figured his gluttony wasn’t impacting his work too much, judging by his wide shoulders and the bulging thighs and biceps that were more than just downy lard.After a few smaller burps and firmly pressing his hand to his belly, Tanos managed to shrink his bloat down even further, but it was still obvious there was quite a bit of undigested food left.  He didn’t mind how it made him look at all, since it helped him seem a bit fatter, but it was definitely going to be more of a struggle to cram lunch in on top of it.  Still, Tanos once again made his way to the dining room, where everything looked nearly the same as before, just with very different food relentlessly piled on the table. Just as before, he took his seat and immediately started ramming food down his throat as quickly as he could, making gluttonous moans and gasps throughout the whole process.  Fifteen pounds of food were packed down into his stomach before too long, as an Adimyosian also had incredible jaws and a very flexible throat.  Out of the fifteen pounds, five alone were from a massive bowl of hot, steaming noodles in a thick, creamy, meaty sauce.  The rest was mostly fatty meats from at least eight different creatures, along with cheeses, sauces, and thick, rich bread to soak up grease and juices.  There were practically no fruits or vegetables present at all, besides what was used for flavoring or decoration.He was painfully full as he chased down the food with a cup of thick, high-fat milk, but he pushed onwards regardless.  One more almost overfilled bowl of pasta passed into his tightly packed belly, leaving him leaned back as far as possible, moaning and burping a bit as a servant gently wiped excess sauce off of his chin.  Still, he couldn’t give up.  For his people, gluttony was something to embrace, not to insult and discourage.  He couldn’t stop just because of a little discomfort… He had to push himself further. Although it was a slow, arduous effort, Tanos took a deep breath and cleared another half plate of greasy, decadent food before being forced to give up, his stomach throbbing with pressure as he gave a few small, wet burps.  He was a bit messy looking after devouring so much food so greedily, but he was simply too bloated and uncomfortable to care.  He pushed the plate to the side, and without missing a beat, his nearest sibling grabbed it and began devouring it without effort.  Tanos just moaned and slowly leaned back, rubbing his tightly packed stomach as it gurgled and protested from all the food being packed inside of it when it had only a few hours to process breakfast.  Despite efforts that would utterly astound a mainlander, even the servants were still much more ravenous than him.  The young male who went to fetch him was packed with what looked like literally over twice as much food, and he looked to be in excess of 700 pounds at roughly seven and a half feet tall. Tanos’ second oldest brother was awake after the meal this time, and happened to notice the servant patting his exposed stomach contentedly with a small smile on his face, clearly not particularly uncomfortable and just extremely satisfied with the excellent meal.  He suddenly turned and looked appraisingly at the overfed servant for a moment, before seeming to silently make his decision. “...Come closer, would you, handsome?”  the older prince said to him with an eager grin. The servant startled a little, but awkwardly waddled to the table nonetheless.  “Prince Ganmu?” “Why don’t you help me back to my room…  Among a few other things, if you’re willing,”  Gamnu said, his grin growing even wider and more enticing.  The servant quickly got the message. “Oh… oh, yes, Prince Gamnu!  Whatever you want!  Anything for you!”  The servant said giddily. “That’s what I like to hear.  To think there’s such a charming man working here~”  Gamnu said, giving the servant a short but tender kiss on the cheek as he helped the colossal, wobbling prince up. Tanos felt a twinge of jealousy as he watched the scene unfold, but not because of feelings he had for the servant…  although that servant was definitely one of the bulkier and more attractive.  It was just… he was more than a bit lonely. Of course, now that he was adult, he still had willing suitors.  Even before then, other teenagers had admired him, only to mostly lose interest when they saw he wasn’t getting as massive or as gluttonous as all the others around his age.  He wouldn’t say he was resentful, exactly…  But it still stung.  Especially because it became increasingly difficult to even have friends, let alone anyone romantically interested. “Gamnu’s at it again…”  Honjya said with a giggle.“I might have to follow his example soon…” Thrin said with a mischievous smile.Exclusive relationships, while they definitely existed in Adimyos, were far from the only option.  Polyamory and open relationships were actually the most common arrangements. For princes and princesses or other nobility, it was even common for their suitors to actually cooperate, knowing they would most likely be willing to accept more than only one option.  Even the king and queen had their fair share of other partners, although in those cases contraceptives were always used. Nobles could even love those outside of nobility, as long as there were no plans to have children with that particular partner. Still, Tanos was taken out of his thoughts of loneliness by the pain of his heavily distended stomach, growling and bubbling for some kind of relief from how thoroughly he had punished it at that meal.  He squirmed uncomfortably and gingerly rubbed his stomach some more, trying to think positively… maybe if his body saw how hard it was getting to keep up with his intake, it’d be forced to finally complete the Great Shift. Just when Honjya was going to ask if he needed her help again, he forced himself to stand, briefly feeling dizzy and unsteady from the weight of his gut combined with the unpleasant side effects of such gluttony and overexertion.  Still, he recovered enough to get back to his wide bed, where he unceremoniously flopped down on his back, feeling like he would explode if he did so much as breathe too deeply. Once again, Tanos passed into a deep sleep, not caring or even acknowledging that he’d quite literally done nothing but eat and sleep that whole day. Just a couple of hours later, he was woken by a different servant, a young woman with a soft, round face and a fantastic hourglass figure…  Besides her soft, bulging, hanging stomach, which was somehow only able to compete with her massive, wobbling breasts and thighs because it was clearly burdened with quite a lot of food, and yet still nowhere near her full capacity, as it still looked much too soft and she didn’t seem weighed down or uncomfortable.  Like most Adimyosians, her clothing also showed a lot of skin and made hardly any effort to cover her stomach, making her partial fullness even more obvious. “Is it time for dinner?”  Tanos said sluggishly, before releasing a wet belch and stretching.  His stomach gurgled almost reluctantly.  Enduring two huge stuffings that day had robbed it of most of its voraciousness, and he still felt rather tired and heavy, but he knew that he was in no position to miss any meals. “In a little bit, my prince.  I believe this is more important,”  the servant said, as Tanos’ eyes widened.  “You see, our guards caught an escaped prisoner attempting to break into your dragon’s cave.  We can only assume he was planning an escape or bribe of some sort, using Majos to facilitate it,” “What?”  Tanos cried, suddenly feeling much more awake, as he quickly got up and somewhat awkwardly ran his way there without even caring that there were still flecks of sauce and oil on his clothes from what a glutton he made of himself earlier in the day.  Even though his stomach still bulged with enough gas and undigested food to make a mainlander terribly ill, if not fit to literally rupture, he hardly noticed. Tanos darted through a few long, wide rooms and hallways with surprising agility as he became increasingly alert and aware, until eventually he got to one of the castle’s back doors, and immediately made a beeline through the fields for the dragon caves just several minutes away.  The grass and wildflowers came up to his nearly his knees, in spite of numerous blubbery livestock being present to keep them in check. Eventually, he spotted two guards holding a rather dirty, disheveled, bruised-up young man dressed in thin, baggy, somewhat ripped beige pants and a short, frayed beige shirt that showed off a thin midriff, although he didn’t seem outright underweight. Tanos immediately noticed how short and scrawny he was.  He had to be in the range of 5’3 to 5’5, he couldn’t possibly be any bigger.  He had oddly engraved bands of some black metal around his upper arms and neck, so tight in fact that the skin around them was looking bruised.  He also had strange pointy ears that each stuck out about two inches, and his skin definitely wasn’t pale like many mainlanders he’d seen, more like olive or light tan, but he definitely wasn’t even a bit Adimyosian.  Even more obvious was that he had messy, whitish-silver hair that was a few inches long, and his face seemed much more delicate and androgynous than most Adimyosian men, even Tanos’, although he had a busted, swollen lower lip.  His eyes were a strange, glossy shade of dark blue, but one of them was puffy and swollen shut… But as for the visible one, even the pupil wasn’t quite black, just a darker shade of blue than the iris, oddly enough. “You must be the one who was trying to steal my dragon,”  Tanos started rather coldly, looking the young man dead in the eyes. “...” The prisoner said absolutely nothing, only staring up at Tanos rather impassively.  For his troubles, the guards holding him tightened their grips so much that he winced in pain. Tanos was a bit put off by the odd stare, but he wouldn’t back down from something so simple. “What gives you the right to steal my valued dragon?” “Y-your Highness, this is a mistake…  I’m not the enemy…  I would’ve never even dreamed of harming you of my own will.  I had no choice.  Please, tell me, do I look like most mainlanders you’ve seen?” the prisoner said rather quietly. Tanos was about to answer, before he suddenly had a strange realization.  “...First, why are you so easy to understand?”  Tanos asked.  It was far from common that mainlanders spoke Adimyosian well at all, especially if they were just prisoners. “That’s actually relevant to what I have to say, if you’d be so kind as to hear me out…”  the prisoner said quietly. “...Then explain yourself.  Quickly,”  Tanos said, frowning slightly. “I am Rivis Sivir, and I never wished to have anything to do with the mainland’s armies.  I am aware that I have been very disrespectful, and I have attempted what must surely be a terrible crime…  But that is merely because I am desperate.  One of your worst enemies, the Ensin, are constantly threatening my people and bringing us into their wars and invasions against our will.  I have multiple things I can tell you about their people and their plans, if you could just give me a chance…”  Rivis explained.  Tanos knew there was no absolute proof this man was actually telling the truth… and yet, something told him that there had to be at least some merit to his words.  If there actually was, then he could prove very useful.  The Ensin were indeed quite the threat, although Adimyos remained purely defensive, and things had not escalated too severely, so their invasions were not exactly considered war. “Very well then… guards, bring him to my parents,”  Tanos said.  Rivis noticeably gulped, his eyes widening a bit, but he quickly regained his composure.  The guards lifted him up a bit more, as if he weighed next to nothing, and quickly made their way to the royal bedchambers.  They did not actually go inside, but the guards did at least fetch the king and queen, and endure the wait for them to make themselves look presentable with the help of multiple other servants.. Although the king and queen were not exactly thrilled with being woken up, they did at least hear Tanos and Rivis out long enough to decide that at a soon to be determined later date, he would be summoned before a proper court to confess everything he knew and let it be decided what they should do with him.  Until that time came,  the decisions for what to do with Rivis were placed on Tanos, as it had been Tanos’ dragon he’d gone after, and Tanos was considered a capable adult. Still, that didn’t mean Tanos didn’t feel a bit nervous as he looked at Rivis, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious about how he hadn’t even cleaned up and changed out of his somewhat messy clothes before going to see him.  He hardly looked fit to be in charge of a prisoner’s fate for what could be multiple weeks.  Still, when they left the area, Tanos noticed Rivis’ hands shaking, even as he clenched them and tried to keep them still. “Are you alright?”  Tanos asked. “Y-yes… of course…  Do whatever you feel you must, Your Highness…”  Rivis said, his voice cracking noticeably. Tanos knew that many people merely got upset because they were caught doing something wrong, but this… felt… different, somehow. “Is there something you would like to say, Rivis?”  Tanos asked. “N-no, no, nothing…”  Rivis said, his voice cracking even more.  However, Tanos could now notice tears in the corners of his eyes, and he immediately felt a twinge of concern.“Are you... crying?”  Tanos asked. “There’s no reason to care how I feel.  I’m the criminal, after all… I’ll go back to my cell…”  Rivis said, although he was now trembling more than ever.“...Does this have anything to do with your injuries?…”  Tanos asked in a slow, serious tone. “I… I… It’s… my fault...” Rivis choked out, hardly able to keep his voice steady.  Somehow, Tanos hardly believed him at all now. “...Is it lonely in there?”  Tanos asked softly. “...Terribly…”  Rivis said, so quietly Tanos almost didn’t hear. “Guards.  Take him to receive medical treatment.  I will decide on where he will stay tonight in the meantime,”  Tanos said. Rivis’ one good eye widened considerably.  “You’re… helping me?” he said hesitantly.  Even the guards were rather shocked by the order. “Yes.”  Tanos said simply. “Why?” Rivis asked quietly. “You have offered to help our kingdom.  I admit I’m not sure if you have something dangerous planned…  But at the very least, you shouldn’t suffer needlessly before anything can be proven…”  Tanos replied. “T-thank you… thank you so much…”  Rivis said, while Tanos merely remained quiet and walked off to find where Rivis would sleep. ...What a strange situation.  Rivis hadn’t even explained why he was so easy to understand yet...
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abigfatbug · 7 years
Adimyos, Land of Greenery and Giants Ch. 1
This is technically Chapter 2, but I’m treating the first post as just a prologue.  That post is >>>here<<< This is not where you want to be if you want realistic stuffing and more moderate size/weight gain.  This is a story about royalty, Big Fats, and serious musclechub, plus fantasy elements. There’s gonna be sort of kind of an actual plot coming up soon, just with a lot of obviously kinky stuff thrown in. As before, there’s a Google Docs version >>>here<<< if you don’t wanna deal with reading something long on tunglr.hell.  From now on, this will link to a folder containing all currently available chapters of Adimyos.
Tanos woke up one morning in a huge, extravagant bedroom with mostly white walls and a large, very sturdy balcony with sliding glass doors that let in a great deal of light.  He had a soft, luxurious, expansive bed that seemed rather awkwardly enormous for just him, as he’d been expected to grow into it.  He was only wearing loose, puffy white pants, with bare feet and no shirt.  He stretched, rolled to the outer edge of his bed, and sat up, feeling almost immediately hungry upon waking up.  He was actually glad for that as he gave his soft, modest pot belly a squeeze, trying to see if it’d gotten any larger or softer lately.  He’d been working hard on his appetite, so hopefully he’d see progress soon.
    As usual, it was a hot, humid, sticky sort of day, but it was pleasantly cool in the castle.  With the sheer mass of Adimyosians, especially the Adimyosian royalty, avoiding overheating was a big concern even with the fact that they were used to heat and high humidity.  Fortunately, they had an excellent ice trade going with a northern region, and there were both some mages capable of magically inducing cold, as well as some tamed beasts with the natural ability to do the same.  The royal family in particular had access to many of their own ice dragons and mages, although they always had to be foreigners or using foreign relics of arcane power, because Adimyosians were never born with the ability to use elemental magic.  Cold-enchanted stones, each a bit larger than someone’s head, were placed throughout the whole castle to help cool it.  They were exceptionally high quality, so the magic in each stone could last a few years without any issue.  To an outsider, the castle might actually be a bit chilly, but it felt heavenly to the Adimyosians.  
The magic possessed by Adimyosians was subtly and passively interwoven with their natural biology instead, helping to explain how they could accrue so much height, fat, and muscle without ill effect, or how they could gorge themselves to such incredible extents.  When very hungry, even an average Adimyosian man could eat thirty to forty pounds of food in one sitting without discomfort, or more if they pushed themselves.  And in spite of their completely indiscriminate eating habits, even eating things that could poison other races, all Adimyosians were very hearty and healthy.  Regardless of gender, they were as strong as oxen, and they’d gone centuries without a notable plague, even when outsiders carried foreign bacteria and parasites.
Before anything, Tanos went to a large, ornate cage near his bed, where one would expect to see some sort of bird… Instead, it housed a dragon the size of a small housecat, with a long neck and scales colored iridescent blues and violets.  Two long, lightly curled prehensile barbels trailed from the sides of its head. “Morning, Vizzi.”  Tanos said to it, as he opened the cage  The small dragon replied with a high trill before impatiently bringing its barbels together and producing a small shock that hit Tanos on the knuckle. “Alright, alright, I know you’re hungry...”  Tanos said, as Vizzi immediately escaped the cage and got outside through a small opening in the wall about ten feet from the ground, which acted as a sort of “dragon door”.  Although only a tiny thunder dragon, Vizzi was still a very intelligent and prideful creature, so he preferred to get food by himself.  Honestly, Tanos knew the little dragon would’ve unlocked the cage himself if he’d taken too much longer, but Tanos discouraged that because it made him worry about the little dragon.  He needed to be inside when it was dark at all costs.  There were plenty of nocturnal predators awaiting him if he got too sure of himself at night   Tanos went into his personal bathroom to prepare for the day, walking past cabinets full of various equipment for dealing with beasts much larger than Vizzi, and the weapons he liked to train with.  Once he made it, he took a good long look at himself in a mirror clearly made with someone far larger and taller in mind than him. He couldn’t help but sigh at the sight of his body, even though a mainlander would definitely scoff or give him a jealous glare if they ever caught him acting unsatisfied.  But to the Adomyosians, he was nothing but a small, meek young man.  He’d been told more than once that “At least you still have a beautiful face,” in various soft, optimistic, or outright pitying tones. He flexed in the mirror, an action that showed off bulging muscle that would surely intimidate or impress almost any mainlander… But to Adomyosians, they were barely anything special at all.  There’d been plenty of thirteen or fourteen year olds already more substantial than Tanos.  Even scaled down a bit so they’d be at his height, most Adimyosian men would still have larger muscles than him.  Perhaps he was still too active to grow properly…  He’d have to try lowering his activity more and keep trying to push his appetite further. Tanos cleaned himself up and changed clothes, although they were almost the same, just a bit fancier and with the addition of a thin, clingy black top, decorated with ornate gold patterns, showing off most of his arms, and purposely only going to his belly button. Tanos stood and left his huge room through the equally huge door, which opened into the extra wide hallway.  Fine paintings and sculptures decorated the whole length of it, typically depicting fantastic beasts and massively fat and muscular people, often warriors and historical figures. He made his way to the dining room, which was absolutely colossal, and one of the finest rooms in the whole castle.  His parents and siblings all sat around the utterly huge table, which was packed and thickly stacked with all manner of luxurious foods that were nevertheless rapidly disappearing into everyone’s exceedingly round, heavy, corpulent stomachs.  Tanos took an empty, oversized seat next to two of his older sisters and immediately began digging into the massive, fully stacked plate already prepared for him, thanks to the very real danger of them stealing his plate before he could get to it. Attendants nearby had to continually help keep everyone clean and get them refills, as they ate so ravenously that even their relatively “refined” eating style still generated quite bit of crumbs and messiness.  Tanos plowed through his first plate of food without much issue, feeling just the slightest bit proud because it had to have been about ten pounds of food by itself.  After all, it was more like a large serving platter than any dinner plate a mainlander would be familiar with.  He’d packed all manner of rich, fatty delicacies into his stomach, such as thick, sugary jam on rich biscuits, the dense, fatty meat of dragons, tender ham, sausage from only the best fed cattle, sweet, dense bread, an unusually rich and high-carb breed of potato, pancakes with decadent syrup, and dense, creamy milk with an enormous fat content.   Even the fruits on the side were unusually rich in fat and sugar compared to mainland fruit, with their juice and flesh being refreshing, yet thick and syrupy, or sometimes buttery in taste and texture.  Adimyosians were always more than happy to adopt different foods and meal ideas from other cultures, often adding their own twists to make it even richer and fattier. Adimyosian tastes were quite different from the norm, being highly indiscriminate in what they would eat, but having an exceptionally high enjoyment of anything especially rich or dense with calories. Eating was naturally highly pleasurable and rewarding to any Adimyosian, and they were natural-born gluttons.  Even something like a solid stick of butter could be a delicious snack to an Adimyosian’s greedy pallet. Tanos pushed himself to have a second fully packed plate even as he noticed the chefs and servants bringing out a second massive table full of food, and most of his family members had already plowed through several plates each.  Huge belches and pleased moans began to erupt from the others as they continued to gorge themselves.  However, there was barely any talking at all, besides some enthusiastic cries for more. The second plate was already becoming far too much for Tanos, and he had to painstakingly push himself to clear it all.  In the end, he managed to put away about twenty pounds of especially rich food, totalling over 20,000 calories, but that was still rather pathetic compared to the rest of his family.  By time he was finished, his firm, bloated belly looked absolutely pathetic next to his family, all still ravenously devouring more and more food. Meanwhile, he could only sit back and rub his stomach, burping to relieve the pressure. By time the rest of the family had finished, over an hour had passed, and everyone just sat languidly in their huge chairs, unable to move at all.  The servants cleaned up the massive piles of plates and whatever meager scraps were left, leaving the family to digest. With everyone being far too busy during the meal, afterwards was the only real time to talk.  After all, they always ate until they could barely move anyway. “It’s so nice that you don’t eat very much, Tanos….” one of his older sisters started, before pausing to let out an enormous belch.  “It saves food for us!” “Thrin, don’t tease him.  He did a good job this time, he looks more full than usual.  Maybe he’ll finally get his growth spurts soon,” his other sister said, a bit younger but kinder than her sibling.  “Besides, when have we ever not had enough food?” “Honjya, you’re always doting on him. Tanos is the same cute little twig of a brother as always, isn’t he?  Needing to be stuffed just to have a belly half as big as Masu’s empty belly was at that age… No matter how you look at it, he’s just the prince of twigs!” “I am not the prince of twigs!” Tanos said defensively.  “Mainlanders have said I look strong!” “If you’re a twig, mainlanders are nothing but strings!  Being bigger than those pale, scrawny, ugly men is just the bare minimum of beauty!” Thrin countered. “Men from the mainlands aren’t so bad.  It’s really cute how they think so highly of themselves even though they’re so tiny and fragile.  They’re like naive little kids.”  Honjya said. “I suppose so.  One of those depraved skeletons tried to touch me without permission once.  I broke his wrist just by grabbing it.  It really is incredible how they even survive, being so soft,”  Thrin said. “If you’re calling them skeletons, how can you turn around and say they’re soft?  Clearly, we’re much softer than them,”  Honjya said with a laugh, squeezing one of her massive, oozing lovehandles for emphasis.  Just the short laugh made her gelatinous breasts and belly wobble noticeably. “But in a good way!  We’re soft and beautiful, like the most plush and luxurious fabrics.  They’re just metaphorically soft…  Really, I suppose brittle would be the better word,”  Thrin said disdainfully.  “Shriveled, brittle little skeleton men who we always have to play nice with when they’re the ones who came trying to ransack our home in the first place…” “Don’t be so harsh right after a meal, Thrin.  Just relax and let your stomach work, or you’ll become ugly,”  came a deep voice from beside Thrin.. “It would take more than that to ruin the beauty of a princess, Lamtu,” Thrin said dismissively to her older brother.  “Even a twig like Tanos couldn’t become ugly from something so trivial,”  Thrin said.  “After all, he’s still got a few suitors who are confident they can manage to fatten him up!”   “You should be more like the others,”  Lamtu said, motioning an enormous but very plush arm to them.  Sure enough, their five other siblings were asleep after such a filling meal.  Some days, if they could get away with it, they’d do literally almost nothing but eat and sleep. “Mom is asleep too,”  Honjya said with a giggle.  Her mother, the queen of Adimyos, was a gorgeous but extraordinarily large woman, with a height of 8’4 and a weight of nearly 4,000 pounds.  She was peacefully dozing right across from them, her belly gurgling contentedly with the massive several hundred pound feast packed inside.  Really, the incredibly wide and plush woman was still more than fertile enough to continue having healthy heirs.  Due to having some of the finest Adimyosian genes in the land, on top of the natural health and vigor of their race, she still looked almost as youthful as her daughters despite being in her 40s, but she and the king had mutually decided it was best to stop at nine children.  After all, if she got pregnant just once or twice more, the resulting weight gain would surely make her immobile.  She already relied on her great height, extra large frame, and fantastic Adimyosian strength to remain mobile at 4,000 pounds as it was.  Still, it wasn’t an easy task, and she often had attendants following her to keep her steady with each wide, ponderous step.  Immobile royalty wasn’t unheard of in Adimyos, or even particularly uncommon, but the queen wasn’t in a rush to get there. The king was next to her, every bit as incredibly stuffed and overfed.  He was somewhere between being awake and asleep, apparently fighting the desire to go to sleep after a breakfast that partially involved eating a whole roast pig on his own.  He weighed almost the same amount as the queen, but looked somewhat less flabby and elephantine thanks to being a foot taller and having much more muscle on his frame.  So, technically, it was the queen who was the fattest in all of Adimyos, but the king was no less stunning.  His long, wavy black hair was in a thick, voluminous ponytail, and he wore a massive, ornate crown embedded with precious jewels in many colors.  
The king and queen were considered the absolute pinnacles of beauty and desirability.  Every day, their already naturally gorgeous skin and faces would be tended to with only the finest lotions and oils.  Still, it was intentionally not enough to completely stop the formation of stretchmarks, which were merely another sign of beauty to Adimyosians. The queen’s breasts were still unbelievably round and surprisingly perky for how massive and heavy they were, atop a massive, gelatinous double belly with a center fold so deep the queen had a tendency to store extra snacks in it, or in her enormous cleavage.  Her black bra was absolutely enormous, but comfortable and finely decorated.  It was practically the only thing she wore on her upper body besides a thin, skimpy, silky top that was somewhat translucent and didn’t even attempt to cover her stomach.  On her colossal lower body, with hips so amazingly wide and a butt so globular and massive that she needed the widest seat at the table of all,  she just wore a long white floral patterned skirt that had a split from the thigh down so it wouldn’t be outgrown too easily.  She wore a beautiful crown of living flowers, able to be maintained without magic because they were naturally air plants regardless.  They were secured to a tiara made of high quality, finely engraved wood, with valuable gems set into the whole length of it. As Tanos tried to leave the breakfast table, Honjya suddenly seized his arm.  Even though Tanos was far from weak, and he could tell Honjya was being rather gentle, her grip was inescapable. “You’re not finished yet, are you Tanos?  We still need to bulk you up so much!”  Honjya said.  Tanos gulped, dreading what was coming next, but he didn’t resist.  He knew he needed it. Honjya called two servants over, and they almost immediately knew what had to be done.  Tanos watched them with a mixture of anxiety and envy.  They were each hardly even seven and a half feet tall, and yet they both looked much bulkier, better fed, and better suited to be princes than him.  The only advantage he had was a prettier face. They came back in only a moment with some twine and a funnel, along with a massive pitcher of something.  Tanos quickly had his hands tied behind his chair and the funnel forced into his mouth.  He was getting used to it by now, as it’d happened at least once a day for the last month.  It wasn’t anything particularly unusual, he was just taking part in the latest scheme to force him to fatten up. It was working, to an extent.  He’d gained eleven pounds in the last month, but that was hardly anything compared to his siblings, even though he should’ve been able to fatten up much quicker than them without the need to support the nutritional demands of so much fat and muscle, along with the energy required to remain strong and healthy in spite of extreme obesity.
Still, Tanos couldn’t help but wince as the pitcher was tipped into the funnel, and he was immediately forced to pack a thick milkshake into his already full stomach.  He struggled to even breathe as he forced himself to focus on nothing but swallowing.  The mixture was painful and overwhelming before he finally started to find some relief about a third of the way into drinking it, thanks to the herbs inside.  They were designed to soothe an upset stomach as well as relax and elastify muscles and tissues, allowing his stomach to stretch further than it could on its own… And hopefully, leading to permanent capacity increases over time.  Still, it was an arduous and painful ordeal.  There was a whole gallon of the thick shake mixture in the funnel, and it was somewhat denser than water alone, so by time he finally forced it all into his stomach, he’d added more than ten pounds and perhaps 25,000 more calories to his heavily burdened stomach. Still, the main theory as to why he could only grow so slowly with such extreme overfeeding was that his body was in an unusually prolonged unique phase of Adimyosian puberty known as the Great Shift.  Essentially, the Great Shift was a preparation phase.  The body was using up a disproportionately ridiculous amount of energy and not adding much more size or mass during this phase because it was busy converting the young Adimyosian’s body into a stronger and tougher body that could effortlessly endure heights, weights, and digestive burdens that would normally be impossible and highly dangerous and unhealthy, as well as being capable of safely gaining weight much faster, and building far more muscle than would be possible for a normal human. Normally, an Adimyosian was supposed to have already completed their Great Shift in the range of fourteen to sixteen years old, sometimes even sooner, but it seemed that Tanos’ body was simply running very late with it.  Fortunately, they’d ruled out curses or some dormant disease or defect in the bloodline, so now it was simply a matter of waiting out the unusually long Great Shift.  In any case, making sure the subject always had as much nutrition as possible was known to make the Shift conclude faster, so even though the force-feeding was difficult and only making slow progress so far, it would help either way.
Tanos rubbed his stomach and belched loudly, now packed with over thirty pounds of food at once.  His bloated midsection growled and bubbled uncomfortably, still aching and pulsing with mild pain even with the stretching and relaxing effects of the shake.  It looked like he was about to deliver triplets, jutting out a full foot in front of him, but he couldn’t help but feel rather embarrassed.  The servants were merely normal Adimyosians and even they could easily and happily eat the same amount of food in one sitting, with no help from a stomach-stretching painkiller shake, getting only pleasantly full rather than painfully overstuffed. Honjya slowly rubbed his stomach with a large, soft hand.  Tanos often noted that even her fingers were fat.  “You did really good this time, Tanos!  That was the entire pitcher!  Would you like me to carry you to bed?”  Honjya said. Tanos let out another huge burp before answering.  “Yes, please…”  he said, his breathing labored.  He was honestly rather embarrassed by the offer, but he was too full to try and preserve his dignity. “Okay!  Today, you can just eat and sleep all you want…  Soon, you’ll be as big as us,”  Honjya said caringly, as she stood and then proceeded to lift Tanos bridal style, as if he were only the weight of a small child, and not a 240 pound man with over thirty pounds of food in him. “Thank you…”  Tanos mumbled, although his face was burning and he couldn’t look directly at her.  As kind as she could be, it was still incredibly embarrassing to be carried around like a little kid by a 1,500 pound, 8 foot tall sister who was older by only a year and a half.  
It wasn’t exactly the fastest way to travel, but Tanos was back in his room soon enough, as Honjya gingerly placed him on his bed, although it was rather awkward due to her size.
“Sleep well, Tanos,”  she said warmly, before waddling back into the hallway. Tanos, barely able to move on his own while so full, quickly fell into a deep sleep while absentmindedly rubbing his aching, jutting stomach. It was progress, but he still had far more to face than just painful funnel feeding and the struggle to gain more weight.
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